HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 799, No Ordinance NumberAP? ORDIPIR0 r 1 . T'T TT` G Tn S n .T'77-17 F,
:.�: THS; �v�.cT. T. n. THS: �. � .,?T,� OF
' I
That the executive dud administrative powers. authority and
duties of the members of the Board of Commissioners of Paducah are hereby
distributed and assimned as hereinafter set-.forth.
The 14yor, as Commissioner of the Department of Public Affairs,
shall perform all of the duties imposed upon him by lav, and such other
duties as may on conferred upon him by the Board of Commissioners not in-
consistent with law, I
The fellowinn branches of the public service are hereby assign- I
ed to the Deportment of Public Affairs:
Police Court, City Prosecuting Attorney, City Steno:^ranher,
City Solicitor, Board of Park Commissioners, Test House, All Public Health]
Service, including Board of Health, Citi; Health Officer, Neat and Milk
Inspector, Sanitary Officers ant Sanitary Inspectors, Incinerating Plant.
The Commissioner of Public Finance shall have charge of all the
fiscal accounts of the Oity, the collection and disbursements of all funds)
of the City, subject to the orders and directions of the Board of Commis-
sioners, and shall have general supervision over all alerts and employees
assigned to, or perfo-rminn any of the duties connected with the assessing
of property for taxation and the collection of tares, Licenses n,d other
revenues of the City. Under his supervision and charge shall be all
clerks, agents nyd cml?l07ees that *nay be assinned to the Department of j
Public Finance, -rho may be chArood with any ner.era , or special duties
pertainin:z to the collection or lisbursemor:t of reverves or other moroys
of the City of Laducah. He sh0l eaiioe acoo�u;to to be kept of all
Ordinance No.
receipts and disbursements, and shall audit and cause to be audited the
accounts of all officers and employees entrusted 0th the -recoiv!PR or
disbursing of public funds, and make monthly reports to the Board of
Commissioners of all financial transactions of the City. He shall
examine, or cause to be examined, and report to said Poard, upon all
bills, accounts, pay -rolls or claims before they are acted upon or
allowed, unless otherwise provided by law or ordinance. He shall
rexort on delinquencies, colloctions and disburoemeats of taxes, assess-
ments, foes and all moneys due, or to become due to the City, together
with such recommendations as he may deem advisable. He shall keep the
special funds of the City, raised by special assessments or apportioned
to special purposes, in accounts separate -from the General Funds of the
City, and. a]i iurds in the City Depository or Depositories to be select-
ed and designated by the Board of Commissioners, and shall disburse said
funds only in the manner provided by las or by ordinance.
The Department of Tublic cafe ty shall have charge of the follow-'
No branches of the public service of the City of Paducah:
The police Department ar.l all police officers and all other
emr,loyees connected with the Police Department, unless specifically
assiymed b;; ordinance to some other department of the City; the Fire
Derartment and all officers, firemen and employees connected therewith,
to7ether with all the 'eouipmer.t, properties and utensils used by or
pertaining to the operation of said Police and 'i -re Departments and the
City Jail; the foreman or chain gang boss and the chain gang, except
•when used for wprk upon the public streets, highways and thoroughfares
of the City.
The Commissioner of Tublic Safety shall have general superinten-
dens;: over all the officers, agents and employees of his department, and
shall have charge of all the equipment and paraphernalia used by or in
connection with said Department. He shall have authority to establish
rules for the Felice and Fire Departments, and to assiar men in said
depnrtment to such duties as he may see fit from time to time. He shall
have the power and authority to prescribe the character aid design of
[uniform to be worn by the mer; of said Departments. and may require said
uniforms to be so worn by the men in said departments. He shall have
weneral management and movernr.ent of the Tolice and Fire Departments,
ve shall Mhe monthly reports to the Bonrd of Commissioners as to the
condition of his departments. He shall have, supervision and control
of all miseell^neous charities, city charities a_:0. affiliated charities,
and the administration and distribution of ali :unds and provisions :For
Y , Y
No, ll 1 k
Ordinance No. I
the support of the poor of the Cit -7 of Paducah.
