HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 92, No Ordinance Number1
SECTFON 1. That the Obard of Health of the City of Paducag,
,organized by the General Council of said City in accordance vdth
the provisions of Sec -'ion 205c of Cnc.ptar 63- of the General
Statutes of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and in accordance ln•ith
Section 1- of Article 3- of tite Charter governing cities of t e see and
class, }ie and the same is recognized as, and constituted. ti.e Board of
Health of t•.e city of PaducaFi.
SECTION- ,2- It s all be t e duty of said Board of Health
to enforce all of the provisions cf Chapter 63- of the General Statutes
of t,e Commonvrealth of Kentucky, in so far as the same may be applicable
!to the city of Paducah, and 0.11 lays end regulations of said. city in
.reference to sanitary matters.
SECTION 3- The house situated on the farm in McCracken County
known' as Pest :Louse, end I)elonfing, to the City of Paducah, be and the
same is ereby established as an infection hospital , to be used in
case of necessity for that purpose baa said city, and all e__pense attend-
ing its establishment and continue -nee, including the service of all )ersons
Laving the care of patients therein and the removal of diseased persons
thereto, and sue}: other expenses as may be incidental to carrying out
.the purpose of said infection hospital shall be paid by city of Paducah,
No expenses,however, shall be incurred bar the Board of Health in relation
,to, said hospital without the e-pproval of the Joint Finance Committee
b ?€; fir - o �teud and all claims, before being allowed by the Se.id�
i,`iiIE.fce COT-utittee and t e Board of !lealth. Said .Finance Committee
shall i;ave general upervision over all expenditures relating to said
:nospital, F,nd the said Board of Health shall make a monthly report to
the General Council of all cases of infectious disease treated at ;aid
,hospital and of all expenses incurred and for veuat purpose purposes
sue, expenses are created,
SECTION - 4.- Vvhnnevor the smallpox, yellow, f"ver, cholera, or other
contagious or infectious disease shall exist in the city, said board or cny
three members thereof or the Board of Health, or the Health officer may
cause any person afflicted v:ith such disease to be removed to the infection
hospital, as they may deem it necessary as a sanitary measure. put if the
,physician attending the diseased person shall certify in writin:,,, that the
life of suc: person would be endangered by such removal,or thathe, or
,she has good. and careful attention, and t at his or her removal v+.-ould not
be advisable as a sanitary measure, t en such removal shall nr shall not be
;Wade, int e discretion of the board; and in the event that such removal
be not required, the house occupied by said diseased person shall
placarded wit card or notice c'esifnhe
ating the character of the dise.'se
in arge letters and so attac,ed to said house as to attract attention
of persons passing in that vicinity. And it shall be unlawful io any
person or persons not aving the authority from said board or
officer to do, to mutilate, deface or remove said-,lece.rd or Health
'And any person so :offending shall upon conviction thereof before
ppolice coirt, be fired in any sum not exceeding ;100, a:rd the costs of
SICTION- 5- The members of said Board and the health officer ard
other persons .s the General Council may frau time to time Sach
assist said health board cod hea..tFi officer, are iereb ape°int to
y invested With
police out in the peri'ormance of their duties. Thew, or any of them may re-
2luire matter deleterious toheeltil wherever fount• wdthin the corporate Limits of
this city to be removed by the occupant. of the premises, or by tre nvner, if the
premises be unoccupied, and .;onvevecl to the city � uan, or if impraetocable, tn :o..e
other locality to be designated by said board, and t ey, nr cny of them may require
yards and premises, when they or any nf them, think it 3nportcnt to the health of
the nei£;hborhood, to be caned and limed and the weeds cut and removed, or other-
wise deodorized and dis-infected by tho ov.ner or occupants of said nremis^s. And
they tc.rougli the health officer, shall report to end make complaint of, before tree
110 -Lice court, all infractions of the sanitary regulations of the city, and any per-
son failing: to comply with any of 'the provisions of this section shall upon con-
viction thereof before said court be fined in any sum not less than Ten (j10.00)
Dollars, nor exceeding Fifty, (x50.00) Dollars andthe costs of prosecution, unles
said court shall be satisfied of the inability of the offender to comply with the
orders of said Board, or Health officer.
