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Ordinances Book 6, Page 38, No Ordinance Number
RLY GOtiE gpTMEP OF FU - ORDE D OTHERS AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIr'F FOR T{E REGULATIONS AND AVENUES � T PARKS' BOULEVARDS, PARKVJAXS, PARK ROADS ONERS', OF PARK COPIM11SS LIC GROUNDS UNDER THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT THE CITY OF PADUCAEI, KENTUCKY, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ^,i pTFRi L COUNCLL OF vehicl e for car- SFC, 1 -No omnibus, wagon, cart, dray, truck or. other other a t such &S are rticle, exceP rying goods, merchandise, manure or any streets, engaged in repairing or constructing said parks, boulevards, avenues or driveways, shall be allowed to enter upon any boulevf' d, Park- Tement of the way, street, avenue or park road under the control pro videded, d2 however: that Board of Park Commissioners of Paducah, Kentucky; pro ard.ise or other articles to wagons or outer vehicles carrying goods, merch or from any house or premises abutting upon any of such boulevards.or Park" ways, shall be permitted thereon at the cross street nearest to said house or premises in the direction in which same are moving, and deliver or receive such goods, merchandise or other articles, but shall not proceed t hereon further than the nearest cross street there,:fter; and said boulevwds, park- ways, avenues, streets or park roads shall not be used by busines s vehicles for traffic purposes except as hereinafter provided. SEC. 2 -All carriaqes. cabs and other vehicles usually carryibg lamps must keep the sc.me lighted from senset until. sunrise; and all automobiles and:.other motor vehicles must display a white light ahead and red light be- hind from sunset until sunrise. SEC, 3 -All motor cycles and bicycles must carry a lighted lamp showing a white light ahead and red lights to the sides from sunset to sunrise, and said motor cycles and bicycles must strictly comply wit: the rules of the rod, as provided for all other vellicles, and must not congregate nor run more than two abreast of each other. SEC, 4 -All vehicles and horsemen, when passing another vehicle or horseman going in the same direction, must keep to the left and leave the vehicle or horseman they are passing on the right; and when passhg each other from opposite directions each must keep well to the right. SEC, 5 -All vehicles or horsemen going at a walk or slotiv tr;at keep in the k k near the curbstone or gutter on the right-hand side of the road must t rection in which they are going; those going more rapidly must keep nearer !the middle of the road. SEC, 6-1:ed street lights located in the center of driveways ati sections and turns n„er- indicates ,this rule of the_ road"SLOVI DOWNAND gEI p TO THE RIGHT;" and this rule of the road must be complied with on all int er- j gections and turns of e� e� �the boulevards for not, and Parkways whether lights are so located SEC. 7 -No vehicle shall stop for a curbstone or gut ter ny Purpose without first drawing up to the and always on the ri ' ght-hand side of the road in the direction ' in which they are going. fel y . ew, SEC, 9 -Automobiles or any other vehicles must not exceed a speed limit of fifL'� teen (15) miles per hoaron a �y of the bo ul evards, avenues, streets or Parkways,and must not exceed a speed limit of fifteen (15) miles per hour on any of the park roads, -,°:i.thin any park. b; 8. of 9 -NO person shall be permitted to move any house along or upon any ' boulev4rd or parkway without first obtaining a special permit from the Board of Park Commissioners, and then only within such stated time as may be established by 1ci f 3u said Board,, and such permit shall. contain the necessary conditions guarding against damage to property under the control of said Board of Park Commissioners, as pro- f r t vided in Section 10 of this Ordinance, !cI SEC, 10 -Every person obtaining; a permit for use of a portion of any boulevard parkway, avenue, street, park road. or sidewalk s nce, shall be required to deposit t with the Secretary of the Board of Park Commission rs, a sum in wash or it;; eq_uive- � lana, estilf!f'ted by the Board of Park Commissioners to be sufficient to pay for the ss. cost of any damage to said boulevard, parkway, avenue street, park road or side -walk b, space, caused by any work being done under the authority of said permit; and if re- a; pairs and restoration are made under the supervision and to the satisfaction of t heBoard of Park Commissioners at the expiration of such permit, and no damages have occurred to said boulevard, parkway, avenue, street, park