HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 120, No Ordinance NumberA PRAiICIIISE AIID I3R.tVIT,EGE5 TT}E SALE Ol'' CTRIC TIPlG AND 1.1ltIIITAI?lII.lG Al XJ URDIii!•.}ICE P.ROIr:CDIP}G F•0` 1.OR TNF: P URI'OSn OF FRECT:CI G, OPr'.RA T KEIITI'CKY. STRi'ET RACLI'lAY OVPR CIN STREETS III Till", CITY OF P�UCIS'., ERTA the City of Pc,cluce..11, Kentuc�C Be it ordainod By the Gcno.ra,l council °i s +hnn r, public ['.uCt1on, !let leers ublication of this Soc. 1. That there be sold t P With the t�reiity It;:ys from the passc.(rc, cnProvr,l,and P orriinrnec, a rrrncltise to the hirllcst and bort bidder�c deem ri(ht in sr_id ,city to rcJcely t '-,ny end all bids, c,s it proper, to e'reet� operate analAmninr�rleclrthorocor,°111tthetcitylofy� trires, poles and otilor apparc�us n. t'uily herein- Paducal,, I cntuciuy, upon the terms end conclit ens mora o,ftor set out. Sec. 2. The solo of said franchise and r'.ecaptancaof the bid 1 by said city, slue!! vest title in the pure}taseer t 7 Y -co approval nd publication rl of twenty '1 ropresonat9ves, successors or assiL'ns,cof tlu.:, (20) yocrs from t]ae passar-e, ordin^n cc. Sec. 3. There is hereby [;ranted to the said porch: ser, i'",: successors or csrims, until tvronty (20) yec,rs from tho cl; to W' the pc. ra;'c, c,Pproval and publicc.tion of this ordin nce, a 'r.^..ncl,�I e to construct, operate and maintain an electric street rnilvray, slit'_: single track -.nd such turnouts, sWitehes, curves and othor apparatus and equipments as may be neccessary therefor over and alonfr the fo loarin,—streots of the city of Paducah, Kentucky, to writ:- " On Nineteenth Street from Brondvrc.y to anal across c',uthrie !:venue; on Cuthrio Avenuc from Nineteenth street to the Iayfiold Road; On South Ilinth street from Broadway to Jackson street; on Jackson street from south !Ninth Strect to P,Icvont'_T ;'treat; on Eleventh street from Jackson to Cc.ldvrell street; on Caldwcil street from Eloventh Street to Thirteenth street; thence on the str°ot extending from Caldwell street to't_ic: Union Station or tLe ILlinois Control Rnilroad Dopot; on South Sixth Street from Broadway to Broad Street; on Clerk Street from Sixt}i street to Eight str at; on Eight street from Cla::k street to Tonnossee street; on Tennessee street from Eight Street to Plinth Street; on Ilinth street from Tenncssoo stroct to Bacl--nr,n Street; on Fourth Street from Brondvmy to Kentucky ^venue; On Kenttzc],:y Avenue from Third Street to Fourth Street; On Third Strect Frost Broadway to Broad. street -,'On Broad Street'from Third street to Benton Road or Bridc.'e 'treat; On Benton Rona or 11 Brid e Street .cross Island Creel: to Cle cuts Strout; Cn Clcl�cnts "troet from Benton Roca' or 13ridl o Stroot to Yoisar .'.venue; On Yeiscr ,^,venue from Clement, Street to KaYcs Avc;rnlel on ilaycs Avenuo front Ycisar (.venue to the Banton Roecl or Bridf:e --tract; no the Benton Road or Ilrid� a ^treat to rho City limits; ,on 'forth Tourtit Street fr0hi Brondvray to I'adison ,,treat' ori Madison street from Fourth Street to Fifth Strect; On Fif*,I: Sur st fr°n "edisnn Street to Triable 'tr;ct; on Triable Str .et fro,! ?'iftlt ;'*scat to Tenth Strcot;.' on Tonth street nota Triable Street to Burnett ,^.trent} or. Burnett Street from Tent:o Street to Ttroath Str ,et; on Tvra7.Pt': :tr :at 'rota Burnett Stree T}•i:�tccut} ,.