HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 9, March 13, 1922...- is 1J.17 +2744 No. 1. Commissioners' Proceedings City of Paducah: - 1by the following vote: yeas, pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn. 4. i -On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4.yeas. t I - Mothers' Club 7` Communication. Report'MoOraoke !. County Public H th League for MARCH 13TH. 1922. ' February 1922. • At a Regular Meeting -of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners' Iql Petition to ext Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on March 13th, 1929. Upon call of the water mains on Greer Avenue,.b tween 11th & 12 ,1 Mayor Katterjohn,-4. Streets. Report Riversid •.'-F ' Hospital Labors as read upon call of the roll by the follo'xinR vote; Yeas, Pace, Tully, Washington tory for Feb. 1922. Report of expert Commissioner Pulliam entered.the Commissioners' Chamber. tures in Sewer District 13.up:- and inalud ing from the Mothers' Club dated March 6th, 1922, be received and filed. Adopted upon Fob.28,192E. Roports of Stre UR SIDE HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR HSZS," be adopted. Adopted :upon call of the roll He 1by the following vote: yeas, pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn. 4. i -On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4.yeas. • •�•�_rI9•;tt '?aPPRrC�V:1�J.C7 t1 � 7` utr c,.rr . . , MAtYOR: MARCH 13TH. 1922. ' '� • At a Regular Meeting -of the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners' Iql Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on March 13th, 1929. Upon call of the M "roll .the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Tully, Washington and. ,1 Mayor Katterjohn,-4. On motion of Commissioner Pace the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted •.'-F ' as read upon call of the roll by the follo'xinR vote; Yeas, Pace, Tully, Washington ' and Katterjohn.-4.. Commissioner Pulliam entered.the Commissioners' Chamber. l Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; I move tht.t the comamioatton from the Mothers' Club dated March 6th, 1922, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Pace, Pulliam.;Tully, Aaahington and � , II Katterjohn,-b... s ii Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the'raport.of the , n McCracken County Public Health League for the month of February 1922 be received and '. ;5 . filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam. Y Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-b. y. Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the petition of 6nd_�h oitisena on Grear.Aver,ue., between Eleventh Street and Twelfth Strest,.asking that: e- I�..water mains De extended on Greer Avenue. between said streets, be received and filed th and that the.Oity Solioitor be. and he Is hereby instructed to bring in a Resolution ��• extending said mains. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas. Pace, Pulliam; Tully, Washington and Y,attarjohn,-b. Oommieaioner Washington offerod the following motion; I move that the report . e of Rivernide Hospital Iaboratory for the month of February 1922 he racist and filed Adopted upon call of the roil by the following vote: Yean, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, ' ij Washington and Kat terjohn,n6. di- Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; That the report or state- ' to ment of Sewer District #3. showing the expenditures up to and inoludIng February 28, 1922, amounting:to $2936.60, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn .6. �•: Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; That the reports of the . at. it Street Department for the months of January and February be received and filed. u.� Adoptod upon call of the roll by the following.vote; Yeae. Pace, Pulliam, Tully,. Washington and Katterjohn.-S.' 4. h .tYAf', rpt Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; That the 'bill from Alvord �s tt1 i! Burdick for the. eervioes of Mfr. Burdick for one days' consultation regardirg.Sewer 'a District #3. amounting to $100.00, and expenses from Ohioamo to Paducah and return.. A amounttng•to $41.07, making a total of $141.07, be allowed, and the Oommisatonar of ;. Public Finanoo ba"inotruoted to ?' pay ea me and.char ge to Sewer District #3 Fund a. Adopted upon 0511 of the. roil. by the.following vote: Yeas. pace, Pulliam, Tully, ;';• Washington and Katterjohn,-b. ;L 'Y'• +1'.7'., .