HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 756, No Ordinance NumberNo.Lj--l", _ Ordinance No. AIT ORDIIr IIC I'I?OVIyI;TG _''OR ..II "J,11 .'TICI' B"'. Fr1 0-2' TI" CI'.7 OF l;..OUCAH, I:3I?TU6YY, TO 73_; Ii:.I.J OI' "_'r_ DAY, 1?0'I:.73_ n 8T" 1921, Ih THH CT ^Y OF, TU TlL., : U•): TiOi: 7,7"CITY 01' _ _.:i; C:'.. I1. .` 0OF CITY TO , ;Ix 'P.r_:.(•.r600,000.00) C. II; S...'::3 LI:.'i_.ICT ,.`5, :'.0 1 LJ:;nU:'i'I' OR CITY OT P..DUC:.II 110' , I�L ..11 v ,T��_..I� l �I.'_�J 0'..' ?I- n-� C01•1-T_S ;IC'i.:3S .,,_-� w . �I I1 (,e^'.Jill .L 'I3Y .-- -. 'C.__iJ _ �)=' '.,'IV __. That there is hereb-.7 callea an election in•the City of Pa'uc•n:n, I:ertucky, to be hely on the 8th say of ?November 1921, bet-;!oen the same hours ans by the same election officers consucting the =omnlar Election of St.rite, Cornty an,! City offic^.rs for the pegs 1921, for the pur-gose of submittir'g to the aT.ali fie' electors of t;^e City of Pa'ucah, I'entuckz the ouestion of the issuance of Six ;'.tn'res Thousan' (.;600,000.00) Dollars of bonds of the City -Of Pa'n.c•ah, Y.entucky, for the purpose of constructing trrsl: line se:-ers in Sub-'ivl.sions a , B. an' C. in Serer 'Tistrict 7#3. =CTIM. 2. That the cair' tors, schen so issue', shall be payable to bearer in 'orty „ears (40) from the 'ate thereof, at the Unite' States I.:ort- ?a. -e an' Trust ComparnT in the Citi of ITerr York „:'CTTC:- 3. That the sai' bon's shall 'ra"r interest at the rate of five (5;) Per Oe;:�tmn "ler a.nnuin, sai' interest to be 'ue an, pa.-.ble semi- annuall-,, at the I'ii te' States _'ort^'ame an' `frust Company i- the City of York. 53C`CIOl.` 4. That the City of Pa'ucah, 1_,,'entucky shall levy a tax upon all of the asnessable p_•operty-.'ithin the City of Pa-ucah, Kentacl�y each year 'urinx; the life of sai' bon's, sufficlent to raise the sum of not e._cee^ink Thirty Thousan' (,,;30,000.00) collars, to pay the interest on said bon's 'u in the life thereof; sa..i' amotuTt to be asjustes each yea: to meet sai' interes:t. SCTIOT; 5. That the City of Pa'uca.h, :entucky shall levy; a tax upon all. of the asses :able property in the Citi* of la'ucah each an' eve;.•;- year 'Lr_ in telife of sai.' bon's, sufficient to raise t'r_r: sum of not e7,cees- i.7)g Fifteen .-P},oucan' (5M,OOO.00) Doll^rs, each =ear, to create a No. _/ J _ _ _ 7 Ordinance No.. ---- Sinking fund for the palnent of said bonds at the maturity thereof. SMOT10K 6. That the sai" bon's, when so issued, shall be in the name of the City of Paducah, Kentucky and shall be in denominations of One Thousand (o1,000,00) nollars each, anP for the paynont of ,rh1ch, at the mate --ritzy thereof, the City of la"ucah ploPgas its goo" faith an' credit. SEOTIOH 7. That sail ban's shall not be issued unless two-thirds on all the Q7n1ifjeA electors of the saie City voting on said question shall have voted in favor of incurriny such iniebtelross, ail_" the issuance an" sale i of sail bonds as herein rrov!OeA, aro the fosult of sail election shall be cortifieA to accor"inn to law. SECTION 8. A certified copy of this OrOinance shall be Mel with the 1 Co-nty Court 00erk of EcOracken County not less than thirty lays before I Hovember 8th, 1921, an, a copy of this OrPironce shall be published in the Official Yensparer of the City of TaoPoah for at least.two weeks just preceeding the election to be held on November 8th, 1921. SE07r1):-. 