`., :'ro-: Cairo Rocd to Cit t to ;'iron Avonuo; wa ;'tract, ^ ,..,rri:a y li:-ti,.s• :r;tr act; on on Madison Streat]tt:romth rant' ltth Street Prom a " ^t; on Trimble Stroet Yrart r4isotl ,r ',, � Co :rJ• ,tra Ct, y^ r• o};, to rt: or ;-i t: 01a cti'ia ;;treat ':WY b- 7 :eaA7uo-t turno^t.s, avrita}t•os s Bao d cy i . irat _ tl .1'Lrtetosnt}z °Ver cnrilonn Pe ition.h, .ca uci-;y, , t,' , i11 the cit1r of `-ac-�'f Allt .1 t.:-.:L'7r♦ 0I' r0 , tr19 C3t1:;trl7C 17nrlar _ it is or r art t_uctr d (IL,tlo'.r d.T this r r, e_', hurt on tare! bo--'-:ib7 I, exec it. t]lU t n. , r 1 B a. rl icl ar .� clrrLble + '.0/: r trr.,y. f•I.�.., °t c :i..o r; y .,-irstot bo r°auiTncl Liel., but the e C' lsy :..� _ .,.• .. .. .iC - -= Z+4i �-1 TnC� �� Cl.i t.eC21A}e :'tTeR:t ,.� r o, r;`.t y o• i abie ri id street, or �; Sec. 5: In constructing snitches no greatcr distance s'nr.li be left botwoon tllo s,ritches and the main track, or bet -.;icon the center trick and the sviitcllos, than is sufficient to clear passing c rs, and no snitch shall be e nstructed ::t the intersection of streets, or Within twenty (20) r'oet theroof, and no switch shall be loca.tcd upon the line of said road except at such a point r'... . shall b; dosifnat.cd by the Street Committ.c of-t)m Ccnoral Council.. Should, :,:,id purchaser, its successors or r�.1:1ij il:i, -il or refuse to e^"trJ:',r viith the pro- visions of this section, it shall be fined twonty (220.00) dollars for oach v day it so fails or refuses. Sec. §-. This franchise is [,;ranted upon the express condition tllr:.t the purchasor, its succossors or assigns, shall maintain Broadway street betvre,:n its rails from First Street to Sovcnteenth Street, and if a doublo track is laid thereon, shell, in addition, maintain the ::tniot for -)no (1) foot on the outer sidd of the respoctive tracks; and shall maintain the street botvrecn its rails and Tl_ird Street from Broadway to Bror,d street; and on Broad Street Irom T]iird Street to Sixth Street;' and on Sixth Ct_�oet from Broad j street to 1:0,0.ison Street; and on Trimblc Street from Sixth street .to Tenth Street;, and c,lso on Trimble Street From Tvrclfth "trcot to rhat is I;noem rs (— Oak Grove Cemetery; and on Jackson Street from ninth Street to Elovent;: Street. If Broadway street from First Street to Seventeenth Strobt is improved with brick, asphalt, or other modern pavin[; materiel, the purcho.ser 11'rcin,/ its successors' or assi!ns, shall pay' one-, onrth (-j;) of the cost of ]aalcing Y auch improved drivel=ray bctt•re_:n first Street e.nd Seventeenth Street, if ElIn of the other streets above mentioned shall be, by order of the City of Pe.ducr,h, rebuilt or reconstrubtcd before the expiration of this "ranehise, the pur- chaser, its successors or assi,ns, shall not be required to strand any of,tho expense of such rebuilding or reconstruction, but after the same may be' -built or reconstructed salol purchaser, itr :successors or rssi`r?s, shall k^op tIe space bot.- rails in good repair, with -the Stne enrrc.ctor of'mntorisl .rich which s;:id street mc.y be reconstructed, but it is understood that, the City shall not be liablo for the expense of trlAUrl; up or rclr.ying, of the rai.l.s paid ties to conform to tho [;rr.de on Tiny street which may be rocol^structed, ov.;r yr ich t,+is 'ranchiso :RCy extend. The City roscrvos the right to itself to require sr.id purchaser, its successors or rssir:is, to conform to chinfzcd or altered trades on S;_id above mentioned streets and to pay the