HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 643, No Ordinance NumberIT:!D R_.2_,GU]�r_T1NG TH_,1, WXT,S, :.Ij-D i.1"!1' - FJ7�Tjj(', 'T1YTITG -iD LS�)UJITC_ S S , 01! T 010 BUSI! _D `F OR' OUS ,JITE� n0CUP' TInES, PROFESS)TOIM, TR".DE) =!_D C'I.TTTEGS III 2HE CITY OF P_1DUC_'H, K21,11- TUCXY, !_19) PR CUID EIG PEF'.L' T;-; D 0, 1-1?.'.Y� _11IT T.._ ---,0!-' FOR VI` THEREOF, _IM !,c!.._M ]TG TT UITT2_1­`FU1. TO !I-' '-!:Ff SUCH O_ 2' iOCCUP('.TIOTTS, _?FOF1-SS1OIIS. C.LT,13GS '..'1211OUT UT_29` P-'-_'(_!`G, ',"HE _M) PHOOD]HIiIG LIC.El�!"ES _'_S 2_pOViDZD Hi�'Tii.;TTT. BE !T' 0PD_!,,!I!hD )5Y -�;_� OF CO­-_[S�[Oi�' (F YEE CT'l I PA DUC" H , Kc,i!TTUTOI,'Y SECTIOT. I. That on and after the first d_27 OT •T,nue-27 1921, )n(I on the same day in each succeeding year here "ter, it sh^l I be nnlawfi-L1 for ?.nor -Oer- son, firm, comrany or corporation tb enage in any business, occlrns.tion, -orofession, trade or callin-- lierein2,'tcr mentioned-, until such nerson, firm, or corroretion have first peicl the amount of license tax to the Commissioner of Public Fin-,nce E,.nd have obtained from him license as hereinafter specified and reouired, if any such license tax be not so n?.ia ,ancl the license irocured- on or before the first clay of February in each and. every year hereafter, there shcil be added_ to such license te-1, e. ron-I 7 ty of Ten (10) per Centum thereof, encd_ any and all such rersons, :?i-rrqs, coja)c.,jjios or coroore.tions raying, or o:Nering to such license te rftor same have become cleli-nouent, shell nl�so pay ­_.id Ten (10) Der Cont renalty thereon; i)rovid-ed that such )enelty shell not be added to any such, Dr I license tax ,;here the person, firm, comi)r,,n;T Or cor , ^.tion, so . J_?ble for shall not be cng�­,cd. in business, ocon-oation, orOlession, tr,d-e or in said City until after the _'irst clD,,r of February in the -To.-.r in said licenso tr',x sh,11 be due ­.i.nd, license tn­es rnd. oenrmlties may be recovered as other delinnnert tciyes. 7)e A.11 such licenses have rrintaft or sta m . a on the _ce of No- �O .r/// Ordinance No.__ same, in lame figuxes, the year i'o'r. crhich same are i^ coed, nnd. :it be the duty of the her, on, -orocu.r.in,g or h.a.vinr;such 'liconse, tp- .r_,co sa^'e hosted or otherwise e>'nosed in, some consnicuou�. pl'oe i.n ,Iis or their place of business, whore the same sh'.3,11, et ?1.1 tines, be within the public view. i?o person, firm, comp..^n; or corporation to -whom any license is issued, as herein »rovid.ed for, shell be Futhori.zed to do Pny btk iness thereunder, other than that specified in such license. SDCTI0B 2. teach license shall state the name 'of the person, firm, company or! corporation to crhom it is issued, and no such license shall be assign - ()r transferrable, nor shall any such license authorize 9.ny per .on, firm, com'oany or corporation, Other than the one mentioned in the license, to do any business, or to follow any occu ation, profession, trade or calling, other t_I_.n 1;7at :orovided in such license. S_;C'TnTT 3. ^_11 licenses granted under this 02dine.nce, except as other•,'rise herein provided, shall exiiire on the .31st day o,' December of each and � every year, and no license, e --cent as otherwise herein provided, sha11 �I be issued for a less period of time than one month, nor for a fractional' I part of a, moat!,, nor for a. less fee than One (>�1.00) Dollar. lip por- tion of any license tax shall be refunded to any -oerson, -firm, company or co-rno-r.ation, or to anyone else for their use or benefit. S_FCTI011 4. e_n e.clvert ise lent of any kind by any person, firm, company or corporation, ts.at he, they or it, is enR—^ ,ed in cn?T callinP7, oceUn^- tion, trade, business or row o'fessioii, for the carr;..