HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 96, November 13, 1922Na
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah
t '
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the.a000unte
for'the last half'of the month of October, amounting to $6002.69,, as per the report of
Accounts for
the Oommiesioner of Public Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the
loot half of
1 .: ,•;{:,.''•i:` .'
money appropriated from. the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by...
i t
•. as per report
t 'Commissioner
the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully,-5.Washington and Katterjohn.
i4. 1
I of Finance.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts for
r ,
,• �
1 ` M
:the last half of the month of.0otober for the 3d District Sewer amounting to $270.72,,'
. 8
Accounts for.
last half of.
allowed and ordered paid and the Oomintesioner of Publio Finance be authorized and
i f
':3rd Diairict
instructed to draw checks against the No. 3 District Sewer Fund Account to pay same.
Sewer.. .
Adopted upon call of the roll by.the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully,
lti t S
,Washington and Katterjohn,-6.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas.
NOVrT:ffi3C; 13TH. 1922. !/
�V , { �
At a Regular lfeeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Oommiesionero
Chamber in the Cit Hall. Paducah. Kentucky.
City ky, on November 13th, 1922: Upon call of the
I t;'
roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Tully. Washington and
On motion of Oommieeloner Tully the minutes of the:previoua meetings were adopt-
ed as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas Pace, Tully, Washington..,
k '(
and Katterjohn.-4,
Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commtesionera• Chamber.
Report Comer.
Public Finance
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. I move that the report of the
V �-
" ,..
for month ofCommissioner
October, 19 EE.
of Public Finance for the month of October 1922, be received, filed and
{ Sr
ordered published in the Of4iotal Newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-6.
Repan uom'r.
Finance o! the
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the
3d District
Sewer Fund Aaot.7
Commissioner of Public Finance of the 3d District Sewer Fund Account for the month of
� r
for October 192E
October 1922. be received; filed and ordered published to the Official Newspaper. `I
f ,
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam. Tully,
Tashington and Katter.john,-6-
r . ; r•
Report Com'r.
Commiesioner Tully offered the following motions I.move that the report of the
Pinanoo oft:
Oommiesioner 04 Publio Finance of the Oolloatione and .Disb»rsoments of the Spacial
Special Street
Street Fund for the months of September and October, 1922 be received, filed and order -f'
Fund for.Sopt.
ed publiuhed in the Offbia'l Nowapapor.. Adopted upon oall.of tho.roll by the follow-
And Oat. 1922.
ing Toto: Yeas, Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-6.
Commissioner. Tully offered the, following motion: I move that the Commissioner
Com•r.Finanoo to
take up note at
"of Public Finance be 'authorized and instructed to pay off. take up and cancel Street
City Natl: Bank I''Bcnds
Street bonds b,
and Ooupo®e in the Ott National Bank to the amount of $1261.63 and to draw a"
chock against the Special Street Fund to pay same. Adopted upon Call of the roll by
the following vote: Yoaa. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington nnd.KatLerjohn,-6.
Tullyoffered the following motions. The cum of $37.60 hovtnq been
` '
Cemeteryy deed
firs. so 210
paid into the Treaeury, as evidoneod by the receipt filed herewith, I move that deed'
be executed to hre. _ NoMe Jones for hot /41; Block iH on the South aiAe of Annnnn
• ,
Street, between Baker'& hiller StresLs in.Onk Grove CemeLerq.' Ado ted
p upon' call of
l J f
OM roll by the -following vote1.,Yeas,PAoe,Pu111aanRon And j, 6.