cost thereof, or ot'icrv;iso improve said str,ets botvr.on it:', rails; to me.Ice culverts for the free lovr of gator; and the City shall not be lirble for o,ny rlrm, to, or dclr.y in the operation of file bu::mess of' Said Company occasioned by caly street il'iprovmliollts, or repc,irs, or construction; bursting or repLir of any sewer or pipe on or across r.;71;r street or alley, or injury by ai'V✓ mob or violence. P.s to all other streets mentioned in this: fr•nchisc, the purcLr:.ser, itc eucc.isr;ors or r.s,:i no, s31-11 Ixlirintoin the strort nova ,rnfscd b ^.CI7 1 r. ils :itl t.,ro (') Ptc,,n on =' r i, SiC?.o thereof, vnd by p vi ' : nd roll : Council r r I l re, U tween tl:o roils ;.nd two (2) 9c!c woof, rind p; ..e; r.nd this SL.,1 1 nls^ ::)ply to arY or r-,ravelccl; o,f, cite resorver to itsolf tho riL;_':t to "c r, it:' Succos:; ta' cohi ar:n to chan,'ed or a,l - ].(i streets, no , :-y cost th=rOof, , er otllerCri:%e i^.)r _ the rails L (tj .ct o _u.cl: sicio thereof; to ni-1:e c- flotr o :r, City 2-1u 11 not be lir.blc for r•I><v l;c oper,.11,., o" incss of the corq:rriy, er ecasioned _..........r.it-, or repairs, conc.trtictinn; burr:tinr; or rep-.ir of across r-ny s'tr .Jt or r.11c `, or injury b Mr :lob or 74 i, City furtl'er rJSCI'V :...t c, 1'i; "1: r,t ('r.y r]]r.n r -o of fails, _ Cn. ,1.9,CtI .n n , n+rel OC', v.._ .. , _ .� - , -. � 1. i b � i I . i2y L'.H«5t r r`l L ( ,J• _ _L l'.; tlk3 c 1V r; to s}j t 'I`', 6 Cent.. L a l 11, v tt,l j„rt. in1n:”, tai 7 or: )r ci s, 7.1 be i c;. or t] o. Lf! it `•.'.i i. 'Cr t.:-? (u } C ..- _ '.. _. - _ .... i.CC __ .. ..^•J 12,_t.l7Ct Cl. CI'. y'e.L r3 l' _ii •'., %) o it .- _ � ... . _• _.- ..._ bo be i n• t Scc; The frrc for 0110 continuous p',sseLa 'ver said line arson, bettyocn the hours shr-.11 not oxcoc(1 five c,mts (5c) for cachTk 0 l rx c ; one i of 6 O'clocic A. M.'and.11 o`clock 1 • exceed" tellcents (l0) continuous pass^.1;o over said line 1,notclock ., and for each person, betwo on the hours O of f I 1 o six o'clock A. 11• from end to end, at Sec; Cars shall be run on 1,111`' line' betWO011 the hours loast Once every ]Lour, from opposite directions,to oi' six o'clock A. H. and ten o'clock P. 1:!. Should it fail so cutive comply vrith the provisions of this section for ten (11) conse days, than for each day thcrc&Pter it shr71 b Vinod tvrcnty 20.00 n�cl not excoeding ei[-11t (� ) dollars (1;;: ) . Sec. 10. Cars shall Abe run at r• speed r,nrl not miles per hour vrithin the busin0ss portio:. of the City, rssen�-ers .,. - excecding ten (10) miles elsewh.Ore, end when sign le(' by P or parties dos'rin[; passage on said cars, t11c same shell be stopped. on the opposite side of the nearest crass ill[;, ^>ftor rcecivir_[ ' this said � 1,1[,1,1, and for each 'a,ilure to comply with th provisions O.r section it shall be ;fined five dolle.rs (;r5• '0) ,,4, shall pa Sec. 11, id purchaser, its successors or assip;r_s, y• the Treasurer o' tho city of Paducah, at the beginning o'r' each y .:er, in advance, a license tax of.thirt', do'I.lars (>C.00), upon eo.e,1 Motor 'ec.r operatecl on srsid line of railway, nd a lie':nso tray of fuve dollars (1`5.00) on coed trailer car operated trr said line of 1:.111(.^.,y, rod pay -at the rate of thirty dolln.rs per motor car, ind five dollr:rs ( LrUd',) for each trailer, r(ld.ed after the bcgi.ning of the year, and the City reserves to itself the right to increase the license tax herein provided, to any sun not exceeding fifty dollc.rs ('}50.00) per annum f each mater c, -x. Sac. 12. This ordincnee i s subject to anencbient after its pc,ssa c, 'at ;_ny time. 