HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 91, No Ordinance NumberAN ORDINANCE •'r'IXING THE SALARY OF THE CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF PADUCA.'I KENTUCKY AND DEFINING AND FIXING !IIS DUTUF.S, ���iB$-IT-ORAAINKED BY TIIE GENERA, Q'UNCIL OF T:iE CITY OF PADUCAH,KE 1TUCI:M,FG- Section",-1,- That the city engineer of the city of Faducah,Kpntucky, electrd in pursuance of the l;onernl laws governing cities of the sebnd less shall receive as compensation for his sery ices the slum of Twenty-one hundred, (Y,,2,100) dollars per armum, payaBle in monthly installments. SECTION 2-- He shell give bond in the aim of Five Thoeand,(,�.'S,000)dollors for, the faithful perfar ma nce of all duties impo:; cd upon him by the general lays governing Cities of the sce and class and by all ordinances of the city of PEduea. , Kentucky,rele,tinr thereto, SECTION --3 That in additi on Lo performing the dutie s of city enginoer as fixed by the ;'eneral laws governing cities of the se cond class, it shall be the duty of the city engineer, when directed to do so by the cht.irman of the committee havi g' in cherge the v,ork contemplated, or by the genw&l c ouncil to make and lay before the gnneral council plans and specifications of a 1 improvements Of s treats, alleys, lanes, market spaces, commons and pt rks, end all other similar works v.hic mt y b: in contemplttion,or vrijich lie may deemrecessery fm the pub lie good and convenience ine luding also all sewers, culverts, bridges, and masonry for retaininE walls or bridges. SECTION---4--He shall furnish t.O said council wizen required on estimate of the cost of improving or severing any street, or e. ley to the property i.olders and the city separatly as a preliminary to the passage of ordinances requiring the work to be done, iie shall, when ordered by the i enerc.l m uncil, furni.,h the council estimetesf of the costs of culverts, masonry, for retaining v,alls, or other purposes, and gradin of city p-' O� rty, SECTION----5---He shall stu•vey end measure end stake outnthe ground all original improvements or reconstruction of streets, alleys, lenes, public parks market spaces, sevrers, culverts, retti ning walls and other masonry, and :hall compute the quantities of mete.rial moved or used, and shall furnish the counci 1 certificates of th e amounts clue to the contractors on account of` work done and rmteria 1 supplied, aced ding to his yeasurements. He shall make all surveys whic are required to be done by the general council. SECTION 6-- He shall, viten ordered by the gceuere.l council, estc, •lish erd report to council the grades of streets and alleys, and he shall fix the grades of sewers Fud ascertain all levels required by the city a!uncil, SECTION ----7 ---- ile shall Nike profiles of c.11 streats and sewers and alleys as the lelvels for the some e,re run; he shall coue all public surveys, reaps, chests, dralings, plens and profiles, mode by himself or those in .is employ to be recorded in .lis (fTice in books to be provided at the expense of the city, which f'icerds shall be the property of the city, and sl ll be kept in ti:e city engineer's of fice . SECTION---S---Subject to the a pproval of the mcyor or g;onorll ¢ouncil or some committee that may be appointed by the general council, ha sh.a11 emplo y all assist an cc necessary in the city oneinooring work, v+dish sha 1 be paid 'or by the city month ly, upon bills certified to by the city PnginE;er as correct, SECTION ---g-- He shall t'ke off of the record books of the county clerk's office descriptions of t.11 trensfers of ownership of real estate i1i the City of Pru° uve.h to the fifteenth day of Septan er of each year, E-nd shall place c.11 such ch,ngles on the City plat books ty November 15th, of eac y •t.r.�fe shall nod place any transfer of r, later date thall . September 15th, upon the plat books from September 15th until Febru[ 1st„ Of the succeeding- yea r. .Io :,gall chow: on the city plat e.11 new=treets sad e.11eys, End all rev, subdivisions that e.*e boO};s the loce.tiOn of recorded. :P ,^-i,r11 also place on,,the ple=t books; tho cr.,rrEct nirl.' S 0" the .:'t r68t3 T.'r!ar. n r -or• n nt.. c i. t[!d P b� the c unc i,l. `j f0?i 10 en l..:aK0 arld }ca ba, in is OfftR se%,.er plot book.;, cnd ri[:11 s.ov; orl : aceta of all : nholes, catch basins, flush tanks, emu F.17. y's c,,-�oineOti on.s. Z 0`Je "ll. fit.i si':all silov, then tiimet:sions Of 'the differer:t ,eit, on of the .;tt,a it rag;!rc; to tite street line:;, ind .tu^.11 .:how,' r,e f t e pl, frorl r c ,rn cll.e. i% shall obttin tha inform ctor: Ln n lOCatiOr: Of' `it 'Zi liCi (lit [Tells regllirft 1.o be filrrli.;� � !! I;iii ,yo !.