r t t r
.e.++��,r t..r�
+ r, .ex ar: y .new . rw n't ,r� °,
+.-�1 -
•'f'r511 aMri.:L.. . .{A,f/ FJ�.^d:.w. k ,.t. i. -4N, . N:is' Yx a+'.l ..r.n a . «ri✓...-. ev..,:
i� 4
" '.' �• ;rMe . ,iY.ri1M-1 .,�'MSL!!±TM •n>•.',0'; 'n .)•C. tu,' 'X':;: 7. �...I':.:- 1.• :t ,'t. .w,
.-. r ..,�-.'w .fir - ". .. . ,, '•N:1+�i' 1 a -� ,t ..�• 't� J•' 1. �,
{ ,,+• ' b d,:, �.. t. t ;'�tf4r>~l `7 •}�'n`�r''.m��il
f.,•�'. .a.. ..., _ .+._-..ovA:f� ...>m., ' ,:e, t, .n`.",k.s. a..k.lv':.ci: �»-:.ti:w��.. _, .�..a.... '!.... .11..,.. ,
Commissioners' Proceedings. City of Paducah, ' ` ' '° 192
• Commissioner Tully offered, the followinR motton;, I, move that the report of '
the commissioner of Public Finanoe with reference to-the;purchaos of Strest.Improvement
Re l,ort Com'r.
Finanoe in re; c'9Bond $51 for the purpose of,rettrement, be. received, ftled.and approved. Adopted upon'
,:;• -:
purchase of 3treot
]mprovemerct Bond L call of the roll by the following vote; .Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully. Waehington and .
Kat ter john. -5.
Report Com'r. of I! Commissioner, Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of f,
Finanoe.showing r
apportionment, !;the Commissioner of Public Finance showing the Apportionment, the amounts expended and
emounto oxponded
the aeabnnts under the 1lfferent departments, at
- and bglanoos to the balances to the credit of various j
credit of differ
eat dopartmoreto A the and of October, 1922, be received and filed. Adopted upon 0411 of the roll by the.
at end of Oct,
lUEE. following vote, Yoga, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, WauhtnRton and Katterjohn•,-6.
d Commissioner Pace offered the following motion; I move Lhet the report of
Report Chief of
Fire Department the Chief of the Fire Department for the month of October 1922, be received and filed.
for Oct. 19E£. it
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae. Pace, Pulliam, Tully.
Washington and Katterjohn,-6.
I; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that TH3 STATFMRNT
Statement of
' Reynolds Bros... i
&o. S. 9th and
Husbands St. CURBS AND, GUTTERS. be received and filed. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the follow
ing vote: Yeas; race, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following parties hav-
ing paid the estimates against property owners for improvement of sidewalks, curbs and
j;•- `'°•
Property owners
paying their ;; gutters on South side of Husbands St. 7th to 9th and both aidee.of South 9th Street;
estim tee again -
at property own- I,I
cru for side- Est. Tl Jno Bryant................$143.98 Not. 37 J.G.Baoker............ $257.69
oru f r aide-
on 2 Chriet Steinhauer.......... 165.68 " 38 Catherine ',bison..... 103.68
S. 9th and llus- " 6 Oscar Loibel.............. 360.13 " 40 011ie Amory........... 1E8.02
bands Street. " 10 Doo.F.Backer.............. 248.89 • 41 Pottle Alexander...:. 64.67
oonotruoted by " 12 Goo.F.Baokor.............. 272.12 " 48 Fred Smith ....:....... 55.26.
