HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 3, Ordinance Number 1Ift Ordinance No. 1- -:II ORD11J.JICE DET=!,,II!IIdG THE FUflCTIO113 OF THE DEP:.1:M'EIIT� :i: PUBLIC 2,FF-_IRS, PUBLIC I'IPI;1lCE, PUBLIC SiFETY, PUBLIC '.":ORXS J'."D PUBLIC PROPERTY, ;:.I;D PRESCFIBI1TG THE DUTIES OF THP', CO1,1i,;ISSIOJERS. BE IT ORDr IIIED BY THE BOARD OF C01;tI:;ISSIOJTI�RS OF THE CITY OF PADMC H, I-EMUCKY: SECTION 1. TH_',T THE EXECUTIVE _;IdD ADi:IIIIST1'_.TI 7: PO.. S, UT110RITIES :-.IID duties of the members of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah are hereby distributed and. assigned as hereinafter set forth. SPCTIOII 2. TILE DEP _cTLIINT OF PUBLIC AFF:SIFcS:- The I:iayer shall be the Commissioner of the Department of Public Affairs, and shall have a o-eneral advisory supervision over the affairs of all the Departments, and shall exercise all of the pov:ers conferred, and perform all of the duties prescribed by lar; and consistent with the � acts of the General tsser.bl,yT, approved I:iarch 21st, 1910 and I:Iarch 11th, 1912, amending the charters of cities of the second class, - and such other duties as may be prescribed by charters of cities of the second class, not inconsistent with said a,,:enviment. He shall be the chief representative officer of the City, mod as such perform all executive and administrative functions not other,,,•,,ise assigned herein. The following offices and branches of public service are hereby assigned to the Department of Public !;£fairs: Police Court, the Board of Health and Health Department of the City - including the pest - house, all City Charities and affiliated charitable organizations, the Department of beat and Lilk Inspector, the City Physician or Physicians, Elections, the Legal Department and all other branches not assigned to any of the other four Departments. It shall further be his duty to preside over the meetings of the Board of Corimiissioners, and to sign tae minutes of the meetings of said Board, and in the event of the absence of the ,:ayor from such meet- ings, his absence shall be noted by the Clerk of the Board of Commis- sioners, and such minutes shall be signed bt• the Layor pro tem. There shall be elected from the Cocwlissioners a 'Aayor pro tem, who - in the absence or inability of the :::ayor of the City to act - shall become the I:ayor .of the City of Paducah, with all the -eov7ers, rights and duties imposed upon or provided for said Layor, and shall a"ct in all respects in his stead, during his absence. Ordinance No. / ect,ion j. ----- THE i?:PArirliFJaT 07 P[Jd31,TC F'TFIAMCE- --------------- The commissioner- of public finance shall have charge of eJ.J. the Fiscal accounts of the city, the- collections and dishnrserlentsof . allfunds of the city , srnb,jeat to the orrders and cdireetions of the board of commis- sioners, and he shall- have general supervision over all Officers, n,reilt•s, or employees assigned to or performing any of the duties connect.ec! with the as- sessing of property for taxation„ the collection of taxes or license revenuq or the disbursement and safe keeping; of all funds of the city. Itnder h.i s supervision and charge shall be the city Asessor, City Clerk, City Aud`tor,'' the Delinquent Tar. Collector, and such clerks or employees as maY1ibe assign 6 -ed to the department of public' Finance, together vrith all other officers ch:-.rged with any gereral or special duties pertaining to the collection or disbursemeni of general or special taxes, or assessments, or fees., or other'. moneys of the city of Paducah,.consistent with such powers, riErhts and Outid of the city treasurer, City Clerk, Assessor r:nd Auriitor, as may be reserved to them by ,_:ha.r+.er of cities of the second class and such amendments t,heret,o as have been heretoforeenacted. He shall cause proper accounts to be rept 8f all receipts and disbursements of the city, and he shall audit, orcause to b— audited, the accounts of all officers or -employees intrusted with recieving" - - or d isburseinf, p ublic funds, and snake monthly reports to the board ofcom- missioners of all finaiiciFJ transactions of the city. He shall examine , oc cause to be examined , arif,report, to said board upon all