HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 137, No Resolution NumberI iJ 4'1) •r;.surer !,rit?lout notice `.o ti- holder thcrcof,'upon complotion ccc tc.tice of the vTork—hercin provided "or, out of the 'first colLectinn c toc:.,1 t, or out e ' the >roeeeds r' is sued i•t ,' T of the sale of any i:•tprovc:,:cnt `Ir icipe,tion of tine collection of such keel taa-.os. Tire or, suc' inprover!ont rmrra!!ts sltr.l.l be cs .:i:acted enri , soos: cd no r. pert cost of the itaprove;!calt hcr;in provided "or, Sec. 6. This ordinance shn.L1 taco e 'feet and be in 'orae front rnd a :50 i':": Pr,ssa�o, aPprov+:l and Publication, on the 23rd day of October, ISM, Bell Tolephone Co., by 7. T. Vfasirborne, AJ;ont, Addreoscd the foll,.,vying Potition to the };Icyor- at'(` C:r !::on Council of tl.c city of Pr duc^1!, to %,fit;- . Pa(lucah, Ky., Oct. ?_j, 1fi�0. TO T CIJORARLI , T: MAYOR Pdf; C01,710II �V I� COMIC L OF THE CITY OF PADUC7LTi, 1*Y.," 1 "WO the subscribors, flu bly POtition your i'onorr.blo Body or p:;r::lission to crsct polos and run vriros thereon throu;-)tont your city "or the PUPPese of establishinf; e, tolePhonc etch nf;e "or th(: conveniorce o" your citizen Trusting t'tr,t your "onorr.ble Body will grant our Petition,n;e-re r,,in, "ResPry &C., i "Bell Telephone Co," "Per 7. T 7as2tborne, Af ,, P A! TD) l'A PRFIAS ort the 15th dfly o:' ILcv::: bcr, l,F:30, J. Ilolle,nd and IV. F. Autustus, mcmbe'rs of the con!mon council of the city 01' -PCduC3l'- to vnccrn the Petition above set out harl boon referred, made the ''ollorr- int; r::Port;-- °:'le your eom ittoe would-eeorrinend that thc- prayer of t'�:: .7ithin Petitioners be Lranted on the follot^ing conditions; to v,,,it;-- That c poles .':all not b, less than 34r-'cet in heli;]) rnc' Painted vrell, tile be red t baso and white from red up ." "E. J. 7o11r,n . ";J. r. nufztstua." "12 inches in diva eter 1):t brise atu' iri roori rtion r1,1 t vmy up IIOIa T" Ia;l:}'ORi;: 4" IT R':SOLVI'D BY T:': (1S;IJRRAL COUNCIL D C ^'Y OP PADUCAH, KY., that any grant or license ennferio(i by t resolution or ;r.ert in(:bove set out,, bc, 1),11(1 tho rno in, hcroby rovokod nim' :Id rn5glu- tion is Airy rcP-;r.lcd, 0110 :•rhntover riJ lit or license to uoc tho at,rc;ts o;' tiro citr :cc.l!, i r.ny therein yore J2anted, 1).r her :by revoked. ��' J p BI: IT FURT107% RESOLVED, tlu.t the Chic" of Police or r•.Ily by lcvr to Sorvo notice, is hrreby rliroctod to dcliv r t, e T.;1cPhone Co! Arany e certi `ied c ,1),r ,, this resnlutioh an: pro - to tnhe e' f ct c?Lri boc,)ue npertAivr: )0 i t 1).•,,h o'' ,ci<I corti(dod copy to tl!: ..rsid F,e:;t Tenney€•o, C , , . id o'-licer dolivcrinv sc :;ill ^ndorse thermon th^ rto of-' ;.is r^soliation, rand on vr,tom „ervad. P.esalut ion. r, nccce: �it.y dc:•irod by the Prolrorty iti.,b lc. or T ✓ , )L ^et, b tvrer:n Clay i 1 2.;, si'01, 1).l to be oc c ricr t' s 'r ,lI o .bove to be crone u::dor tl:,, ten