*ing on of ?ni_ch license is reouired. udder this Ordin2.nce, shall be conclusive evidence of the liability of such ne-rson, firm, company or c0 "oorotion for ^Izch license tax as -provided in this Ordinance. S_XTTn ` 5. Every person, 'ii-rm, com,i^nTT or COr:`or?.tion desi:cin to nro- i cure P. license, as herein -provided, shall, Ahen recuired, rn�`e awolica_ I in irfitin;g, to the Couzaissionex of Public Finance, c,ivimx and dis- closing the information necessary to enable true Commissioner of Public I Finonce to dete.rm:.ne the amount of license tai to be paid, the chara.cte-r . ',0f bbusiness t0 be COi:dliCted, a d s.ch other fa,etS Py S irAbe neC.eS,�?xy or: I nro'ner to determine whether the a.onlicant for such .license sh;>.11 be -:ranted the license e.n-nl:ied for, and iil ordeto ascertain ets I necessar,T to determine the amount o licen:ae tax to be rn i.d., t;, No._ /P � /1 j` .. Ordinance No.__ . sioner of 2nhlic Vin, ince m—y renuiro o`'ch e-splice-nt, so ^.'n'olvin,�, -to sur- nish such inform^.tion, under oath, as mo.y be rer,uirerl. by the r'.ommissioner of public pin^nce. SPJCi IOV 6. i IToon violation of any provision of this O.rd-inrneo by ^.ny person, i -,-:- a, cornnanv or co--o-ration holdin` license to engage in a.n- bus:mess, occu7,ation, :profession, trade or callin=;, as herein provided, such license', ma?r be revoked by the Boars. of Commissioners. Anyr-onerson, firm, com'oany or co.r ora'Uion viol_,tiny en:r of the m-oovisions of this Ordin^nce shall be fined 9.n any such not less than Five (`5.00) Dollars, nor more than One H-undred. ( 7.00.00) Dolla.rs fo'r cash rid ever;; offense, ecceot as othor.`:!ise »rovidecl herein. Any oprson, firm company or cor-,,oration, c!hich shall en,-4�ge in, cord-ir t or c rr,r on enr business, occu-tition, trade or call.in._, for which a. license is rerluired by this Ordinance, nithout first »yrin:a the license tax 2nd orocurin�, the license as herein nrovided, shell be deemed guilty of a misdemea.no•r, and shall, u}oon conviction therefor, be -'ined not less than One (-,,1.00) Dollar, nor more than one Hundred. (:,'100.00) Doll^rs for each such offense, and each day such person, firm, com-oRn.y or eor-oration shall so enr.PUe ir., oor� 3uct or carr,; on any such business, occuration, profession, trade or c.^11- in-;, .spall be deemed a se -carate of.-iense, and e separa.to -oenlty shall be inflicted so -r each day such -oorson, fi•rrn, com-nany or cor-,)orstio:n so en,a. es i in, conducts or carries on such business, occur.=tion, profession, tr^.de or ! callinrT r!ithout first nrocurir such license. SECT -ION 8. Every person, firm, commoony or corporation, before en ;aginU in ,.nyr business, occua�.tion, »rofession, trcde or calling•, hereina:i..ter men- tioned and described, shall nay the license t.97 horein.ofter provided-, and set onroosite the ::a.me of the business, occu--�-tion, profession, tr .d.e or calling. The businesses, occupa.tions, -professions, trades ^nd. callincs :. which license lases a:ce .required, together r,!ith the arnotint of such license tax, excent c.s o-ihnr.::!ise sreci_=ic^.11y 'et -out, ..^re as fol.lo^!s: .Lbstr,ct of Title. 7.dding LLF,.c} ine _'_ctency 25. Advertisins: 'Gents ^.nd Rill rosters 25. d'ertisin'. in Street C^i•. 