HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 359, No Ordinance NumberAPT ORDINANCE.CREATING AND PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF A FRANCHISE OR PRIVELFDGE TO ESTABLISH, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A STEAM OR GASOLINE FERRY BETWFEN THEY CITY OF PADUCAH AND THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, AND LIVINGSTON POINT IN LIVINGSTON COUNTY icy. 3e it ordained by 'the General Council of the city of paducah, ky:- ro Sec. I. Tite �r: , _.•� _ y, .r _- -. _ Perry Company having been forfeited, there is herrby established and created a Ferry Franchise•for a period of twenty years, granting the p-riveledge or right to construe establish,•naintain and operate a steam , gasoline or other motor pourer as good as steam, Ferry between the city of paducah. ky, -and the Town ,of Brockport, illinois,o• and Owens Landing, Livingston Point, in Li vingston County, Icy, or such other point in illinois as the purchaser hereof may determine to select, also such other points in kentucky. - - . - SFC.,2. That the purchaser or purchasers of this Franchise shall (keep, maintain, and operate from the date of, and during the continuance of a period of twenty years, good and sufficient Ferry Boat, or Boats, suitable in all respects to conduct the Ferry business between the city of paduce,h, ky, and brookport, illin. ois, and any other point or points on the illinois Shore on the ohio river selected by the purchaserhereof, and between paducah and Livingston point on the kentucky shy''. j SFC. j. That duringthe continuation of this fronchise said :fern.'. bloat, orboats shall make at least two trips every clay (sunday excepted ) to the -tc`< :., of brookport, illinois, from paducah, ky, and return, end shall :.akp at least four tries every day (sunday excepted) froh paduce.h ky, to Owens Landing,on the illinois shore, or any other points selected b,r the purchaser hereof, opposite said city of pada -call, and return; and as many trips as the owner hereof may fi-c, from paducah to liv- ilgston points, but to make at least rro trips and return , on tuesday and saturday of_ each weekbetween paducah and livingston point; that the persons operateing said steam or f;asoline ?:erry.boat or boats under this franchise shall make, publish and post at ec.ch of said landings, and on the ferry boat, a schedule showing the time and place of c'.eperture for each, and said schedule shall be so arranged by the operators of said fep -ry. as will in thier judgement best accomodate the travelling public, provided that th boat shall not be regii.ired to make a trip earlier than. si (G) o, oclock a.m. nor later tIi&:n siy. (6.)0, clock p. m. 7- iior P urchsers of this Franchise_ SFC. 4. That the purchaser or,..thier.: assi ns shall -not be allowrerl to_.�hars e.#,or �ferrie(!e �nf. su .e.,ce%d" l _ �F _a. c . I —ing the folloi°ring rates, to-�wit: _ - - " - "I• J0. . ., 2.2 II! >/ axons drawn by six animals, trith driver --_— ---- Wagons drawrn by five animals, with driver •—"— 1 + ,=.cr ------ 1.20. ------ WY BcI)ns draRm by four animals, with driver. — l --I.I0. Wagons drmm by tthree,animal:,r'. ith=clzitier•__------ flay ;ragon�. I.00. :,, Igons drain by two animals, with driver, Except 'ray Wagons drawn by two animals, with driver from brookport • I.50. I `y Hay: 47dg.nns�P.ravm by two animals from Owens landini with driver.I. yP, i7o a[; gj d rq: m by one animals ___------------- --r , ,y.t._. _ -- g i Ilan and horse from Owens landin. ------------- Han and Horse from Brockport --------------------------- ----------- 35e Ccsttle, Horses and mules per head. ------------------------------.20. ' Sheep and Hogs per head. ----------------------- -------------- .06. -. ------ Pootrnanc` ens-�a,y.------------------------------------------I5. --------------------------� :''r; otman round tri _—_—_—____._— _ 5 Toter c'ar or truck,with driver from brookport------------------- .75. ?toter car(truck, writhdriver from brookport, round trail -J. I.00. oter car or truck , ,"Tith driver from o?gens landing round trip. .7.5. Voter car or track, with driver from ovens _landing; one w,ay." .50. ?,ortor cycle, vrith rider, each -ray. ---------------------------- 25. The schedule of prices herein provided betvreen Paducah enc? Brno' - ; —port shall apply and be effective between paclticah and Livingston Point. That bona fide marketers and farriers an� reEular patrons of the'', Ferry, coming, to pa duceth to sell produce or to buy merchantdise, shall be charged only one—half the above mentioned vragon rates. iAnd it is futher provided '•-hat vrhen loaded wagons are broui?ht to t] ie }'error, and the said loads of two or more vrag;ons are Put t into one wagon for the purpose of saving ferriag Ie, then double the above rates raay be charg —d on such loaded wagons, provided any -wagon !