HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 90, October 23, 1922.. a r -.v2.,,. .:i _x V- KAa, '� l•i \ ri,iT i �a�t 41;) - N 20 0. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192-- -- Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:. I move that the Pay -roll for I sA ! 3opor.t Coin'r ' -the first 'half' of'the. month of October, 1927., amounting to .06031.96, ee per the report innnon 'ofL Er.—rolls lot - h..5f..Ootobor 192E. of the Commieolonor. of•I'ullio Finance filed hore.vith, be allo'-ed and ordered heid.and the money aprropriated from the General Fund to pay same, Adopted upon cal] of the ro]:1 by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Tally'; ,7ashington.and :':atter John 74. f` + i :Oommieuioner ',7ashingLon offerod the following Thct the pay -roll for ,:.' - _.. •motion: G f . Pnq-ro7.1 for constructing oermro and drainage: in the 1�ausoleum Addition to Oak Grove Cemetery for w Sewers 14auso ]oum.Addition ': i7eek ending October 20th, 19220'amountina to $644.00; be allo'-ed end the Commienioner . '3 Oak drove Oomo- . '- Eery, of r•in-.neo he' ii.etreoted to. pay -samn and charge. to Oak Croce Oemetsry. Adopted upon' a Sr oall.'of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Pcoe. Nllq;'7ashinaton rad :;atter john, -4 On moti�or,ythepAoard edjourned.upon.call of the roll by 4 ,�nas." i t T` Ad led ��'G[-.i d3 1982 uv ct»w 'MAYOR „ h ' 001OB 23RD. 1922. • I A a'Re�ular Voetina of the '.'Board of Commissioners, hold'Sn the Commission 1 f1 ere' Chamber in.therCLtq Ha17, pnduoah. Kentucky. ;on October 23rd. 1922; Upon call of. the .roll the following answered to thoir. mmes: Oommiesionore Fnoe, :Jnshinoton and Vayor' Y,atterjohn,-3."• { { On motion of Commicuioner 'UnshIngton. the minutes of tho-previous meetings i I ivera adopted ao.road upon call of the roll -by. the following vote:. yeas. Paoe, ; { and I:attorjohn.-3. ,in.uhington Mayor Kattorjohn offered Lho followinP motion: I move that the cont;aoL I `t Oontr act botn. or:eoutad by and between the Ohieago, 3t. Louie cmd 1,1ow Orleans Ru ilroad 0or,pany., c.i. ' Illinois Oontral ' R.it. , 0.et.i. &" 'and the Illinois Control Railrond Companv, ne Losses of the.Ohionp•,o. 3t.'.Louis k U.0.3.H. and Andre,.,;H,imburg New. Orl nano Railroad Company and Andros F. Humburg,.and the•City of Pc4uoah. Kon- ; •. and City of I'udu •; oah; relative to tuoky,'dotod,July 14th, 1922, be received, Mad, approved and recorded. Adopted 3owor.DIat. 3• ` upon call of the roll b;; the fol]owlnm vote; Yoan, Iron. "raahington and I.1.tnrjohn,3� Oommisoionnr 1'031nm antnred the ]ommieuioners' Ohnmbar.' 7� ` Oomml001onnr offornd thn following motion:. I.mova that the !` r' liolortu Jupt. 3upor1ntondor.t'u rnport of iliv0rni(lo Ponpital, nhoviing thn oxponditurns,for the RIvor n.lilo Ilon-``` -' pita] 010.71 ng ,11o6pital daring the month of 5nptombor, 19211, tof-.nthor ::lth the Tationtn' Bopurt ar,l•i ' r ' n>l'fWi itnros, cti,)ntaORnport laboratory:Roport for 3optambor 19EE, be reeeivnd and 'filed. '.ldoptod upon onl].of k Lrborctory " the roll by. tho following vote; Yeau, 1'goo,Ful]inm.'•7oohingt0n rad Knttorjohn,-4. I f1 } Oonunicu1onnr.'