HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 381, No Ordinance NumberNaw._ Thcrefora, he it ordained lite C;.neral ('mlaell oP the city or Pa- ducah, Kcntuclq•; Sete 1. That all of Lh both e property on sides of Kentucky avenuo from Ninth .,rest to Tenth street In the `city of Paducah 1{cnluckc, he. and I tors same Is hereby, assessed the sum or $1.69 Per Yront Pa a for the coal of congutters, of Bald e",Ili d ewslks, curbs, gutters, aewore mnnhodes, In- takes, catch basalts and driveways. rived fromTthe aat lescasmentl or tile fltodasntrl property "hall bo used for the put. Pat'of Paying elf the special tax bill" issued ag.li et said U pec" y, ' such bonds as may bo issued by the .I city of Pnducnh, pursuant to Soetion 3101 oP the Kentucky Stnnues, Soca 3. That pursuant to Section 3101 oC the Kentucky Statutes, a" lmended and re-enneted by an het of the General Assembly of tile e Com- mowealth of 'at, 1, in 3010, en- titled: "An act to amend and re• enact Sections 3034, 3005, 3096, 3007, 13088, 3009,-3100, 3101 and 3102 of the e I{ntucky Statutes, relnfing to the control and improvement of streets, Public ways, landings, wharves, grounds and sidsw'alks to r.Ities of the second class," said assessment may be, At the option of the property owners,. Payable In cash within thirty days from data of the passage, ap- Proval and publicatton of this ordi- nance, or in ten equal installments. in accordance n'flh the provisions of said section. Seo. 4. In order to provide a fund for the Immediate. payment of the cost If 'that portion of the special assesslrtent herein Provided for, ! which are to be Paid upon the tm st ailment plan, as hereinabove pro- vidad for, the city of Paducah shall Issue and sell improvement bonds in j .atisfactlon of the collection of said special,tax bills which are to be paid upon the installment plan, and to se. cure the Payment of which bonds there i9 hereby pledged sndi taxes and Moos on the property for the Payment of the Principal and later - Of such bonds, and such bonds sial] be sold for not In -s than par and the proceeds thereof applied ex- clusively' to the payment of the cost of improvement of said sidewalks, curbs, end gutters •hereinbefore meu- I,...d, and such bonds shall be is. sued andsball bear interest and !"ball be payable in accordance with the terms of Section 3101 of the Ken - lucky Statutes as amended and re- enacted by the General Assembly of the Commpnwealth of Kentucky in the Year 1810hereinabove specifical. ly referred to. Sec, 5. This ordinance shall take '. effect and be in force from and after its Passage, approval and publication. Approved AL bI. FOREMAN, President Board of Councilmen. Approved ERNEST LACKEY, President Board of Aldermen. O. K. Enrollment Committee By F. N. BURNS. Chairman. Attest 3IAURICE McINTYRE, I City- Cleric. �I Approved II THOS. N. HAZELI P, I Oct. 5th, 1014. mayor. L_ CITY ORDINANCE. -' AN .ORnINANCE ASSESSING THE. ABUTTING PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF SOUTH SIXTH STREET FROM BROAll STRh7ET TO TENNESSEE STREli C, (E%- CEPT THE FILLED PORTION ^ TrIERF.OF3, IN THE CITY OF PA' llUCAH, KENTUCI{y, TIIE SUFI OF $1.57604 PER FRONT FOOT, FOR THE COST OF PONSTRUC- WALKS O AND•O GUTTERS, NCRETE S1T0- GETHER VPITH GRANITE CURB. ING AND ALL NECESSARY MANHOLES. INTAKES, CATCFI DASINS, SEWERS AVD DRIVE- \PAl'S N SAID CONSTRUCTION, ,AVD PROVIDING Tl -IAT SAID: ASSESSMENT MAY BE PAID IN T F.N EQUAI. I,' STALLII ENTS. 13EtNG ONI': EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN ,YEARS. Vhereas, ttileGeneral Court ell or ] the city of Paducah, Kentucky, has heretofore, to-w•f L; on the 6lh.day of April, 1014, adopted an ordinance, cn- titled, "Alt ordinance yroviding Por' pie co nstructioltcersf together" with walks and g anti all necessary Granite curbing ersn lh Oldesdrlveways,catch on (both bins, of south sisacessttest (e cop[ t�esfllled city of Padu' Portion thereof, In We . cah. Kcntuck5''•;_ end. \v'h,rrl a, In nccardanee will 11 l' tlo fir plant . it in provided runt ✓ CITY ORDINANCE. ordinance it Is Provided that the cost Sec. Y. That all of the funds de said sill 8w•alks, .f can tr cull, or Wald aid 1k5,. r o l a gutters sry ern, iulnke r l l, 1 r' r.r .t s holescatch haahns and drlieway.l A.