bills, accounts, payrolls or claims, before they are acted upon or allowed, unless otherwise, - provided by lavr or ordinance. Fie shall deposit all funds of the city in one of the banks of the city 'of padncah, to be selected by the board of commis. sioners during soma reoilar or called session therof, and such bank shall be knovnl as - and shall be - t•',ae city Depository. The commissioner of Public Finance shall collect all. taxes , assessments* fees, rents, or other mune- ­due or to become dile to the city, and haus charge thereof, and of a.11 the funds, general or special, of the city, and report, to the board of Commis, " -sioners all delingne:ncies as to reports. collections and disbi:rsements in the premises, toP;ether with such recommendations c.s he may c':eem f;dv4ble. He shall keep the special funds of the city raised by special assessments and tax levias, in ageounts separate from the general funcas of the oitv,anc'_ shall disburse said fiends only upon thb, order of the board of corLnissionars. No. Ordinance No. Section. 4.-------TT4F. DEPARTMNT OF PUBLIC SAFTY.:.-= ,, 7- --- The following; branches of the public sercica are hereby assigned to the department. of public safty:- The Police Department and all polic' -man and other employees connected with the police Department , unless assigned to special duties in some other department of the city, the Fire Department and all officers and fireman and employees connected .r therewith, the city jail and all officers, agents or employees connected therewith, together with all the equipments, properties, or utensils tasd by, or pertaining to, the, operation of said ruby jail- except the chain - gang, when being used for work upon public streets, grays and thorough— fares of the city. The cormissioner of Public Safty shall be the ex-- officio Chief of Police and shall have general superintendents and direction ove'(' all of the officers, agents and employees assigned to his department 1, ea.d shall ).c.v a ch,xffs of all of the equiptments and paraphernalia used by, or in conrect,ion vrith, said department. He shall make monthly reports to the boardof cormiissioners, on the state of his depart:-:ment. Section. 5.------TTTE DEPAR71MENT OF PUBLIC WORKS- ---------- Thefollowin., branches of the public service tti e hereby,a:-� signed to the department of Public Works: All civil engineering; rlono_fn7;. or in connection with, any work of the city, and all d.epF,rtments pertain ing to the public works and improvemer69 , including.rhe construction or,. reconsrtuction of streets, public vrays, sidewalks, esewers, bridges, via- ducts, conduits, or other public structures, except public buildings,the:_ cleaning of all streets, allays and highways, and all repairs, mai-ntf1negc,_0_ or upkeep of any of such property, the inspection_ of all work done or ir_r� provements rade- either by order or under contract, the enforcement of :11-t le,cvs or ordinnnees relateinT; to bill- boars?;, or other unsi,*ht1J or ob;ee�L -ionabl.e or dangerous buildings, or structures, upon or adjacent to the streets or ]:ighways of the city, and all officers, agents or employees R-1 the city connected with the aforesaid departn-*fit, or �.n3mrorh being done under the supervision of said depnrtmant shall be under the direction and supervision, of, raid. cpri;nissioners, of Public dlorks.- 1 ?e shall have chrmr1ye Find control of the city street lighting Plant and Department, and all employees thereof. IT() sliall make monthly reports to the Board of Commissioners on the state of his department, and such special report concerning; the execti,•-. tion, completion and inspection ,f ivblic works as the board of commis-, sioners may require. No.6 .- Ordinance -.-,No. - Ordinance;>No. _y Section 6.----TTTE TIRPAR4'ENT Or PUBLIC PROPFRT-.'