HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 4, Page 289, Ordinance Number 1001� 7" *AN ORDINAlICE PROYIDING FOR TIM SALE of FRANCHISES AND PRIVILEGES FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING, OPERATING AND IWIiTAINING AN ELECTRIC STREET RAILWAY IN THE CITY OF PA)UCAH,• I)e It ordained by the Common Counoll of the City of Paduoah, Fy, Soo.l. 1V1MIAS there has been prenented to the Common Cotmoll of the City of Paduenh, a petition and roquent that there be sold and granted french - loss and priviloges over and upon ti -Le streets of the City of Paducah, for the purpone of oreotings operating Lund maintaining an ekeotrio ntroOt railroad, wires and other apcaratue, In the City of PaOntah; IT 13 i;EF M ORDFRLD by the Conrion, Council of tho paid City, that there be :sold at pitblio nuotions not ions :hon thirty (lairs from the panrago of this ordinan- ce, and the approval thereof by the Mayor of the City of Paducah , to the hii;huot and )oft bidder, with the right of naid City to reject any and all bidn, as It may deom prepare, the naid ftlannchlne and privilege for the �.:purponon an above named and tunder the Conditions that :a�fy Lercufter follol'c , In thin ordinance, Seo, ;�w 'Piss rule or sold franohine alid noceptaneo of the Hid by the naid City'ohall vont title 1n the purchaser thereof, their 10L:a7. ropre!:ontAitiven suecouooro or unni,;nn, for a period .of twnety (20) years from the date of the purchune ti:ereof, Be it ordained by the Commaon Cownoll of tho City of _'adueah, w, Sec,?+ There in hereby irarsted to +: Ito, ouoconooro or anfilimo, for a period of t•:vnoty 10 y0ar:s from tho pas:;Lk;e of tills ordiiusnoe,a franchino to construct , operate and snnirtain 's synten of electric ntreet railway , with a nir4;;a track and nuch turn -ou- ts, nwitchen and curves an 11ml be necessary over and -along the follo'4iv, , �.streets# to-wits- 'oeiyocisig at a poin at the interseotion of Tonnennoo and eleventh Stroets; t4crice SouLh on rlevonth Strc:at to the interrontion of 141ovc:19h and Guldwoll SLrubts; thence went on and along the center of Caldwell ;Street, to tao intersection of Caldwell Street with the ntroot laid out to the i;ci•r 1111noiu Central i'nnnoneer Derot; thence noutheastwardly on Lind - 4 along tiro ccntur of naid streets, to the Now Illinoin Central Union Dopot., L:d uald ptir0i;auer, sucoeunors or aoslfmn shall at their own OxT.onno otruzk tho11 pruuunt bridaron and widon mune two foot on each nide, to the `sntinfactiou oe Life 6truot 60snuitt00 told City Ec1<inoor; Lind the cont of keer.MC t!.o naid briLl;,ef; in rur,air nluil l hu borne orlually by :said purchun- ern, :,i.cccu:;oarsor r,uoiirns and the City of Paducah. Boo*-!- ;_l'.l rru luid or road conutruotod tinder this franchino nhull be laid or constructed no soar an poanibls in the Center Of F.levenkli 3treots and as near tae center of Caldwell Street and thO road laid out to the Union Depot, an is praotioable, and snit one ruin truck nhall be laid over the otaeetfs Grein dooi.natod, Seo,:;- In constructing switches no greater distance shall be loft bet•coorl the n:•fitohu.P, and main track or between the canter of the track itnd nwitc;ieu than if; si:..Cficient to clear pan:sine corn,'and no switches shall,bo rnrntr�i. abed at Lho intorsention of ntreetn or within twenty (30 foot theroof, �. ,std nO' mv1 toll shall be erooted upon the line 0!' said roLid except at melt po;rpt ,an shall be doniglated i)y trio ;vae,ot Conuflttoo of 7,110 Cull't1ri C utoil J , "hta Asaid _ f''t(,r'u} y• ` x i,W.r,.iiYL I' 290 291 rA, , Its nU00egnOrn or ae»lgne fall or refuse to comply with trio provisions of thin nzbisit#tssnaxx section, it nhull be fined twenty: dollnrs for each clay it so fails or refuses. See,a- This franchise inhl' granted upon thdtOxpross conditions that the Ito succennors or acrsi;,ns naull maintain laovonth Strout, Caldwell Street and alone; ri,^ht ; Of way to now Union Depot , now graded, botweon