'Sec. 13. The .raid purchaser, its successors or assi,ns, be, Lnd. they ase hbr;by per.,Att'od to erect smooth painted pales of cit:,.er wood or iron, along the str ;ets =6 inside the curbstone and neat thereto, of, sai(1 city, over rrhici4 saio Co*praly, its, successors or r_ssiLXn5, is hereby [riven the rij-.ht-of-gray, r.nd to nlrco brackets and span mires theroon rnn botween sc.,mo, ane! etretel, 1"irC: thereon, for tl'.c distribution of cloc`,rical current. "hat. in doin[; this, the work ,hell be'done in such a Manner is not to interfot•e with or impede the ord1nary travel of said streets, or the electric 'wires of the city' ofi Pachzcah, and all dlsplaccmcnts of thw sidowalks shall be promptly rep^ired in as oapeditiouS a mcnncr ' as possible, and plat bade in : s f-oocl condition cs before t1• vrorl: was dorso; .,end saio Cal:ipmy, its 1!Uccossorn or :,ssillls, 511:11 be responsible to the city o(' Paducr,h, or to [,I -person, if r.ny dart,, e to said city or person shill be sustained by reason of the oroction of p^les, winos, etc., to oporr.te its errs by electric 'rotor pourer; n,n=' that tl'e trolley wires, o" scdd railway shall not be less th• n nineteen (19) 'cot above the st'rc: t, and t1jo City 1,,11,11 1L('.va the right to ra! ulrtc and say when fnd where tl,c cri'L; c;] 1:11 stop. Sec. 14. In erecting poles lsnd str it:" successors or in[;i.lj, 111101,, the pl,rchr„er, r (;3; 11,, shr-11 plrcc ill treat,, lirvemol?Is or other public ;:>lrces in tiie City of Paduc,, , disturbecl or 61T up for n4. in good --MO CO:Ilp_Ct.. :1 Lglller C,5 street or puU'.ie p._ .c b :;'0ro sc. .icl pot s were nlr,ced tilerro2l rn(1 the `,d Opt, r1iractin[• �.� _P�. and 1116 1L- e the (iltorationa ': !�eriu'r1 0l "n:'e of ;111:1,, or O`' tha Palos o t! 10 c:L:;pr'I,}y, rand the vrires shall b,. r .> :. 1a',�1 car'. rr on so ordered D or t c be pif.CCr! Ui J'Ol' )'r Oatnd Llri Oy the IGiCn Cr(L.L Ca. no11, Sec.111. Sl OUl'' (!,r J "fly, it,: suece^„1a; i(, O1Qar. 9 -irt, ) (,.y , ;.t c fi,l:v r, or E1ilzls, ''J. rc in a. :d aver r2 '� tra use or u.11err_t,o l'I atxa(it:.tullt:ton(ul in '' etic,n rl:Gr r e' , z ❑ra now or -'a c thi i;r,,c ,i:•a G11 .1"i ilarenfter it=- :'lzcc be laid ;1111,1.1 be't. o ,I road ^>tr(,at ( , t "'fl to Cl .. ;'t ct' Venus. „ S ,,r F %C1.. �.,r :.VC1111 1` ; 1 - .-, U til t, till-, + 1 •1 r�U: x.11 Iiif,- /! _ n a.1Jhis over it:, rcconrt 1 r) i' �4 , r,^ repairs or bstructions by tho City; and should the purchaser transfer, or assi fz; the f'rrrtc;tisc horein granted, to any cortpc.ny or cortpr.nies, individual or indivic?uc.is, co- pctrtr;orship, or other persons, natural or artificic.l, v­hich nay be '!!ready on! -a l•ed in a sinilar lino o" conpetint; busine:;o in the City of Paducah,-t.hon the franchise horcin prrrtted shr.11 at oncecense and bocomc void; and should the purellascr to Which this fr .nchise is , rcntod, trrmsfcr sac? assitm same anrt ft:.i.l to incorporate the provisions of requiring the pasty to 7rhich the, st;:.lo is transferrod, to obli( ,t•c hirlsolf not to sell or trimofer to a compoting _-ino, then this franchise shall e.t once becono void cnr] inopera` ivc, See. 16. Ar>,y other person or compc..V ma1,1 use file poleo recited under t'_•:i:: P!rant, but porson or comp• ny sh.