HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 4, Page 371, Ordinance Number 1052JX AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OF4ICE OF LIVE-STOCK,MEAT AND idILK INSPECTOR, ! FOR THE CITY OF 7ADUCAH,-FIXING HIS COMPENSATION,wPRFSCRIBINO HIS DUTIES AND HIS ELIGIBILITY,-tdANNFR OF ELECTION,- TERM OF OFFICE, -TOGETHER 'KITH DUTIES' -DEFINED OF VFNDGRS OR SEL L''RS OF MPATS,bIILK,POULTRY , OAtdFs' FO!'LS AND'F1Sli FOR CONSLZMION IN THE CITY OF_PADUCAH,•J1ITH PF.NALTIFS THFREUNDER,- .Be it ordained by the Common Council of the City oty Paducah, Y.y-. Sec,- 1,- lhat the office of Live-stock,�eat and Milk Inspector for the city of Paducah be,and the same is hereby created,and In addition to the eligibility required of officers filling city offices by the Statuteso no person shall be eligible to fill the office herein created unless he be a graduated of a reputable and reconized college of !"e'.icine,or of a Yetrinary college of good standing,together with a c^rtificate of competency signed by at least three reputable practicing Physicians of. the city.of Paducah. _ - i .iF_C,r2,- That such Inspector shall be elected by the Common Council in the month of June annually,and he %hall hold his office for one year,or until his successor shall be elected and duly .qualified, SEC9-39- That the Live-stock,u:eat and idilk Inspector shall receive as his did compensation the sum of v :per annun, payable in equal monthly in- " staliments out of the city treasury; and such other perquisites as are j hereinafter stlpulated. S1Q,-4,- That 1't is hereby made the duty of the Live-stock,Ment and Milk Inspector, to inspect,before it is slaughtered for sale in the City of � f Paducah, all live -stock within the city limits of the city of Paducah and I in one mile thereof free of cost or expense to the owner thereof,or the ;! person in charge, of same for such owner,nnd he shall place on all stock- thus tgck thus inspected his insignia of approval or disapproval,as the case may be 1j and no animal which has been thus disapproved shall be slaughtered or offer- 1 ;ed at sale to be slaughtered by the owner or other person,under a penalt lof $ �0,� for each offense.- Tho said insignia of approval and dieppp$oval_ as referedd to in th s section shall bV ,of form and .substance' as d©signed k.��by, the Paducah Boardof Health. r �µ Pi O, ,Q,— r n� r SEC, -6;- That all animals intended to -be sold for slaughter, and coming from a greater distance from the city of Padv,cah than onelmile,ehall either, be.driven by the owner or other person,or.otherwise conveyed to some con- - venient locality in the city of Pdduakh and there inspected as otipulated:,J�!' in Section, -40- hereof, and the same penalties as provided in.said Section r -4, -.apply for the violation of Mf ff any of the requirements of this Section,-, Provided, however, that farmers who are bonafide residents of any �(( of the following named ccnties,-towit,- McCracken, HEarshall, Graves, Carlisle and Ballard Counties in Kentucky, and kassac County in Illinois; and who are not regular butchers,nor speculators or dealers in Livefstock, i f0i and who rear such stock as a product of their particular Parma, and have e,... not bought or traded for same of someother person shall have the right to slaughter at their homes stock so reared or produced by them without the , 3v� inspectlon prior to slaughtering demanded in this ordinance and marketyy same under the 14arket laws now in full force and effect of the city of paduodh,but before it shall be offered at sale in the city limits of the yl city of Paducah each article, and all articles of fresh meats .so marketed shall be carefully examined by the cityta Inspector and tagged with his approval, otherwise the penalties provided in.section,-4,- hereof apply for any violation, or failure of person marketin; meats to so get the approval of Inspector before offering Game at sale -or of•permittina game edld, � 3E0,-6,- That when the owner of atock,or other person in charge of same lr a}tall desire 0 the services of the Live -stock ,G:eat and t,iilk Inspector,and f causo him to go beyond the distance Of one mile from the city limits of II the city of Paducah,for the purpose of live -stock inspection which are intended for Blau ghter,the person or persons for whom he makeo the said inspection shall pay the actual expenses of the trip and $',jt 42.00 per day for each day or part thereof .that the services of ouch inspector may be so used,and the fee,as provided in this erection, shall accrue to tho use and benefit of the said Inspector, but no fee shall be charged any butcher who has a licensed stall in the market for inspections made at no greater 1 a l I N 0. 3,- ,S1_;C,-7,- That in the inspection of live -stock Bar slaughter the Inspectort hall not pass as approved any calf under the age of four weeks,- and it hall be unlawful for any person to Sell or offer for sale the meat of any calf which had not reaced the age of four weeks before time of slaughtering,.- ^ny person violating this provision shall be fined in any amount not less than V6 -nor more than 10 for each offense. sF.C,- 8,- That It shall be unlawful for any person to ship in to Paducah, and offer# ht sale any dressed,or slaughtered fresh meats from any point out-side'of said city, -(the provisions of Section 5,- hereof made for farmers if certain counties marketin_m fresh meats produced on their respective farms excepted,-) where there is not a competent stock and Meat Inspector appointed by the U. S. Covernment,State, County or other recognised authority with all such importation of meats bearing the officLAl approval of same,e.nd to be furbhor approved by the local Inspector before bt�g offered at sale.