50. Ap:ricultural. Impl.e:'.ont Dealer 25. rrehitect 25. ,,very person ;:hose business it is to nlan, desi;;n -end sunerintend the construction of holi es and- bzildinns for r -y., ;;l` .11 be deemed. Qn f rchitect. I No. I/ -'f'- Ordinance No. attorney -,,,.t -Tali JD Auction House for ye^r or n^rt thereof 100. Por �roods,rm.res- and erch?ndieo but shell not, =.nn1V to Tobacco nor to a• licensed business house closing out a stoc'r of nOojs on ;�^nc. i Auctioneer (per a, Auctionoer (Per Yenr) ?F,• automobile I)ealer or A--ent 50. Automobile r'•nrrFe 5n• Automobile ^nd 'ccessories, '3. Depl:er or r:r, 1,111fncturer 50. Automobile Re- it Shor. not operating 25. s•^Tame or sellin' slsnnlies `?5. Automobile paint Shoo 25. A:fnin�r or 'gent 71^nufPcturer or :ya.np•er 25. gR•ents main.t^ in office in Paducah, eech l5. And not oTfected by any other 10. -,)-revision of this ordinn.nce. 5. Automobile for hire m.ssenmer 15. For first automobile 20• For eRch fddition=l a.ntonobile 10. Automobile true k for hire -cash 100. automobile true': 11sGit os a, moving 50. van or for haul in; of Ti•eiq_h or express 20. (See Transfer ­qlsiness) 15. thletic Exhibition or Tollrn,?meo t -Erich 10. P Bel:ery or B,.'-er or store for sale of products oj: b°a'rery 20. a, or Trust Company 100. -rber 5hor, first eha.ir 7.501 Each Cheir Additional 3• . ch 13� th ^ub '3. Bic:7cle Sho-o 10. Billi.^r5. or cool Hall -first tsble 25. :�.ch edditional t.^ hie 15. Blacksmith 10• Br+.th House-P-ablic- e^ch tub 3• Boarding -o-.,se (Pr•iwte) 3. Boerdin¢ Ho,e tr=a.nsient guests) 10. Bootbl?c)-. steno. 5. Boor: Under 15. Bill poster, Bill distributer or sign advertising 25. Boo'- Store (See I'lerchant, Retail) Boat Store and Supplies 100. hottlers 50. Boy-ainm Alley, first alley 25. ,ach additional alley 15. Broker lumber 25• Bro]rer Tobacco 25• Bro':or i.,ercha.ndise 25• Brol_er, tool: or Bucket Sho-o 2000. (,n stock broker or buc'ret shoo shall be, in the meaniil�' of this ordinance one e:ho buys, sells. solicits or receives or delivers orders for the nure'r_^:,c or sale of Futures clezline in rr^r^int or a,.-rt-.yment of the -price in -^i1C oil YIhea.t, corn, cotton, pork, stocks or bonds as a business) -•,, o= ; i .::,io ; , o",me-r o.� se -.t on n 500. Bucket 'hon !`soe,-,ober, Stock) Broom' ^_ r'^c lrcei 25. Butter, .. Poultry, iholesale 1,5. T�utcher ; hon 25• Band, nrchestrp or Drum Corns 10. nr eaut r = ..rlor 10. (Tilollldin^ com»lexion s-oeci^li,.tr, 1'^ir s r- ; m^.;zicarists., masseurs, chiro!� od:ists -1117, i)r-Mlt,V f:;e11001S . ) .611`' inesS or Coy morrlif l College or school _6urgl`r '.D rm or :-Goh:^:9n " ,'Gi CE or ',,caner 50. Buildiil_: _^.teri,l gni, "uonl.ies, not ,'?. ;!all of yard or :C2ctory 25. ,{oot -,r-oe 'Jealer ( ee . erch^.nt, r.et^il) uri l :-:;soca^tion, doing a. buri.'.1 ins.u•ance business 50. No. l -// / Ordinance No- Brol-.er, Tive "tock.. .end De�-Jc,,r p,prgo o. Ir 3op.t Builders, not wonx-ttn,- -Dry aocils or '^ys -C.- c-r,)et Cleaner,,, 'Ind IZnnov�tors -nd -U-)hol,;trIrS 1.0. Cnndy Haker, , T�etf-, il ISa_Izer, -.-!holesale, 50. or 71 7 1) eF; lor 20. is 'co,' cICLinp .:".chines, Type,.,.rriters -,!,Ics, etc. 25. samples in F-nlll' 'o-ahl... Lc -olace or to conduct a -1 c: Cor the 'aar-oose o-' r1i, Gi cies -rom ,Ihich .,ale: (See )0, day 25. 2 5,� admission, --)cr da�f 25. 11.1u3.or 50r. admission, -mr day 100. �Cos CJ-�' 02 over admission, -0er CD.�7 50. ,Cr aay 25. 150. 25. e 25. Faith 1"oc"or o' 10. Clothes Cleere-,-' n-,.' 