its rails and within two (3) feet on either side thore)of, and after trio reriod of oichtoen rionthn from tl:o (late of thadpurchune of and aecortanee of the rroviHionn of this Ordinance by zatd tiie said purohnners, nuoeennors or anniMrsp free ; transfers shall be given on all street oar lines now operated in the City " of Paduoah, or which iaay an oporated by rcanon of tills, franchise, or 1%, n11p0egc franchisee after the above torn of months han elupsed, And tae City renerven to itsolf the right to require,naid--------- ____------- ----_� itay. alroconsorn, or anal; nq to cpsiform to any changed o': altored'eruders of" :;uia istr.ietn, and to pay the costs thereof, or otheraine i:aprove it ;ietwoon its rails and within two foot on either nide thereof; to make culverts for the free flow of ":star, and the City nliall not be liable for any damaLO or relay. in t11e ppuration of tiro bur•.ineon of ouch coi4.Luiya occanioi:Od by 4,V,"trcet 1.,iprOV rant or repairo or the canatr'aotion, burntin„ or repair o wiy m:wer or ripe in or aoroun urif gtroot or alley, or lnjury ire any 1,:01*,oftothor violonce, And 1lirthor rerervon to itself the r1cht� at wv `P used' ull ti:aes to ze, siz require a ctnarCe of rails or ii.iproveoent of ' oo isstritction, on opo r:,Lions anri re rulatiriv and oontrollrV; fairs for / panxonZern, Theair for each ran,se Vr Lor trip nluill slot be fixod by ordinance at lr nn t.'.rin five (5) nentn 'n,tWOen the >lours of nix A.,d- a.•id 0 P -Id, and the Vii"€air for each pannenger per trip shall not be fixed by ordinance at lean t;iaii ten eents between the hourn, of G i' -ti, and G A,dd, :o,.(1 atno renoacvec trio ri;;ht to re6ulato and control trio nd:edd of curn and frequency of tripe raid rery;:ire a -'y wiron taken dovni.and pttt-xn under the „rots+id an inti>lin ,;ood nay roquire, and shall not bo liable for 11 airs cost or (adage cuunei ')y such c;iai,;;e or ronilationn, Lund tvnervon A Q%-, self tiro right to re-Ml.ate and controlo same in all matters pertaining .to ' ! the public good, m. Section 70 when said its successors or ansigng' shall be nAtified by the 8treot Cewiitte of the Cornaon Council to repair i or corntmet the street between Ito rails or within two foot on either side'. thoroof, it shall at once proceed to do no, and, should 1t fail for ton onocesnivo days after such notice to repair or construct said street, it.. shall, for each day thereafter, be fined twenry iollars until ouch ntroot 1 In ronaired or eonntruored, or until said work of roparin;; or oonstruct1rz shall, in good faith, be bozun. SECTION 8, - The fair for one continous parsage over said line shall not OxooOd five cents for each person botw(;on the hours of G A 1:; and G P 1;, The fair for one eontinonn panrnZo over naid ling shall not exceed ten cont for each person between the hours of azkzuxaatd 0 p 14, and G A It, Sl•; i ...v. •.,/v:1. a ... ing of eagh year. And the said City reserves to itself the right to Inoreae `ithe,licenee tax herein provided for, riot to exoeed the mm of fifty ( 50.00,`' I •per annumi 'SEC 22-- This Ordinance is eubjaot to cunandment after its passage at aa7 troop SFC 13—That said its successors or assignee, be, and they'�,I" .are hereby permitted, to erect smotl}e, painted poles of either wood or iroi} along• the streets and inside of the ourb-stone annexed thereto, of said Ci* ove+.