HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 4, Page 263, Ordinance Number 994�" ; ` � •, _ • • .: 263_ A:• JMbl ;ANCE LNTiTLED AN n"IVA.1"OF. PRFSCRIBINO T1Ir TIKE, KIND AND dt•'"tFR.')F MAKING GAS, 'MATER AND SEITR COM ECTIONS ALONG BROADWAY FROM WEST STAE OF FIRST STRFFT,TO TME. :?FST SIDE OF FIFTH ' ST3E.ET, I FORBIDDING THE EXCAVATION OF THE S9'RFET AND' SIDEtLL'ALKS FDR A TF.M OF ' 1 Y ARS,WITH RMIALTI:F'S. ALSO DEFINING Rr.QUIREidEI•ITi OF Till•' PADUCAH STRFTT i IL"•.IL:MY COLiPANY WITH PENAVVIES. �� �89AQ9AQA�aRaa�4agRa�4�g449RA94RAQ�A�'3A�AAAA�9A9AAQA���9A�AAAAA84AABAAA�AA •1•lherensi the city of Paducah anticipates the re-construction of a axtadway at an early date, from the west side of First street to the west side of Fifth rtreot by putting in improved street pnving and modern aide-walks, and whereasi after the said work is completed It will be nec- eesary that said improved street and side-vralk eh :11 not be disturbed ,by making eeeavations in either for placing in norr connections for gas, ?.'water or soworn-o, or for the repair of old - work. c Thcrcfor3,-. I 3e it ordninod by the common council of the city of Paducah, �I $ec. 1,- That each and every lot, or parcel of ground, vacant or othertiyioe, 111 on either or both sides of 3roadway from the -,-est side of First str:"ot to the •woat side of Fifthstreet, which may need gaas anter or sower connections 'within fiftcon y6ar3 from the date of completin; the con tempinted improver^ent, the Tamer, lessee or agent thereof shall make or 4 cause to be made all of such connections as the said street •,vork pro- f �ressoa and in advance of the said improvement, or be barred from making either or :any of the said connections for the ,aid period of fifteen yerr3 i From. the completion of the said ntreet improvement. All persons dicing gas, water and sewer..:-e connections, a3 above netforth,, 10 this section and on the street named from First street to Fifth street, ' shall do such worts a sufficient time in advance of the work of the contractors constructing the said street and side-walls improvement, and in such manner that they shall in no way Binder or retard the said contract- tors from pushing to completion the imprw,oment contract, and for each ». 'day or fractional part thereof any- prarao'.i►�An11 ab^tract the nro;roris of do straot Improvoment,ns above sotPorth,4teh person shall forfeit to the contractor "/nether each obstruction he wilfal or shall be , Ii; caused by neglect to provide material and lay the connections. i That all ;as, orator and newer connections to be put in under the proviniona of the previous section, shall 'extend under the aide-wnllc to one foet,9<`fM"*i or more, inside of the property lino. ow 3o0. 70., That all `wator or cower Connections vlonti, the said street, in the territory numod, now rade and which'nro faulty�n the juclgoment ? Of the stroot committee and the City Fn;ineer will not ronnonnbly 1a3t Piftc:ari yoarwvan specified in section one of thin ordinance, such i egnnoction gvep,onnectlona shall immediately be,•= i a , • i A . .265 rx�ili , r.'..� No. go - I. -� re -newel of improved material at the cost of the Arty or parties owning or controling such unsatisfactory connection, and all such renewals ' shall be made as the street and aide -walks are excavated for re-conatrue- tion= in advance of the grading of same by the contractors and sufficient- ly expeditious as to in no way retard or interfere with the progress of �! the street work. All r,-newala of connections shall extend to not less ITMr,% than one foot inside of the property line along said thoroughfare. Sec. -49- That all water pipe connections along said str^cat within the territory�}ascribed,- whether now made or to be made,- shall be put in of '! ju lead pipe to,a-gr��-�rnd from this point to ones "! foot or more inside, of the property line with the best gaiv�S ��� Ip�; a to be tijorouhly tested for flaws and leaks be fore same shall I i be pr�rmitted_to be covered, and the cost of said work shall be paid by tha i owner or operator of such water connection. Sec, 5,- That after said street and side -walk shall have been re -construe- ted,as propose,, of modern and permanent paving material, then no excava- I tions shall be permitted to be made along same,- either on the aide -walks r ; or cabri^'.;c way,- for any purpose whatever for a period od ,--� -- years from the d:te of the reception of the improvement by the city as comple- ted. Provided;- however, that in the event of an accidental bursting of a water main, or of the crushing of s sewer^ main,^ being damaging to the thorouuhfh'o,- than it shall be lawful to open said street for the immediate repair of ouch