'Renovators 10. nonfectionery PO. (!Orn. �.-ill 20. Cobblers and shoe -Z eyr- ir er 10. CnIlect-ion or Credit Re-nortin, -A.gency 25. C ),,-- I 'Pe d 6-1 er , 6. Coal and Fuel Dealer For conducting a business four teams or less are used 50. For each additional tears 10. 'Coal oil or Gasoline Peddler, each %-.Ia,con or other ve--icle 6. Coal oil or Gasoline Dealer, :.'hole, -ale 200. Cold Storage Pin.n-b 100. Oollection Agency or Claim Agent 25. Cross '-Iio Dealer 50. Contractors : - General Building 25. Gcncr?.l "street and Cement 25. 15. Pr -"inter 15. r'arnGntc2 15. .bio 0_ ..ell 15. T � 1 nner 15. Steam:zittor 15. l'ot -�a.ter Fitter 15. Commission I.Terchqnt 25. Dance, Public-Eoch 4. Dancing TeHcher, nor month 5. Dentist 25. District -I.-ensenger Comi)any or Service 50. Distributors, house to house, rosters, lic ladbills rosters, advertising Ll��ttOr and sanmles for advertising m7lo 'o"Des IDer dayT) o h 11a i1. b Do,'I's, Female) 2. I'j e t c c t E, 3 e n c y 25. T)-fy rc-,jovptor or T)ress-cr 10. Dre Tioil-se 10. D:cur,,-is,t or F,.e "Lerchant, Rot-il Druggist, ho7_�^.ale 100. Dry (-,00ds, ..'holc, ,, le 100. ')at, -Iry'etail) mays -")Ocl:s o -C 40. Di -fond '..-crchmat (Sea -..-.erchont, (`tail) Ordinance No.. -- Electric Li.ght Fixtures and in (See -.Ierc1-Lnt' o:ct'lil) Eie, !lose -. Throot 20. (---ch 'xq.�on --i'or C L-ayage, or -)':�rcej -L or -n-cl-f-01 delivelY) G. E-nil3loyi-fient or * -cn,,y 20. ci-- -)cr'.,,nn or -Firm cn,,-T7^d in 20. the -o-rctice o:,- civil, 50. mech,?nic^I, olcctrical, 10. 10. Ohemicnl or ongi-noerins:) 50. ..,:'.hibitions per:;eek 20. ,X11?! 1�erson o. -L, r corno tJnO '"irm o fp - 100. de-iri-'n, to r=ive an-.- sort of 50. .e:i:hibition, v.rhe:cn s-nid exhibition 25. is i.ven in a =mrnent b-uild-inc: 10. in City, sh 11 make en --11i3,,tion M. sL2tinrr the ch^r�7-.cter o:E the entert- nl)cnt fnd the "price o: -V acmission to the same end if the s,,Ad e-,11iblition is not immol,'--i or. hi='tfu-1, ,-- I-icent,e otwenty- five (.;25.00) DoIlRrs n er wee'. --,'o2 each ioel=- ' spid- e--rhibition sh^ll continiie be unles,-: Pr -id- e7hibition or este-,", D, ent shell be 'o'r 'U -he benefit o' some ch,--' i i;- -1-0 insti- tution or Ournose. in v,'hich (".- !:� -0 license :Fee shall be but t; -.I 6 Of Cormipsio-ners sh7,11 h -7c, the -;,o revoke said license .henever 11 - 11 deem the soid entert--in-mont a i t i Oil to h,,ve become a nuisance or hurtful or oTfo-nsive to -olibi-11; vi, J Inc'i" -Dealer (Stock) 20. ,'cep: Dealer (Stock) ':Iholes'-Ile 50. Heed- Itable PO. _Renovator, *oer day 10. 'Irnis, dealer not dealin; In -pistols Nee 117,erch,.nt, Rot-il) '.rms, T)e^ler dealing in 50. "-J-^h Dopler 20. 717ojjr =-.;11 50. -jorist or flursery 25. --lortune Teller, Per Ye,r. 50. 'oundry 5 1 ? Poreign I.,Te,G Dep.l or 50: Fresh I,Teot, T-,et,il 25. Prosh Ifeat, '.Iholes^le 50. ss In �w7t, peddler (7?ch -,-,agon or car) 25. ^reit-0ealer, Retail PO. Fruit DeAIer, -Caolesale 50. li,xf-nil;ud,e Dealer (See 1,erchant, Retsil) ,,, 1 - lin%, .pitchman or ?,terry -go -round, Per Day 5. - "oLuc, holesale, Dealer I 25. G C -r -in Dealer, '.7holessle 50. C-C�? I AI ]-'aevetor 50. q-co,vel or San6 DeeIcT or Contractor- 50. C,rocerics, olesale 100. Gcocerios, Retail (See archant, Retail) Gun or Lochsmith 10. H Hells, Public-I,'or Hire 20. y,,rd-+.-Mre, Retail (See -,.orchant, Retail) �,T,- Aoiosale 100. T-Tn'.ukers, c, ch wa-r-;on or cart not selling meat 20. C,7fain, ... e tail. 20. (,r^jn, 7.,Iol esal e 50. '^t Cln-n Ors '.nnd Renovators 10. 