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Ordinances Book 7, Page 109, Ordinance Number 42
Ordinance No. G li S L G D i C E. C11"Y OI'i:.i3UC,Ji, .I1l�TJC"_', C I: C V, it?"'."OF :uID :.'ll.is' . Ui. :,-,:.-V2 01' SP IT Ol?ll,.lili'Ell i31' .�)._.".i,' That Sccond St-'cet, between L'roadvit"y Street aZcl Street, the '.:arkot ;iouoe, t::urhot c.t�ids Lud othor iraprove •.entc t:.oroin an- dl000d. Or which may be horeal:Ctcr e_cotod herein., chtlll be Lno,:tc as the l-'aducull r nn. that said r1arhelLtheroin SIM -11 horeastor bo only used Lz V, rlr:r3mt 7)?oc:e of tha t::it;p o: ::%wducatl, :'.entuc2n„ for the .,zAc and 7lur- (Ahu,se O -f •)xoviciC%IC , ver•atablo, and other uTtiolos neceomiry "'Gr talo oub- '7 i3�CriCO3 ::Gi g --07.'t i):1[: IcMveilioneo of tho inht--eitaxits of said City, LO the _ollu..In;c «:lil 311th ocher iml.e:, anct ro(111ution.9 tic r,lay be hay. 'tor a( optod b', -ho ;,OL%:l of conniosi Cnerc. ooction 2. :hat tile r t:,':ot r.le4t-stall:? _''.ot s_ouse oiu111 bo 1111,1- b02"Cd as 1-10110L'i3: J.2 the 110-1't:1CC:: i i7 ith i1U71•iJei3 i, 7, :3,:�// 7, 9, 11, IS, 15, 17 and 19; and on the couthwou-u side, nulbeio 2, 4, 6. £3, 10, 12, 14, 16, 10,20 w 20',. ':ho pricou -Por the liconse of maid stalls shall be as follorts: Stalls nur:)bers 1, 2, 19 awl ?A, •,150.00 per Lnaim..3; stalls number:) 9, 10, 11 and 12, ,.;175.00 per mnum; otall Rimbor 20;'_: , 3£37.50 per enrlum; ,-md the balwnoe Of said stwlls, to -viii: 3, n,li, G, 7,. 8, 13, 1,1, 15, li'i, 17 and 18, shall Tae •��125.00 par annuci, ahe st..11U Bald benches on thio outsido 03 the imicl' enel000d portion Of said :"u :-et [?endo, hereinbefore providod for, chill be rentod ac follows, to -,:.it; wall TJCIlOilOE WId 11, ,,jG0.00 per :1nni71:1, each; benches muribova `:1, 22, 23, 21, 25, 26, 27, 20, 29, 00, 31, :?-`:, •!15, <16, 47, 10, � tTit c No. / /0 Ordinance No. -2- M yr r`` J.; �'r�✓ i fit h9, 50- 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56 Lhall be mated for • W.00 per z=nnvmq each; benchos numbers 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 3`J, do, A, 42, d3, 57, 55, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, G6, 67 and 68 ohLI1 be rented for ,,,30.00 per annum, each. _.11 of which benchoo and stalls, both in the inner en_closod and outer onolosed portion of said ':arlmt houoo, toi.;et}ter with the pricoo charr•od thorofor., are oborm by plat or rnap of smie on i'i.lo in the Commi.ssionol- o:' 'inarlc0 office. Blut when any o:C said and or outside benches at oithor or moth ends of nz:,id rtari:ot plac0 are not ocaup;Lod by the 100000 017 100000 thereof, sny :. i:te_ anari_etor may occupy and 1 -'so the - r ca=rte _^rcO of chcxf-o. 110 person shall use or Occup, any stall or bench for the pee Of ':ilich L. liconso chur,..o ._; herein impo:.ed, e --:cent those'specifi•- cally pexmittod herein to use sz:rro, tlithout pa;-iE; No. Ordinance No. _2 so of ;;,1rro. unci such bench or stall shrill be used ;aeeordinfl to the proviol hcrc)illbOfOre proscribed, bv.t tiro applicant may obtain ouch rental ccrti.ci- eate i'or net loss than P'. .c monthP by payin to the Uorui..sionor of-'iicnoo one-half of the oa,ior'it roguiroc} for a your°o lease, providod that all leacoo e:=.l expire on tlhe last day of Junc or the last da;,,7 of h.,ccembor in each 5oet' o_n G. 2�0 aid nar.3:ot :h.'s11 be open every cloy in the v%eel, Sundays e..ccf%te a . rcr7ain open dczrinr ouch hours as a_o horcin noationed.. .