. --------------- The following offices and brr.nchos of the public sarvice. are hereby at signed to the department of Public Proerty: The maintanance, upkeep and cieaning of all Imblic building of the city, except in so far as said buil ings are cl_ianed or maintained or Lent by such other depar tment of the city as may be herein, or by other ordinance, given supervision and cont,rc'l-- thereover. He shall have charge and control of the city scalps, City Weigh er, City Cement.eries and all employees thereof, includaing the sextons,the city Wharf and ',Vharfmaster, and all employees of tine city hall, not othcr­. wise assigned to some other depart-ment by this, or other ordinance, of the city , the City Fospital, and he shall have superintendar_ce abd charT*e of all officers, agents or employees or, the cityrequired in connection v:ith +hese several branelles of the public service. Tie shall have cbar;,:,e of thr. Markdt"Nouse, ;" he renting; of benclies and gre.nting of permits therefor. SPOTTON. 7 ------ In connection With thr- department of Public A'fairsl, and under the supervision and direction of the Depar+•ment of Public APfairs7 there is hereby created a legal Department. Ther :shall..be:selected:by the Board.'bf'Cor^.miosioners.a City Solicitor whose duty ,hall be. to handle all the legal affairs of the city of p(Liuci.'4 , both of a criminal and civil nature, T?e shall appear for and defend the": cite in all actions in asliich tl-e city is involved , or interested, in any; court, and shall institute suits for and in behalf of the city whenever re —cessary for the protection or the enforcement of the rights of the city. He shall supervise and approve all contracts, ordinances, resolutions, oris other papers made for or with the city , and shnLl give advise from time to time, on all matters pertaining to city Affairs, to the v&.rious commis -i sioners of the city and thier respective Departments, and shall attend t"hia meetini of the Board of commissioners or any of the Boards of the city wlimri regiiirerl or notified so to do. Re shall perform such other duties as may: be required by the Board of commissioners. There shall be an e.ssistant City Solicitor, wh"o for the year 1915. shu S! be the present elected cite Attorney, which such assistant City Solicitv-f shall be under the directions and supervision of the Legal Department. There shall br, a clerk, or stenographer, furnished for the Ler,,e,l Dept rtment, who shall maintain his office in the city hall. where all files and records of the Legal Department shall be kept. No. i Ordinance No. SECTION. The herd of each department hereinbefore set out shall have the power to make and enforoa such rules and regulations Corr cerning the man�igement r,nd maint.anance of said respective dei rtment•s, not, inconsistent wlt,h the Feneral laws of the state c.,:. ordinrnce s of tg! city now in force, or that may be hereafter adopted by the by `laeRo'hrd of Commissioners; provided, however, that any such mile or regulation may be amended or reperled, by appropriate action of the Roard of com— missioners. SECTION.. 9.----- Me herd of each department shall have po+^er and authority to employ, from time to time, such day labor help as may be necressary "or the proper performance of the duties of such dep:- artment; provided. , hoviever, that the employment of such day labor helph shall be peported by the herd of such department employing same t.;the Board of Commissioners at, thier next regular meetimg , and. the Board of Commissioners shell have power to ratify the employn'tent of such day lab Delp, or to order e, (Ascontinvance thereof at any time thereafter. The head of each depFrtment shall .like. -rise have the right and authority to discharge any clay labor help so employed by them. from time to time, a11d shall also have authority to s,•spend, •z;ithou.t pay, anyenpl: ogee, officer or sgent, under thier respective departments, hut. shall b?� required to report the suspension of such employ--, 97,=t or officer to the Board of Commissioners tttthe next regular mc,2'. ing, and such boas. of Commissioners may, in their discretion , ratify said suspension an discharEe said employee, agent or officer, or fix sa:'chAor punislLment, or extend the order of suspension, or suspend said order of suspesion and require said officer, agent or employee to be placed back at his regulrn enploynent under salery. SECTION. IO ------- This ordin«nce shall te:ke effect, end be in force from and after its passage. Pr.SSED BY TIS, BO -*,-'D 0'-F C0TIII--SIONERS J SIti:L.Y 4th, 1915. EECORDED J1utU11L Y 4th „ 1915. C1 tti Clop1.