^.11 tiny to the ormors o;" this franchise a reasonable compensation for its si,id polos; but the City of Paducah shall ht`.ve the right to use said poles for •oloctric lil;llts, or rt,lter purposos for the benefit of tl c City, dueing the (;r nt of this "'rnnchiso,, free of ch^.r;'o. Sec. 17. The City o" Paducah reserves the ril-lit to proscribe the number, kind and locution of all turnouts nd s-,itcl!o s to be used in the iperation of the street railway ;rhich may be oporatod by said purchaser, its successors or ass il'gis, and it also reserves the rir;ltt to control i nd prescribe t}le kind nn,' queaity o-' material to b used in constructing*, rosonstructing, rcnlacinl or ropnivii:g streets enci location of all turnouts, orritches .r.nd curves, aur' CrossillUs o�' the :trout to b: used alonC the line of' saki railway, to be made at the oxclusivc cost o" the purc'.tc.ser, its successors or o.ssi� ns. `•-ec. 1S`. The track of the said rci.lraay shall be. of the Sc,ul-e, four ?eat cnr] oiglit and one half (4 't 8: s -z in,) inchos, or standard :gcul;o:i and tho rails shall be o" stool o^ tho most approval pattern, to be laid on a levol nit•h the pavement, or surface of the street, v!i.th suitable briclg-os over all culverts, so as to allow the free "lo -,y of rater. Sec. 19. Any street thl.t shall be removed in the construction of said rail--rny, shall be replt,.ced in good order, and kept .so by tho ozmcr of said railway comprny, without the ulmoccessary rloley. Ser_`. 27. The City of Paducah roservos the riuht to t 1_e up• and ror:lovo sa: cl rai1:jmy, - or pernit others to dd so, rhoneror it shc.11 be neccossary to rcpo.ir or improve streets, or to 1,y gator pipes or sourer pipes, or Cor otllor public purposes, but such ropy irs or i.^tprovoments sho..11 b.,*rr.de l-!i`.l,out unneccessary delay, and any track thus removerl shall be replciced by and ct the expense Of the party :for •r!hom the inprovemerlts rerc made. Sec. 21. Tl_e ovmcrs o' ss.id stroct r ili-my shr`.11 be liable in tag eo.ses by roacon of c�-.rolcssncss or nogli ;once, or misconduct from any cauLi c, on tito part of its a ents or employes in the construction_, use or nna,-onent o^ := i,' r!_ilty, ,y, t7.nr1 it shell hole! the city of Paducah harmloss on account of nny clrt'­!-:_:: vr.lich :.r be claimed by ormers of pr'per'ty, or any person, on account oi' l;.,yi:: - of said track, or by reason of the layinl,, thereof, or in the use thereof, by running crus on e: nic. Sec. 22, The Gencral Council •sha11 have the po,ver to r•r rtt to one or more c;tr}..: n,lividuals, the 'right to occupy � rn: use the..bovc h' mod r^.ilrays, :. :cg,> r.r tho distcnen of oig;ht hundred ('n")) "cot, provided b11c•t t e o i,` 4,r 16 lnln(Ircc? (L;00) foot sh-.11 b; noccossaxy for tho purpose of c ct i_: or lines ownocl or oncre.tod by the s.,Ad other conpany or _. i.vir'.r 7.: p:covi(led Furth r, thra t::: -so Lmcl o,'ciu)ntion of the s;..ic' ci t not rteterially int^rfoie ;rit•h, or it:lper'a thr, use cn%; :le, by CittOr company, its sticee£so C,,: or a�:;3i�71.:,, oi, by tho er,that the exponso o' :, nrl l:oopin ; T1c u:.:d by the Ii'Tcrcnt c-).. indivi('u, 1^, ..h^11 be _. _. ',:c use thoraof. Ad railway shall p., ^o, lntittuc t! sx r,on, ;ncos, : nd l:tc:y alt not : oro +-:';n vc it 11' faro for dull : n b t;m-,n .."ivr -nal tr:::lvr: :r. flv, r mf , cc )i n:ic l by ...._ilk. ,.,-'._,, i'., 11'1 th-.`City r^.. �'!'