HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 7, Page 188, Ordinance Number 61Nb; N9 -
Ordinance No. �i
Cl'_,"D11;._-7CE P_ROVIDII�G C_,,
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STREET TO CLiRK STi,-',ET, L, 2-,'01111 011 U'21Y COU"
PLIRTEER TH11T 21,H] COST T!iE!-,EOF LAY BE P -ID U11011 T1, __�. ZL--2
R11y=_:1111 PLLN.
LE IT ORD-mIl= B, -Z. 60-1 OF _L,
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curbs arid Sutter:., toPCtl:er with tile
cocas .z ..anholes, coach basins and se,,,,e27s, on both sides
of Sixth street from the South property line of 11ash in. -ton street
to the ilorth, cn_rb IL'o c-- -2e,--riessoo -el:clept 0:1 the West side of
street -frog,1,jushi_-tojj street to street, in front of the
Gount-r Court House, property in the City of Paduc�_h
J-1 be, and t, -o are j?ecby ordered to be constructed;
that said side_.cIlhs and S-o_tter2 shall be constricted of concrete
material nd the curbin, sh
-all be of Sromite, suitable . in all re-
spects for such constructicn, a:d all to be done in strict
accordance ,':11th the plans, y-r,.dcs, _pecifiw.tions, widths and
profiles ITe-qared in the o-f-fice of tile Conmissioner of F-Lfblic, 1,7orks,
wnnd :11 of vthich are •adopte6 as z., -part of this Crdiiaance as full, -
as if embraced heroin or atta3hod hereto and made a part horcof,
and marled "A" for r,,iore specific identification.
Sec. 2. That said v;ori- si all be constructed under the direction and
supervision of the Commissioner of Public (4orha, and shall be com-
menced at a tine designated by 7 contract for the performance of saill
Yzcrk, and completed on or be -fore six months nfter the passage and
recording of this OrdinL:ncc.
See. 3. That the cost of such construction of said sidewal'.,-z, curbs
and gutters, and the necessary intah.es, cf.tch basins and
sewers,: shall be paid for viiolly by the property ormiers 'Lbattijjg or
'fronting thereon, on both sides thereof, to be apportioned to and
ussessea against the property and prol)e:,.,'G-,- owner:, abuttimZ thereon,
on both sides thereof, according to the nunber of front feet
abutting, thereon, except the corner lots _br:tting upon s:.id improve-
lent shall pay :for the entire cost of all of tl'e Jnteicso ti. onS, in
addition to the abutting property irr7ediatel Rin rroi�t thereof.
S03. -I. The contractor awarded the contract for the %':orl- herein pro-
vided fnr --hall be paid only fror the A'L_*.`.LSIIIZ fro!:, the Spoc1&1
Ordinance No.
tax bills and assessments acai.nct the property abuttin^ the it:•r, � e -
mel=t herein provided. for, and in no other my, excelA that the jLl d
contractor may be paid out of soc: bonds as may be iscred, in accord-
ance with the Im., of the City of Paducah and cla.rter of cities o f the
second cl;nss df the State of Kentucky, :,nd for the pal;nert of which
said tax bills and assessr;nents riay be pledged by the said City of
Paducah; and in no event small the said City of Paducal-, be liable
to the contractor for the construction of any of the work herein
provided for-except.the said Cit;; of Paducah. shall be liable to the
said contractor for the e. -.,,cess of fifty (50j) per cent of the value
of any property= assessed for the construction of the worl; herein
provided for.
Sec. 5. The contractor awarded the contract herein provided for shl:11
be paid monthly by Improvement ?Tarrants, issued by the Cit of
~ Paducah upon estimates :=urnished by the Commissioner of Public Works,
to the extent of sixty-five ( 5;0) »cr cent of the value of the work
done or Liaterials furnished by the contractor during the progress of
the e:orI:, and said Improvement Flarrants shall bear six (6;.r,) per cent
interest from date of issual and shall be issued by the Comi7issioner
of Public Finance upon order of the Board of Coremissioners. Said
Improvement Viarranits shall be negotiable, and shall constitute a
lien u_r.on the local taxes to be hereafter levied for such irmrovement,
and shall be payable at the office of the Commissioner of Public
Fina -:ice, without notice to the holder thereof, upon completion: and
acceptance of the '::orh herein provided for, out of the first
collection of such local taxes, or out of the proceeds of the sale of
any Imp-rover.ent Bonds issued in anticipation of such local to=ces.
The interest on such Improvement l'larrants shell be est_! -rated and
assessed. as a part of the cost of the improvement herein provided fo
Sec. 6. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force ten (10)
days rafter same is adopted and recorded; provided petition, accord-
ing to lair, for a referendum vote hereon, has not been filed within
said ten days.
.�DOPTED BY ''2KE 30i,1iD ^F 001,21ISSICIEERS IL 10, 1916.