;ECTION 6-6 Any member of the Board of Health, or the Health officer,may enter
upon and into and examine any place, or upon the viritten pequisition of any
member of said board., or of the health officer, the superintendent of public works
or any of the re,,!Ztlar policemen of tide city, si all promptly enter int o . nd examine
any building, cellar, lot, privy, or otrer place believed to be foul., damp, or ot;e-r-
wise prejudicial_ to :iealth. And if anything there be found existin!, permitted, or
done contrary to any sanitary regulation of the city, or prejudicir.l to health, or
being or tending to become a nuisance, notification scall be given to the owner
or occupant of t e premises to remove or abate the same; v;hich notice shaLl be in
print or writing and signed by a member of the Board of health, or health officer,
and shall direct the owner or occupant to reaove or abate the some forthvith, or
within such time as the exigencies of the case may require to be executed by the
health officer or other person designated by him or said board, so to serve the
same. And should such owner er occupent fail or refuse to obey said order or any
part thereof, as set out in said notice, t:.en he may be proceeded against before
the police court in the manner prescribed in Section 5.- hereof; and, upon con-
viction, shall be fined as therein stipulated; and. in case of failure or refusal to
abate said nuisance forthwith af�er said penalty shall he. ve been imposed by
said court, then said Board of Health shall cause said nuisance to be abated and
the cause thereof removed; and the expense thereof shall be chard{ed against said
owner or occupant of said premises, to be recovered before any Court of comretent
jurisdiction in an action in the name of the city. If there be no person in said
city upon whom the notice aforesaid may be executed, the abatement or removal may
be done at the cost of the owner of the property or premises, and all said expenses.
shall be a lien upon said property. - i
SECTION -7- It shall be the duty of every physician called to attend a Pers(-,,
sick, or suspected to be sick vi.th cholera, yellow; fever, small pox, dipthera,
scarlet fever, -or other contagious or infectious disease within twelve hours t'.-. -f,'
;• 'afte_^, to report the name and residence -of such person to the health officer, w o �^
shall report the same to the Bosrd of Health at the earliest possible moment. Anti
where a person is taken sic,: with any of the above diseas-s, erid a physician is
not called, it shall, in like manner be the duty of the owner or agent o the owner
of the buildings in which such person resides, lives, or is staying, and of the
head of the family in v<hich the Cisea.se occurs, to report ti;e sane t o the health
officer at once, with the name• and residcrnce of the patitnt. And any perso f'n:ili)l'
to comply vi th the provisions of this ection shall uponcotmviction th ereof before .:
police Court be fined in any sum not ]Less than Ten (;j10.00) Dollars nor exceeding
Fifty Dollars and the cost of prosecution.
Any house, or building and its contents in wrAch e: case of small pox, yellow
fever, scarlet fever, diptheria, or other contagious cr infect -1r --as .i-sPuOe" '=as
,,.r_.r°ei shall be disinfected by the health officer in the manner recommended by
the Board of Health.
SECTION. 8.- E very Physicie.n or nurse attending; a person afflicted v.ith any
of said diseases shall use every precaution to prevent the communication of suci;
diseases to others.
SECTION 9.- No person shall be admitted into any public, parochial or pr.iva.te
chool, or collej-..e or Sunday school or c;?.urc;i from any house or buildin in which
ch recently occurred a case of any of the diseases mentioned in this ordinance ii ti,:
01jL presenting a certificate from the attending physician the district physician.
or the health officer that all danger of communicating such disease is )ast.
SECTION 10.- No person shall, w:itY.out a permit from the Board of Health
carry or remove from one building to any oti,:er, or from any Pailroad depot aerson
house, or through t�,e public streets, or from any vessel to the shore, any p
sick of any contagious disease, nor any article that has been exposed to any tucil
disease. And any person so offending shall upon cos viction thereof before the-police
Court be fined in any sum not exceeding )fifty Dollars -,nd costs.