10. 0 iiid.e end -',ur realer (per `teas or any -It To0 ' 50. Witching or `?,.ion Yard 20. Aotel (Containin,50 or ore bed rooms) 100. Hotel (ccntaining ?5 and less than 50 bed rooms) 50. H.o tel (Conte, ining less, than 25 bed rooms) 25. Hort-e 9hoer or BI?c'-smith 10. HtLejrSter-each Wa.R'011 Or cart, not sellin.c,, TIoqt M. sus No. � Ordinance No, ------- Hy-ni'iotist or :^rr,netie ?Ira,ler, ner (Iny In. H^rnoss o:c `^ddlery, Re')Rir Shop 10. Hrrness or `;acldlorc r, POI;,:il (Peo Lierchant., 7otril) H^riloss or Sa.d.dler?,r ho7.ei^r.e 100. lsouse to House A ;cite:: to canvass :from piste to ,l.c.ce r'hothor on foot or by vehicle end Sell or t^.':e orders for the sale of .^ny rn--. carretc, m•^.ttings, Turnitme, stoves;, bl nl:nts, lace curtrin-, cl.oc':s , jewcla, :�r, d -r. ess roods, kimonos, cloaks, clothinU, bedsnre d^., comforts, or windor! sh^des, vrhere s,ich sales are made conditionally, or t -ho title retained in the seller in o:cder to secure Tayment of the mirchase r oney 50• Hand. Organ or street Pi^no 10. I Ice Dealer50 ent T'orei:;h Oomoeny) . Ice Dc^l.er (Ilot m_anu:"-ct1L1er) 50. Ice DEale:cs-m^.mife.eturers each slant 100. Ice C-co,m parlor 5• Tce Ore^m_ Dealer_ , lhol.esale ?5• Tnst^llnent '')e^].e:c (Se17.ii�r 2np(iS or merch^ndi.se oh rrrti�ll r^znitents end retainin-: e lien on n-r.orerty sold-) 50. Insurance (lom-n^i? %, Zi:Fe, Accident, health, ^orn^do, Plate Indemnity, Burglary, or eny other ch-racte-f of insur.^nce- For the first line of insurrrec 50. E;,ch Fdditional line cerried by any conirony, .'ter the first line 10. Insurance Broker, f --Ind- Sub-.'_.";ent 25° �Ivery fire inc-u:­.nce comneny doinc, business in ti -is city shell, on the .31st dr.1- of Decennber in eachh yee.r, or within thirty days thereefter, 'return t-) the Comrnis,;ioner of hiblic Finance for d.e.,osit P statement under h, of ^11 -remiums received in this during the -gear ending on the day of December Fnd. time nay into the Oi;; tax of Two Do11frs u"^)i7 e�C'11 Hundred Dollars of s- 9- rs emits: Pscertained, less rel; .^,,",.i.,; :, 10 -:'ed on cancelled noliciesr- , ily doing• ^Iso - 'Torn.pdo, 'i 6, nusinc ss shr-].1 include in the stp to ;_ : a -refe-rred. to, the nremiums received -.- 'risiness, and the same shall be included 1r, total business,. ^,:nd ta:: aid on i_ .:above oro,-ided: -oro'lined-, hmrever trrt tL-,e _._,,-.i_-„u-:1 tan under this seeti.',n shall be Fifteen Dol]r r. - ny eom-nan,- failing; or -refusin•, :Cor t'r_irt.- : to rel;ircil the strter ent rennirea und.s, -t,, of some -priilCln?1 O'ficer nr l_0crl ,. �._ - =-'d. $0 ns:T the ta— he'i ^.in re -mired, shell forfn i t Doll�rs fnr each offense. and the Bo—rd ^T Commi.ssioncrs nny revol.e the licon7o of such eom,�,any ':iithout notice. r. Iron Foundry `? . Tron ',!or7:s, LSV.11eable `0' 1 7e:!elers, Retail (See i;lerchent, Ret^il) .Te-'!elers, '7holos,ele 1430. d LnI_- De^.ler 50. dunh Collector 6 fhe monose of this ordinance is any -oerson who has no esti ihl i.shed nl.=ce of business but ,•Pno usa�.. nr drives P. vehicle about the rjty :For the nurnose oil c011ectin' or bu.yiw,, scra.n zinc, leed, tin, brass, iron, comer, neater, rlato w—.re, bono-', hid^s, feathers, furs, wool, tin or other odds rnd ends of an.y kind of fabric or metalic substance.) No.. •� � Ordinance ZF Yni-''o nrcl-" Per D,_iy T_7.,rjj 0, 1 TAMe ind5. T,-L)nhor Y,rrC or 50. Tjimch or other vendinq: stand on v!hcols (i10 license sh-1.1 be construed ?s giving the holder thereof the richt to conduct his qt-nd on nny r?. ticul.rr street of the City, end such stand shall at -11. times be under the strict sirpervisior, of the ,Wniptissioner of Public So.fet,T and sj7.bjr_e,t to reTnovl from -nl-ce to -,)I-ce by order of s -id Corwizsioner of the '.9orrd of Commissioners of the City) Live `.'tock Dealer Live 20. T.Lijilch Mand on Private Tronerty 5. 