HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 677, No Ordinance NumberOrdinance Al ORDII_ 17C ' ROVID ETG PD2 TTT-" 011 A'TD CU­LETI�,17 011 2dID ADDITIOIT TO AUD 'a1'20'_P! :,-y i T H "O'R _.',ITD AUTHO:UZING :.-.`.YO2 ``-CO 3IruiI LL C T 7: .rROojj:,i11TC D'MTHE COUCTI _` 01' 0- 2'�� ED XTEE! IOj'. B-E IT O'DAE!!-:D BY TTI-. BO.'_"�17) C,- C FT' y 0 .,DUC'* 52TTUCKY: .There is hereb-.- appropriated out of Funds I nds of the Cita of Paducah, for the -ea -f. 1921, the Su]Tfl. Of tT Thousand (:')20,000.00)1 Dollars, to be used in the construction an,7, completion of an estcnsion and addition to Riverside Hospital. In order to carr;, out the puia.osc of thi S I Ordinance, the I-ayor is authorized to sign all contracts necessary to pro- cUlle tentative drawinrs and plans, specifications and %',rorhinR drawings for the erection of an extension anil, the completion of an addition to River- side Hospital. :-"ECT I'7' 2. Said o,:tension shall connect the new unt"inis-hed bliildinc no,.7 erected on the hospital lot, and fronting on Clay Street, with the Eastern end of the main building to said hospital, and shall be three stories high,; con ShC.11 include the building of a third story on the eastern end of said HOSrital, Which is no'.7 Only tWo stories hi 7h. All the plans, specifications 2-nd lvork­ims• draain-s, together �ith the contract hereby required to be executed b-,,, the j.:ayor, shall be first approved by the Board of Commissioners. 2CT 1,)!! 4. This ordinance shall take e t . -_oct ten days al'ter its passage. �ffa C 15th, 1921. 1921. _:1I... _,_t7 7 T U. '71 7., _.DS OF TIF IT ORD -'-T'- BY B Oij 1 0- T77- CITY OF PADUCmij Otis ---. .D _ RD O_ C 01.1'_ T,� SECT -Cl -,7 1. T31,.t the apportionment of the public funds or revenue of the City for the I -e, -r 1921, for the Cii'ferent- ore; sej r)-na the diftferojqt jjor(jr, shall be as fo110-.-7s, to -,,,it: Ordinance No.-------- T-U!"-,- IC o._-__--_} .s_IC r ; :`.65,71 0.00 Estimated to be expended a, follows, to -'.pit: Solar; ci .. ;;or .................... 3,600. Police Jud;-�e........................ 1,500. Bond:, Cit.,- 0:,�_'ice:r:: anc, =;mplo;/ees.. 400. Charit; . of 'riendless......... 4,200. Charit: Colorer; ''or.e .-. Friend]es::. 300. Ch:n"it ;;ott='.c. ... .:e........... 300. Char_.I;, o'ther's. C]til .............. 300. Cost; ,nit,-. ;ea] .gate..... 2,500. hater 'ort^ ........................ 12,500. Pest 1,500. i.=ccracker Co. 1,260. Iie':r Constructi�.r...c .... 24,000. shite ;Lay. ....................... 2,500. Cit;; Solicitor ...................... 1,800. Cit- httor:re........................ 600. Steno-:re..,ren........................ 1,300. C:i.tz- Th,^.ic.............................. 900. .............. 500. ice ....................... 1,000. :i :; oat T_: ^c . C ............... 840. SaareiT.-or................... 540. Incinerator -Coal .................... 200. Incinerator-Buildi; ........I....... 1,000. Health Officer ...................... 1,000. Supplies for Health rite..... 1,000. OF PLJB]:IC FIIi_:?;CE. X174,665.00 Lstimated to be expended as fol].orrs, to -•.-nit: Sal--ry, Cor.nissiorer............... 3,000. Cler?............................... 1,800. aero7xa;.he r ....................... 1,125. sec;;or........................... 1,800. Board. of Par:a=i 2,tior.............. 885. Interest or Bo^.dc,^.t; _.• `school 19,257.50 Sinking fund ....................... 8,000. SchoolyImprover..c:"; ,1 - . . - _i, estimated 15 cts. ;;1c0 valuation.. .. 23,766. Schools, estimated 65 cts. on 5100 valuation.. ... ......... 104,000. Inter:st on Floa.tirg Debt.......... 1,000. Frinting, Supplies &, Postage....... 5,751.50 Contingent Fund .................... 4,280. DEP.0T'--�2,71T 07, uUBTJC SAFETY. 593,990.00 Estirated to be e ---ended as follovis, to --,-nit: Salcey of Co,miissione:r............. 3,000. Police De'rartme_1t.................. 41,040. Fire Dep,,r t:.c, r-1 .................... 45,990. City Jail .......................... 2,500. L.iscellaneous Charit: ............. 1,500. I OF PUBLIC 4;58,500.00 Estimated. to be eypended as fcllor,s, to -reit: Salary; of Commissioner ............. 3,000. Streets ............................ 32,000. Light P]. :'t ........................ 16,000. Sewers.. 5,000. Engine-rinr� ........................ 2,500. Ordinance DM ART: E! T OF ?'iTB i.IC P;cCF L27: - titimated to be e.-pended as follows, to--,.'7j-t: Salary of Corrriiscioncr............. 5; 3,000. Insurance on r.ublic propert;;....... 1,979.11 :arin't 1'ou2e....................... 3,500. Cit,- Sc'.0 0 ......................... 3,200. 0ak Grove ...... .............. 8,225.89 Riverr:ide 7i0­_.driition, I_npronriatcd bs- Separate Ordinu.nee............. 20,000. Riverside-oo;ital ................. 43,000. Isolation ,-,'P-rd ..................... 1,500. IT.urses Home. ....................... 500. Parks... ...................... 6,500. CF.rnecie Zibrar7....... ..... ..... 6,000. Fire Stations, repairs to buildings 1,500. City I:i;_ht Plar't, repair, to build- ir-m.............................. 100. Wharf. ......................... 100. City Hall .......................... _ 3,000. TOT=- .......... No. /n /V J02,105.00 $495,000.00 S ;CTIOIT 2. That on the 15th day of December 1921 an approximate. estimate shall be made of the amount necessary to pay maturing, claims until the first of Januar;- 1921 and all amounts in excess of actual needs sha"I be converted into the General Funds of the City, for the purpose of taking up obligations of the Citi. SECTICI? 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here-.iith are hereby repealed. SECTI01' 4. j This ordinance shall take effect and be ir- force from and after its passage and record. v"' R?CORDE0 LOCH 16th, 1921. PUBLISHED 11 171�1 1921.