•7uoh1ngton offorud tho,fo]lo^inq motion;•,I moon thet the ha; or to irlan applioailon and l.:ayor be uuthorl%rod, and Alrootod.to, oi ar'Aprlibation raid Fnrmit f6r.6ttaohmontn by $` Iormit by. Oumborlarri. Tol'. Oumborland Tolophono 't: ` Tolegrnph Company, ae contained in'tho Atrroomont for Joint S, Tol.Joint. I 1.Co. Uu:e of 01006 Uuo of 1o]en, exnoutnd b; and betwoon the Oity of I'rdnoah, Kontnoi@., and the Cumber ( f p ') t ]and.Tolul:hw:o & TnloGral-h Oomhazi on November 10th, 1916, Adoptod'upon call of theJ + . roll by the following vote: Yoae;paoo,Pulliam, ',7ashington nna Kattnrjohn,-4. I .: •.` Oommiculonor 7lnuhington offerod the following motion;, I, move thrt 'the Com, R.11.':7hoolnr to piwonane 40Tlle .'mieolonar of Public Property be-allowed"and authorized 'to .00]],to":7. H. ',7heolor.130 fast of '. ]eft over at Oak Orovo-Deme- 4 lnoh tilo,-lnft.ovur•n't the•Oemetnry., at Fivo Oonto par lines 'foot,: to, be turnoff tory. over Lo the OommlOoionor of Pinauioo and .aroAltod to'Or,). Grove bomotory. Ju1optod npon� oul] of the,roll by tho.fallow inR votot Youu, rnoo,'Pullinm; 'aHhingten and Kattnrjohn,-4. 4� , r + '' 'r ,�. 114 +' ' �` `r ♦. .. Y..s ..-.. ,- .- :• ", i.. -,. � ,n.i Jam''; ..^� , ) - '.# 4 . .. .. i�. .. ? ._• - _. .-,. •! •� ,:r:csa:•3k..•. .:..;..... =1 i •:},. t1kS/./1' ,SJ •J:". ..'t ,_ ,:JA(:,I ::b •'( :-':.+: v•. _ e.,.y. � � aNcb•. al.: ... _.:c�7:Lr�:P:.f...•-.. .. - .. -' '� Atm 1x i? I" '. 1. •. h,,' `5` h -1.•�. � 1�'.1 .X •y1M ��'F1 • _. _..'..LtiS.. Mi-i,1•',,.�i.��^31Y;�'�,�'.T"'^T>�.Cs.'�YFtr�'Sidw`""A` 'iR+rrl�7'g�'�^I „yI� Attr..s..r _} _ •!• •.r.. ..n.� 1. ,.. 1,. �-� .:::: - Commissioners' Proceedings, City o4 Paducah 192 " . _T - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - — — — -- -- --- - Commissioner :7ashiugton offered the followings, motion; I move that the appo Emplo m:ont of ': ment of :7alter Coleme.n; as ?ireman at the laduoah .light PSnnt to piece of T. l7, Timmons ;.• f 5 .7altor Colomr.n Fireman City be ratified. idorted upon oall'of tho roll by the, 1703loa+ing vote: Yeas; Iaoe; Pulliam, IL,rht• Plant. :'Junhingt,,n, ar:d Latter john, -4.. . Oonv11louionor Tull Y antorea the;Commiesionera' Chamli'er. ~ - !` 3 nthly 3stimato 11 s. Commieuionar I'ullicm offered: the following. motion: � That•lfontlay etlmate •lJq, ] o , ! 3 se^or oon- ;,for Tri:nk lino saver construction of •Dfetriot 3B -3C be apnr,oved and .the R. F.erdine strnction Dist. 3B 3C, and R. !f Company be allo'.,ed 0131.41.on said antimsto, and that same be cher..^ea to:3rd'C1etriat Herding Co. al lo'a-. ed a13�.41. J iis:ror Pund. Adopted u1:on cell of 'the roll by the following vote:' Yeae; Paoe, Pulliam,) ' sem) Tully', :7anhir:gton.and Zetterjohn,-5. & Commissionar Iulliam offered the following motion;. , That xtra :•cork :etlmate 7 -.try ':fork sti- a mete"or wort. @ for, Soptorhor' 1922 on trunk line r3ewer c,or.struotion for. 313-30 be aFl;rovod.ani S R, ' ae:^ors Dist. 313-3C, and Bard-. 4 llardiw, Cor>):any be allowod 0764.24 for said extra ',ork ani: same be olharRed to 3rd j in? Co. a3lo sea ;7G4.24. y District So:vor Fund. Adoptod upon call of the roll, by the foIIo'ainir vote: Yeas, Pa Go, 4'+ Pulliam, Tully, :7ashinp!ton and Zatterjohr.