HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 171, No Ordinance NumberAN ORDINANCE GOVERNING THF SALE OF MILK A14D OTHER DAIRY PRODUCTS, AND R"IGULATING THE SANITARY CONDITION OF DARIFS AND TAILK DEPOTS AND THE CONDITIOIT AND "USE OF i;TENSILS, VEHICLES, ETC. USED IN HANDLING, MANUFACTURING OR SALE OF 1,1ILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS IN PADUCAH, Mi,171'UCKY,jAND REPFAI,IiJG CERTAIN OP.DIidANCES OF THE i CITY OF PADUCAH. Be iT ordained by the General Council of the City of Paducah, Kentucky. Sec. I. The Board of Health of the City of Paducah, or its agents, may enter at any time, and no person shall hinder or prevent them from so entering, any I ' ;place in the city of Paducah where milk or.lmilk_products from cows or dairies is i kept or held for sale for human food. i Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to bring !into or receive into the Ci,,y of Paducah for sale, or to sell, or offer for sale therein, or have on hand for Purpose of sale, any milk or cream or products from cows 'I or de.iriesni without first having obtained from the Board og.Health, of the city of ,i i Paducah, a permit to do so, said permit to be obtained as hereinafter provided. i' Sec. 3. To procure the permit provided for in Section 2 hereof, the appli- cant therefor shall file with the Board of Health of the City of Paduc4h, a written statemEmt setting forth his residence and place of business, the number of cowrs owned by him, the name and address of any and all persons from whom he is ,purchasing or obtf•ining milk, cream, buttermilk, sour milk, butter or other dairy pro;luct, and the Quanity of such products sold b,}7 him daily. It shall be the duty of the holder of such permit to notify the Board of Health in writing of any change ;in the name or address o' the person or persons from whom he obrained his supply of milk, cream, butter -milk, sour milk or other dairy product. Sec. 4. Upon the Board of health of the City of Paducah being satis?ied that the place or places where. the milk or milk,products are to be kept or o ffered for sale, or from which they are obtained, are sanitary, orthat the cows from which said :milk is obtained are free from disease and kept in a sanitary place and manner, said :Board of Health shall grant a permit to the applicant conditioned upon his compli- i ;once writh the terms of this ordinance and the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health of the City of Paducah. Said Permit may be revoked at any time, by ;the Board of Health of Paducah, Kentucky, should the holder thereof fail or refuse to comply with the provision of this ordinance. Sec. 5. No person or persons shall keep a cow in the City of Pr..ducah wi' hou't s; permit from the Board of health. See. 6. All Permits shall be renewed during the month of Inlay of each year, to be vn-lid. Renewals of permits -may be granted at the discretion of said Board 172 e ocanted. ner as ori Sinal Permits are Provided for In man the per of Health in the same no char Se for agree to furnish There shall be t theTe'or must See. 7• licc,n the app or dairies) oducts from cows Sections 2 and 5 hereof, but , Milk or P licant must free of charge such samples of s2s. The a,PP o s e o f arnalY for the pure its agents of his as may be neccessary Board of ' action by $e'id Pss of ertaining to the burin., further agree to allow the inspection or anything P utensils, , premises, cows, dairy all times• operating a dairy or milk depot, at to sell, offer for sale, Sec. S. It shall be unlawful for arry PerSOn any milk or butter, who fails or or have on hand for sale in this city, she terms of this ordinancg aegleets by himself or agents to comply with all � or who sells or offers for sale, or has on han� for sale, products, from cows as required Uy the terms of or dairies which are not maintained•or kept j this ordinance. used for stabling milk cc) -Ors which is Sec. 9• No building shall be as to not well lighted, ventilated, drained and constructed in such manne' render same sanitary. See. 10. All :Malls or places where the cows are milked shall be proL vided arith clean floors. The accumulation of urine, manure, stagnant water, i i or any other filth, shall not be permitted in any stable or barn yard or other place where milk cows are kept, the products from which are for sale within the city of Paducah. i I Sec. 11. No water -closet, cesspool, urinal, habited room or workshop shall be located within any building ox shed used for stabling cows used 1 for dairy purposes, nor shall any