\/unDINANCE ASSh:991NG Tlib nes shall I pndd for by the abutting: Al:'ijTTINO PROPIIRTY ON Il0'CII are property ow'n'rs oa both sides .P slid -1 OF CALDWFsLi, STRhI;T pin street, except that portion to be paid i.',' 1`110}1 NINTH STIt4ET TO T1lE cit by it, eltp of Yaducall, as squired T1VK-LFTII STRI'`,Il IN in, ! by la••v; and, CITY O1` PADliCafi, K1;NTUCI{1'. til \Vhereas, pursuant to said ordi. TIIE Sl7�f OF SL733a0 PEIc w,h lance a contract was on tine 13th day FRONT M.T. FOR THE COST' me of June, 1214, entered into by and be O1` C'ONSTRUC'P1ON OF CON - - of [ween G. W. Katterjohn an the c1t5' CRETE 91 DER'A1.1{S AND GU'6 pl. of Paducah, for the conolruction TER5, TOGF.TI9ER CVITH GRAN- fir lherear; trod, I1'E CURRING AND ALL NECF.S- ci Whereas, said contract has been SARY ItANHOLES, INTAktS, .,11 completed In all respects and the im. CATCH RAdINS, SEWERS AND th provomenls therein provided 4or has DRIVE YS IN SAID CONSTRUC' '.ill a1, been flnishcd and r"'I'ted by the TION, AND PROVDING THAT General Council of the city of Padu- SATDASSESS-MENT IT AY BE PAID IN TEN EQUAL INSTALL'AIPINTS, , call. Kentucky, on the 10th day of October, 1914, Pursuant to recommen. BITING ONK EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF 'CI'l�i' YEARS. h. dsti.n lads therefor by the Board of Public Works Whreas, The General Council of ale pa of of said city. N.,, therefore, be it ordained by t•lty or Paducah, tZ.entmcky, has here-'. Int Lhc General Council of the city of lot.,.' to -wit: on the 6th day of it: I th Paducah, Kentucky:. All 1919• au ordlnonce, en- w Sec. 1. That. all of the on titled, "An ordinance providing for ll Property both sides of Soutli Sixth street front l the construction of concrete side- Broad street to Tennessee street, ill walks and 6uters, together with gran- e the city of PncLucah, Kentucky, he, to curbings and all necessary man- if and the same is hereby av,ess"d the holes, intakes, catch basins, selects driveways, both oY Cald- af the cost of Improvement of said monwealth of Kentucky, in 1810. en- snm of $1.57604 Per front foot for tile, and on sides well street from Ninth street to cost of CrbsLrll 1,tta Or said side I walk= curbs ^utte w Twelfitl street, ill ale City of Padu-" shall bear jot crest and shall be pay. )1088, 3100, 3101 and 3102 of the Ken - ec 4. In order to Im"I'le a I nl the [u,a lIiIl p: vn,,nt of Ian t of II at I.orllon of the special smants beraln provldod for, whfrll n to bc• paid upon th. Installment a, as lierclnabove provided for, the y .f Pnducaln shrill Issue and sell Pr.vement bond. In anttsfactlon of o collection of said .Pavia! tax bilis tell are to be paid upon the Install. at plan, and to .servo the Payment which bonds there in hereby edged such taxes and liens on the .pert• for the Payment of the Pra- pal mid Interest of such bonds, and ch bonds shall be sold fm- not less an par and the proceeds thereof plied exclusively to the P.Ymmrt of c cost of the Improvement of id sld.walks, curbs and gilttors, relnbefore mentioned, and such ads shall bear Interest and shall he yal-,le In accordance with the terms Seatlon 3101 of the Kentucky Stat - as amended rind re-enacted by r4Ceneral Assembly' of the C.mmon. rallh of I{cnuclty, in the Year 1810 ereinabove specifically referred to. Scc. 5. This ordinance shall talc' iect and be In force from and after s passa^o, approval and publication Approved: At, If. FOREMAN, President Board of Councilmen. Approved: ra, se ere, man cell Kentucky;" and, holes, futakes, basins ERNEST LACKEY. catch sad 1V hereas, In accordance with said driveways, President Board of Aldermen. ordinance it Is Provided that the cost Sec. Y. That all of the funds de said sill 8w•alks, Attest:? ordinance of rived from the assessment of, ssui intakes, catch r dd AURTCE CityT Property shall be used for the put cnrhs, gutters, sewers, ^axils and driveways, shall be Paid lcrk: City Clerk. Oct, 5, 1014, Pose of paying off the special tarp, for by the abutting property owners Approved, THOS. N. TiA'/,T7.IP, Mayor. bills issued against said property, or on both sides of said street, except O such bolds as may be issued chef K ENROLL\1 ENT COSI SETTEE that portion to be paid by the city aC City of Paducah, to Section By F. N. BURNS, Chairman. a Padacali, as required by law; and, Kentucky 3101 of the Konturky 5[atutes. Whereas, Pursue It to said ordinance bIa - - See. 3. That Pursuant to Section a contract was on the 13th day' of 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes, se •rune. 1914, entered into by and be - amended and re-enacted by an act of (ween C. W. Katterjohn and the city the General Assembly of the Com' of Paducah, for the construction morivealth of Kentucky, in 1910, en thereof; and, titled; "An act to amend and re. Whereas, said contract has been enact Sections 3004. 