road or sidewalk e space, except such as have been so repaired, then the deposit will be returned in o full; but upon the failure of the Person obtaining such permit to repair and restore H conditions as above provided, within five (5) jays of the expiration of such permit e of Park m&.y proceed to make such repairs and deduct the cost the Boardof Park Co a of same from such dep°sit; the balance, if any, to be returned to the person obtain - g a ing such permit, i or mule, nor any animal attached to a vehicle, shall be per-� `/SEC. 11 -No horse, n witted to stand upon any portion of any boulevard, parkway, avenua, or park road , f is in charge of and accompanies the s Or said city unless the driver thereoame; or unless such animal be securely hitched to a hitching post, erected with the ap-t proval of the Board of Park Commissioners; nor shall any vehicle, horse, mule or animal be permitted to stand upon any boulevard, parkvray, avenue, street or park road, to the obstruction of same, or to the inconvenience of travel. 4 driving on SEC, 12 -No person shall engage in any racing{, Speeding or fast any boulevard, parkway, avenue, street or park road of said City, except on or park road a ,such part or portion of any boulevard, parkr.ey, ''9OMI 0' str,' t' as may be set apart by the Board of Park Commis:,ioners for that purpose, and then under such regulations as the Board of Park Commissioners scribe, may pre SEC, 13 -No velocipede, bicycle, tricycle, w eelbarrow, hand-ca'"t nor other vehicle, nnr any horse, mule, cattle, chickens, ducks, geese nor seine, shall be placed by the owner or any other person in cherge of control thereof, or be permitted by the same, upon the sidewalks, curbstones, grass plots Or :planting places of any park, boulevard, parkway, avenue, street or park road nor to eros:: the same. Nor shall such vehicle, fowl or animal be taken upoI any part thereof, except upon the carriage drives end crossings provided there- for. Nor shall any horses, mules, cattle sheep, fowls or swine be driven loose singly or in herds on any boulevard, parkway, avenue, street or pah road of said City. Nor shall any 4.og be taken or permitted in or upon any park, except the same be led a:r', secured at all- times by cord or chein of not gr.eaYer length than ten (10) feet, Roler skating on the sidevFFlks of ant boulevard,. avenue, street or parkway is prohibited. SEC, 14 -No person shall hitch any horse or other animal to any lamp post, tree or fire hydrant on any boulevarde or parkway, or ride ordrive over the curbstone, sidewalks or grass plots thereon, nor shall any person permit any horse, mule or other animal to stand so near to any tree on any boulevard or parkway, or in any park, that such animal can dama�.e the same by biting or otherwise, SEC, 15 -No owner, occupant or agent of any land abutting upon any boulevard, avenue, street or parkway of said City, shall allow the earth or any rubbish from said lard to fall or wash upon any part of said boulevard, avenue, street or parkway. Nor shall any person throw any dirt, or cause to be t�,rovn any dirt or rubbish of any '-;rd upon any such. park, boulevard, parkway, avenue, street or park road. SEC, 16 -No .person scall place or deposit or allow to be placd or de osit.d on any boulevard, avenue A , street, parkway or park road of said City, any bui1:3- ing material whatsoever, or any other articles or things which shall obst or hinder the travel thereon, arithout a written er, ruct A mit from the Board Of - Park Commissioners, which said permit shall state how great a space Will Be allotted on which the same may be placed or d eMosited, the amount equivalent,, as provided °f Dash d� p°sit or its in Section 10 of this Ordinance, and the lenf"th Of time during which said permit Shall ° be in hall be placed u Por upon the sidewalk of anycboulevarrd Orskobstruction nor deposit oP any kind ' SEC, 17 -Eve W person havi Parkway. ng theuse ' avenue, street or park road of oP any portion of any boulevard, Parkway, said City for the j any building, or for any other Purpose, Purpose of erecting or repairing in a carcpicuou s place, one , shall cause two (2) red lights to be placed , at each end Of such obstruction, from dusk until sunrise in the morning of each day, during the tirro such obstruction shall remain, and shall also construct and maintain Proper safeguards and a good and safe plank sidewalk around such obstructions which sidewalk shall be at least two (2) feet wide. SEC, 18 -No person shall play any game whatsoever in or upon any of the parks Boulevards, avenues, streets ' V, parkwr.y4 or Park roads under control