SECTION 11.- Any house or building and its contents in which a case of
shall pox, cholera, yellow fever, typhus fever, typhoid fever, scarlet fever,
dipti:eria or other contagious or infectious diseases has occtxrreri ;..all be disin-
fected oy 'L e Health officer in 'the manner recommended by the Bo; rd of Health.
,iECT'011 .- 1.2.- V'henever t;,e Board of Health shell be satisfi:c?. th�,.t the .iumber
of persons oecursyin, cny tenement or buileiinf- is so treat as to be tinge of nuis-
`1 ! e
ings ar `+>
f� lodg closets
sed , at er
tide cpartments u or indoor Shall
ante .or sickness, or. vtienevrovided with water, til officer
damp or are not properly i through t' e Heal remove the
a,ent to allrresu notice,
or privies, ct
or vaults, the Board, t
serve a vritten notice upon e ovmeTorrr� refuse to thirty days
oUjecticn named; and if they 1Teglectaut ori,ed D.fteT e of the ,;er
tie Board of Health is ,ereby fully tYTe eXpens fined
notice , to put t• e Lame in proper marabe proceeded aI'o1115t and
holder, and't e paid property holder y .
as provided in Section 5.- of t is orrddinc cor other Pers orhPvir , r
SECTIO N.- 13. - No parent, ll allow - hi c h
charge or control of any child orfro1mldnynrlouse a' bui7.ding In ontag-
any such child or children tog ellow fe'er or other c
di theria, cholera,
occurr. ed without a permit from
a case of small pox,. P l
ious oil infectious disease teas recently be held in connection
the Board of health of Health Officer. eral shall
SECTION 14.- No public or church fun small pox, cholera, yell ow
the burial of a person w o has died diseases. All
d t,.e
fever; diptheria or other contagious or infectious rch 'cYlapel, or otter
body of such persons shall n t be taken into any m P Public library
public place- And school books,. or books taken from a ;.:
shall not be taken into any mouse v: -ere any of aid diseases exist;
and if school books or library books sYda11 ave already beeibrary autaoritiesaken o
such houses they must be destroyed by t e ovnein°C al�enriinto school or. )ublic ,
or be promptly disinfected before they ase again
library or placed in circulation-
SF.CTIODI 15.- The Board of Health, or Health Officer, shall have
power to cause lime or other disinfectant or deordori.zer to ba placed
in privies and fences to be vrhitewashed for sanitary purposes. And it
shall be an offense for any person to disobey such orders of said board ,I,
or ea7.th ofricer; and any so offending shall uponc, conviction thereof
before the police court be fined in any sum not exceeding Ten Dollc r
and costs
:CITY OF PADUCAi : That the isol:ati n of patients and the duration of _
quarantine in contai ious and infectious diseases she11 be - s follows: -
SE CTION 17.- For tthe,patient'isolation for as many days after
recovery and disinfection of the premises as may be desibmated by the
Board of Hen, lth of Health Officer, For, persons associated with, or
in the house of the patient, cuarantine until after the death or recovery
of the patient and disinfection of t;ie T,remises may be instituted c.s
the Board of Health, or Health officer deem • it expedient,
SECTION 18,- Isolation until a 1 crusts or scales have fa len
off, and disinfection of the
premises. For exposed persons the period
of quarantine shall be determined by tl:e Board of HealtY_, or the wealth
Officer, who also in each case shall perform w'na.tever duties may :,e
' advisab �e for the I-ood or welfare of the city shiTealth.
SECTION 19,- CHOLEPA 610YULOW FEvuR. as well as other contagious
and infectious disease; maybe quarantined and isolated in a manner, end j
for such time as may be in accordance with the best -:tinction of the fore-
Imost scientists of medicine.
SECTION 20,- The bodies of persons vho have died. of sma7.1 pox,
cholera, yellow fever or oather contagious or
ibe wrapped in a sheet saturated wit(, a ° infectious diseases shr_ll
,mercury ----one ounce to the gallon of solution of bi-chloride of
twenty, -four Yours after dealh, except and shall be buried va thin
Board of Health or the [o Lti, fi" p by written permission of the
o icer, ado
rn .- grant ed
to keep such body under such reguU_; m y b
lations as may be rc:gLlired.