fowl, hog, horse, sheep or goat be kept jin any room used for such purposes, I Sec. 12. No accumulation of manure, urine, stagnant water or other filth, shall be permitted within six6y feet of the stalls or place where i cows are kept. Sec. 1-5. Every building of s,,.ed for keeping cogs for d .iry purposes, shall be kept clean and in good repair atiu yell paiiri:eu ur ;;mac. , ;.. I:Tilk from cows suffering with tuberculosis, actinomycosis, Texas fever, absesses or any other contagious or infectious diseases, and milk from cows that will calve Within fifteen days or that have calved within ten days, shall hot be sold or kept. for se.le in the city of Padreah: Sec. 15. It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale any mill;_, cream or any other dairy products from any covrs purchased or otherwise acquired aftBr the Passage of this ordinance, which cows have not withstood success- fully the tuberculi:-e test. Upon and after the 1st of January, 1912, no milk, I cream, butter -milk or sour milk will be allowed to be sold or offered for sale or brought into the city for sale, from any cow or cows, unless the owner of said cow or� COWS holds a certificate by a veterinarian acceptable to the Board of Health of the City of Paducah, that said cow or cows are free from tuberculosis as shown by the tuberculin test. The veterinary certifice,te properly sworn to must show in detail the tuberculine test as made by him according to the standards of the state Veterinarian of the i state of Kentucky. After the lst. of January, 1912, each cow or cows, whose milk, cream or other 'dairy product.:is- sold or offered for sale or brought into the City of Paducah for ;sale, shall be tested at least once each year in the manner herein providerl. Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of every person having charge or control df Jany premises upon which c-.,ws are kept, to notify the Board of Health of the exist- ,ance o' any contagious diseases or recurring inflamation or abscess of the udder, immediately upon the discovery thereof, and to immediately isolate stitch cow or covers ■ and keep same apart from tl-,e herd until permission is granted in writing by the ' Board of Health, to permit such cow or cows to return to the herd. Sec. 17. It shall be unlawful for arV dairy:-ian to feed milk cows, or have in ;his possession with intention to feed milk cows, amy-garbage, swill, refuse or any !other food prohibited by the Statutes of the State of Kentucky. Sec. 19. All mIlkers or other attendants who handle the milk or cream, 'Buttermilk or sour milk vfnich is offered for sale or delivered in the City of Paducah, shall be personally clean, and a_l such persons before entering upon their duties shall thoroughly wash their hands with soap and water, -and no milker shall be permitted to wasli the teats of the cows with milk or water in the milk bucket, or ' Ito milk the cow with wet or moist hands. Sec. 19. It :,hall be the duty of any person having; charge of or control of -'any premises upon which milk or cream, buttermilk or sour milk is produced, handled, } stored or distributed, to notify the Bosxd of Health immediately upon the discovery of.' i diptheria,.carlet fever, smallpox, typ•oid fever, or measles, membraneous croup, s ;any other contagious or infectious diseases upon such premise. Sec. 20, Anyperson Who attends to cows, or milks them, or who has ' he care of handling o" vessels used for the sale, storage, or distribution of milk, cream, buttermilk or sour milk, shall not enter at�y place or premises wherein exists any of in, nor shall any person have any communication, direct the diseases mentioned here person who resides in or is an occu nt of such infected. place. or indirect, with any P p`' outing mi1-k or cream, "or hauling,� or c.istri and must not See. 21. All vehicles used I' Buttermilk or sour milk, *nest be kept in a sanitary condition, o f an unsanitary character hinS else 'I I beused for haul3iag manure, slops or a,y� milk or ' or Sec. 22. Each vehicle used for Ylaulii?,distriUllti=l cream, buttermilk or sour milk, shallside thereof have painted on each 1 the name of the dairy, the name letters not less than three inches hij I of the person to whom stjel-i permit was granted,ancZ the nunber of such permit. II See. 23. All milk depots anc� places for handling milk, cree.m, butter -milk or sour milk, must be kept thorou017TJ clean t?Zrollgl"lout, and o must be screened so as to exclude all flies. The floors f such milk depots must be of cement or tiling or other impervious