13 A Smith 6 "
' Ro no]du Bros. " Amelia It ...:.......... 9 .06. 63 Geo.8affer........... 90.07
3.73 " 66 Joe. Neibel........ 102.39
•. and Reynolds �:. !i 14_ Geo. M. Bnoker............ ••
. .,
Bros. paid " 16 Mary Mallory .............. 91.70 " 87 Tony Vogt............ 90.07
69 amount I� " 19 bate M. Banker............ 74.66 " 88 T. A. Uhler'......... 49.07
paid. " EO Dessie & Alma Btntin...... 77.42 " 59 Willard .F.Desn.:..... 46.01
• 81 Maria Washington.......... 82.42 " 60 R. W. Bnker.......... 137,06
" 22 Albert Williams............ 62.42 " 56 LIre.Ed. G.Griffin..... 302.39
' •'_ - ., 23; Geo. Harris ............... 82.42 " 61, i;irmie Dornhard...... 106.04
E5 Harry MoOlure............. 82.42 " 62 Turley Burkhart...'... 77.6E
E6 Eetella Humphreys .. 45.14 " 66 .lin
.. ....�
•�.' E7 Clarence Yogt............ ,46.14 • 68 A. D.Hughos........... 82.62
" 29 Julia Terdue.............. 45.14. " 69 3: A.WetherinRton..... 77,6E
" ,;- U,, • 30 Theresa Zellars........... 81.87 " 71 Jesse & M.:7alker..... . 66.86
11 #17 Addie Caldwell....... 99.76
a total of $3899.89, I move that.the eum of $3899.89 be alloned Reynolds Bros... Con
- tractors, and n check drawn against the Special Street Fund to pry same. Adopted upon
- Ijlcall of the roll:by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tu]liam, Tully, 1ashinRton and
M9M� Katterjohn•-6.
. rr�I Commissioner Tull offered the following motion: The following parties hnv
Property ownersY g
taking advan- I
taste of 10 -Year .N.-ing signified their intention of taking advantage of the Ten Year 'Payment Flan for the
Payment Plan for.,
sidowalke &o., 4 estimates against property owners for the improvement of sidewalks, curbs and gutters'
on S. 9th and
Husbands Street. on South side Husbands St. 7th to 9th and both aides South 9th Street:
and bonds executed
get. #4 Haaelip & Schulte ......... 8166.83 Est. $46 Jno & Alioe Young...$86.80
" 5 Oora G.Garrett Burton..... 196.03 " 49 Henry Dillahunt..... 68.03
" ie J.C. & Pearl Sherrill..... 169.25 50 Henry Thomas........ 49.66
• g . " E8 Frances Racer ............. 45.14. " 63 Dave Ball:.......... 77.62
" 31 T.F.Horring............ .: . 103.81 " " 64 Cecil 9.Hughes...... 8E.6E
32 ®ria ............... 95.07 67 :7.S.MoCarthyi....... 79.56
" 70 ins. J. Wales_
.3 WMCarthy. ............ 301.01 ..223.39
'•'; ' 3 Danker..........
..;. ! Elizabeth 308.79
•- - 3B E
36 Mary J. Walker............ 303.48
42 Ottoe E Grose............ 187.69'
{ h i33 46 Jno. & Alice Young........ 44.07
r H a total of $2616.79. I move that Improvomont Bonds for this amount be issued and the
city Solicitor be instructed to furnish copy of said bonds and the bonds be adver-
tised for sale as re4utred by law. 'Adopted upon call of the roll by the following
• • ��t�ih� :t. - .. ... ., u�r[r'°a�a�;�l:� n.aw •:!_... , w.ii.^•Ixi'f� it "i'-aC,i'h�1 .�:.»}�1
F� �V No 9a 1 ; ; i
Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah
,�,•' vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterjobn.-6. / t'
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The following}
parties having?
neither paid the estimate@.nor taken advantage of the Ten Year Payment Plan for
Improve -
neither s �'
! j: f
+r,s mont'of sidewalks; curbs and Butters on the South side of Husbands St. 7th to 9th and
. Iroperty owners
j failing to take ,both sides of South-9th.Stroet:
l 10-Year-rayment r; t
Ilan and fail-
Est. #e L. D. Sanders ..............$339.01 t
" ing to pay their " 9 L. D. Sanders................ 94.27 {1 i
estimates for " E4 City Lot Inv. Oo... '....... . 84.68
Yr.l sidewalks &o. " 44 Jno. H. Parris ............. 62.71
on S.9tb St. .............. ; 1
" 48 L. D. Sanders 169.88'` s !
and Hnebarde " 62 Birdie Jones ..............., 82.6E
f. 8t., estimates' ' " 64 H.W.Bond Haire ............. 90.07. '
turned over to �• •r'
Reynolds Bros' `e total of $923.12. I move that the Commissioner.of Public Finance be authorized and in-; fp
f� Oontraotore. , u'
struoted to turn the above mentioned estimates over to Reynolds Bros., Contraotora.
