HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 98, November 20, 1922LN
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CommissionersrProceedings, City of Paducah 192 `
vote: Yens, Faos, Pulldam, Tully, Wnehington and Katterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties having
< '
the estimates nor taken advantage of the Ten Year Payment Plan for Improve
;. { z
neither paid
mont of sidewalks, ourbe and Ruttore on the South aide of Husbands 9t. 7th to 9th and
itvF t'+
�. lroparty owners
} failing to take
both sides of South 9th.Stroet:
a 10-Year-raymenL
Eat. �8 L. D. Sanders ..............$339.01
Flan and fail-
" 9 L. D. Sanders..City
ing to pay their
" City Lot Inv. O0...'........ 84.68
estimates for
" 44 Jno. H. Parris............. 62.71
p trat'I
sidexa]ka ko.
48 L. D. Sanders.............. 169.88`
on 3.9th St.
" 6E Birdie Jones............... 8E. 62
and Husbands
St., estimates'
' " 64 id.W.Bond Heirs............. 90.07,
turned over to
Reynolds Broe:,
n total of $923.12, I move that the Commiseioner.of Pnblio Finsnoe be authorized and in
Contraotore. .a
etrnoted to turn the above mentioned estimates over to Reynolds Bros., Contreotore.
Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Paoe. Pulliam. Tully, Aaeh-
ington and Katterjohn.-6.
Mayor KnLterjohn offered the following motion: I move that Estimates arminst
ownere.for.00nstruotion of alley with conorets. located in Blook 10 Addition
ty for alley
in Blook,•10. " "A" Old Town, between End and 3rd Streets. be reosived and filed. Adopted upon call
Addition "AE. "..,.
by the following vote: Y,®ae. Paoe,Puiliam.Tully.Washington and Katterjohn 8.�.:
((((((;•j .
of the roll
0n the adjourned upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas.
motion .Board
h�optad �.1�-'s=--Ili •a'r"+:tZ®SY.•E�; l�
1707 Brest 20TFI, 1922.
At a Regular Hooting of Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
,•` .the
! Chamber in the City Ha11,.Paduoah; Kentuoky,.on November EOth, 1922, Upon Dell of the
a¢ -
ro71 the following answered to their names: Commissioners Peas. Pulliam. Willy. Nosh-'
ington and 1layor •Katterjohn.-6.�
Tully the of the previous meeting was adopted!
On motion of Commissioner minutes
as read upon pall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Foos. Pulliam, Tully, .lash.- "
ington and Mayor Katterjohn.-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay-roll for
pay-roll for
- the first half of the month of November, amounting to $7164.01, as per the report of
let half of
'• November, and
' ^ the Commissioner of Fublio Finanoe filed herewith. be allowed and ordered paid, and
Oommias loner
from the General Fund to pay same. adopted upon oall of the roll' ,' -
of Finanoe
the money pp }
by the following vote.: Yeae, Paoe.Pulliam,Tully,Washington and Katterjohn.
Oommissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay-roll for
Pay-roll of
,the first half of the month of November for the 3d Distrfot Sever, amounting to
3rd District
Sewer for fire
t $972.71, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of rublio Finnnoe be author-
. half of Nov.
ized and inetruoted to draw oheoks against the No. 3.Distriot Sewer Fund Q000imt to
1j same. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam,
Tully, Washington and Kattorjohn,-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the notion of
_Remington Tape
"the Oommiesionor of rublio Finnnoe in,trnneferrtng one Remington Typewriter No..
writer tranefei-
rod from Dopt.• 406260; flom the Department of Fublio Flnanoe,to the Department of .Fublio ProTsrty.
Fublio ,F•inanoe
for use at Riverside Hospital. be approved.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol-�,
party for use
at Riverside
•lowing vote: Yeae; Paoe, Pulliam. Tully,'..Waehingtan and Katterjohn,-b.