31155, 3086, 3027, cc mplotrd In all respects and the im- 3008, 302it 31011, 3101 and e,102of the prorements therein provided for have Kentucky Statutes relating to the been finished and accepted by the, control and Innprovements of streets. General Council of the city of Paula .! fir public nays, landings, wharves, cah, Kentucky, on the 22nd day of grounds find sidewalks In cities of 1 (!j September, 1814, pursuant to recon- I second class," sairl assessments may ricadatlon made thereof by the Board be, at the option of the Property own,j of Public Works of said city: ars, payable in cash within thirty, Now, Therefore, Be it ordained by-, days front date of the passage, ap the General Council of the city oYi proval and publication oP this ord4 Paducah, I{entucky: lance, or in cen equal installments, Section 1. That all of the property In accordance with tite provisions of on both sides of Caidwell street from said section. Ninth street to Twelfth street, in the Sec. 4. In order to provide a fund city of Paducah, Kentucky, be, and for the immediate payment of the; the same is hereby assessed the sum cost of that portion of the special as of 51.73386 per front foot, for the cessments herein Provid'd for, which cost of construction of said sidewalks, are to be paid upon the installment curbs„ gutters, -ewers, manhales. In plan, as herein provided for, the cit' takes. catch basinsand driveways. funds de Sehe of Paducah shall issue and sell tmc. 2. That all of ill provemetit bonds fn satisfaction of; rived from the assessment of said . the collection of said special tax bills Property shall be used for the Purpose which are to I`" '•aid upon the in- of paying off the special tax bills is. rtallment plan, stn to secure the pay- sued against said Property, or such ,[\ 1 ment of which bends there is hereby toads as may be Issued by the city' pledged such taxes and liens on tllelof Paducah, pursuant to Section 3101 property for the payment of they of the KentU cky Statutes. : n principal and Interest of such bonds, S. :;. That pursuant to Sec;..I and such bonds shall be sold for not 31cc01 of tate K ritucky Statutes, as less than Par and the Proceeds there amended and re-enacted by an act of .t applied exclunivdy to the payment the General Assembly of the Com- af the cost of Improvement of said monwealth of Kentucky, in 1810. en- sfdewalks,.curbs, and gutters herein titled, "An act to amend and reenact above mentioned, and such bonds, Sections 3084; 3085, 3006, 3087, 3088, shall bear jot crest and shall be pay. )1088, 3100, 3101 and 3102 of the Ken - able in accordance with the terra of. tuck}' Statutes, relating to the con - Section 3101 of tile Kentucky State tral and improvements of streets, Pub. it tea as amended and re-enacted by tic ways, ies vIiofet grounds , lks i c the General Assembly of the Com- and sidewalks in civics of the second monwealth of Kentucky, In the year class," said assessment may ba, at 1810, hereinabove specifically re- the option of the property owners, 'I forted to. - payable In cash within thirty days' Sec. "c. This ordinance shall take from the date of the Passa,e, approval'I effect and be in Porte Lrom end after 'and publicatton of this ord!nnnce, or 11 tau installments, In adore. Its passage, approval and Publication, a with the Approved anr^e with the Provlslons of said sec - AL M. FOREMAN, President Board of Councilmen. Approved ERNEST LACI{EY President Board of Aldermen. 0. K. Enrol Intent Committee By F. N. BURNS, Chairman. Attest MAURICE MCINTYRE, City Clerk. Approved THOS. N. HAZELIP, ' ",, Oct. 5th, 1914. — Mayor.