HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 655, No Ordinance NumberTi ORD1L111.a.!1C_H RFGLTT,'-V"I;FG
BE IT 0YJ1_..,".
7:, X 7 C Ky: -
S _,r, C T 10 1 ? 1
Drt -.-!honever RT17 nerS011 Or _'IOTSOI'IS eS' 0 t0 Soil r --it or
cereal bever r,, -os, or any Pd_mi.,tureq
thereof in Rn , -,,r in lie (it.,r Of
to 'no oru_rLl" thorbir, Or on or q-cl.1ccent to the ?remdsos ':'there
older the control of the
or -in ,iny building; or liclon-in, to or LU
'1 th
,eller, such -oorson shPll first _
to the '-"0^r Cl 0-V q oramissioi e1s o f . e
c,,iti, of Paducah, by -.mitten a-o-olicet-ion "or 2 license, fp.i)i�licstion
shall set -forth the name -na residence of the re -
)present that such 9-nolic-.nt is of !jood reoutgtion, ?na shall be sizned b-.7
S13ch q or licant, and ?t least three free holders residin! in and ov.nin,
cal estate in t,,e voti-
-,)recinct in vfrich s^id qPles are -.i-o-oosod to be
sna s�.,P.
-L n1 in ,ad-ition thereto be sip:ned. b-- the o"mer, or hi3 ,v?ent',
be made, si-� i:"
�7in, his c t
O_ t`.c -oreraises v�lhorein sald,s'les are to n Cm e (I
i:? th^ A)o,'ra of Coromissionors Pre soti-Fierl thq-"- s"icl. licenRe I
should be grv.ntod, 'choir sha11.-,rss r.,yj ord-or or -,.otinn to thr,.t ar',iOect.
id license :hen is:-Iaj.ed sh,11 !-,uthorize tile, ",91e Of M' 7t •incl
cereal bevem-es. -.nCL the ndmixtUTOS tborcoa, ?n(l ^lso h-)! Mitho-eize the
i. O:� ci—op, —1ri o-.7,ire on t"j-0 31Stby retpA
a- of to the
i- n 0 e c
sons oth
* j,��,
No. 4405.
100.00 ner Yee,, "Lich licence. must be In onnn A SoMj.-nnR-1 insw-ll-
ments Of 150-00 each, on the first My of Knuory -no July o" p-Qb
Year. If, hooever, p less Period of We thpn one-half Ynnv -11
intervene, betoeon the grantiny, of the licenao rat the T"Unt )7 Knc
semi. -annual. Period, thp ehrrpo Were"ar so ril be To-�-Qo&
PC ONLY in W time, by months, WrnM 1, 11 jontlo, fnr fTfot' '171 I.
at the rate above set forth. -
It shall be unlawful for any -nor on lico=d Under the -Tco-
visions Oz this to allow ony imoro-er, 107a, riotous or di
"? .
onqMY conduct in his place ':?none sail bevernpBs nne,-ld, or i:0 •_ any
0-wCon or nersons to flay at Pny game N chance --j; o-_- 'ro-
nyty is sta"ca Dr bet, ToD, or lost, or any nvocies pf qpmbliny ;T-t-
ovn� n said ryanizon, or to barter or sell, or in , nnor W 0-':
oV .ai& tavoyn vo7 bMoan the hoai-s o:r o'clo,!� cnd
five o'clock i. 1. the nezt morninn, or to Nen his Jace of hisi=6
are sach beverages Ye cold, anon between saiR.hour
Men a license sh9il have been Iranted Ka.f.asuel 100pr via
nrovisions of tri:; Ordinance, the par"an to 000 sonal Ja :'ranted_ and:
issond 0?p !I CRUSO so, 0, or in case of inp? or deFtnunjon, C copy
thencof, to be 4-ot or PYcia in w7-0 w- 3007_7, tI in Tho room in
,Tinh A-06 beveralep Pro Bold, in such .,npar an to 00, to be
conveniently rc�d, end co to remain Qwing the 'or .,hi'I d
(�h s
licanno EY,Al to 7wentad.
on Yrt ofMa ny money WE for =7 licensee nydviaM Nor here-
in, . -
in, lbo l refu-ndecl to the licensee, nor -11trpry
ferrod from one oarson to another, or "frog ono Q^'-qoAg: P nothor en-
ceQ b7 oblaintan the necepuppW sinnatures -YrovidAY-for in ?nnliI.
nations Tor oriqinpl licenses, anu Mich spoliepthi i fog trail sTel'
ohs!! be filed with the Board of Commissioners, AQWny authorize
I r
spid transTc-fo to be snde. A lee of mive(A.00) noll-Ts zhUi be
chpr7ed for all transfers of licenses, as Provided in this section.
All licenses :rented under this ardin-nonShal to uron the
exnr= c;ndition Wst the said licensee Qall clos,whis Mace af
bipinesp 7hern znid never? "'PF are to be,�-M, betwjoa the hours of
O'cloct arlout "IW
n give 0101O7 . 7. "AV -�-PUT, -ncl
not P11"! rny W"M... r , load , riot -no , '11. c'' I.
2naj even, or =Ldt or ."for pnv porn)" to ONAM -n of
chsnco P� .:-hiah ione7 or -.1
Ordinance No... - _
1 violytill & 117 Y the ,shove a,ndiwinny, MR linenno Yn7 be oor-
It sh Al lo unv �n I r,r -ny norrnn or on, -n, .1 muo h -A a
fuht obtriW I ) Y-nnnn - Onyein nrovided,ito nil in K. , MKI V
Person viol Kit- thY n3cti n oT thip nrdinpnoe Ph,11, unon con? iMon
in the 00104 COM oZ the City ag Y-Avcph, be TWA a- , 1 Wn
"�eW 7 (M,V1 05-ri now more Wn Ono TwOved ( 1"". 0 9nil,rs -nd
the costs 0... �A vv�ocution, and,erch sple so We -7 11 n,7tltwe
le OQQ, I-.
1,2mynE 7.
n:.no sh-Tl sell or in -ny -my Morose of eny of said
beverejes,un! nen the hours of t,-!elvp o'clock midnicht, Pn& five n1clock
next morninT_or vro sh-11 keep his Muce of businers oven between
_cid hourp, sh pil neon conviction in tho nolice Court of the C'-itv of
?-clncph be '!_.neb :not less th-n Tuentv-sive ( 25.00) Dollars nor more thnn
One hundred f 1401n0) nolisrs; nPor the t1ird Afense shill forfeit
his license.
Mis Cr finance shpil Whe affect vnd be in force Men r9sqed,
en ,.ed rra unlighea nocorfinn to 07.