flooring, The room in wrich the milk is to be handled or kept, shall be screened or protected in such a, manner as to be free from flies and bugs. Sec. 24. No person or persons shall bring into or receive into the city of Paducah, for sale, or offer for sale therein, or have on hand for purpose oP sale, any milk, buttermilk,. cream or products from cows or dairies, whici-, are stored or kept in any:,'basement, cellar, refrigerator, milk house, dair}r or other place, which communicr.tes directly with any unsanitary closet or room or any horse or cow stable. Sec. 25. All milk shAll be cooled, strained and stored in rooms out- side of the cattle barns, and there shall be no communications between it i land any barn or other building. Said coling rooms must have cement, con- i J� Crete or other impervious floors, must be kept whitevrashed aiul_ clean at all times, and must be screened in such a way as to exclude all ,_lies and I j vermin. Sec. 26. Ido pasteurized or sterilized milk shall be sold) in t_ie Citi of Paducah unless it is conspictously labeled "pasteurized" or "sterilized." I Said label shall state the degree (temperature and length of exposure at j that temperature) and date of PasteurizF.t9,on of sterilization Sec. 27. All milk shall be marketed i as soon as possible after milking. Sec. 28. All milk brought into the city, or sold or offered din the City, must not contain more fo_ sale than 500,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter. See. 210. It shall be unlawful for aY Person or Persons to bring into jthe City of Paducah for sale, or to sell e_1 any milk vrhich contains a or dirt (that is ir. any manure ) i quantities. sufficient andin to be c�etGcteCi With the naked eye, after the milk leas been st I g one 11011 1, or gore. I i i I See. 30. No milk shall be kept in ice boxes or refrigerators whixh are in any way connected with sewers or cesspools, nor shall any milk be kept in the same compartment of any ice bovl Or refrigerator in which meats or other articles of food are kept. Sec. 31. It shall be unlawful for ary dealer in milk or cream or other dairy products, or his agents, for the purpose of serving milk, cream or other dairy products, to enter ary building that Lias in it any contagious disease, or that is placarded by the 13oarcl of Health for contagious disease, until such placard has ,I been removed by the proper authorities. This section is not intended to prevent -the . delivery of milk_ or other products to such dwellings. j Sec.. 32. It shall be unlawful for a-r}y person to remove from such. dwelling any bottles or receptacles vrhich have been or are to be used for the purpose of receiving or storing milk or cream, buttermilk or sour milk, without a written permit from the Board of Idealth or its a, ;eats. Sec. 33. It shall be unlawful for any dealer in milk or cream, or his agents, to bottle or cause to be bottled, or to be placed in jars or cans, or any open container, any part of his milk or cream supply while upon the vragon, or at any other place than the dr,iry or milk depot. Sec. 34. It shall be urlewful to sell, or offer for sale, or have cn hand for sale in the city of Paducah, any milk, cream, buttermilk or sour milk contain- ing aim preservations of any kind, or vrhich is adulterated or unwholesome. ee. 35. The vrords 'adulterated or urn^rholesor.Le milk" as used in this ordinance mean: 1. Tdilk offered or kept ,:or sale as vrhole milk or sold as such, vrhich contains less than eight and, one half (S V2,,) per cent of solids not fat, and Less than three and one-quarter (3 1 4'0) per cent of mills fat. 2. Milk which has been diluted with water or flui(l, or to which has been added or into which has been introduced any foreign substance whatever. 3. T,Mk drawn from animals fed on any substance vrhich does not comply with the general laws of the State of Kentuc'r:y. 4. Milk drawn from cows kept in crowded or unhealthy condition. 