-nd it shall the duty of. the 7arj:Ot :'aster to ring the bell for the ononinF of the rkot iii raduua.h, at 5 O'clock :i. t. h t , fror,e l5tl? of October to the 15th e s .d}iri1; fr crl the I€ 'h day of ='P:r .1 to the 15th (lair of October at a,CIO cl, -.. ..; and Uz-id r:iarlrst shall be kept open each ' 4rizin[; (uvndc;yP :,,c-bted) Tor throe hours, und on ouch u,turda-,r ovonin� from 2 o'clock to o' cloc3:, c..coot in July said :,-Eg7ast, ,Then the hours sh.:11 be f Or" .5 O'clock O o' olo03-. It oh ill be t;hc duty of the l'ar yet !-'aster to Pzz orintci:d i:;cirkot and 3-ccp thio mar3,ot muco tho_oh,,,hly clo.aned and in Tcod order. shall, at the t-.-!Oo :ciaod by this ordinanco, open Paid nar"Ot on T"larhet cayc,and during; i Mhot hourP be in constant cAtcndanOc and Orosrrve .cod o de_. he shall soo that no ircpoaitior. is vz actieecl on the ofl11E:r by the i;:ayer, or upon tile buyor by the Collor, and shall h avo po',:cr at all times to order suspicious, .c110 or diaordcrly porsozas array fro 11 said market. esti on 7. :it ohall be u.silw,etfui °or anY ro='Po-�1 to cool: o, -'-ri l over Pry food Or victi.als Of any Lind at said 110x _et place, e. :;: t thEt coffee may be made o_ r:a..r,::od ovor,llpon 2 ohureoc:l, frau, oz• clectric stovo, but no ,icl othor than charcoal, ,:.s, or electricity-lir:ll uo used in suid stove. Soetion 8. It sha11 bo unli;;ful for un,, perPon to tiOU-711 r:'Jzy live stook, Hides or fish on the public soaks in Paicl.:fa-r?cot }lou o. rad: No._All Ordinance No. v -ti- So --n J. it 0hall be unlawful for any poraon to 01001, <ut or 0l -in uny fish on any market bench or uny%e:ro in said market pinuc.. Section 10. It shall be unlawful for any pe_con corairrr^ to ma::•kot fr-_ the T)ur- pose of lolling moats, vegetables or products of any kind, or for any other purpose, t0 leave his horse, Pale Or other adlirfla! , "itched or attached to any wagon or other vehicle, at the Va.'lot house or on the market square dur- inY; market hours. �vny 01,01, 11oroo, male er other Unimul, when unhitched from a vagon or other vehicle on the marlret 0cua:re. 0hall ir:-imodiately be removed from the market square and not pernormittod to remain on said squaro during Earket hours, and no person shall be allowed to :food ::any team, nor mvl_e any littcz, nor deposit any tjarbage, :filth, molon rinds or other trash in or on said maxIct n care of pl-co, or in said ITarke't 1:Ouoc. or :from Broada;a.r; to ..uohin—lon Aroot. `:hat sill peyoons ovninC, operating or tjI3i.r, (,;.^ons on _.._. A place shall be required to either remove the s._ .fits or con to said tr son , or raise them no us not to inter - Are with Ac pinmrc of other umonn or vehicles along said I'larIrot plaeo or Second Street T;oiar- to and :from onid Broadway Street to ':entuchy .:.venue. Seatiore 11. , Citizens, for their fzZrli.ly or hotel n2o,, mcU purchase any land of muAmOng in a rounona?blo gran'tity at the ?`.e.rhot l:ou;e, but when the arti- 01a will tadnit of divioian the ::a:: hat Tustor shall cr_r!^,- the vond.or to i'iviao ouch article: ;'.Il,' two Or I11ore ra:';;oxlo pre-ent (Iosirinr( to purchase, in such manner as he may deem proper. Section 12. ?3o doh; shall be allowed in said ,-:arket ,louse, and any l,a_son bringing .a dog: to said. market place, duri,k, iiarket hours, shall tie or other - wine confine it in such a nvr:nor z2 to keep Sv-!,ie o'4;t of the Pray of :all par- son, er- sonlJ at; :,eneiiilrT the LI E'.'1 -'ate No. /' Ordinance No.. ✓- L 'notion 11.' r� �Z1o`ll ITo Pierson, othor than butchers ocoupy:ing a licensed stall in the central ii20100ed portion or part of said 'arj•ot 3iou;3e, ohall sell or offor for sato, at paid morhot place, fresh raoat-oxoopt as 110a0inaftor nrovidod, viz: smy fainmr sholl have the right to soil or offer for sale, at ,aid marho t place, sau ai=;e, bacon, pickled meat, heads, feet, ours, tontiryuoo, ba.cY.