of the Park Com- missioners; provided i however, that ball, cricket, lawn tennis and other games of re- creation, may bela ed 't P Y upon such por•uicns of said parks as may be designated from time to time by the Board of Park Commissioners, and under such rules and regulatiorB as may be prescribed by said Board. The grass plots or lawns of public parks and ` C parkways shall not be used by any person as thoroughfares in cross . ing from one road- way, walk or street to another roadway, walk or street. But this Section shall not t be construed to interfere with the use of public arks or parkways as pleasura grounds by the people for the purpose of recreation under such reasonable rules and regulations 9 as may be prescribed by the Board of PDr'c Co UI113:3lorzars. b SEC. 19 -No person shall enga.-e in any sport upon any boulevard, avenue, street, parkway, perk roe.d or driveway under the control or supervision of the Board of Park Commissioners, which will be likely to frighten horses, injure passengers or embarrass the passage of vehicles thereon. SEC, 20 -No person shall fire or dische-rge any gun or pistol, or carry fire -arms, or throw stone; or other missiles, or fire, discharge or set off any rocket, cracker, ; torpedo, squib or other fireworks, or things containing; any substance of an explosive character, within any park, boulevard, avenue, street or parknuay, or driveway of this L City under the control or. supervision of the Board of Park Commissioners, except upon r a permit first duly obtained, or authority previously granted by said Board, and sub- 'L ject to such rules and regulations as said Board may establish. SEC. 21 -No person shall expose any article or thing for sale, or do any hawking or peddling, or distributing hand -bills, or erect any sign -board or posts, or affix en y, notice or bill or other writing or Printing, on any tree, lamp post, hydrant, curbstone; sidewalk, copings, flagstone, fence, wall, building or other place in any park, boulevar avenue, street, parkway, park road, driveway, or other public grounds under the control. or supervision of the Board of Park V mmissioners of said City. Nor shall person ehicle displaying an advertising placard of :,ry lc`.nd; nor shall drive any animal or v 42 or along advertisement of any kii►d':upon , j any parson di splay any Placard or or other 1 or in any Park ,any boulevard, avenue, street, parkway „ park road, ark Commis - agement of the Board ;public grounds under the control and manof p sioners of said City<deface any - r SEC. 22 person shall persoshall cut, break, or in any way inure ;or ass, 7.amp posts„ fences, bridges, of the trees, shrubs, plants, turf, gr boulevard buildings„ or other constructions of property in or upon any park, avenue, streets, parkways, park roads, or other public gr ounds of said Cit;; under the control or supervision of the Board of Park COmmissiolms< SEC. 23-A11 persons riding bicycles, tricycles or veiociped es, in Parks or upon par gays boulevards or park roads shall be required to ]seep upon tY^ paths especially provided for the same, nr upon the rood way, and in no case shall be permitted to ride upon the sidewaYks, foot -paths, or upon th the parking or grass, SEC, 24-4o vehicles other than those used for pleasure deiving, or other than such carts or other vehicler, as may be employed by the Board of Park Commissioners in the construction of or caring for said parks, shall be permitted to enter said parks. SEC. P5 -No person shall be guilty of disorderly, unchaste, or lewd con- duct, or of habitual loafing or sleeping on t?,_e ground or benches, or make aid, or assist in making any disorderly noise, or riot or breach of the peace within the limits of any park, boulevard, avenue, street, parkwffy , or other public grounds© of said Citgo SEC. 26 -All sidewalks hereafter constructed on boulevards, amenues, streets and parkways under ti -ie control of the Board of Park Comirissioners, sh shall be of artificial stone or other durable material, selected by the Board of Park Commi3sio2iers, and. shall be of such wridtTl as the Board of Park Commissioners may estaBllsh in each case, end they shall be unift=m in character and appearance throughout each boulevard and parkway, and they steal be otherwise constructed and laid strictly in accordance with tiv plans and specifications and under the supervision of the Board of Park COMMis, stoners, SFC. 27-Al1 that part or portion of driveways connecting private prppep ty with the roadway, and lying between the lot line and tb roadway, on all l boulevards andarkwa s and other avenues under the conhe trol'of