- 1-1tenr;ent Oi ub 7.- rr to r: _ 1. l : •cnpi;s oro, ret: .,y the city t :<i if r etiec.ble, tt',av + 1• atate e. t r•: -0,1 o": the -on'. ontrt,eted V0 r, .110 .. n the rig.:� Of to, l en, ineOr to (: or Ofutfill it, F•.nd tit, t •:'.p ? a i l not f t ? ^ v Of r -ii ;,ity t0 any ` F:-1 es On ace Count vers I-iner'r i., to },eep f- reenrl: !:' iii --work to c provioed ',y t:.0 City, or in my oz Or .: r:- { Cnlrci' , a, :n. ..Jc records c.11 be open to t,.t. : e i o` ice Oar 2. C"ty hyl;'int: ,- 11 f'3 ri0•,-�� L`S .e r!'{ _OeJ: e vrul l cit er be :a.: to roTrrr... ent f: its ,ii of'f iccJ ;ri'i 92 these hours, and ,-ive any inform tion needed >', the General counti.l or r,?nerF 1 ilublf c. so SECTION 14- The City Rntfneer ryay mcke surveys for i,rivcto !;arties, e; en he cr.n do so vit,iout interferinE; vrith city cork a'-ncl' all perouisit"os eccruin� from such private work. clone during, t o of'1't ]"tours of the City Enrineer Is all be f'or ti:e use and benefit of the C City of Pali cn. , End all collections for :uc:r work snr,11 be mai d to t e City Treasurer, errd the receipt t erefor filed with the City Clerk. SECTION 15- All ordinances and parts of Ordini.nces in -con. flict vith t is ordinF.nce are �iereby repealed, and this ordinance v;ill take effect, from and after its 1',a8:iD-Vc, e.pproval end pub- lication, AN ORDINANCE F.STABLIS-HING T E BOARD OF-1EALTH OF T -HF. CITY OF PADUCAi? AND REFERRING TO SANITARY AFFAIRS OF S"ID CITY. BE IT OFDAMNED BY T E GHITF:RAL COUNCI L OF TiiE CITY OF PA_-)UCAH, KE177,UC;:Y:- SECTION 1. That the }Xoard of Health of the City of PaducaIT, organized by the General Council of saicl City in accordanee v:ith the provisions of Sec'aion 2055' of C:. ptrr 63�- of the General Statutes of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and in accorciance v.ith Section 1- of Article 3- of tale Charter governing cities of t'e see and class, he and the same is recognized as, and constituted tr.e Board of Health of t .e city of Paducah. SECTION- -'2- It all be t e duty of said Board of Health to enforce all of the pr,)visions cf Chapter 63- of the General Statutes of t e Commonv;eelth of Kentucky, in so far as the same may be cpplicable to the city of Paducah, and all la+"s cnd re ulations of said city in reference to sanitary matters. SECT HOII - The house situated on the farms in McCracken County knom e.s Pest ;ouse, a.nd •,elonpinf. to the City of Paducah, be or -A the same is ereby established as an infection hospital , to be used in case o`_' necessity for that purpose by said city, and all e l.ense attend- inf, its establishment anti con irucnce, includin, the service of ell ,ers^ns 1�avinE the care of pctients therein end tho remowal of diseased persc-ns thereto, and F;uc- other expenses as may be incidentvl to carryinr- out tike purpose of said infection hospital. shall be paid by city of Paducah, No expenses,h,)wever, shall be incurred b$ the Board of Health in rel;:tion to i!I ::ospital without the E poroval of the Joint Finance Com- ittee a � r,t obtrill d and all c7. aims, before boin;- ollov;ed by the r-i- ,.r.ca Go.v tt*a� r.nd t e Board of .leo.tt . Sr.id rin:,nce Committoc ve ,;enerrl supervision over all expenclithlrrs ?el.atinl> to acid nd the saic' Bot -rd of Hcalth sheLl mc -O a montily report to :': Council of all cases of infectious disease treatod at .aid : .; rd of all expenses incurred and for vi:I:t- purpose or purposes s:uc :::I- •;;c.. ere crer-.ted, V,nnnev�r ti:e smrllpox, yellcy " vor, cholera., or oth'Ir infectious disease shall exist in the, city, se.id bof.rd or my tire,. r; ,_,> , ,-•r.: t:•_ere o." or tho Board of IIea.lth, or the Heeslth officer Zany ,ith such diser.:,o to be renovec' to the ini'ectinn t nr.a0:.nary as r'. :;e.n.itr.ry mC:e.&ure. Taut if' this 1 l_] ',ti i' 'in Y;ricin:' tfA.t the '.-jo `,'. �t:� �r­i:v .l, �;:'; _ .., or ttx.tl'e, or %l on, e.rG f. ; t girl or Ile" remove'l. 4oliHd i;ot ' n,, ',1nov, :Fal ,r ::f:e ].l not be lrI. .n ,.. eve:;rt thr.t .'.uell r'e�movt l �r tsot �r , o• ?, rr• i, sr.,� l.,er;;on t-:ite.l' ale lloti.oe r t::r, ,.::n.rncter of the dice ;;e ;n a fe ir,• i !`.' e Ftt[., " i(' ..lilt: :: Ltfirf..CL ctten t:i inn. Fr�.,r..; .r. .I i . AT'r; it . 1. 1.1 b. ulil cv f"!j ' c' ony r, rI,m r;vini, I ority :`r ;i _tl bof:rci or "riealti; .. , r.1 , , ;'r' Ci:' !' :'0;(i 'ir I'U Or notice. of` _. '.z :r:v; c ^root bofore tl.o 'l{)0, (:Al the Cts FdtB of r- e*•;; <<: ::o ::e: c t. ai'i'Icer e.rrl sa ch s,- ierer time to tizno e.pr;oint ;o ri:._ ._.r .:e rf'.iAr, r,re-ere'cy inve;tw* -:ith