7unch Room 10. ^nn'L-cturer, Automobile sivoolies rna - ccessories 50. c tur ers , Each rersong or corror^.tion eng?ged- in the T,,i,-nuTp.cture of drugs, -noultry or stocl.- remedies or ,.nV other not s-oeci-lic!,117 -orovid-ed for, who -re not under five year ta- exem-otion, sh^17. -,'-zT -Il rianu-I lice -ase of 50. ble Yard 215 ___chino Shon 25. -(,,h rerson, firm or cor-norrtion conctuctin�, r roto-il mercantile store business rrnose ^verr,,-C' stock in trade is loss th,.n i,ono.00 shill -ney an cnl117^1. license of 10. If t -,-_e verf?.-f, stock in trade is 7.,O')0.00 or over and less then '.000.00, the license shall be l5. If the avera-;e steel, in trade is 2,000.00 or over and less then <5,000.00, the license shell be 1, 25. IT the r,.vorage stock in trrcle is ..15,000.00 or over and less than -:10,000.00, the license she ll be 40. D' the average steel, in trade is 10,000.00 or over and less than .,510,000.00, the license shc.!I be 50. if the f?ver,cp 2`boc.'.- in tr^de is i201000.')0 or over and less than ' �40,000.00, the license shell be 75. Tf the average stocIC in trade is -',40,000.00 or over end less thq.n 60,000.00, the license shall be 100. If the Pver5,�,ge stock in trade is ;60,1)00.00 or over, the license shill 'be 150. ^ch person f -irrfl or cor-oo-fntion con - kind of R retail store or business of eny hind- or chprn.ctcr not specifically iiientioned in this Ordin?nce shn.111 ay an annual license �.s set out in ,j.erchrnts 7'etail. --,-o vis ion -regulating; 7 1."o-rchant Ta.il.or (Sec ..'ercbent, Retail) -round-, --)or day 5. 50. !I,- or Dairy it Tenderr 100. . vo rcy Tend-er on Chrttols Ion. n-Jcal Tnstru ic:ilh,, 1.-erchpnt, --1otf?6J_l) of medicines or :shall sell same -_"rom hooio to hoal'.0, or on the streets or otho-L, hi,'-h7­.-yF,' of the Pity, oer ce'' 25. pillinery- (=ee '7er(,hant, '_Retail) . -ill o--, stores 100. No. Ordinance No.- - _-- Pens- ner _ Tens-ner dRil7r i3n nx'spQr: wsekiy 10. .!-1172..sery °.FTent or Frle-;-�:^n 20. UeW9,00ey mency NelliDn Raily or ,yo�ly inner.,, QTRpn or pi -no Devier (See iverchnnt,'VetPil) osteonoth Oculist, Allrist, ontician or ontometrist 25. onticipps-Itinernnt, Per. IP7 5. ZOO. Oil 0 Gasoline Dealers, Sholessle Oil Stock Salesman, ner year or pny -art thereol 50. Palmist, Per day10. 250.er Paynbrot 15. printer -Roof 15. pointer-oontrTctor Wint Dealer, WWII (Son !4rchFnt, 7otFil) 100. r�int Depler, 7holesvic 15. vpoer Mqn-orE, Contrrctwc R5. ,,,yn. -rr� -o nice, ie-lcr 20. MUM, c -ah -7-nn or vehicle j�un -edilcr, vender or dol l7e7an 0" oods or oormonVise not SOJA =10-p On n�c time WE Eeliver7. a -0>jc. pr,j! sell his ..no within 300 feet 07 Va nit! nv-et House. (This lice: W nuarterly) Physicians, ChivD a, stov, '-Y R5. Osteo or votoria- path 20. Photogreshers studio or Piei-­ r,_7 6. Pho to��raoh or s , it ineront - ner 7n 25. Printers, Job :peddlers, solicitors and vendors who go sbont the city on toot "nd solicit the sale Q jelnlrY, diamonds, watches, clothing, a -i-i,-_- ti . ,r�-J, ` Ljrni :Cfe or Other conunodit7'1 or Eronerty nhethor onned by them 6. on by others, oer :ice).6. PeMler, coal -each wpaon e _rP)jjc Dealer (gee Archant, Retail) picture 0]:, pictil2� pinno and Orynn 4001M (See Yerchant, Retail) 50. p,ner Deplers, �holesple 26. Plumbing Shop or contractor Pool. or pilliara Table- 25. yor first table 15. for each additional table pole Dopler, Telogranh, Tolonhone or 50. ic Light or Power Poles, nmintsinin� jinvO':� Y -Y& or nVice. :1ojjJ'i-,_',7". :Jtter, Retail (See ThTchant, Retail) litter, , .11.010sale 25. 