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam. Tully, was h^
ington and Katterjohn,-6.
)Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I mow that Estimates against
' Estimates '
gainst proper-, property owners.for.construction of alley with concrete, located in Block 10 Addition I' �
r;l ty for allay., 5 ,
�j in Block. 10 ""A" Old Town. between tad and 3rd Streets, be received and filed. Adopted upon call r.
Addition •AL.: ` 1 .
x' Old .Town. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe,Pu111am,Tully,Wasb4ngton and Katterjohn 81r l {
On' motion the.Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.i
!jr :. hdaplad 2(&�+-3=---Ili cu
t' tt07:21BER ROTH, 1922. `\����� (/ M.�7nft. -1., • j� +
At a Regular Meeting of.the Board of Commissioners, held in the Co.
Chamber in the City Ha11,.Paducah, Kentucky, .on November 20th. 1922. Upon call of the• -
roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam. Tn11y. ".Yeah-' �", (i•4
%a- M ington'and Mayor 'Kat terjohn,-b.1
On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted;
as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Yash- a
., ington and Mayor Katterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion: I move that the Pay -roll for I�•.;
a :Pay -roll for the first half of the month of November, amounting to $7164.01. as per the report of
`U lot half of
;.Novambor.'and '''the Commiesioner of'Publio Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid. and
of Finance the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll'
by the following vote.: Yeae, Psoe,Pulliam,Tully,Yaehington and Katterjohn,
Oommieeioner Telly offered the following motion: I move that the Pay -roll for
ti Pay -roll of the first half of the month of November for the 3d Diutri'ot Saver, amounting to
3rd District'
Sewer for fire,t,$772.71, be allowed and ordernd paid and the Commissioner of PuUlio Finance be author
half of Nov. oN
s ,.1922. ized.and inetruoted to draw checks against the No., 3. District Sewer Fund Account to 4
pay same. Adopted upon oall'of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam ++ �,
Tully. Washington and Kattorjohn,-6. i K'
Commisoioner Tully offnred the following motion: I move that the notion of } {
65 Remington T1TaIl the Commissioner of Public Finance in transferring one Remington Typewriter Ito..
writor transfer
rod from Dopt. 406260; f:fom the Department of Iublio Fi.nanae.to the Department of.Publio Property.r
f Fubl io ,F•inanoe
to.Dept.Iro for use at Riverside Hospital, be approved.. Adopted upon cell of the roll by the fol-
party for use
at Riverside lowing 'vote: Yeae, Pace. Pulliam, Tully...Washington and Katterjohn,-6. �
Commissionor:Tully offered .the following motion:.`I move that the Commissioner
of Public Finance De authorized and 'instructed to pay off. take up and cancel street
Street Bonds & i
Coupons lA."ty bonds and,-ond ons in the City. National Bank to.the amount of.$916.7B and that's: check
I r,
:'Nat'l Bank paid .. p ..
coif and taken
ti - be drawn against the.,Speolal Street Fund to pay same. Adopted peon call of the roll - f ,
by he following vote: Jose. Pe.oe,Pulliam.Tully, WashingLon and Katterjohn,-6.,
r.:•4 �.1 _.SJ .._ i�-....r. -.} , . .•i_x .e. .4J ../h, .._«.F,r ';a,..fu ..�....... .... 1. ,.. ..a • 1
'd'aa` �4aj s3C.�,'...J d.' :vl�`t".:.'Ft+..::'`f.7L. r `JU.4 .1 •�t;• .. av' ..z. �. c� '..w- ,..c:1 _a-.- ......:.at .-r.✓•:�w }�c. :t7..' -.y.'