SECTIOI7 21,- The transportation of persons dead of
diptheria, Asiatic cholera, or yellw fever smallpox,
cremation within the jurisdiction of the i!ealtXCPpt for burie.l or
city where the death occurred is absolutel SlUthorities of t is
SECTION 22,- The bodies of t y forbiddeb.
cholera, P or y smallpox e low fever, and hose who ,;ave died of P,siatic
(or communicable diseases, must be v°zapped In aonta.�;ious or infectious
!ated v:it : strong solution of bi-chlorida of sheet thoroug}tly satur-
one ounce of bi-chloride of mercury to one a mercury, .In proportion of
'in an air tight zinc, tin, coppe.^ or lead -g gallon of vrater, a7 encased
tight casket hermetica7.ly sealed, and all eri °d coffin, or in e r sed
°,00den Vx; or the bodycased in a strop
in c. sheet and d.isinfectedst be preparecl f sYripment b
y solution of y. being��.rar'ped
:above, and placed in a strong coffin or asketof mercury, a,s
,enclosed in a hermetically sealed (soldered ' and said
'and call mclesed in c. strop{ ) `i11c coi'fin or casket
one inch thick, °ut.side wooden box Of �caterialor tin case,
SECTION 23.- In case of contagious diseases, the body must not he eccOFR
panied hyperson or articles which ave been exposed to the infe c tion of the
disease. UJithout a permit and certificate ofc proper disinfection from the r..tt,nd-
ing -)14ysician arid th health officer. And, in addition to c:aid permit and
certificate v:hich hall not be granted v.it nut atisfactory evidence tltrt the
Provisions of t•riis ordinance have been complied with, agents vill require an
affidavit from too shipp ng undertaker ocertified by -the proper health author-
ity, stating t at the body as been prepared and t e kind of coffin or casket
used, which must be in conformity with this ordinance.,
SECTIOi,i 24.- Every de! d body must be accompanied by F. transit permit
from the nealth officer iving permission for 'the removal- and showing the
name of the deceased, ;:ge, place of debut, to point to vhic it is to be
shipped and medical attendant aryl name of undertaker.
SE CT:ION 25.- The bok cohain ne the corpse must be ,lainly marked vith
a poster showing the name of the de ceased, dace of death, cause of death
tree pc--Int to which it is to be hipped and the numbor of the transit permit in
connection therevitn-
SECTION 25 A - It is intended that no dead body shall.be moved which
may be t e means of spreading disease; therefore all disinterred bodies dead
from any disease or cause will be treated as infectious and dangerous t the
public health, and will not be accepted for transportati on unless said removal
has been approved by the State Board of Health.
SECTION 26.- No unr erteker or other person shall use any vehicle other
than a hearse, for the purpose of conveying to any cemetery the body of any
1p-trson d. ying from cholera, smallpox, yellovr fe ver, scarlet fever, typhus fever,
diptherie, or other contagious or infectious diseases, norshall anybody so dy-
ing be removed from the pla cc of death, except to the place of burial.
Angt any persrn violatint; this provision shall be fined in the police Court
any sum not exceeding Fifty Dollars and the costs of !,rosecuti n.
SECTIGN 27.- The r ealth officer shall be the chief executive office
,of the Board of Health, and. it shall be his duty to carry out and enforce all
existing laws which shall have for their object the preservation of life,
ttie prevention of disease, and tge abatement of nuisan ces. And shall do and
perform all such duties as the board of Yrealth may lawfull y require of
him. And when nuisances or offenses against any ordinance relating to privies,
noxious or deletorious substances or any other matter conne cted .-.ith the
sanitary conditions of this city shall come to his knowledge, it small be his
duty to report the same to the Board of Health and upon instruction Prom said
board, to immediately abate t e same under the provisions of t is ordinan ce:
and in case of inability so to do he ::hall` at once report the same to and file
before the police court a complaint in reference to the same in order thatthe
proper summons or order nay issue for a hearing of the same.