•,-5:. v:l a Oommiesionor Fullicm offer ad thn fo71owinrr. motion: I morn .tint the doed of eon ) �• Dood from '.7. L. vovanoo from •7. 1.. Yanoy t,Ci, to tho City -of lt:duoah,Y.nnt,t16,y, ocnlvoying pr op orty for . Yanoy w -o. , to 1 City of IC:dllO=h .utroot purp•000s aiA rooitir;� a oonnidoration of 050:00, be rlrooivod, 'fileA; approved for otr0ot pur- roa•ao, and ',7.1.. it and oonfirmaa and delivered to the CommiOntonnr li• I'nbldo Finarroa for tho'rurroae of pa id '50. for ss:no. i reo.ording some; and tho Commissioner of Public Finanoa to hereby aahorize4 sni r' ° ;,directed to Seuuo chock to the suid .7. i. Yanoy for the ,01111 of 050.00, which is to I(�... il. ° fr,ll payMont.for said lrroparty, and charge same to Streets. Adopied.upon Gall of the i' roll by tho_fpllowing voto; Yea a,Icoo,Iu11lam, Tully.�7ashInpton, 4-.Kays,::a'ttarjohn,-1. Oommiosionor Tully' offor,d the following motion: It appoerir.? .that thare.le ' Schools a1Iowe:l:�.iuo the Schools the. awn of ;395^.11 from the tax ool]ootiona to Qotoher ]at, I'move ' y3957.11 from. tvx c011Gotior, s' .' Fund, r' 4 thr.t it be r.11G:•+ea era' ordered. 1'r.id and" the mar. e,/ .uppropr feted from the Gonnrnl i! to pay same. 'Adopted upon call of the roll b -.'the follo°•7inr3 vote:'.Yoas, Iaoe,.. 4 0. Pulliam, Tully, 'Iashington arh Zatterjohn.-5. Commissioner, Tully offero3 the following motion: It cppearinR that '_'rr jorie 0 L irjorie *'..Davis asr;esoma.nt aor-,'Dcvie is '.7rongfully v3soured, ^ith a piece of rropet;:.on 24th Street, bot:;•oen Un3say S Trimble Streets at• y100.06. I move that the Commigsionor of ]:'uh]io' innnoo be. it , I`.anthor.ize;l,to make oorreotion,'•on her tax hill arid to rotund ta'xos paid on -this lot for C. y.the years 1920 ar,•'t 1921 .. Adopted upon cell' of thn .r•:11 Uy. the .follo'aina vote: iYeas, Paoo,'I'.t:lliam, Tully, •4r_shington :anl lcttorjohr.;-b. ICommissioner ;idly oi'foro3 the. fol).o'.71n notion:It appnLring' that ;7. C 7,C.0'Bryan 66 as+:' ::Want dor- O'Bryen is ast;enoed or; his. tax hill with a hound on Bro:rn Str.eot; rrhiah .ris destroyed rootol. ,) ' �,hy ,'.ire in duly 1919; ar3 that there aro'yome other'orrord in hili uusosnmont, I'move �. pthet,tho Conunisnions:• of Biblio Fincnoa be.enthorize'a to mal:o oorreotior-ar.d to refttrd } i } such portion as is incorrect on his U17-. .:.;ted u»on.cal-1 of the roll by:the follow i ir: vote: Yoas,Taco,Pulliern, i4ally,7aohini;t'on and Y.t:tterjohr.,-5. L L'.ayor l:ctterjohn offerol the folloair,v, motion: I move that the deed from :J.0 Doed from '.7.C. 1' O'Erycn to Cityr .0'Bryan to the Cit.,: of Faduoah, Zontuoky, .iated Oatobor 23rd, 1922', for prol..artyl rear of lalrcuh, l:ro- J. j. party an Bro'rm' Ero'7 Sr root, for S.trooU pat 7onon, bo caoo7;tai, thlrovod.re;d'oonfirmod rnd turned over , 3troot for. ntrHot. €- 1,ur.?0:.aS. to the Commissioner of Public 2inar..00 for the j:urpono. of having emme r000rded. Adopted upon call of the. roll by the following vote: Yoas, Paco, Tullir.m,, Tully, '.7aoh:ington s r.rd Katterjohn;-5. - - •� Or. motion the Board adjourned upon "gall of the roll by..5 ;Hao. { r Ccs e�1r� _ i jo- ck' 0. -'. -_+ ....•:,. •..- Nast*aysa•.w..'R�"iRL'S1•'gt�^aGC'S'^" 'IS+'"'r".•"-�•"?'^^'1"3• [f' � S"r@E2Ki_'TJ"