�Which said Company, Ito successors or aesignos in hereby C*iven the ri , ht'Of way and to place brackets and span wires theroon, and betwaen onne, a said to stretch feed wires thereon for the distrebution of eieotrlat current-' for'the purpose of operating electrict mortora in said City, That in dewing,' ` which the work shall be done in such a canner an not to interfear with or 1MOdo ordonary travel on said street, or the elootriot wires of the.City of Paduoah, and all dirplacomento of the at®etxterattraxxx oide walks shall - be DWNWly repared in an exl.editious a runner as possable and put backfin .' as.good condition as#before the work wao done, and nail Company its 6110004 ' 11 sera or a;nianes, shall be rosponsable to the City of Paduosii, or to any parson if any datsaeo to said City or person may be ountainod by the erroot �.1011 of poles, wires, tao• to operate its cars by elootriot mortar power,and i for distrebtition of eleotrioity for lightin. and for furnishing powor,xaU 1 , 'and that the trolly 171rer, of Bald railroad shall not be lass than ninetteen (h) feet above the ntxeet, and the City shall have the r1ht to regtllute and nay where and when the oars shall stmp. ^' SFC- IC Sain Company its 5110cessera or'assi.,T.n, fail for a i:Orlod of thirty days at MV time to use or operate the franehis heroin granted,, py. ,,,.I, any part thereof, the whole franOh@o shall becaae void. This obligation# ,� howover, does not apply to such period of time of such Company, its nuooen'y. sera or assigns are shut down or not Pperatint; on account of repairs or ' Obotructionn by the City, or other unavoidable canualition. I SFC- I5.---- The City of Paducah rererves the.right to prescribe tho nriiuer kind and location of all turnouts and 6Witc1108 to be tined In the oporation, of the street railway which may be Pperated by said 'eeonorn or ansinen, and also rencrvca tl:e right to eontrolo arul prenorlbo the kind and quality of material to be uned in replacing and reparit><; the .`-1 . streets at the location of all tarn -nota, switohen and curvoo a>4txand oros.T1 sing of streets to be used along Lite line,of said street railway,to he mad0,ji at V,e exolnn+vo cont of the ------- — ---- Ito at!ccenscrnor ansa �!oo. SEC- Ie---- The tract of the Bald railroad shall be Of tl�e gauge of four feet, oi--ht are, ore half inches, (oft R I/1 in), or standard gaugo, and the'-1ry raila "hall be of steel of tide moot approved pattern, to bo laid on ,.levcrm, street level with the pave,aont or surface of alio stroots, and to be laid Caldwell street along the line of the street laid south a;"xl wentwardly from to Ct ldw011 streot to the ne;r Illinois Cuntt•al Union Dspot level with sidTaoe of said ntreet, and tmder the supervision of the Street Comnittee and. Cit,r_.pe - n;eneor, with Butablo bridges over all guttOra; no as to allow the free TlOV of water. SFC- I7------ThO atreet winch o'!all be removed. in the construction of said � ry ,,,railway shall be replaced in good order and kc;;n by the Ownor of said rail 'r ways without unnesnary delay. ,,,» : SP 3:8------- The City of Paducah reserves Lilo M.Zht to take up and rano¢"41' ' ve said railway or pormit others to (:10 ro, whenever it shall be n000nnary to repair or improve ti!e streotn or lay water yipea 0e sewora or for artvv other public buoineso. But such repairs, or improvwents ahall be made with M ` cut unneconnary delay, and the tract removed shall b- replaced by, and nt the ex::enoe of, the party for who:.c trio i:.trslve -are wade. SFC�I`--- Tho o•+meru of said street railtrtyo shall be liable, in all -canna for nuoh Injury or damage to any and all !' may occur by i:eroons or ran# which t�• xtaalton of oarleneness, neglect or irinoonduct froomm any clause an the part of Its agents or "Id,lpoo.,Sn.thel 00nutruotion, use or mnhagemOnt Of Bald railwga, and shall holt thip WA of a con 1 r x' �( %}�,iax'rllcsson arcptat of • . any damages whioh.may be:claimedyby,the own prQ of'.pr4Prtyr or by anyernon : �.•.Rc.'�Y1YT'.1.f�4`d•."�.�i�L'+�.- .• I. y: _.._ .. i�i. ... `r. •_ � �`_- _ ___1�f-.'