tI' P y , Board of ,Park Commissioners, shall Be constructed by the Bo�-sd of Park Commissioners, or under its supervision, at the expense of the property owner, .and of such 4'jI j width as the Board of Park Commissiose rs may determira in each case; nroviclad, how - that the maximum width required by said Board shall not exceed nine (9) feet; Provided further that at the request of the property owner a psecial permit may be granted by said Board of Park Commissioners for a greater width, and such driveways shall be c onstracted in accordance with the plans and specifications furnished by B5 and under the provision of the Board of Park Commissiorn rs, and their location shall �tl be with the cor_sent of said Board of Park Commissiorars, C] SEC, 2;; -On all boulevards, avenues, • streets and parkirrays under `-he contr- of of the Board of Park Comm.issiohe rs, -there shall be constructed at the expense of the Proper -by owner, foot-•ra-,y s , n con_aetin- private property with the public walk, and also P with the curb lire where necessary, There Shall be not more titan one foot -way for e each residence, .except by special permit of the Bm rd. of Park Commissioners, Such )y foot -ways s] -all be located at such point s as the Board- of Park Commissionrs may diret or designate. The width of sUvh footways shall in all cases be established by the Board of Park Comm'Fsioners, and be constructed of the same materiels and in accordance with the plans and specifications governing tli(, construction of public walks with wlkich said foot -ways connect. The rise of all such foot -ways from top of curb to Uffff property line shall be at the rate of one-fourth (1/4) of an inch to each foot; pro- vided, however t he,t this rate of slope may be increased or diminished by permission of the Boa.r6 of Park Commissioners when in their judgment such change Vill not be detrimental, but will improve the appearance of said boulevard, avenue or parkway. SEC, 29 -No person shall be permitted to build or place any fence 'or other barrier around any grass plots or .planting spaces o:a .ny boulevard cr parkway. SEC, 30 -,Amy person who shall violate any of the foregoing provisions, rules and regulations, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than Five Dollars (TM5.00), nor more than One Hun- dred Dollars (5',100,00), for each and every offense, and in addition to the members of the regular police force of Paducah, who may be specially detailed by the Board cf Police and Fire Commissioners for the enforcement of the foregoing rules and regulatior and for service under the direction of the Board of Park Commissioners, said Board of Park Commissioners may employ and appoint additional persons to act as special . guards and watchmen in parks, boulevards and parkvra,ys, as it may find it expedient a and deem necessary for the protection of same, and for the enforcement of -the rules and regulations of said Board and the ordinances of the City relating to the regu- lation and government of parks and public grounds under the control and management of the Board of Park Commissioners, and. said special guards and watelvnen shall be paid out of the general funds appropriated by the General Council for the general Al expenses of the Board of Park Commissiorers and for other(pMbk7.purposes; but the number of such special guards and watchmen so appointed shall not exceed fifteen (15) per cent of the regular police force of said City with - Out the consent or approval of the General Council of said City. SEC. 31 -The General Council finds and declares that the action of the General Council herein hhs been recommended by the Board of Park Com- missiorIsrs of Paducah, Kentucky, as provided by law, and that said Board has& adopted said rules and regulations, end has reco-mended to the General Council the establishment and enforcement of same by ordinance as herein provided. SEC. 32 -This ordinance shall. apply only to such perks, bouleleards, parkways, roads, streets, avenues and other ground, property or ways as are in law under the control ,nd supervision of the Board of Yark Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky. SF,C. 33—All ordinances, or parts of ordinances in conflict wit -t this ordinance, insomuch as they conflict herewith, are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall take effect from its pa.ssst:,e, �pprova.l and publication., Approved: A. M. FORD&N, President Poard of Councilmen. Adopted: Approved: Approved: September 2, 1901, ?.AURICE P.4cINTYRE, City Clerk. ED. D. HANNr.P'? President rpoard of Aldermen. September 2, 19001, JAMES P. SITITH, Mayor.