HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 280, No Ordinance Number218(1 pfd OF CpTICRE:TF SI1 ➢�'dALTCS ATdD �1 I N ORDTHANCF PROVIDING FOR_ THE COPdSTRUCTI �nRY JTp.iII10I,T� ITITA ES GUTTERS, TOGt1T1II;R 4fCTii (*�ANITFJ CURBI'JI' A 141) ALh T :CI%h CATCH BASIN& i SF1'•I S AND DRIVI.UTAYS � ON Bp m SIDS OF IdARR1S0iI STRei:T FROM ;GFVFNTFJ;NTII STRFFY!` Ta 1TIIIT-,TFFNTH 7 STRFF:T � IN Z71F CI i'Y OF PADiICt�II KFITTUCt{�, �I I of the City of Padtrec:•,h, Kentuety '. Be it orcdain l by tile Council e General tiler with all ne©esse,ry mare: Sec. 1. that sisevralks, curbs and Bitters, toga, p-^ OIr bothire-es, ir�tikesy and Catch Basi.r>El, sewers ayrl driveways thp-r-� ori �s �z eet to Pline�eenth street, in b sides of Harrison street from Seventeenth �! the City of Pacdtrcah, Kentucky, be, and the same are hereby or o be constructed. Sec. 2. Said siclevr,lks and glitters shell be corrstrttcted of concrete-a,t- erair,l, aryl the curbing therefor slial_l be of granite; aryl all of se,icl ;work to be clone in strict, accordance with the plans, grades, specifications, ^•riciths and profiles, rnacle and provided by the Ci -by engineer for such- P'Ur- pose, and all of which are adopted as a part of this ordinance asif fully set fotth herein or attached hereto, aryl the same are marked "A" for acre specific identification. Sec. ; . Saicd work shell- be congtructecl, udder the direction of the Board of Public VIorks aryl the supervision of the Cite engineer, and s116,11 be corm- enced at a time designated by the contract for the performance of said work and completed on or before November 1st 1913. Sec. n. The cost of the construction of said sidewalks shall be p.,id fqr wholly by the property owners abutting or fronting thereon, on both sir;es thereof, to be approtioned to and assessed against the property arrl. pry perty owners fronting or abutting; thereon, rAn both sides thereof, occorcl-, ing to the number of feet fronting or abutting thereon, except the coiner I ots abutting upon said imprwerient shall pay the entire cost of all inter- sections, nter-sections, in addition to the construct i on innecli ately abutting said _irol,ar and the Oity of PaclucF•h, shall pay the cost of construction abutting all public Alleys. Sec. 5. Tile contractor awardej file contract for the vtork herein provid8d' shall be paid only from the r^mncis arising fron the specie,l tax bills and assessr"eats against the propr;rty abutting the imProvemerrh heroinovicled for, and in no other vrat, except that sr;icl pr contractor May ` such bonds as mr•,y be issued. by y bE, paid out of J the City of Paducah laws governing sante, and for the ) in accorance with the i pcsyrnent 9t�• �'rhieh UU the tax bills and e,ssess- melts against the property b.butt�sn G the herein deecribed be pledired by the City of Peclueah aryl in no inproventent;s 2 MY event shall the City of Dc.d^ uceh, be liable to the contractor.for —_ - the cost Of t}e construction of swid 7 28 $iclewalks, except the r;ertion thereof abutting, public alleys, arul for the excess $f i I Fifty per cent of tdte value of any peot;9erty assessed for the improvement herein nroviclecl for. ec. 6. The contractor wgarcle(l the contract herein. phel"l .be paid by nonthly irprovement�i vgarrents issuecl by the City or Paclucalt upon estimates furnished by the City Fng,ineer o the extont of sixty—fire per cent (6-91) of the value of the vrork, clone bir the con— ractor, during the progress of the work, and said improvenent vvixrents shall bear r ;ix per cent (6;,) interest from 'late of issue, and shall be issued by the City Treasure; zpon order of the Greneral Council. Said irprovenent vrarren`.s shell be art(l shall constitute a lien on the local taxes to be hereafter levied upon the property' ),butting said improveitent for the racking, of such iiTrove:lent, and shall be pa-, a' at tite office of the f 7.ty Treaslarer without notice to the holder thereof, upon conplet— ion aryl acceptance of the <<rork herein provided for, oltt of the first, collection of I such loce,l taxes, or out of the proceeds of the 98.16 of arky ircprove., bonls is ited in anticipation o" the collection of such local taxes. rhe interest &n sttc)1 improve— hent warrents s}t.all be estimated and assessed improve— Rs a pnx t o5 the cost of tile i throve :eat erein provided for. (1c 7. This orditaence shall take eff^etc and be in forc6 from and a?ter its passage ,- j_. i ?' pproval, and publication. u