.J. Nal""""""T-Wl IAM1l—ln "-l+ ,.Y, y„. C. on ri000unt,pf'laying said traot, or by, the Teaaon of the laying thereof, h� or in the uoe thereof by running across same. ' SEC, -20— Th(v Council shall have the powor'%ograa,4o to one or more Cofta4q:;� ion,or xn•idividualn the right to occupy and use the above maned railways Y'�r not exeoodlnd a distance of eight hunderd feet, provided the oxponne,,. of laying and keeping the name in repair no far as is unod,by the differ "::t ant Ca.thanion or Individuals shall be shared equally by Lill who make Use i j thereor. ri �I SFC--_2I------Tho owners of raid railways shall place and continuo thereon) 04"vkood care with moderen conveniences, and may charge not rlono than five oonSA' Y, for each parsemrdr between the hours of 13AM and 9 PM, and may charge not ii more than ton cents for each nasnenrer between the hours of PPM and 0 IIld' `;,`%and Half faro for Children between five and twelve yearn ■2f or age, ani Nk�,' `under five yearn of ago free, when aocompaniea%by responsible attendinnt, :, and the Counoil reserves the right, upon• given notice to the kanager'or , "`r' owner thereof, to redilate the fair, ymme, npceq and nunber of trirn rer' q •da;• to be rade by the darn of naid railway, as above net* out, 2P. The following reZulations shall be Anforeed, to_wit;::o Car'ii a 'nhall he drarm at a greater rate of slaved than ton (I0) miles per hour, Nq earn shall be allowed to ntop over any foot crossing or in front of ant .I iritornecting otrootn, unions to avoid collision or damage, Conductors or, piortoiven nhnll keen vigilent wntch from all teans, carrages and children, arid, upon tine doncovory of danger the earn nhull be utoped in, the nhortent' bile nossable, S'Men a car is stoped at the 4.11torueotion of streetn, the t renr platform thereof moat be in auoh it 11o,.ition that punucagora can oonv ! oniently stop to or from the street oronning.The cars shall be entitled 'to the tract and an;/ vehicle upon Bald tract or oloBo to BMW niuill turn J� out whonevor Vie our 001110.9 ups and leave tiro tract clear and 11nnoleste(i, � j• and the driver of any ve)iiole who shall refuse to leave the tract with, iy• hid v011iclo whoa roquor,ted or ni�;nelod to do so by the•Conductor or most A:44%44n of the oar, shall be fined five dollars for each offence, to be 7 1 '* raid Into Lire City Treasurer, and nude may ho renovered by a sutimonn or ,,wawrant in the Paducah Cit y Cor an gyher finen are therein r nor d, ih `.Paano.orn shall not be ailovre�r�,vi'io aro in notionexeept • at t vcir i own rink. Tile Carn chall be provided with sicnal lan.pa after (Arnot, and no car shall ralaain at either and of t1e tract or rout longer than fifteen (I0) riinutcs, except nueri car or oars skas shall remain at t)ie Depot swatis. for train. Thin ridlway shall not transport freight, but :ay carry parecis baskets and all mull packages. SFC—,.23� If the owner of naid railway fallen or refuses to oarlply with the ntipulationn, regulation and requInnents of this Ordinance, and.mudh.') �y other Ordinance an the City Council may hereafter pass by virtue of the rightd herein ronarved to its thon thif Frananln clay be tloolarod mill and void, cuid rive tracts re:aovod from the stroots at tho cont of the ovmera, but before ouch action la ha11 the City council shall elvo twenty days , notice to the ownor or nuporentorldent of Bald railway of its intent!on ,to nIIAtly this Franchin at the regular meotin;s of Bald Council nailed In said notice. - SFC .!,:. It atu111 be the outy of tiro owners or o; nern of said railways' to 1:eep tine streets over which same pans, in good repair betwooll the rain Of said atroct rujlvvaY and for a dlatarco of two foot on the outnide of ,Bald rails, Tho purchacor of tiro Franohia alzU under thin Ordinculoonli4l, `within'thiry lays after the passage of eai.lo,Live.tile City of Paducah notls ce, in matin of his or their acceptance of all. the provisions of thin", Or�linanoe,and work to begin in sixty days froc: the date of acceptance and 4. to be cos loatod within twelve laonths. SFC—W—All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with thin Ordinance are hereby repealed. ,FC —27--- This Ordinance shall tako effect fran its panaaLe and aj.r.ovel•% I by t; t0 l;ayor of the City. h,.s,L,,/ OW 401_/gs.., Ado rod .Ma Zeth -y 0" Pte, �' , .. ,� __� .� � jL'y,w�i�•� / 6�I � 1. / R� .Tai �-�7_ -,��,,, �.�-r ��r.y 'ln.(y,� l zel