broken main, but when said improved street or ' side -walk shall have been opened under this proviso, the #H# party or par- i ties so opening shall repair the break immediately and shall work day and night until same.is complete and the excavation refilled. They shall replace in the filling of.the opening every particle of the earth taken therfrom ay persistent tamping, and shall ro-build the concrete base of ¢ the beat material; under the supervision of the City Engineer, to'the came 7f° thisknese of the original base, and the top surface to be immediately and ' permanently restored to'the grade and of the aaterial of surrounding surf)yce of street or side -walk in which such excavation had been made i _ r, _ s - B►��/ IN i' 267 -- and the whogeafter completion, shall be in all respects as even, smobbh and as substantial as it was before being disturbed and the cost thereof shall be borne by the party making the excavation, Any person, firm, or corporation attempting to make any excavation in said improved thoroughfare except as provided in this ###W ordinance, shall be immediately arrested and on conviction shall be fined in any amount not less than $25.00, nor more than $50.00 for each offenge, Any person, firm or corporation who shall excavate the said thoroughfare under the proviso in this section and who shall fail to restore same in all respects as required in this ordinance shall be fined in any amount not less than `,;,50.00, nor more than 6,100.00 for each# offpnee! pec.- 8,- That prior to the re -construction of Broadway,frpm 'Srst street to the weast side of Fifth street,- the person, firm or corporation operating a street car line over same, shall provide along the line of its tracks in ogld territory suitable rails and ties which will last the said operators of the railway for a term of, --L6---- years, and as the ties` in the ro-constructed road bed, and the rails placed thereon, the said person, firm or corporation operating said street railway, shill cause to be made of stLitable metal all electric connections of said rails and other connections appurtenant to the operation of such electric rail way and the materiul shall be of sufricicnt durability to last the -6r«.N/ term of ,- - yeaae. After said stre t rnllway track shall have e - constructed and the street as improved accepted by the city then no in- terfering with same for repairs, or for anyother cause shrill be per- mitted, either between its rails or outside thereof, for a period of --- ------ years, except upon the permission of two thirds of the mem- bers of the common council in official session a,sembled, and In the event of the grant of such permission, the requirements as to repin- Ging said street in section 5,- of this ordinance shall apply as fully to the operators of the street railway as to other excavations and the same penalties aptly. For a violation of the provision of this section the person upon conviction shall be fined in any amount not less than 268 u i� A 1 E,. )he. 49- .. ,,. . �. .• 1 Yb0.00, nor more than $100,00, for each offense,- r. Scc, 7,- The owner or operators of the electric street railway along I bro�xdway, in the territory as described, shall in no way through fnilurs. to supply the necessary material to be used in the re -construction of their tracks when the contractors are in readiness to use same, or t of making necessary electrical connections, retard the said w')ri of �1 improving said strebt, nor in any other manner or way retard the I i progressof said :ork. For each day or fractional part thereof that the owners or operators of the said railway shall obstruct the p olrese of, 11 r u , said street improvement they shall forfeit to the contractor- °-- , I .tS dollars, whether the obstruction may be wilful or throu-,h nelleet to provide material for the re -construction of its tracks,- Sec, B,- That all house branches connecting the sewers with buildings � ' along Broadway and in the territory described, and which are not now connected beyond the property line,- shall be placed, in ndvance of the contemplated improvement through the walls of the buildings, where there may be buildings, one foot or more inside of the priperty t line, and wherethe said connection does not extend to the wall off a binding the same shall be extended as above to one f)ot or more inaide,of� h the said property line,- The expense of the extension of such house br.nches shall be at the coat of the owners of the property thus j connected. - Sec. 9,- That all ordinances or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and approval.- -tido ttoodd,- 1900. Approved,- .t " T 190Q. _�a��IL-���-�✓'------- O.C. P.---��=4-�1t_______�_•-__� ,- '� ,r Lin •or