... .'a'it'i til i L11; _ . -.�. .. '„ •i ':: li',- tl. Coir:7 a' ..Lh • 'hov.. i. r't to t.lY:.)"1.:. "I't:] ��' Cl. :_'.i1. ,ie, .,..'ore Cd., to nit;- C'r 1.' .'1t (L;) :; 17er i�rJP1', •11 (10) 7J, 1 p..r .:JP.. ;l„e., .. 1G. f c,.,. ` : infor in front o' :%y _.. C,m(luetors or turn i. c1. Y,rack�°°th° trC,p7C tlsc to lct:vc vehicle .,Pon sF;h,..11 1p r;,71 reC the trr_ekv, ✓r x�l. Car condrivZ^r , ndrltl vchiclpt°hdO sO by �:tlpo� fonsc'or out ;:honesi nalpc ,.t 00) for e..c c,l, unencl nUcr rl, r.n(l t':° cel or x•CppVCl' -'y nest t; c tracic all°t1111111bOxcinpcl five dollcrslt('C sees1O meY U° t ^1rea5UP CT, and �- C3 ether ):ln'; 02' :10torLi..n, Cptlr't 7 to bo paid into t1le City City er,,r llo4rod to leave the mho Peduc, erarral:t or stL:uznns in The cars - therein recovered. a sh^11 not be ° isk PnssenrOr p err s}1a11 e bile th^y ere in notion, except rt their ovrn r f altCr SIMSCtI C,nal n fiftieen (15) +hen Ioviderl rit11 si tel l res Oute7 101-11t .rt�. carry shc_1 b c p ' , , tr;. ck, or r' air ht but y r"nr:in rt either cur 0 tl trealsp°rt f,03j Rinlltes, This railr'rY=�-"•11 not Clcagcs. f it to c 1mord with parcels, b:.skets e:nrl sr1. 1 Zs'n i rail°ray and f cc. 25. If the 07n10rs o'rori S Of this ordinance, the stinul:'.tions, re;.ulations and rOgClunC.nt� throe"'ter pass , thO Cameral CouncilaatlleIx this franchise SU otlt^r ordinanecs s, be removed from by virtue of the rifttta Iterain rndpt°erltb�cl1s)nay �r ;Zc,•,• be declared null oncl void, , pro such actlOn give a twenty (20) d"y not;icc to t1':s streets n.t tlt. cost of hhe Otmers, but be is ]teal, t`c Gcncral Council 510,11 oiv railvror] of its intention the ovmcr, or Superintendent, 0-' to nrllify this frnnchice at the neotinl- of the said �.enerc,l Council nrnod in sairl nOtic:c, Sec. 2G: It shall be the duty of the o�.-mer, or o¢mcrs of sr.ic' rr..il ey, to ]:cep suci: streets over vrhichSe0.0 Passes, in good repair, r.s providod in flection No. 6 herOdf . Soc. 27, T --'purchaser o' the franchise antler this ordinance t shell, within thirty (�0) clays alter the sole and purchc'.se or the C;ive to the city O`• Paclueeh, in crriting, notice of his or their acceptance o" tho provisions of this prdinPYlQe, i Sec. 28. Tho purchaser of the frrnchis under thi ordineuco [,iv: freo transfers on all lines ornzed nr operatod by •the pureh,c.sor of this franchise, Sec. 29, This ordinruco shr'-11 take effect fro::l its p;ssc.Z;e, II approval ani pub'licaticn,' nal in the event the Paducah Trc.ction f Company becomes the purchaser of this Franchise, the sale of vrhich is providod 5:or by this ordinance, then, and in that event, upon the eor.mletion of the construction of the trccl_s provided for by Section 15, andvs id Padueo^ Tract' on COr_nrYty beginning op,:ratians under the provisions ofthis or- - di1.' nce, then all other "randhises nrrrr hold by the Pa,dticall Traction Conpcny, nhich have heretofore brsen [,ranted by tl,e City o:' Paducah-, and all ril-;hts un'^r tll•: ;:rants thereofnl ,,nd all cl• lms thereunder,- 510,1]_ bccorle null c.r,r' veid.. CC, 3o. "ncl 'then tho ptlre7la,ser of sricl f1'[i11eh1Se, itv . successors or Ocir?ns, unclOr Y,his ol•rlincnco ah"11 r.t elZy time, la r, re-,r.�,or reconstruct any of its trach: , t1,, .0,e b:z co rO_ i' , or r:constructorl s shard in r.ccorrlr"r-cc With the by the City EnL,inc:er, to be rpnroved (: Ent— by tl. Jona ^tr +. Conrlittoc, or the Board p': Public Works,