•^ •':.1 r'......x.... n,;at ."5'S+7TT^•1? h'�L"`7d"Jw+ A'Y.5."..T, . 1 r .i i Nm Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah lfl2 ' Mayor Katterjohn offered the followthR motions I move that a resolution requiring i' 'Nottolu.tion re-. qutring Paducah the Paducah Rater Company to extend its water mitre on Greer Avenue from Eleventh j Water go. to ox- tend1 water mains Street to Twelfth Street, in the Otty of Paducah, Kentuoky, a distance of approximate. h r . } on Greer Ave. , qq , betn.11th 3 lith ly 388 feet, be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yese, L + r Streets. yF g. page. Pulliam, Tally, Washington and Katterjohn,-8.. t �; 1 r r - r On motion the Board adjourned ;upon as 11 of the roll by 8 yea®. {� Adopted i A EIPROVEW Q �' 5 + MAR ON 17TH. 1922. . MAYOR. At a Called Meeting of ,the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Ohambor.in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on Uaroh 17th, 1922. at 10 o'clock A. M. i _ Upon call of the roll the following answered to their namest Commisoionars Paoo, Pulliom ', t Tully and Washington, -4. Mayor Kattorjohn being out of the City, Mayor Pro Tom 'Aaohing ton presided. a " tdayor Pro Tom Waehtnaton stated reasons for call to -wit; For the purpose of y receiving and filtBR the report of the Board of Equalization, and such other business 1 as may oome before the Board. f Report Board Commissioner Tully offered the followlna motion: I move that the report of ".• n of Equalize- t 1 tion, received, the Board of Equalization be received, filed and approved ,'end that they be relieved} filed and approved. from further duties' at this time: Adopted upon call ofthe roll by the following vote j, Y01101 Pace, Pulliam, Tully and Wachtngton,-4. i` ' - Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The Board of.Oommieolonore a E .: deslro to extend,their thanks and appreciation to the members of the Board of Equaliza- ` , tion for., their conscientious and painstaking work in equalizing the aeeeoemonts for thn yodr 1922. We realize the hard work that was necessary to brine; about a proper Vote of thanks +.of the Board of equalization of aeeecomonte,.'in view of the depreciation of values of morohard tee,and' I, ,x;•,o` .';,,`, •� ;: Oommiestonore � i' ; to the Bored the unanttlod condition of the manufacturing and retail business at this time, and we t of dquallza- �:• arts that have boon put forth by the members of the Hoard In order that a. tion. know the off r true eqtali%ation could be made that would trive justice to all parttaa concerned. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully aryl r Wachlrgton,-4. G ` Commisoionor Pulliam offered the followinR motion: That the appointment of Dive+Counoil n polntod ae Dave Oounoil as Chain Gang Bose be ratified and that polios po.+oro be oonferred upon Chain Gang Bossy him by this Board of Oommissionere, the salary of said Ocnnot] to be $68.00. i +� Adopted upon call of the roll by the following votet Yens, Paoe; Pu111am,.Tully and 7 ;+ Washington, -4. " rt' On.motton the Board adjourned upon -call of the roll by 4 yons. } -19 t9 R� �:..L=P.1-6 U V. �. err MARCH 20TH. 1922. ` MA.TOli r " bt wr 1t .a Begu]nr. 1eetina of the $card of Commieelaonore;, held in the Commissioner y z Chamber in, the City•Ha11, Paducah, .Kentuoky,- on Parch 20th; 1922. ' ,Upon oall.of the .roll the following answered to, their•names; Commissioners Pace. Pull ism,.Tul)y iYashington and Mayor,Kattorjohn,-8. 1 i r h, 'i J�:Y .�'•ry r. .^ hi} :t, motion'of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were 1. x - 'v Adopted ne recd upon. call ,of the. -roll ,by. the tollowina vote:. Yeas, e , i Tully, Yashington.and Katterjohn, 8. t,7 } , ;1[ '. T f '$'1] .0 t y •; i. ' .1 *' S r..t 'f . t.a a'—'�--r-�' ;4 i�:a -. .- - _"�, � _,. ( ' . 4••�e: i?>h•4+:w.��� I =! .rRrlif .,.l.r 'JL:w .n •FY...fv. 1. w Y- at.arw U..✓.s.�.I ' bMv .r.:...i..:.:.CK :i+1,2: _ L 4"� - -