- Provided., however, that nothing in this Sectio ; shall be conotrued as prohibiting the sale of fresh dressed meats which hale been inspected prior to being slaughtered by the Cityis Inspector and bearing; his mark of approval from being shipped in to the city and offered at sale and sold.- Any deale^,or other person who shall offer any i Y'jpgcsh meats for sale in violation of any of the provisions of this sec- t ion ec-tion shall be fined in any amount not less than a Z nor more than �n4 0 o i� O .1 for .each offense., S SEC,- n,- That it shall be the duty of the Live -stock, Meat and 14ilk i Inspector to refnilarly visit each and every place in the city of Paducah j where fresh meats are sold -examine same,and approve or disapprove of they; j I meat there offered asale, rfed t Any person offering meats for sale which hag dd ,l I1_ been thus disapproved shall be fined in any amount not less than $ led7d—v 'Anor more than each offense. SEC, -10,- That the Live -stock, meat and Milk Inspector shall promptly #Yt;�;�Ifi"O attend all calls made upon him in the conduct of the duties of his office,as provided in this ordinance, under penalty of suspension fo�/ neglect of duty,and in his absence from the city the Mayor shall fill tltie position temporarily with a ompetent person, and..tRs pa3p of•!s�{�h�dep�t"y. '-keducted Prom that of the. regular Inspectorf, a a: yd NO. 4,- Sr0,- 11,- That the Live -stock, McOt and 1Lilk Inspector shall have the . power and it is hereby made a part of his duty to inspect daily all poultry',game, fowls and fish off^red for sale In the city of Pducah0 tither alive or dressed, and the sale of or the offer for sale of either or any of these after disapproval by the inspector shall be a violatloIR t of the law, and the person or persons so offendiii8 shall be fined in any w amount not toss than $ /0 nor more than ;for each offense. a BEC, -12,- That it Shall be the duty of the Livf-stock, Ueat and i-lilk Inspector to visit all dairies which have a license to run a milk wagon in the city of Paducah, at least one time in every two weeks and careful- ly inspect and examine each and every cow thereat from which milk is taken,and It shall be his duty to isolate or quarantine any cow that he may find sick or indispised and to forbid the taking of any milk from such cow or cows except to relieve such animal,and then such milk so taken shall not be used for any purpose whatever. It shall be his duty to carefully inspect the conditions with regard to cleanliness and sanitation existing in and around each and all of such Dairies,and all vessels and cans used in storing and handling milk and It's products,and the source and character of water supply, lie shall have the power to issue all orders directing the quarantining any cow or cows,with the length of time such shall be isolated,and to direct all sanitation and cleanliness to be observed in and around any "airy as before mentioned. Any person or firm who shall refuse t, obey tl all orders of the Inspector,as defined in this 6ection,and attempt to sell any of the product of his Dairy in the city limits of the city of Paducah during the time of Spch insurgency shall YJ#07*4 ' be fined in any amount not less than v�b 0°nor more than „ (, �''CO for each•offense,. SEC,- 13,- That it is hereby made the duty of each and every Dairyman, who runs a licensed milk wagon in the city of p"ucah to notify the •j r inspector upon the ddition of any cow or cows to his herd in order'that 'i same may be irispecte it shall be lawful to take any milk from such S 1i I Pj 11 t 1` --- NO. 5,— ----- Un—Inspected animal for sale,and for a violation of any provision of I this'section the offender shall be filled In any amount not.#M lees than $ nor more than for each offense F :SEC, -14,- That in addition to the inspection of the herd upon each and' every Dairy farm, and the enforced sanitation and cleanliness of the !A ' surroundings of each Ddtpy, the Ingpector shall have the power¢,and it Se ` hereby mnde a part of his duty to stop any milk wagon on any of the j �4 streets of the city of Paducah,at any time, and procure therefrom a suf— + ficient amount of milk to examin by any method of analysis suggested by the Paducah Board of Health, -and such examination shall alwa;s be made k in conjunction with the Health Officer of the clty,and after such cxnmin&*-JJ tion these officials shall inform the owner of the Dairy,from which the _sample was taken, of .their findings with regard thereto,and he given a notice of warning if the quality proves unwholesome, or commended if up +'# to the standard of purity, and in the event such an examination shall ' disclose circumstances with regard to ,fib the •,�+ quality of milk so tested i which will warrant the act,the said officers shall prosecute the offender under vection 1274 of the Statutes, S7C,-15,- That Section 1252, of the Statutes is hereby called to the 1'st attention of the inspector, with regard to the sale of animals dying before being slaughtered, or from diseases, or the selling of diseased G ( I1Imeats and the sale of one meat thrlugh deception as being the flesh of J!anDther animal and it is herby made a part of his duty to enforce same, J i SLC, -18,- That the Inspector shall regularly teat cream dispensed at 9 'it V�', the Soda Fountains and Ice Cream Parlor of the city of Paducah, and he shall likewise'investigate the sale of Oleomargarine and Creamer butte i Y r, testing the latter for adilterant, and rigidly enforce the National ,and !.Qtate laws with regard to the items named in this 6ection. 5LC,- 17,- That in all cases of doubtful leciaion which may arise in th0;,,',' investigations of the Inspoctor,the Aealth Officer shall be his advisor, �k'tl•I and these two officials shall act together in all such cases; their joint,' decision being final. 18,- That this ordinance shall take effect from and efts itis r 1 pa.. n ed aPP val. 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