10. of 70,v�� stand 60. pottory Jay 2roducts, manufacturer 10. Pr, ssinn 21M 50. hole.,;ale -• (See yorchRnt, -,-1,etail) ocuzee �otaij 20. Vullic Hall, for hire 'jet-,Lra ,,hows or moving Picture Theetre Houses - 50. Ts the seatins Canscitybe 123 or less I" Me see -tin, on'scitt, , be more then 100. 115 end less ;hRn 050 I,, the seating ca�aoitj be more than 200. 250 and less than 500 If the soatinq canacity be More than 300. 500 PI -Id less 'Chan 750 'be more than 12 the seating es"ReitV 750 ,11d less than 1000 400. IZ the seating capacity be more then 600. 1000 IN 01 15. Flumbor or pe.'Of �Oqy, not 0�0 -- &C pu- No. (n �_c'9, Ordinance Reel state ant. ler m T ne ;otin to v-11: OV ..r ­j rn 20. for other; • :n en ini-�� uLoa,- Ynr 10. corme:ns�.t:ion shkll be deemed . 10. ro^l. aFtIto bre'.rr, nrthi-n the 25. e iu�l; of this ;Ordinance, whether- -n_: nch 7vlo be ,actnplly consumor,tod or not). 850. .MOI acne:•:-, enpaced :in the collect:i.nT of rents only, on 100. commission or '°n. -r comnans.a.tion 25. 'est -1 ant Or Cafe, with rooms (See Hotel) 00vant or Cafe without rooms ?5, house ouse (P,entins more then K. trio rooms) 5, Rubber =ta.mn or Stencil Agency 5. Renair Shon for arcv kind of -re.>..:irinc- 50. not Mcificall! set out under this 50. Ordinance 5. S scrpn Tion ...; U -L' 50. S,calas. ^ OIN 10. Second _ - _ 20. hr., -_ 'hose enclusiv bug ;K0 :v : 11 be to buy ^q' all. ,lU.-neouc `)rtic � "T Q - _d arson vt; ?hoe 9..n- -117 . -. 'tand 5. 50. or n,• oY i ons or _ _ U,_nes 0727' - - -.. :glo 0 cold) S oTinN . ,. Ann, _. 'Int 20. Chao -. o ( cobl.jor) Cheat" T on . .. -W7 b,.,_ nv Com».,n % 50. Shootin7 opilary or - -t „ _, no. thaws, Anhibition oi. D -t'.:.-, ner 07 in. M°;n Kinter 15. 7i'^tin inl: (Per 10. Q-00- Dink (Per yr,.rf 100. M°t; 7rin� or Beverr-n nt,.Vntgrer or Tattler, os]_- 0 One Me from ml , , cer . haleSsle 50. "oft Brink or Rei. ' . -<e , oche:- r those made from Mt or cercp7., e tril- 10. Soda Water Fountein 25, Salt drink Agent or Agency, Oolesale 50. Stoch or Bond Salesmen 50. Mom Bost or Eorine ?ays or Docks M. Steamboat '.gent or '.gency 10. Stock, Live, T)ea.ler on or off street 20. Stock Verds, Live Stock 25. Storage Building or ':firehouse, Public Not Cold. Storage) 25. Surp•eon (See Physicion) ='hoe Dopler (See ::merchant, Retail) tora7e mouse for cold storage 100. T Tp,,,_i cab-s=otos no,::er first 20. K -ch additional ta7ica.b 10. Tcilor, bushelin„' re)a.irs or irressing only 10. Tents and Awnings 25. Thentre or Opera House, seating opracity over 500, not shading moving; nictures 850. 'i.'he^,tre or Oner.•^ Nouse, sea,tinT; c^nc city less than 500, not moving Pictures 100. (Picture Privile c .ior each -performance) iio license shf.11 bo is.-med ,for a. less -period o' Lime thP.n SiY. '�onths. Tin -h0,? K. Tobacco roper 25. lobPcco :r: nufseturer 50. mol,=cco ,rehouse, `-tor.^ae 50. TohPcco Roh7ndler 50. l,r,nsier r.us:ine .:, FIs ..en; rr slid Bag�*ae 50 No. - Ordinance No.