()a(!. or loads belong?inr, to the salme person may not be considered a double load unless it. unds in weight. .:exceeds 3000. pol SFC. 5. That in case of a2" u:!avoidable accident , such no, bt' ming,, sinking or e;:plosion of said FerrB BrJator-}oats, the Purchaser or pt}rchnsers of this franchise shall, in ninet�r days from the date o_"stic}: acct -c?ent, procure another boat in the Place of the one so lost, subject to all Provisions abd requirements Of this franchise and dur;ng7 and when th a period of tine not to exceed ninety days —nchise shalle purchaser , be without a Fera or purchasers of this frs J Boat for the one so. lost or disabled by rer;son of any o.1f_ the aforesaid accidents, they are not to be held liable for not runnin; said Ferry3iJ.L,, I Sec.6. That the city shall furnish to the purchaser or purchasers o`' this rrc;,nchise as a part of such Franchise grant, a good and t>ufficient landing;, bOL;iIlnA_ at! the upper enol of kentucicy ate ( fornerty court street) . intlle city of pr ducah, ky an running dovm the river a distance of: one hundred and fifty (150•) feet , and that in I case of ordinary unavoidable accidents t,lcat may happen '.o the Ferry Boat or Boats oper I -aced under this Francllise, so as to re"qui're a stoppage for repairs, the ovmer shall be alloyed a preasonable timse to make such ordirnary repairs, and shall not be 11010 liab?a for not running the boat thus being repaired, provided that the time thus allo�7red for Making such 5} C-;_�o.''._ That'-sdvC:.: c? eArept ,th' � ,;iiae -lost :bar reFson of- ani -or i 7-1 '5u tha.'P_EoreSaid :T'Odidant, 5 hereinbefore r.,entioned.)%when the boat shall-be-unavoidably-nf:�o'.. r•e:itecl fr6m.rurLnin: i the::FliLcha�er:o`rpurchcsOrd of thi's'frenchise,�I:.=.11-acl-.e re ager claiT_j-trips._es:scI�eduled:in this ordinance and upan the failure_t•o,do-soil:a o-uner'of said franchipe_3h�11- forfeit: uhii�'ranehise witil all rights and privileges thereunder, ti o the city of paducah, ky. SFC. S. That if after the purchaser or purch.sers of this franchise s?ull have furnished thier said Ferry Boat or Boats, and before the terminatio:a of twenty years from the date of the beginning of said franchises, -they, the ov,Tners o; said franchise, shall find it unprofitable and undesirable on his or thier part rae.inta.in and run ti>e character of said Ferry Boat; or Boats as hereinbefore stipulated i the o=.mers to clecide this for themselves, such ovmer may trive the city of paducah, ky, e to surrender to said city of paducah, ky, this sit: months notice of his or tilier desir Franchise, together l+ith all rights and priveleges tliereund.er, then the o,,,mer or o,Imeru .rill be released at the e-piration of said siy months, and this franchise arili cense ail cl terminate, and tie city of paducah, kir, upon receiving said written notice, shall hale efull power and right to agree end negotiate or sell a, neer franchise for the steam or gasoline Ferry Boat or Boats to ply between paducah, ky, and points alon.* t'r_e ohio riv- er, in the state of Illinois, as fully and conpletely as if this franchise had never e isted. SFC. 9. Thatfor the faithful performance of the requirements b,; he i purchaser or purchasers of this franchise , he or they shall e:_ecute bond to the city of paduceh in the sum of a 500.00, to be approved by the mayor of the city of paduceh, 'Ice!ltucky. � SFC. 10. T1IAt in the event the purchser or purchsers of this franchise . Y jits,terminatlon, or before the el:piration of shall, at any time prior to the date of I tvren''y years from the date of same, sell, transfer or convey thier ownership of or rirl ;anti priveleges thereunder to others, for the unexpired tittle of some, the now o,,,-ers (shall have ell the rights and priveleges granted under -this ordinance as fully I 362 or purchn,sers oL, ou:— rcave,ci;icl: I'. urch�ser p Y the sane restrictions and as com letel as the original p , penalti., shallbe boL�T:id to the city of paducah, vncler hereof is, but ncl regulations, as 1•,he originacLser or pt'•rchasers ro l P urch firm or corporr,tion to vrlto ituch transfer-shallUe nade until the person, first evecut a neer bond 9;o the city this franchise is so ';ransfered shall the mai the to be approved by the of of pn,duc:,h, ky, in the sort of ;i ��i7•CC• of all the regttireinent 4tittndery iter of paducah, for the zaithfulJ- P erforytance Ithe execution of such neer bond and i this ordinance or. franchise, and upon executed by the Original purchsaer or p'jrche approval by the rteyor the bond sers shf;,ll become null and void and of no iuther ef:ect. i SRC. IT. THATupon,the passage, approval and publication of I this ordinance the mayor of the city of pducah is hereby authorized and- di Irected to advertise this franchise or privelege for sale in the official a news- paper of the city of paducah, stateing the titue and place when sante shall be sold., and offer for sale this franchise, and to sell saTle to the highest and 'best bidder, reporting his actions to the next meeting of the , General Council. I, SEC. I2. T hat the city of paducah, ky, reserves the right •, to reject any and all bids for this franchise. i a This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and. publication. Give,. :Pi.rst and second Passage by the gener.P1 council. -al ld ears -D emo c rat . 6/c)/j q /, J