G"•7,.R7_,i„P np' 'U.BIIC "'Op'r'^
The Commissioner of Public 7orks shall have charge of the follow -
branches of the public service:
611 Civil inglneo-rinp; to be done for or in connection. ,nth any
work of the City ^.r.3 al.l departments pertainir.,r to public'-:orks and im-
provements, including the construction or reconstruction of streets, pub-
lic ,rays, sidewalks, sewers, bridges, viaducts, conduits, and all public
structures, eiccept public br."ild.inas; the cleanin;' o_1 all streets, alleys,
highways and all repairs, maintenance arra up -keep of any such property,
the inspection of all :!rork (tone, or improvements made, either by ordinance�
or under contract, the enforcement of all In or ordinances relating to
bill -boards or other unsirzhtly or ob.jectionaole or darPerous buildings
or structures urns or r.(t,ifl.oent to the streets or hicrhrra;7s of the City
and the C^rnerie Library.
S':OTTOr' 6.
rTM nn rt 71. 3I.IC'T.R0 TY.
The Commiepione-r of ci7bl is Propert�r shall have charge and super-
vision of the follo!in� branches of the Public `service;
Procu�•ing .ard plat!. of all ir.sucance upon all City property; the
maintenance, up -keep and cleanin;r of all public buil.dirrs of the City,
except in so iar as said b::ildings are cleaned or mair;tained or kept by
such other departments of the City, as herein or by ordinance given
supervision a.,d control thereof'. He shall have charge and control of the
City- Scale`s, City Cemetery and all employees thereof, including the Sexto_:;
the City "lharf and 77'narfmaster, and all. employees of the City Hall., rot
other -.vise assi;ned to some other Department: the City vospital. and all
agents and employees thereof; the Yarket 'rouse and Iarketmaster and all.
employees of said r.,arket Nouse. He shall have charge and control of the
Gity 1;ighting_,' Plant, and shall have general superintendency and direct;^ -r
Of all agents and employees of the City connected rrith said ii_hting
The Board of Commissioners shall have the r i.rht and a1iti,or it,
select, designate and appoint the City Depository or Depositories for
and all fur;ds of the City. Any fund or .funds of the ^ity may at e
of the hoard Of Commissioners be dividoci among the said deposit,)" 1 n [n
P manner to be determi.net by Said Board.
,970T10Y 8.
No. -2
Ordinance No.-----
o.___AL1 other Departments and branches of service not oxpressly as-
signed. herein to any particular department Of the Cite Government, and
all duties, powers and author .ties not herein expressly vested, and not
otherwise by law yo-ited in any particular or separate department of the
Goverh.Tient, are hereby expressly reserved to and invested in the Board
of Commissioners as a Board.
The Commissioner of each Department shall have the power art
authwity to employ from time to time such labor as may be necessary
for the proper performanc& of the •duties of such department, provided
that the emplo.ment of such labor shall be reported by such Commission-
er to the Board of Commissioners at their next ren -,lar meetinr', -:with
wazos to be paid, and the Board of Commissioners shall have poswer to
r^tify such employment, or to order a discontinuance thereof at any
time. The Commissioner of each department shall like'.,iise have the riPht
and authorit7 to discharge any employee so employed by him from time t'o
time; and shall also have authority to suspend, vdthout pay, any employe
officer or a,eent under his department, accord L7hr, to law, but such dis-
c'r..^.rye or suspension shall be reported to the Board of Commissioners
at the ne:a regular meetln^ thereof, and said Board of Commissioners may
ratify t' --a action of said Commissioner, or may refuse to ratify same .in
their discretion.
S71C^I0111 10.
The Board of Commissioners may make and establish from time to
time such rules and re,.zlations as the,: deem e-7pedient and •r_ecessary
for the regulation and control of each of the Departments herein, and
the employes of each Department.
S-:CmIOI' 11.
All ordinarces, resolutions and motions in conflict with this
Ord irance, or with any part thereof, and all parts of ordinrnces,
resolutions and motions in c -.riflict :with this Ord irrrice, or any past
hereof, are hereby, and to the er.tent of such conil.ict,repealed,
S -CT IOI,' 12.
This Ordinance shall take effect ani be in :force from and after
its passage, record aid nublieatin:.•
L Lr
;vinnriX „i..RY lOTI?, 1922