HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 88, October 16, 1922` Na
W Commissioners' Proceedings, City, of Pjiducah 192--
t Commissioner .7/ashington offered the following motion: I move that a resolution .
requesting the l7nr Department to make a thorough investigntion ,in regard to oonstruot-
` y' r
Rodolution ro= ina a.look and dam below Paduoah, and with the view of looating said, look and dam below
1 gardint Look
r� and Dam bolow :the City of Paducah at or near Broo1.7 ort, Illinois, be adopted, aril that n oopy.of said
resolution be sent to Gen. Lancing H. Beach, Chief ot.snginoers. .7nr Department; t7nsh
ington, D. C. Adopted upon oall of the.roll by the following vote: Yens, Fees. Pulls r L�
lZ Tully, 7aehington and Katterjohn.-5.
t Commissioner Washington offered.the;foIlo7ing motion; I.move,that the transfer.,
! .
Cemetery trans-' from 9. T. Read .to Nick Sohmitt, of Lot #80 Ln. Blook #2 on Baker Street, between Ford-
for from W. T. 1
'•.; Read to Hiok.; and Hannan Streets, Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified. "opted upon oall of the roll by l .
the ,following vote: Yeas, Peas. Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and Kctterjohn.-5.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas.
�y Adopted ��'{h'/C�,//!ti% /�/{j�`�.'/`.//' •. : I r 14
C;tr ie� (/ MAYi.)FL t
OCTOD:2 14TH, 19 M. t
At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'
'Chamber in the C)ty Hall, Paduoah.'Eentuoky, on October 14th, 19EE,.at 10:15 o'clock ]
A. E. "Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names:, Commissioners-
;.Paoo; Pull Lem arid Tully, -3.'
l 1 1 kri '
In the absenoe of 1.1ayor.Eatterjohn, and Y yor Pro Tem L. A. 'lash ington. (-t
the Board.elooied Commissioner Tully to: preside at the Called Lfeeting.,, ✓ `t +j
'Commissioner .Tully stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purroeo of(
"} £C t
allowingroll for new sever oonotruotion at Oak Grove Mausoleum Addition.
pay -roll 6 ;
`". Oommiesioner Tully offered the follo^ina motion:• I move that the Pay 3011
+` for the Department of Fublio Property, for the Ilo:i 5e•vor Construction in Oak Grove'
jay -roll 11ow
Cemetery for, the ,:sok ondtng October 13th, amowiting to X364.96, be allowed and order i..
w Sewor.'Conatruo-
tion Oak Grove, od paid and the money appropriated from the: General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon
Oemotory for >'
N; weok ending oall of the roll bl tha following veto: Yeas, 1'coe, Pulliam cad Tully, -3. {• r
Oat, 13,1922.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll.by 3 yeas.
Atloyleil10-191.:Y��RO V
OCTOBER 167H. 1922. MA'Pf1R I: ' r
L r
t a Regular L;oeting of the Board of Commieeionere, hold in the Corin
Chamber in the City Hall, Faduoah; :Kentucky. on Ootober 16th, .1922. Upon call of the .j
roll the following answered to their names: Oommiscior, o.]Paoe;'Pulliam_. Tully, '
` +7aehington and: Mayor Katterjohn.-6.
On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of previoue meetings were adopted
as road upon call of.tho roll by the following vote: Yoas; Pooe. Pulliam, Tully,'
',7aohington and Katterjohn.-5. -'
Oommieoionor Tully, offered the following motion:,-: I.move that the report -of the
Report Com';:. • Commissioner. • of .Publio-Finanoe of the 3rd' Distriot Serer .Fund, A000unt; for the month of
.• Finanoe Seger ' 4y
Distriot3 September 192E;'be reoeived, filed and ordered published,in;the offioial newepapor.
.',TullAdo ted upon oallof:the roll by the following vote:Yoae.'raoe. Pulliam. #'
Y•, i
1 9nehington and KatterjohnIA
. 5a
- �-7,+t'. .. ,.. .v .: .. ,.na .. :�' ,�i..x }pu: ... .: i. an ,u.....w: :'•qtr!. wa ... . .: . .. _.
'✓ :s.,:>.!3�: 2.:- 'K:i9!:o ?::H _ �.a �S.n. �nL: w5i—.. ...s nik+'— ...a.«v .. ::w•v.,.> w-v+__..:s:.'1_, ., s�l::•� .r'-. '
r 1(7'a/A '{� (s1f�r�i� � J ti.. N�r<�'Mt f}`,iM ✓�tl•V'
�3�r`�ia i?:;.R Sf ii...� t^ +OA,.
...,..S•.w..+:.._�_.._,_-"..._...-.,:.-E.t '.�.4.�.4 �. �sa.,.x�r:�:. ..��:,:::.•,tx..�..ze!y—v.. �_..t: "_:=. _._t._..+-.;;.� - ..
i .;
Commissioners Proceedings' City, of Paducah : ; 1922_
OomminoLonor Tully offorod the following motion; I move that report of the
Boport Oom'r.of jCortcniauionor
of I'uhlio Pin^neo uho',ving the Apportiorunont, the, amount expended' end. the
Finanoe, showing .,
to the credit of the_varioud accounts under. diffwent departmento at the
amounto oxl•ondod�
I to. at and of
end of September 19£2, be received and filed. Adopted, upon call of the roll by ahs
Sept., 19E2.
follo%vinfr vote: Yeas, yvoo, Pulliam, Tully, 'JoahIngton and Katterjohn,-5.
