HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 744, No Ordinance NumberAN 0^,TII,'AITCE ASSESSING THE ABUT'_'II;G PROPER -,'Y OId BOTH SIDES OF TENTH, THIRT~'ENTH, ATM FOURTEENTH STREETS, FROT;, TIE? i?O:;TH PR01-32-TY LINE OF BROADIVAY TO THE. SOUTH PROF 3RTY LINE OF JEFFERSON STR::I?T, IN TKE CITY OF PADUCAH, L-ITTUCYY, THE SUU OF ti.97293, PsR ABUTTIItJ FOOT FOR THE CON- STRUCTION OF COIiCRETE. CURBS, AND GUTTERS, ANP ALL I ,,CESSARY n',ITHOTFS, INT YES, SE',?ERS _IdD C _TCH B'.:3IIIS :.I' TRIV ,"',.YS THEREOF, ANn PROVIT)IITG THAT SKID ASSFSSTRI:'.T I:_LY BE Pi.ID IN TEN (1)0) r,: C?'.LL INSTALIT.7FIITS BEING OIC E!.CH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN (10) YELRS. No_ ./ #—CJ__ Ordinance No._—__ ----- -------------------------- ----- II 'JIIPBAS, The Boars of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentufky, jihas, heretofore, to -wit: on the 11th say of April, 1921, adopted an Ordinance entitles, "AN ORDEI.%I,CE PROVITING FOR 7T21 0OI;STR'..CTI01T OF CONC'IF.TI: CUBS ANT GUTT2RS, ANF ALL ITECESSARY I.'ITHOL?S, INTAKES, ,:E"73S 1.ITT CATCH l B.'_SIITS, ON BOTH SIDES OF TENTH -MFET, TIIIRTEJ'iITTH �,TREP:T '.I711). FOURTEENTH STREET, FROI:: TIT i; NORTH PROI=I:RTY LIITi, OF BROAD';lnY TO T":; SOUTH PROPERTY I OLIN -E, OF JEFFER'30N JTREET, IIT T!'_ CITY OF P'i)UCAH, n_'ITTUCYY, AT TT? CAoST OF a�r� i ll THE ABUTTIITG PROPER i'Y O -ITERS, r ZOVI-ING TH:.T S:'_I5, EAY BE P:.IT' FOR UT0i! I THE TEN YE1R PAY:"'�NT FLUi," and, i -M—RJ—AS, in accordance with said orsinance, it was provis&d that i lithe cost of the construction of sais concrete curbs and P -utters, ans all ;I jnecessary manholes, intakes, sewers an,' catch basins ans srivewa,ys shall be I! !paid for by the abutting property owners on both sides of sais street, ex- jcept that portion to be paid for by the City of Paducah, Yentticky, as re- cuire(I by law' and :':HEREAS, pursuant to sais orsinance a contract was entererl. into on ILa,,� 11th, 1921, by arts between Reynolrs Bros., Contractors, of Paducah, !Kentucky, and t: -:e said City of Pasucah, for the construction thereof; and ''HEREAS, said contract has been com-1leted in all respects, and the wort: thereof finished and accepted by the Board of Corrmissioners, of the Citybof Paducah. Ky. on the 222,id say of August, 1921, pursul to the recS ommendation made therefor by the Commissioner of Public Affairs of the City of Fa'ucah, Ky. and pursuant to a motion mase by sais Commissioner which i notion was duly carried, N0:'1, THEREFORE: BE IT OR-RL11TEJ) BY THE B'AR-r- OF COI,1'ISSIOITER OF THE CITY OF PAT'UCAH, SF.CTIOIT 1. That all of the propert- on both sides of Tenth, Thirteenth and urteenth streets, from the North property line of Broadway, to the South operty line of Nefferson Street, in the Cit;" of Fasucah, Kentucky be and e s -me is hereby assessed for the cost of the construction of said curbs d gutters, irtakes, manholes, seders ans catch basins and srive-,.ays, the n of $.97293, per abutting foot. SECTION 2. That all of the .funds derived from the assessment of said property Aforesaid shall be used for the purpose of paying off the Special Tex Bills i issued against said property, or such bonds as may be issuer! by the City of I-aducah pursuant to Section 3101 of the Yentucky Statutes. SECTION 3. That pursuant to Section 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes, as amended andl re-er_acted by an Act of the General Assembly of the Common•.vealth of _'entuckY of 1910, entitled, "ATT ACT TO AT.YJIT !ND RE -2i! .CT SECTIONS 3094, M,6,3097, I: Ordinance 3096, 3099,3100,3101 and 3102 OP T111F KENTUCKY STATUTES RELATING TO TITS CONT1901, AI'n I1=OVEI:'1,NT OF STREETS, FUBLIC NAYS, I2.I1DIIIGS, 77HARVF.S, GROMMS AIM SITE"YILF:S IPI CITIES OF THE SECOIdn CLASS," said assessments may be - at th option of the property owners - payable in cash within 30 thirty days from the date of the passage and recording of this ordinance, or in ten (10) annual installments, pursuant to the provisions of said Statute. SECT10N 4. In order to provide a fund for the immediate payment of the cost ofl that portion of the special assessments herein provided for, which are I to be paid on the installment -payment -plan, as hereinbefore provided for, the City of Paducah may issue anA sel.l Improvement bonds, and to secure the payment of which bonds there is hereby pledged such taxes and liens on the property assessed herein for the payment of the principal and int- erest on such bonds, but such bonds shall not be sold for less than par, and tre proceeds thereof applied exclusively to payment for the improve- ment of saidconcrete curbs and gutters, and all necessary manholes, in - tabes, sewers and catch basins and driveways hereinbefore rpentionea, and such bonds may be issued and shall. bear interest, and shall be payable in accordance with the rrovisions of section 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes as amended and re-enacted by the General Assemblyof the Commonwealth o* Kentucky for 1910, and contained in said Act hereinbefore mentioned. SECTION 5. This ordiance shall take effect and be in force f-om and a"ter its passage, record and publication. Published August 24th, 1921.' Recorded August 24th, 1921. d z r�yor