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Ordinances Book 6, Page 321, No Ordinance Number
e ➢ �r a I AIT ORDINANCE ASSESSING T}IF ABUTTING PROPERTY OTT ,'10TH SIDES OF T:TADISON STREFT, RO. HARRIHAN BOULEVARD TO FOUNTAIN A�IF:WR, IN THE CITY OF PA1,IfCATI , FF„TTUCKY, THE 911 T,1 OF { �I.S5614 )PFR FRONT FOOT FOR THF COST OF CONSTRUCTTON OF CONCRETE SIDFSWALKS AND OUT' TFRS ,TOGPTHPR WITH GRANITE CUPJ3ING ANP ALL NFCCFSSARY 1FANTIO1,ES, INTAI47FS, CATCII BASINS SEVTRRS AND DRIijFwAYS IN SAID CONSTRUCTION, AIM PROVIDFING THAT SAID ASSFSSNENT MAY BE PAID IN TEN F,oUAL TITSTALL1,fFNTS, BF,TNG ONE EACH TEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS. {] WTIFREAS, the general council of the city of paducah, keUtucky has here -1 to_'ore, to—r✓itt; on the 15th clay of septa raber, 1913, adopted and o.rdinanca, antitled,l i "an ordinance provideing for the construction of concrete sidevielks and C_ittora, torreti er with granite curbings and all noccessargr manholes!, intal_es, catch basins, seworn Anj driveways, on both sides of madison street, ?rora harrihan boulevard to "ou gain ave, in tT?e city os° Paducah, kentiicky; "nnd, 1TIERRAs, ;.n necordanep with said ordinance it is provided tha t the cost of cobstruct•ion of said oidowalks, curbs, gutters, seders, :into,kes, manholes, crtch b sin. r.,nd drivoways:, shall be Laid for by the,a.buttimg proptsrty owners on both sides of said street,, except thea portion to be podd by the city of paducah, as ro— i quired by laza; and, .VTHERFAS, pursriant to said ordinance a contract wrs em t;,e Sth d.P+r of* October, IPT3, entered into ';y and betwoen Yancy &Tohnson hnd tha city OY .padtteah for the r1nd, _-111IRIMSI—sai_d-:con'tract .:has_heon_completeci in all respects and the iTr� proverent therein provided -:nor has been finished. and acepted by the general cnsncil of the city of prdiicah, kentuck-, on the Tst dsy of december, 1913, PUrs"ant to recommends ation nade therefor by the board o' public works of said cite: NOW, therefore, be it o0dained by the general council of the city of paducah, kentneky, SFC.I. That all of the property on both sides of Madison street from harrihan boulevard to fountain ave, un the cite of pad>>eah, kentiicb;y, be, and the sane is hereby, assessed the suir of per front foot for the cost of construction o!' said sidewalks, curbs, gutters, sewers, manholes, intakes, catch basins and driv,rays, SEC. 2. That all of the Punds derived from the assessment of said prc pe-rty shall be used for the purpose of paying; off the special te% bills issued against said property, or such bonds as may be issued by the city of Paducah piarsuc.nt to see— tion 3101 of the kentucky statutes. SEC. 3. That pursuant to section 3201 of the kentucky statuten, as amended rad reenacted by an act Of the general assembly of the eorimomealth of kentuckv 322 i nd anrd ro a — enact sections 303094-p, 3096, 30c1 i I 7 in 29.10, entnitled, "P.n act to FI.rr„ x fjtRtutesy relaatelnC.' to the 30.9-'2 30-99, 37002 `,31(,I, and 31029of the ken„uc]cy control and improva»ent of str®©to, Public vrr...�,ss lanclin�r �hrLrves, grounds, assessmonts rnf.y be, at and sidewalks in cities of the second classy said the option of the property owners, payable in r, •sh vrithin thirty days from f this orclins.ne®y or .in the date of the passage, approval and publication o tenequal inst4)C(Nn4rit;s, in accordance With the provisions o:' s .id sncfiarn. SFC. 4. IN order to provide rL fund .for -h© inueediata payraegt of the cost of that portion of the sPecia, assessm nts herein provided :rorj I'aich are to be paid upon the installnent plans as heroinabove 'Provided for, the city of paducah shp 11 issue and sell improvene nt bonds irc satisfaction of the collection o' said special tax bills which o.ro to be paid upon the installment plan, and to secure the payment of which "bonds there is hereby pledged such taxes and liens on tho proerty for the payment of the principal and :int erect of such bonds, abd such bonds shall be sold for not lessthan per/ anrdthe proceeds thereof applied exclusively to the payment oi' the cost of irprovenent of said sidevralks, curbs and 0itters hereinbefore Icentioned, and such bonds shall be issued anti shall bear interest and sh,Yll be payable in accordance with the terms of section 310I of the ke'ntiicdcy statutes as anendd and re—enacted by the general assembly of the co^.unonvr©eth of' kentucky, in the year 1910 hereinabove specifically referred to, SrC.S. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its padsagey approval 8,nd pbblicationa riven :its first and second passage .by couneinan.clac. IstTqI7. 0iven its first tined Seco d passa.r.,e by e,lderman rdse, Ist, l lj, Published in the nevJs democrat cdec 0n I I