HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 5, Page 58, No Ordinance NumberAN ORDINI;NON PROVIDIII(j FOR VM OR16INAL IL'PnOVXUENT OF WOODVIM BTREET,F' 01( YxISER AV=UE TO "YFRS S?RFET1121 THE CITY OIa PADUOM LMTUCKY,BY THE GRADING OF SAifE; BE IT ORDAINED DY THD GENERAL COUNCIL OF TAIB CITY OF PADUCAHj XmITUOKY; 3VOTION ie That Toodgal-d Street,f OU Yelser Avenue to Veyare street be imliroveci by the grading of same dM(tTION a; That said street shall be graded in piurimanoe to and l.zi accordanoe with the plan8l'opeoifioations and profile of the City Eiiginaer of the Oity of Paduoah,F:e11tu0k7,Made and pr ovic'ied for ttia purpoee,and in a000rdauxoe with the ordinFmoes of the City of Paduoah Keittuc].p,gove.7c!ening such improvemento; Said Plane,sVeaifioationr; profile end ord.inanoee are herewith made a part of this ordinanoe, and arb 'to have the same force and effeot fls if oo.,ied herain. S;TION $. Said improvement to be made at the exclusive cost of ` the rrorerty ownoro abutting or fronting said etreet,between said :1e1? er Avexrae and Heyere Street, and the City of PaducF.h,ilontucky,ie to Po reovonsiblo for no part of the cost of said inprovoraent,e:.oupt ` at the intoreeotion of public otroeto and Alleys; if 8117 ti10re be, 48Said iLIgrovement to be dune under the direction and out ervision of the Board of Public Works and the City Engineor,and the work Is to oomenoe o.n said UVrovement on or before the lot day of Sept ember, 1806; and to be bomploied 'cn 'or boWore. t e 31st day of Oatobe?11906. ;VOTION .5, Tine ordinance •nZall take offe0t frdL an(? a:"tor its ado;)tion,n.-)provul 3iublioatiotxa