- boneo, spuro-ribs, rrolto, livors, limhto, hidnoys, brains L.-nd Jov:1s, to be solei in whole portions, land also hogs, boef, shoe -p, goat, or other marketable Meat, when cut in not more than seven pieces, so tee to porrnit silo by the :ator, barn, shoulder, r::iddlinr* or head; provided. that the above products ::re from animals --Laisod and alauphterod by himself, or have boon ornod by l ir:r incl in hic posoossion not less than three months immediately T re0oc73ng cla_.uehter, and this e:: o:tiorY shall not apply to any rOrJOYl C.'h0 shall or sIaughtcr, by lli .:,el;' or nny Other roroon, any ?nir:ral for the purpose of .;011ie^ c,ueh produc t'- at ;said market plzi.co, or in said :'arlmt Lousc, :,,- coni: uv hwxinbeforc ;rrovidod, or who is onCai;ocl in the pructieo of}rt- erin,M sand sollln,g meat I as a businoco. llot evor, all the recuii•er:le_nts of lar: relr:ttive to the sounCt and wholosorne 101" itiori ci:C such meat~, incl the proper inspection of .yule, '311:111 wpply to „aloe herein '�rovic:ed for. rection M. ,=ll butter sold at the markot placo shall be sold by tho round in no other manner. ;;ectior_ 15. It 011,111 Ile unlav,i'trl for any butchor or othor person to use -1y ocalo s other than platform scales in weif;37inz Mats or other things at t'r_o iouco. e oution 16 Q -w. Yz v It shall bo unla`r."(al for any porson t0 .1-m Cha e, sell., Cr Contract Or r"E'reoraohlt for the purchauc Or 0-10 Of'' Lilly vogetabloo, i)2mvj,,lo7Is, 'Oluis, f1mito or other marhotirg, at scid mancct, bOfOro tiro oponin o-' same by tho :.:ar7:ot t'L.otey- noa• uhall it be 1cv;:r_1rl COY Lilly perUon, lhuckstc- - 9 hw'. er, or pedccler, viho buys or rooells on tho ]:c..chrcalh rtar?j�-t, to ^rhru-:30 Ordinance No. �� 1 any article at oc.id _arhot ]louse, during rlarl:ot hours, either for exporta- tion or for rCI 0011 .nr at the r:Larl'Ct-- nor shall any person Pell or offer For sale, at the ixti-'h_et, any articlo which such person 1.1ty ha-ao purchaood or _oidotallod at arks placc ?Philo Oil the way to, or d.00ignoc7. or intended :-'or said MLXket. a-ny varticle shall be dcor:.cd sold in violation Of the provio- ions of thio ox-din-nco Ater_ sane ol)all )c set &vide to be do_9.vorod at the clove of raaThet hours, or any Articlo withdrawn. from public offer of sale to ,iry or ;all persons who may desire to purchase Pana at retail during nar:cot hours, or when the vendor or said article or urtio .es, in acid market, shall ;aL price on snrre so high ae to Callao '-Lase to rerlain_ unsold for the ywa•- pose of dofoatilug the int-o-n_t, of this o%dinz.noo- and it shall be the duty of all persons attondizlr' swid Mca-lrct v'ith provisions acid othor rival-eting for ac�lo, to Poll and dol.iver to any po son des ring the svomo a reasonable quan- tity Uf otieh. 'nrovioioau or riar,:o -.L2i7 brought by them t0 said. rla:rlmt, but, such persons shall have tho richt, after zL'r of ]lochs, subject to the license ro.-:ulations and all other re;Yu.lationo relatir.f; the.:oto, to •�Tlrchaoe fruito, vor•etables, fouls a"IlL ntbo,. zoo{; stu:Cfo that r:iay rem-ain. :1'or Salo, but no such 1)urc'r:.:2e uhc-_l in a,7 t :;� „o contracted for until •. "ter t•larket hours of the (lay on which -Lich produce is brourlut to said nisi-ot place- shall c�lPj 1)C.:'003: 1011 Or OY'fCi' 'o ti 1C, i t tl1G atArl:C'c, Ally ".r iC1C wilLCh "'L f)0ei1 purchased from a farLlor, ,ardenor or o'thor producer dilrlil ' r:ivxhot ]"sours contrary- to .he l.)rovis?ons of this section. Section 17. It shall be unlawful for any person to allot: iris or her vehicle; of any kind, to stand in the streets or spaces in Toni; of or aarou��d said .'zjrl,Ot iiUlzvQ d111'iA7 r.l x of JibL ,a, o:XCepG such a;l ,,".12:�� bC el'i_10,7g, Cd .n bri ri�irtM provioions and other articles to and :"'rola paid nari;et; Lind these, while they rol:iain at said Alarl*et, shall be undo.e the ciiroei:icll of the t;arket :.ias- Lorz Ghat it shall be unlerr tEl for wly person o ,>erson�, ,zsinr° :ari-et n4�e;7 Or eta] -3; to Chat%Lief the ps lila o r: -Ys iri 'rent thereof; o, but the occap:slts Of all bencho s outside of the COYltraal 111010000, part c f said :1arlrot House shall havo the right to Lho use of tlio s;)aee above tlioir rcvpeetive 40 Na.---,/ ( Ordinance No..z- -7- bonchos fox- the di pley of their r�oo(l), vmd it :shall be the duty of the l:1 rLct :'aster to icoolt all c'IUY0 Of L11e . cl.rlcot; _iouco entirely fr(-o 'ror. obstruction. Section 13. It --hall be the duty 0'w th0 ^,r','tOt ..z)-stor to ropo:t`t l,r) the -01.;; cr1d ":Sill_ Insyootov any unwound or unwhol000me pouts or other articles os'.fc: od :dor sale at said TaMrket place; and it s lall be ung• -oroco to offer for !sale may unsound or um-,rho].eaorlr, roato or othor artielea in said marl'et vdiieh have boon condoranod b"% the 1.'lurl'0t 1.?fi.@;t'C;):, tnt_i_l_ the -.10 t'loroo hau boon alrpro`•od_ by the lout and :'ill: Iiisl:ector. P2 Ido portion Onc.agod in vell:inj"T ("odds, :iruito, vo;etublos Or Other i%1 ,.,t0£:i1, tinll ':i .0 £1ny :stloh -OOCLI, i°.rOcl CrieS,-i^t2:i t:3, v0;?e- ., J)los or ; io2°ch X.di::c: to tho ::1a., l:ot placo in -?c ducah -,rd there, sell or offer to 0011 'the D a:ie ; pYO-Vid0d, howcvor, thlrt tho pro-icions of Vlli.^ section do _ n0 L'77i)l�� i;0 the 51H1e t1 :� fruito or �;o.f otabloo :irtported iroP.l other conn' „ 1 L:Yld other s'tatco. .'cetion :0. It Dhull be unlaw-.,'ul :ior mei person to Doll or of _•c_- to sell, at Public auction, ciRj rood:,, S' itx-es or I.lOPCliLndiG®,. Or othor thinCo in the ._urhot Fiouoo or on the r.;arlmt sgiuro, c -o upon any of tho aide.-cilkc thereabout.. Sr;ction "l. -gy pc:c m)3 . occ11l7yinP., a Ota -112 or boriCh in ^aid rtarkot nlaco, :Y ter pa-,Tinf the ret;nlfls retail taerchant°e license in ;addition to the bonoh or ;Stull rental "herein. ltrov:idod, Shall be ullo1°:oci to (�o u,ron i:'ho riurhet after market h0urs and purchf_.,o any ;,:amo, fowls, _"i.-uibs, vC-otablos or 3'C).rhoti-1t-7 o'_ any so*-,,'. roma! niYtr; unoold, and of:Cor uLii.' 'or oalo L.t 'clloi r `s^oLnCCti JO bonehes or Dt:allc c1uTlyr narlmt hours; Or may oupplTr their otalls Cr bonchcL with foroi^,n noato, voV•ot,,bles or ocher r. rl;otirh 1"ron cor,raio,ion housos or r okinr housea-providod it doo- not conflict with uny of the nrovisions of th iD o_ d ilal-lce. No. / /I - Ordinance No. ' _n_ section ,» it shall be unlmllul for cLny person to dof icc any i arto f the nu:Kd house, either on tho _nSido or outside of ar..o. Sootio2 23 . ay poroon violatin,'� the provisions of any section of this Ordinance shall be ruilQj of a raiOdomovnor and --abject to a lino of,not to©s than three (.,.8.00) nor more than li_"toen C,r15.00) dollars for each o3Pense. ind JL shall bo the duty of the ::arl:et ,-uoter, upon tim bleach o" csty section of thio ord:imaace, to Cause a 1:l-,rrnnt to be :3l:orn out in the ..''.dideall Police � Oei2%,t a-Fa,inst such o -f orZ.or, :for the hlL r-0000 of en. oroin;f: :3arI c. Section 2?l. .11 ordinancos and pv:rts of orclirvr7ees in conflict with the .provisions Of thio ;,rdinanco are hereby repavlocl, and th .c ;rdinanao shall tab:e effect froLa Lnd. z._tcx ito adoption, z,;, caval and publ' .tion.