Upon a case of small pox or other contagious diseases being made known to
him, lie shall report the same and if the physician in attendaly cc shall not
also nave made a report as required by this ordinance lie shall rr.lLke a complaint
against such physician before said police court of the facts in the matter.
Said officer is also empowered to serve notices directdd by said board ax)fl by .
the general council in relati on to nuisances, stagnant ponds etc. and lie shall
have al 1 the powers of ra, policeman in the exercise of the duty appertaining to
liis office.
The Board of Health shall not have power or authority to a:,poirit any
officer e::cepting the health officer. All quarantine guards, sanitary officers
or officers of 1L e character shall be appointed, when necessary ny the Creneral
Council; provided, ho,.�;ever that the Health Officer or the Board of Health or
the General Counbil shall- have the power and authority to appoint quarantine
guards whenever the emergency arises, but all such appointments ,ball be reported by
daid Heelth Officer or Board of Health to the General Council, at the se:,•;ion
succeeding their appointment, and Laid Health Officer or Boarc, aP Health may
dispense with the services of .y n .arantine guard, or :.nrds vhenevr;r in 11-jr
j,j.dga eni t i s e?a eel proper so to do. Said quarantine guards shall r epeive as
compensation for their services the sum of Two (82.00) Dollars per day to
be paid in the same manner that other claims against the city are paid.
They shall be under the, control and dire ction of the Board ct' Health, or
Health Officer and shall obey a 1 orders which they may issue.
The health officer and all other quarantine tuards, sanitary officers or
officers of lige character shall at a 1 times, use the utmost care to pre-
vent the spread of contagious diseases. So far as possible they must avoid
all exposure to infection, and in the andlint� of diseased persons they shall
wear sterilized garments. It shall also be their du,.y to avoid mingling with any
person, or persons vi.thout i.aving taken all due procatt ions to prevent the spread
of disease.
SECTION 28.- The salary of the health officer orein shall be
:;ix hundred Dgllare per annum, payable mont ly at such times and in the manner
prescribed in the fiscal ordinance for the payment of city officers.
SECTFON 2?.- Said ::ealth officer shall be e, competent physician and
citizen of the State o1.' Kentuc•y and a citizen and ros.ident of the City of
n i
ap point ed
Of Health Statutes,
the Board the I{entucky
Paducah. and shall be elected ec ears from t' e date 'f qual-
by the General Council under Section 2059 f tv"e bend to the city of
and eho shall hold his office for F tem °f I� of One thouse,nd
duties in the '
ification, and said healtl1erformancehoflhirsv
Paducah for the faithful p on petytion,,bf ,the board."1"
Dollars, shall one or. more pe -
SECTION 30.- The General Counvisable, elect
the Pleasure of
of health or whenever it may c'eem sane uont}fly out
i sons as :sanitary officers, v,,o shall hold t}.eir office
said General Council, Such officers shall be pa
of the City Treasury, of 660.00 for their serVic es.
y sanitary officers to l;atrol
SECTTON 31.- It shell be the duty of said .a:nitary conditions; t ley
the city during, the day time and look af�er its r rd
I shall s e.e that
.7.1 be clot'led rit-' polico autitcrity by the
the,.sanitary lays and; ordinances of the city of Paduxah are enforced,•
tof er.} er with such regulations as may be adopted by the board of health;
they shall be under the direction, orders and control of the Mayor and
Board of Health or Health officer, and shall r ort to til e Health Offi ter
:once each day ,
SECTION 32,. Any person, firm, company, or corporation complolv�ithc
any provision of this ordinance or failing or refusing,ing ply
any order of the Board of Health of Health Officer, issued pursuant to
Ithe provisions of this ordinance , shall be fined not less t, -an 65.O--
j n6r more than x'50.00 for each offense, unless otherv�ise -�?rol:id.ed her in
and each days violatio?+ hereof or refusal to comply vd th any such order
shall be a separate offense.
SECTION 33.- This Mrdinance sh<J l take effect and be in full
force from end after its passage, approval rand publication, and ail ordin-
ances or parts of ordinances in conflict herevd th in so far as same
;conflict herewith, are hereby repealed.