---. mransfcr Business,) reir=;ht 50• Ty"nec:ri'L'er '- cnt o'c �ea.lcr "••`i• 'ernes], Dcolcr or -te ^.iro: (See 'gree_^nt :ot^i1) The,,.trical or BooIri)-11• ,,oncy, dr?matic, musicall or film 2n U TT-oholsterer iTnflerta:l_er, Fu-norel directors end 'Embalmers 10. 50. veterina-ry F`mx. eon 25. ,Vending i^.chines, automatic, operated. by coin for vending• cpnd. y, chow- in-, c;u.m, nuts or other articles, including• weichin� machines o-uera.ted by coins - For each machine ooereted by pennies '. For e -,ch mecbine oner,ntod by nic',les 11 i 5. Or nitChlnC 'lard PO. -ons or Team for hire Each 1 horse wagon or 1 animal 6 n 2 „ n n o „ 6. it 3 IT „ IT .7 IT 8 . n n It --_-shouse. r.,r.^; n 50. rehouse Tob,- cco 50• ^3'CI'10i13E, l�A OliC >-torage 25. 17. .­oer Dealer (See ::ereh^.nt, E^.ch -nerson, firm or cor-nor?tion cm-c,ed in any occurs^.tion, o-rofession or trade of wh^tevar na.rne or char^cter, and not hereinbefore Pmumcr^ted, shall '),zy an e.nnurl license of 25.00. SECTIOP 9. It shell be the duty of e^.ch »erson, firm, com»any or cor-nora- i J tion, ot•rnin!:* a.nv dom or do<s, afi;er »eying the liconse t.ex herein re- mired, to a.orly to the Commissioner of Public 1,linance for a membered Dog ^s: lhich t.1.g sh!c�ll be placed aeon e collo-r or other;.,ise securely fasten-' f e6. ^.bout the nec'c of such doe; or dogs. i'. SECTIOAt 10. Do license herein 'orovided.for sh^.11 authorise or entitle any holder thereof to. conduct any business, or to eng'as,e in Pmy occu pati ^n, -nrofession, trade or c^llin , in any Tc^neer or at any time, in violation m° ^n-• ordi.nrnce of the Citl% of P?.dcuah, or of any le.rz of the "t^te of "e,tnc'=iT or of the United States. SECTTOD 11. I an ;r -per Son, firm, comoan"y or cor-oor"ti_on sh.n-,l-1 misre-,rosent I f ^n;J 11".teei^.l _2ct "s to the of husiness in his an-nliC^.tion for suchi i licen:;e, or any other f-c't necessE.r.l or -nro-ner to determi-ne the amount of i fif the license ta_; to be charged or ',)aid, such license so -nrocured by re -son I of such raisre-orestent.tion m^.,r be revo':_Ed by the 7,oard of Conmissio'nors, atl j e.nv time. 7— N,. CL/ Ordinance No. i All monoys derived ;from license t-^- c.,� iiliner the rrc,vi^ions n"? this Ord in2.nce shall be Heid to the rommi-2ioner of "ublic ?i'inn nco, ^nd by him nlAced to the creel -it of the Gener^1 revenue !+unn. of ti=e Cit_ o - Ped-uc^h, end shell he used ^nd. ennendecl in de:fr^.yin:m I*o curr•-�nt end. 'i ncid_ent?1 exnenses of sn.i �� rity. i Ss;CTIQE 1.3. Should any section, or na.rt of section, or any provision of thi- ^rr%in. 'nce be declared by the Courts, Tor nnv re�?.son, to be invalid, such decision shall not affect t^e v?.7"idity of this Crd.inrnce ^s n. -hole, or any nart thereof, other thnn the n^r.tS.e 7.^'r. sootion or "nro- vision o_f the ord.inailce so held or declared to he inva.licl. SECT1011 14. All ordinances and -oarts oT orrlin^nce,�, vl!-ich are in conflict erevith, a.re, to the extent e' such conflict, hereby revealed, ,i -i^ Oi'(Iinance shall not be construed Els re're^l ins_' 2n,7 rrovi`!ion or -,revisions for licenses or license t^ -'es contrined in gn;7 other exist - L'),, ordinance or ordinaYlces of the City or -orovidin?' :for Cny license or licenses, n" the -n2.77ment. of ^.ns license .fees on .^n:r Business oecu; ,tion,-oro'ession, trade or callin, not herein snecifically -p-ro- Pided :for 2n6 not her-7�1l7 re-e^lerl. S�C1'I01? 15. This Ordinance Shall he in force and eTTect from and inclu.d= in the :first day of January, 1921. LD9 y 0 r U _l Tc'3D �1 0! '1GI` T: T 1 i ° "i. "1'?C�:"'7 6th, 1920.