Commiselonor Tully offered the following motion:,''I move that the Commissioner
Publio Finanoe be authorized and 'instructed' to pay off. take up and cancel„street
8troet Bonds'k
bonds and.pnuponin tho'City,National.Bank to the amount of.$916.76 and that s oheok
Nat'l Bank paid
coif and taken
De drawn against the Speolal Street Fund-to pay same. Adopted upon call of the
by the following vote Yeae, Pa os.Pulliam.Tnllq,WaehingLon and 1laLterjohn. 6.
��:. :a.L:3ttev. 7.8;..-:vi=Fly_:.t�e'»! 'L'L Y•+Jir.� ! •+L;• .'.v: •.:U. ... C.. ..u1-:c -i.-........d..:.==.ir;,w...: �-i5,. ._�.
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!T 17
Na: 9
Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Pad ' eah 192
r Commissioner Tully. offered the following motion-, It appearing there to due �
schools allowed . Schools from the tax collections to Nov. 20th. the,eum of.$49b.47; I move that it be
$496.47 taxes ,
0011eoted..to Nov.'? allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated 'from', the General'Yund to pay same.
' EOth', 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.'Paoe. Pulliam.- Tully.
N Washington and Katterjohn.-b.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion It appearing there Is due
Schools allowed • Schools from the collections of Franohise taxes to October 31st, the sum of $E7.64,-
$27.64 Franchisey
taxes to October ;; I move that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General'
Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, pace,
'S N Fulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-b.
a Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It 'appearing there is due
' I y c •.
Schoole.allowed 7 schools from the collections of 1921 taxes to October 31st, the sum of $24.74. I move
taxes due from
t1.that it be allowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund
axes to Oct. '
to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam
Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-b.
Commissioner.Tully offered the following mot!'on: It appearing there is due .• '
Schools allowed
$8.37 taxes due Schools from the collections of back taxes to October 316t, the eum of $8.37. I move :; •;�:p:;;
from bank Lax
collections to that it be allowed and ordered .paid and the money appropriated from the' General Fund ,
Oct. Met. to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Face, Pulliam
' Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-b.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: Whereas, the Oommissioner of
Refund to '.7 0.
O'Bryan on ;also ; Public Finance has heretofore been authorised by the Board of Commissioners to correct
paid by him.an error in.the assessment of W. C. O'Bryan ani to refund the excess payment in hie
taxes, investiv.-ation reveals the amount to have been 316.73, I move that the payment
of said amount be approved. Adopted upon call of -the roll. by the following vote:
Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Kattorjohn.-B. t.c.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion -,.A refund of $33.36 having
Refund of $3.35 :W. been made to the.Illinois Central Railroad Company on a shipment of pipe from Y.ley a ri
from I.C.R.R. Co. 4sa
on shipment of h meyer-Klutey Brick & Tile Works and said amount having been deducted from the invoice. .,•F t
KleymeyereKlutey 4'-.'I move that the payment of same to Kleymeyer-Y.lutey Brick & Tile Morke be approved.,
Brick & Tile '.forks. Adopted upon call of the roll. by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, ti
�.Washington and Katterjohn,-b. ti
t V, Commissioner :7ashington offered the following motion: I move that the Super
Reports Supt..
' s Riverside Hospital,, lntendent's Report of Riverside Aoepital, ahowlntr the expenditures for the Hospital
> _
Patients Report during, the month of Odtober, 19E2, together with the Patients Report and laboratory
end Laboratory.
s Report for month ,
of Out. 1922. ` Report for the month of October 1922. be received and.Yiled. Adopted upon oe71 of
,the roll by the.following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and
ji. Commieoioner Pulliam offered the following, motion:, I move that the report of, a:
Report Com r. a endituree of the 3rd District Sewer Fund for the month of October 14EE be received.^
lublio :7orka of .�
expondituree of r"" and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll b the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam,:
3rd District Sewer p p y 4:
Fund fir the
month of October " Tully, 'Washington and Katterjohn.-6. f:
r. I
1922. �X On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas..
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