Commissioner Tully offeroA thn follosinfr motion: I move that the report of the
?sport Com'r. of �Oommiealoner
of Public p'inanoo with rofarenoo to the purahaeo of iarkot !'eves EDnd X39,
Finance relative
to 1,urahase of hbo
reoeived. filed and approved. Adoptod upon call of, the roll. by the follo.11na vote
Market House
Bond i39.
Yeas, Pace, Pull'1^_m. Tully, '9aohinlrton and Eattorjohn.-5.
Commission,+r Tully offered the followin4 motion: 'It oppearin4 that the sum of
$6951.10 duex$5951.10
is due the Schools for the tax collections to Oct. 14th, I move that it be.
3ohoolu from Tax I
Jolloottonn to I;
allowod coil orderod pnid end the money eppropriatod from the General Fund to pay name.
0ot. 14, lou. pp
otos call of the roll by tho fol]o-ainm vote: Yoaa, 1`.00, Pulliam, Tully,
and Y_attorjohn,-5.
Commisuioner race the follo•ving motion: I move that ;;bb lwnn,be relaesed
rbb Lynn,extra
and dinchar.ged as extra policeman for the City of Faluoah, and that the '1.'cesaohusette
)103 id-Man 9113- I'
ohsraed and bond �Bond
inP & Insurance Company be released on,hie bond: Adopted upon call of, the roll by
. of E:c:;:rachueobts
3ondir:3 Co. re-the
,following vote: Yone. Paco,-Pulliam, Tully, aeshinrton arid Etttorjohn.-6..
Commissioner Tialiam offered. the follo•..YLna motion: Pkat whereas the Contractor
3rd Diatri.t Se.•ror has Btartod ar.'additional force and machine for pipe la§inq on
--:;mlo,ymont of J.
C.Crezory, inHusbands
Streot, I move that the employment of J. 0. Orogory, as Inspector and Drafts
re: 'c:ower Die-
trlot 3.
aman-, at a salary of ;;130.00 per month, be ratified and that he'be allowed 1,19.48 for
•' 4
- =
train fere from Charleston, A. Va., and the Commissioner of Finanoe be authorized .end
instructed to pay same an, ah_rve to 3rd DYatriot 3o.vor Fond , !.d opt ed; ups: 'cal 1 of the
roll by the following vote: Yeas, face. Fulliam,.Tully nrd "7aehtngton,-4; 21ays,
Eat ter John.-1.
On motion thn !'card adjournod upon cal] of thn roll by '6-yet:n.
p ..,.
d d u led .P�-� t�
� 'g- 5'9
Ck. 0"
OCTOB-2 20TH, 192£.'
'At c Called Mee tInp, of'the Boar-1 of Commloaionora,,hold in tho Commisuionors'
.Chamber in the City !!u11, Paduoah, l'ontuoky, on October P.Oth, 192£, at•3;40 0!olook '•
1:. Upon Doll of the rel] oho fo]]owlna, snm•rereA to'thoir namoo: Oommienlorero.
I'aoe, Tully, 'Jashington and Mayor l:attorjohn,-4.
Layer -Eattorjohn otatod roasono for call to-:•rit: :'`or thn bur?.Dao of allowing.•
i pay-rolls for first half of October, aril any othor buninni+n that may coma before the
Oommtsuionar Tu11?i offnrod the followiruz motion: That thn : ginoor'o,Eutimate
41 of John Br;;unt for the i•7provnmont.on.the South nide of 1lusbnnAu 'Itrent botriooll
Joni, Bryant,
7th'und,9th."troot he oorraotot nr.l the oharre:•ot 45,00 for Arn1n ?;tlo bo'ellmtnrted,
I a for l;nlxovomnnt
on ',9thd: Hue-•3
thlu item not .havtntr boor: InoludeA in tho oor.trnot of Boyno]3u Tlron., coil the'total
'..bund a Street
oorreatod. :'`
amount ,of. Beynolde Btou. oontraot be made 0774.98.. Adopted upon call of the roll
i .by the following voto: Yean. I'aoo,` Tglly, tlauhinRton and l.4tterj0n,-4..
Oommtoolor:nr TOly of.fornd the follordrrp motion, : L-movo that the Pay-;r.o]l. for
lay-ro1l. 3rd
the 3d'Diatrio.t Sownr for the first half of 'thn month .of Ootobor, arnountina to
lllntriot Secret
)ut i,nlf of
h bo'ullo+rod soil orAorol 1+aid. and the.0ommieaionnr of lnblio Finance 'no author-.
Oatobor, 1':P.. .�
_itod and Inutruetad to Araw ohooVo agnirnt thn lio. 3 uiutr.lot 3n-aar Fluid, A000iint to
� r
pay name. i.dopted upon call of the roll by tho fol)oaf.n.g vote: Yeou, lace, Tully;
'dash'ington'and Eattnr.john,'-4.