Be it ordained by the mayor and Common Council of the City of Paducah,Ky.
6eC.1. That there shall besold to the highest bddder,for cash,for a term of
twenty years#* 1`.-anchise,or privilege,one or more,within the diacetion of the
mayor or the said City of Paducah,Ky.To conetruct,establish,maintain and oper
-ate a telephone system,for public and private use in the city of Paducah,Ky.
including the necceseary conduit,sub-Rays,manholes,wire,poles and other equop
-ments,also a right of way over,under and along and through the streets,avenus
alleys,park squares,bridges and public places in said city'�excepting Broadway
from First street to the West line of Fifth etreet,for the purpose of running
the sub-waya,poles,wires and ot4er equipments necceseary to construct#maintain
establish and operate said telephone system in the city of Paducah,in accordan
-cs with the conditione,terms and limitations of this ordinance,and said const
-ruction of said road -ways,manholes, PC lea, wiree and other equipments neccesany
to construct said systen,is under the direc)ion of the City Engineer and Stre6
Sec.2. The purchaser of this franchise,br privilege,ahall install and malnt i
a"Central energy telephone system",with latest improved switch-board,full mul-
tlple,equipped with flash-laghtand coplete "Central energy",full metalic
circuits,and telephone equipmente,with long distance transmitters,and central-
ized call,and battery service.
Sec -3. The purchaser of this franchise,or privilege,ahall guarantee that the
rates to be charged for telephones In the city of Paducah,shall never exceed
$30.00 per annum for business houses and offlces,and $18.00 Por annum for resi
-dences; It shall also be guaranteed that every subscriber to its telephone
system in the city of Paducah,Ky.including any one whom the said subscriber
shall see fit to grant the use of the `phone,ehall have the right to talk over
the telephone to every other Subscriber in Mc Cracken county, including any one
to whom such other subscriber may grant the use of his 'phone,free of any
gharge or toll;and that ever) subscriber in the clty,including any one to whom
such subscriber may , j� ^
y grant the use of his phone,ehall have the right to talk
the telephone system to any other subscriber to its system,or any telephone
system with which it has connection in any county adjoining the county of mc.
Cracken,at a toll rate which shall never exceed 10 cents per measage,where sea
said message does not occupy more than 3 minutes in its transmission.
6ec.4. The purchaser of this franchise,or privilege,shall furnish the city
10 telephonea,with full metalic circulte,to be placed at such places as the
City shall direct.
600.0. That the City shall have the privilege of using the tops of the Compa-
(/ ny,s poles for the purpose of placing wires thereon for Fire and Police alarms ,
800.6. That the poles used by the telephone C0.ehall be reasonably straight
set uniformly,and painted elms neutral color,said color to be selected by the
Street Committee,and that all fixtures shall be put ln,in a safe and substanti
-al manner,and shall be sa neat In appearance as possible,
Sec.7. The purchaser of this franchise,or privilege,shal furnish a good and
sufficient bond to the City of Paducah,ln the stun of five thousand dollars,to
protect the City of Paducah against any loss by reason of any damage to person
or property in consequence oinao any act or omission of said purchaser during
the construction and maintainance of said telephone system _
Sec.8. That with the purchase of this franchise,or prlvllege,shall go the
expense Incurred by the city in publishing this ordinance,and in advertising
and advertising the sale of said franchise,or privilege,and the bid of no pers
-on,or persons will be entertained or accepted who has not,ptior to the making
of bld,deposlted with the Mayor of the City of Paducah sufficient money,or a
certfled check to pay the expense of ouch advertising,end said purchase price
or bid,for said franchise,or privilege,together with the expenses of advertiei
-ng this ordinance and the sale of said franchise,or privilege,shall be imme-
dlately after the sale of said franchise,orpriv11ege,paid to the City by the
Baid purchaser thereof;and the said purchaser of said franchise or privilege,a
shall,within 80 days from the date of said sale,begin in good faith the instal
lation of said telephone system,according to the terms of this franchlse,and
shall have same completed within six months thereafter,
Sec9. That the purchaser of this franchise,or privilege,ehall not sell or
transfer,said franchise or privilege to any existing Company operating In the
city of Paducah,or any Company affiliating with such Company now operating in
the city of Paducah,or any other telephone Company that would prevent competi
Adopted Jany.20a9 1902
W. H. Patterson,C. C. P.
Approved Feby.3"1902
Y 1