HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 724, No Ordinance NumberAN ORDIi? IiCE ASSr,SSIIIG TEE ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIZES OF SOUTH FIFTH STREIT, FRO?.: THE SOUTH PROPERTY 1.TT'3 OF i�'itTUC _Y AV; -!,-,UE TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LIKE OF CLAM,: STREET, B II . - 0=ATELY 759 LI;:_._R FEET, III THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, Tis ',7.1 OF 14.4978 IM ABUTTING FOOT FOR TIC RECOTMT.RUCTI OIT OF S`_ ID 7�12,. T`,,V Y, `7ITH COITCRET , AIM T'R'OVII)TEG THAT T_-":' COST OF CONSTRUCTION 07 01D ARTMITLY BE CHARGE-- I SBI✓ TO ':I?D ASMAD AGAIA':ST THE PROPERTY RECEIVII;G TT7,.,: BEIT77IT OIF' SAI:, .,1 BY THE L ' ?D' T is T A_ _ . �,;;r,� .�.,r,.,.? ,'ISG"[':7 S �'STIT°AT:S, OTT FI_:E' I- HIS 0^FICE, AND rROVr" Ii:G THAT SAID A331033127T MAY BE PAID IiT TEE EQUAL TITSTALLT. NTS, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PIRIOD OF TELT YEARS. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Rentuchy, has heretofore, to -wit: on .the 14th day of 3eb-rnary, 1921, adopted an o-rdinar.ce entitled, "AIT ORDTiTAITCL `^OVI_.TTTG FOR THE COUSTYUC- Gam, L _.Gill -. -. '` i'? TCm n r Tr7 11. T :'i1 Oi'TH ^IFT1I ST?I T, M01i TITS SCO,_.. - U : T. �. OF '? v Y Oil . 107TH .TLIE.3 OF IlEITTUCFY :aT•:'TU ",0 THE 707 71 77ZO"7RTY Iii72 OF No. Ordinance No. _--.-_---- -___-- CIARK STRET, BEING ATPLO%II.T_�i'lY 759 TT''�:,." T'77T, Ii' mTIE CITY (1.7 I;EFITUCKy, AT TITS' COST OI' THE ABUTTING PR07-112TY 'Y' -77T,,,, AITD PROVIDING THAT S:.ID II d RO IY'I :I;T SHALL BE UDE UPON THE Ml YEAR 1 Y'.: ;11T ILA!'," and, Wiai:I AS, in accordance :pith said ordinance, it •aas provided that the cost of the construction of said street be paid for by the abutt-1 inn prone -,,t,--7 o',mners, on both sides thereo-", except that portion to be paid, by the Cita of Iaducah, as required by law; and, 'UHMEAS, pursuant to said ordinance a contract aas entered into on 11arch 1st, 1921, by and botwcen Yancy & Johnoon of Paducah, Kentucky, E� and the City of Paduorih for the corruption thereof, and ! 'JIMEAS, said contract has been completed, in P-11 respects, andl the work thereof finished and accepted by the Board of Conmissioners of the City of Iaducrh, Lentueky, or. the 13th day of 'ay, 1921, pursuant to j the recommendation made therefor by the Commissioner of lub7-ic Affairs of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, and pursuant to a motion made by said Com- missioner, which motion was duly carried; I:O",d, THIIREFORE; BE IT Oiill:.Il: D BY THE 1301= 01' COIIT.'ISSIOITERS OF TIE, CITY CF PADUCAH , kti -�1 UC 1:1 : SECTIOU 1. That all of the property on bot=h sides of South Fifth Street, i I from the South property line of Kentucky Avenue to the Borth property line i of Clark Street, in the City of Paducah, Kentucky, be, and the same is l hereby assessed for the cost of the construction of said street the sum of X4.4978 per abutting foot, by pavir.-z same with concrete, as shown by the Engineer's estimate, which is on file in his office, which estimate is made a part hereof. SECTION 2. That all of the funds derived from the assessment of said pro- perty aforesaid sha71 be used for the purj,ose of paying off the Special Tax Bills issued against said propert;:, or such bonds as may be issued by the City of Paducah pursuant to Section 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes. SECTION 3. That pursuant to Section 3101 of the Ientuckky Statutes, as I amended and -re-enected by an Act of the General Assembly of the Common- wealth of Kentucky of 1910, entitled, "AIT ACT `.CO 11.:EITD AItD RE-ENACT S3C- TIOITS 3094, 3096, 3097, 3098, 3099, 3100, 3101 AWD 3102 OF THE 1:ENTUC1a ST..TUTES RELATIiTG TO TIIE CONTROL AIID II.!PRO'T I,iE11T OF S=ETS, FUBLIC 77.LYS, I.'I,TDIITGS, ','WI:,V S, GROUNDS 11117.) SIDEWAILS IIT CITIES OF THE 3300111) CUSS," =.iTll .,SSSSI:?'TT3 i=•':Y BE - at the option of the propert,7 o-.7ners - payable in cash aithir. (30) days from the date of the passage and -recording of this Ordinance, or in ton(10) annual installments, pursuant to the pro- visions of said Statute. SECTIOE 4. Ordinance No. In order to provide a fund for the immediate payment of the cost of that portion of the,,special assessments herein provided for, which may be paid on the Inotallment-Payment-Plan, as hereinbefore pro- vided fcrr, the City of Paducah may issue and sell improvement bonds, and to secure the payment of which bonds, there is hereb7 pledged such taxes and liens on the property assessed herein for the payment of the principal and interest on such bonds, but such bonds shall not be sold for less than par, and the proceeds thereof applied exclusively- to pay- ment for the improvement of said street as hereinbefore mentioned, and such bonds, if issued, shall bear interest, and shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of Section 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes as amended and re-enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky for 1910, and contained in said Act hereinbefore mentioned. SECTIOIr 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and aft its passage, record and publication. RECORDED MAY 13TH, 1921.-j PUBLISHED " /<fA , 1921.