HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 553, No Ordinance NumberN,.S53
:.11 OE?llItIF.ACr; i rlit.`!'Ii1G `5'0,'-2iLS, P4i611.IIIG Oi' V1§fIC1CiE 011 LI4'i3.,';:; f'•I 's -:-:0 lt- —
.'_'+S J1T b i�! ;Iii: '.P n..i!ll SEPF;1, TH ST:t{c:_iTS Ili rT711 CT'i'[ 0.�, ii<-
` TUCKY, .__:D .2110'-7I) IEG P_;IPL'_L,;6 .d00" Vim,: .':Cii!:.
SECT1011 1.
It shill be unla.1:ful for any ner:;on, firm or cor-:o
rP.tion to purl.
^.ny automobile or other vehicle on :E,0a.dc,'ay Street in 'the Cita Of Paliwah,'�
_tuelcy, between First nd Seventh streets, within Port,y' (40) feet of any,
.Any ue-rso 'fil'm or corporation viola.tin the provisions of this
Section shall be :fined not less than Five (:,;5.00) 7o11�t.rs nor more than ;
Tirent� (,,"20.00) Doll�,rs _or each offense.
Subject to tl_o Dr0'T110nS of :ect7oiz 1 hereof, .^-.11 -oorsons,
ii yes or corooratioils ir.r?cin or leevinr; vehicles on Broa.d;;a.y Street, in
the City of Pnduca.h, Kentuc_.y, bet'.":oen First and Seventh streets, shall
leave such vehicles standin_ uarallel with -61_e si_den'a.lk, and a sufficient j
CLista.nce _from t'r.e ;the t car uracl_cs to allow other vehicles to pass be-
tween such parked_ or stal"Cc_.n_, vehicle and street cars standing or movie•
on said_ street car track.
e.n:y 'person, f r:_ o'i• c0rnOra.ti0n viola,tin the "provisions of
this Section shall be -Fined not less than Five (t5.00) Dollars nor more
than Twenty (i,s20.00) Doll9rs fo-r ea.
ch n:fTense.
SECTI011 3.
This ordin=Mce shall t^]:e effect a.nd be in force :from P.nd Pfter
its -O.ssa.ge, record and -oublication.
22nd, 19.•7,0. �^
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of Public Finaoca
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"PI -t. Section 1 of an orci'lnar,ce entitle8,
OI' CE T9.Ill ST'
111:.0 �I :S `:I P ��inci illi
N...� S /V
Ordinance No._____—
O'PTI:L;3 V "ICLES, J`M PR�SC2IBIRG ',i?�-T'iI_s;; ;,'Oli VTOL�'.�I�i�: ':.'Trr;_;_�d)-', r,'hich
°res e.douted by the Board of Commissioners Of the City of ",.0
(cah, ".en-
tilck',;, on 'Hlebi•uPry 24:th, 1920, be ".mended by striking therefrom Lha
i follol•,•i.nF language, to -gait:
"Tl:e Forth side b2 .70f:r'erso(1 fi treet .from
Oirst Street to fifth S.tre^t;'i:he month
side of Xentilc3W verine :from first to
Fifth Street."
Iso that said section, as amended, sh^11 read as follows:
"SEC` 1011 1. It shall be unla.rrful for nny person, firrl or
corno-ration to uarl, a.ny automobile or other vehicle, or to leave any
such P:utomoi,ile or other vehicle standin_; on the parts of streets here-
in indicated, to -gait: 'The East side of Second Street :from Broadway to
Jef_erson Street: the Fast, side of Ti,ird Street f'rora 'ontuc'-y venue to
arson Street; the East side of Fotuth Street frons "'entuc i� _venue t
.Terson Street; the ;_.st side of Fifth street from Yentuclty .venue to
Jefferson 1�treet♦"'
This ordinance shall tc-l_e effect and_ be in force from and aft
its passage, record and publication.
Pi Le CORDED !_!..RCH _2211D, 1920,
-'iIBLISHED i _''-.r CH 1920.
a PPRO�'�'iJ