5. P.Iilk, erature o" which is higher than 60 degrees ^ahrenheit, 6. IUIk whicl the temp more than 00 an 500,0 bacteria to the cubis centimeter. %. Milk containing contains .. more than two tenths Of one per cent (0.21)) of lactic acid- for Skimmed milk, for sale as such, shall not contFin less than nine and -quarter 7/41°) per cent of milk solids, All vessels, pack=.ges, cans, etc., one-q r ( Onshall have the whole exterior c)f the can, including the ntain1nG ak�mmed milk,co d color, and shall have painted in black letters on lid, painted a bright re of the body of the can, clot mare than six inc the exterior from the neck of the can, the vrords, "SkimmedPlilk,",. in letters at least three :inches high; such 176 times• Sale in milk cans to be kept well painted at all o,rfered or kept for Sae. 37• All buttermilk sold or etc•' S}�all be rhrooms, (depots, groceries, hotels, restaurants, lun. kept at a temperature not higher than 6o degrees Fahr �nheitthe same , sanitary rules govern the proclbtction or keeping for sale of buttermilk, J g which control the sale or production of swee+• IDilh• Sec. 3S•. All buttermilk offered for sale ;11 the city of Paducah as r buttermilk, or sold as such, must not contain more than ninety --thee (93�) per -cent of watery fluid, and not less than seven (70 per Cent of solids. i?rncl for sale in It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale, or have On the City or Paducaf, any adulterated or urntholesGne butbermil K^ Sec. 39. Tile words "adulterated or iInwholesome buttermilk"as used in this ordinance mean: 1 • Buttermilk containing; more than ninety—three (931)) per cent o-,' watery fluid, or less than seven .(7M per cent. of :milk solids. 2. Buttermilk %rfhich has been diluted with grater or any other fluiq or to which. has been added or into which has been -introduced any foreip. substance whatever. 3. Buttermilk 1,ept in stores, lunchrooms, restaurants, etc., and.. o"ferecl ; or sale, shall not be kept in Metallic containers. 4• Buttermilk, the result of milk or cream obtained ;:rom cows i ed on an)T substance not complying vrith the general lf)XTS of the State of Kentucky. 5• }Buttermilk from pr oducts of cotes kept in a crowded or unsanitary condition. See. 40. All vessels containing buttermilk vrhicll s held or ' i " P 9 0'.7 .,red for sale in the City of Paducah, must be labeled in such a manner r.s to plainly shove the age o27' the buttermilk. Sec. 41. Creem sold or kept for sale as such, must contain at least eighteen (1Sja) per cent butter fats, and must not contain_ arju foreign substance or coloring matter. Sec. 42® Ice cream sold or kept for sale in the City of Paducah shall be:, 1. Ice sream shall be Crozen product made from cream and sugar wit)or mithout natural flavoring, and shall contain not less than 'ourteerb (1416) PE per cent of milk fat. 2, ;'rui•t ice cream shall be a frozen product made f:'rom c -re m, sugar, and sound, clean mature fruits, and shall contain not less than twelve (12%) per cent of milk fat, Nut ice e.ream shall be a frozen product made from cream, sugar, and sound, non,rancicl nuts and shall contain not less than twelve (120 factories ora �) per c e"t Of milk fat. All ice cream �y other place where semblance of ice cream, ice cream or any substanCe having the is mcnufactured nr Offered for sale Must be kept l in a sanitary condition and all utensils, apparatr,s, etc., used_ in the manuafctuBe, sato or distribution of ice cream, or other frozen product, mutt be kept in a sanitary Condit ion at all times. Sec. 43. A,11 cans, bottles or vessels of any kind, used for holding milk or cream, must be cleaned at least once a day with soap or sod'a,'or bth.er cleansing preparation made for the purpose, and then rinsed with boiling water. i They should always be cleaned as soon as empty, Sec. 44. If any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall conflict I with the 'rules of the State Pure Food Commission, the rules of the latter shall govern. Sec. 45. Copies Of this ordina.nra Gha.11 ha nr;nt.orl nn lA.riva wPr1hnR.r(1_ F.nrl a copy of the same delivered with each permit or ren wal of same, and said copy must be posted in a conspicious place in the dairy or milk depot of the party holding such permit. f Sec. 46. Any person, firm, or corporation, their agent or employes, who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of i an offense, and upon conviction in the Police court of the City of Paducah, shell be punished by a fine of not less than ten ("'� 10.00) dol=ars nor more than one hundred (<100.00) doll:ars, or imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both so fined and imprisoned. Sec. 47. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed. Sec. 4 Except as herein otherwise provided, this ordinance shall talo e 'feet and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Ffesolution. na work is a neccessity and desired by the property It appearing the followi to be improved that parts, by Fading and graveling Paxtonstreet from Little Pve. to Bloom Ave. e,nrl Bloom Ave. from Paxton Ave. to the City limits. All of said work to be done under the ten year plan. ✓, �,C: 1, In