HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 758, No Ordinance NumberNo._ Z�--/ Ordinance No.---- RECORDED o._RECORDED SsPTZEBER 19th, 1921. - PL'BiISII' D IV 1921. API ORDINANCE PROVI)III-G FOR T".Is COUS'fRUCTION OF CO1CDI;1'E IiP'1:,LI.S, CURBS 1U7, GUTTI2S, AZ_U ?.L11 Id�UESSLRY L'l,I?HOI;ES. S i Cr".TCH BSI1dS ON `i'H :;rST SIDE OL' GOEBEL f.ViIIUE, I�'ROI:i TII EAST 1PROIER71' 1IITE OF GOEB'r'.L A'P:IiUI; TO ,, TOINT 'THERE THE SOUTH CURB LII'.'v of -TORTEN' S AVT a UE, IF EXTE11DED, 7."OULDII `P"�RSisCT THE "EST PROPERTY LIITE OF GOEBEL AVEI:UE; A150 '.3iE EAST .:IDE 01 GO-WREL AVENUE, FROL A STAY S T OI'PO: ITE TINE FRONT OF THE BUII,JIIdG NO71 OCCUPIED BY THE UTTIOP? DRUG S^LORE, TO THE SOUTH CURB LIIT OF :'{03TETT' S AVENUE, IN TH CITY OF PADU- C1H, L'1=CXY, AT THL COST OF TIIE ;3UT`i'IPTG IRO =TY 01:11:25, 11fi) PROVID` IT G '. AT SATIE I,1AY BE PAID FOR UPON THE 1 EII YE -gip FAYI.L7NT PT.N. BE IT OR.u1IIED BY T=ZI BOAR2u OF C011.IIS3IOl=ERS OF `.n CITY OF P_LDUCAH, I,_.,1MG1_Y: S_'MION 1. That the sidewa]l:s, curbs and gutters, to^ether with the necessary manholes, intakes, catch basins and sec.=ers on the `'fest si*'e of Goebel Avenue, from the East property line of Goebel Avenue to a point -::here the South curb line of ^orten's avenue, if extenrleq, wouls intersect the '.lest property line of Goebel Avenue; also the East sirle of Goebel Avenue, from a stake set opposite the front of the builAing now occupieR by the Union '}rug Stonre, to the South curb line of :7or- ten's :_venue, in the City of Pa,'ucah, Kentucky, be, anA the same are hereby or;'erer7 to be constructeil; that sai' sie'ewall.s, curbs ane' gutters shall be constructe% of concrete material, suitable in all respects for such construction, ana all to be Rohe in strict accore'ance ,-dth the plans, graces, specifications, '..irlths ane' profiles prepared in the office of the Commissioner of Tublic Affairs, ane' all of which are aaopteA as a pext of this Ordnance as fully as if embrace' herein or attache' hereto an, mage a part hereof, an -1 markes "A" for more specific iaenti.ficat ion. SECTION 2. That saia work shall be constructs' unrle-r the li-rection an,' supervision of the Commissioner of Public Affairs, ane' shall be com- mence,' at a time P'esignate% b77 contract for the performance of sai' ciork, ana complete' on or before Three months after the passage an" recorAirg of this Orainance. SECTIOIT 3. That the cost of such construction of saia siaevlalks, ciurbs an% pu.ttors, an' the necessary manholes, 'intakes, catch basins ana so -:.-ors, shall be pai-' for wholly by the property o.mers abutting or frontia-g thereoi;, to be apportions,' to enc assesses against the propert; No.-- VJ /� — Ordinance No..-.. --------- --- ---- owners an,, property abutting thereon, accor'in.g to the number of front i feet abutting thereon, except the corner lots abutting upon sail improvo- mer+t sliall pay for the entire cost of all the intersections, in a''it:ion I to the abutting property imme'iately in frODL 'theroof. f SECTIOIi 4. The Contractor aware' the contract for the work herein provi'o' for shall be pail only from the fun's arisirg from the Special Tax Bills i an' Assessments against the property abutting the improvement herein pro- . i vile' for, an' in no other +ay, except that the sail Contractor may be pail out of such bor.'s as may be issue', in accor'ancc with the lams of I the City of Pa'ucah an' charter of cities of the secor-' class of the State of Kentucky; an=, for the payment of which, sail tax bills an,, assessments may be ple',Te' by the sail City of Pa'ucah; an' in no event shall the sail City of Fa'ucah be liable to the Contractor for the con- struction of any of the :'cork herein provi'e' for, except the sail City of i pa'ucah shall be liable to the sail Contractor for the excess of Fifty per cert of the vel us of any property assesse' for the construction of the work herein provi'e' for. The Contractor aware' the contract herein provi=e' for shall be pail monthly by Improvement '.arrants issue' by 'the City of Pa'ucah upon i estir:kates furnishe' by the Commissioner of Tublic Affairs, to the extent o sixty-five (65) per cent of the value of the work 'one or materials fur- nishes by the Contractor 'urine the progress of the :rork, an^ sail Im- nrovement ,7arrants shall bear six (61,7�) per cent interest from 'ate ,of issue, an' shall be issue' by the Commissioner of public finance upon or'er of the Boar' of Co=issioners. Sail Improvement "'arrants shall be negotiable, an' shall constitute a lien upon the local taxes to be here- after levie,' for such improvement, an' shall be payable at the office of the Commissioner of Public 7inance, -:rithout notice to the holler thereof, i upon completion an' acceptance of the ,orh herein provi'e' for, out of the first collection of such local to es, or out of the procee's of the { sale of any Improvement Bon's issue^ in anticipation of such local taxes. j The interest on such Improvemert 7a -r -rants shall be estimate' an' assesse? as a part of the cost of the improvement herein provi'e' for. SECTION S. The L.,- or is hereby authorize' an,' 'irecte' to execute all written contracts an" bon's -::ith the successful biller for the construction of sail imp-rover:ent, as .require' by law. Bias shell be receive' for the construction of sail work, No. 'Z � &� — Ordinance -No- accorRing to plans an, specifications mase an, proviso' therefor by the Commissioner of Public Affairs, an' rolorte-' to the Boar,' Of COPIMIF"On-I ers at the next renular or callep meeting, an' sai" BORTY Of Commission - ors shall awarl the contract therefor to the lowest an? best biller, except the riqht is expressly reser"' to reject any W all bi"s, with I in the siscretion of saim Boar" Of Commissioners. SACTIOU S. This OrAinance shall take effect W be in force ten (10) ays after its passage. 1921.) RECCOR-D!,D 352 T--�],--BE2 20th, 1u31-ISHz:D Tf 20th, 1921.