9. That the Clerk will have printed upon the ballots to be Peliver- ', el to the qualified electors in each precinct in the City of PaOucah, _:ortKchy, at the november Election, November 8th, 1921, the folloning question: "ARE YOU IN TIME 02 CHI CITY 07 TA-UCAH isgum AND SELLING six HUNDRED (,;,;600,000.00) nPITYRS C? SOPQ OF THE CITY OF PLMOAH. P07 "T 1 C TT?Tjlj' ! 1, INE S37ARV K VB -07! MES A. B. AF- C. Ti-! -)IS7..rCT 73, So AS TO -,�11 anim CITY OF in -um, MITUM, 11YA79 M 0_:09 (40) 1i R011 THE MT3 TPYRZ02, ANA BA2 M 0 MEW AT THE TIE C 1 1 -'-:1 '-71;Tu7L 1 --:-. All 7M WE !AV2ZT O 7!0- 15VEM? TH2 SUL OF NOTEXCEEDING THIRTY THOUinr- (030,000,00) WIT= 7111 BE RAISE, BY GERERAL TAXATION OF All (C 7n Y== PROZITY IN THE CITY OF FAKOAH EACH YEAR, 3AIA AIMIJUT To �: A.0 EACH YEAR TO MET SUCH i"j-') --'O--' THE OREATIOT 02 TO RA IRE SAID BON -J'S, Ay YMEOP, A SM! NOT TO EXCEED FIFTEEN THOU- SAnD (015,000.0u) SHLLL BE 2'.ICED BY GFN?.AL OF .'.I.L OF THZ TAXABLE !I! CITY OF PAIiOAW Y -I'_ MIEG THE LIF:,' OF TDONUSV' SECTION 10. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, I r —orl and publication.. VV/ 7.. Taw No._ Z�--/ Ordinance No.---- RECORDED o._RECORDED SsPTZEBER 19th, 1921. - PL'BiISII' D IV 1921. API ORDINANCE PROVI)III-G FOR T".Is COUS'fRUCTION OF CO1CDI;1'E IiP'1:,LI.S, CURBS 1U7, GUTTI2S, AZ_U ?.L11 Id�UESSLRY L'l,I?HOI;ES. S i Cr".TCH BSI1dS ON `i'H :;rST SIDE OL' GOEBEL f.ViIIUE, I�'ROI:i TII EAST 1PROIER71' 1IITE OF GOEB'r'.L A'P:IiUI; TO ,, TOINT 'THERE THE SOUTH CURB LII'.'v of -TORTEN' S AVT a UE, IF EXTE11DED, 7."OULDII `P"�RSisCT THE "EST PROPERTY LIITE OF GOEBEL AVEI:UE; A150 '.3iE EAST .:IDE 01 GO-WREL AVENUE, FROL A STAY S T OI'PO: ITE TINE FRONT OF THE BUII,JIIdG NO71 OCCUPIED BY THE UTTIOP? DRUG S^LORE, TO THE SOUTH CURB LIIT OF :'{03TETT' S AVENUE, IN TH CITY OF PADU- C1H, L'1=CXY, AT THL COST OF TIIE ;3UT`i'IPTG IRO =TY 01:11:25, 11fi) PROVID` IT G '. AT SATIE I,1AY BE PAID FOR UPON THE 1 EII YE -gip FAYI.L7NT PT.N. BE IT OR.u1IIED BY T=ZI BOAR2u OF C011.IIS3IOl=ERS OF `.n CITY OF P_LDUCAH, I,_.,1MG1_Y: S_'MION 1. That the sidewa]l:s, curbs and gutters, to^ether with the necessary manholes, intakes, catch basins and sec.=ers on the `'fest si*'e of Goebel Avenue, from the East property line of Goebel Avenue to a point -::here the South curb line of ^orten's avenue, if extenrleq, wouls intersect the '.lest property line of Goebel Avenue; also the East sirle of Goebel Avenue, from a stake set opposite the front of the builAing now occupieR by the Union '}rug Stonre, to the South curb line of :7or- ten's :_venue, in the City of Pa,'ucah, Kentucky, be, anA the same are hereby or;'erer7 to be constructeil; that sai' sie'ewall.s, curbs ane' gutters shall be constructe% of concrete material, suitable in all respects for such construction, ana all to be Rohe in strict accore'ance ,-dth the plans, graces, specifications, '..irlths ane' profiles prepared in the office of the Commissioner of Tublic Affairs, ane' all of which are aaopteA as a pext of this Ordnance as fully as if embrace' herein or attache' hereto an, mage a part hereof, an -1 markes "A" for more specific iaenti.ficat ion. SECTION 2. That saia work shall be constructs' unrle-r the li-rection an,' supervision of the Commissioner of Public Affairs, ane' shall be com- mence,' at a time P'esignate% b77 contract for the performance of sai' ciork, ana complete' on or before Three months after the passage an" recorAirg of this Orainance. SECTIOIT 3. That the cost of such construction of saia siaevlalks, ciurbs an% pu.ttors, an' the necessary manholes, 'intakes, catch basins ana so -:.-ors, shall be pai-' for wholly by the property o.mers abutting or frontia-g thereoi;, to be apportions,' to enc assesses against the propert;