HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 4, Page 275, Ordinance Number 997C791I • ��
ro 275
r ordina erjtitl..d an ordinance to regulate the Collection of back
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taxes and po%ties thereon in the City of Paducah Aye -With naltlee:
Be it ordained by the common council of the city of Paducah, 4y..
sbction,- 1,- That tae City Attorney shall be the collector of back f�
taxes in the city of Paducah, and in the dinehargd of his duties no
such co'llector lie shall be governed strictly by the charter of cities of
the t -ird class, he far as sane may be applicable, 1
woction,- w,- That he yhnll Col]�r;ot All taxes ple.00d in hie hands ne
onoodily ae p000iblo to ilo, and do,)snit All mnnoy with the City Troonurer
acrid 44 no cillocted and shall mnko a full roport to thecomm(won Coun-
cil every threo months, which report nhall'bo presented to the common
council.at tho first regular moetinn in °une, September; Jecomhor e.nd_,:,'
march of each Fiscal year.
Section :,- -That the rep)rta of the bnck-tax coIlector nhhll nhori the
Humes and the amount co!lecteit from each,pernon 'rhe has poid Mitch haek�,
.taxes,. and shall be accompanied by the City Treasires's, receipt for
all arlounts,in full, collected du-ing the nrevinus qun^ter.-
;NrU Section, -4.,- That the collector shall chow on said report all 'Suite
filed for taxes, and the names of persona nrninst whom brou,nhY together
#8# Idth the amount thereof respectively against each, and shall also
contain a full report of all matters concerning the tax -b 114 placed in
his eu tody for collecgtion. 111at he 'shall be authorized to appoint n
deputy collectorwho nimil be paid out of the per'centum of the 3ack-tax
collector, or by the collector of his o!•m funds,- and such deputy shall
'*be responsible to the Collector for his note; and the collector to the
City on the bond of trio City Attorney.-
oect!on,-.5,- That the collector of brick -taxes shall at the end of his
official term as City h.ttorney make a complete report showing all shits
pending for taxes, and deliver to the Common council all treanuror,s
receipts in his custody; aleb all books and papers pertaining to the
t�.collection of back -taxes rdlich may be in his possession.
277 r 'I
i. r •NOS 2�� kAptTCAH. KY..
n ' t;icct1on,-6,- That for his services as back -tax collector the City Att9rn9y!
#jshall receivo ton per cent of all Bums of money collected by him in 4- the
,,�( i
.!_ collections of taxes and said commission shall be due hlm,at the
•� }
end of each and every quarter, and shall be paid to him at no -other time,.
Section 7,- That the Clerk of the common council shall add up the list
of m�oc�xoo, ;Jhethor bills or hnokca of er eh e%nd evyry ynar, and boforo
snrao arc given to the custody of the b(eek-tna collector,. The collector
"shall then receipt to the City Clark the total amount thereof, and the
Clerk shall charge the th'o full ;rocs amount of such taxes to the
collector in abook to be kept for that purpose, That the delinquent poll
tax be kept as.a separa+.• accou-it by the City Clerk and is to be
added in gross amount and receipted for by the collector, and aIceountod
fvr in collection and reports in the same manner as property taxes" are
f required to be in thin ordinomee. !hat the collector of back -taxer mv-1.1
:A the end of his official torm as pity i:ttorney make a oe•ttlomcnt an
back -tax collector in all respects no required now of City lrx Collector,
rccoivin,, credit for collections and all oi.lo returned from which
(delivering all books and papers in his custody)
M* Oollections could not be made, and the said officer aiiall rcccive
his quietus as collector of back -tares before he shall be eligible to
re-election as City Attorney.
dectign g,- That upon a failure of the collector of back-taxco to comply
Pith the provision -c of this ordinance, or r+ith any one of thom he shall
j be fined not loss than nor more than ;;,--�--�'--- for each
Section 9,- That all ordinances or parte of ordinances conf110ting r+ith
the provisions of this.ordinence,to the extent of conflictin7, are
herebyrepealed and this ordinance shall take effect fromr.rrl eftrr its
' gassatTe and approval.-
Appro�e/d�, e--
A pted,jg- - — !/ -- 1000.
er•K .------- C. CO , Pt.