HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 87, October 13, 1922a
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Commissioners' Proceedings; City. of Paducah
j' d Commiasioror Pulllamrofferod tho,followirg motion:' I move that the i!onthly ,
i � :;stimato for Sel'tomber 1922, of the i.
R. Harding Compeny, 'Contraotore, `for'vrork done
:atic,ata ,E ??.
Hard irg Co. on trunk line se.vars in District 3B -3C, amountin¢'to '010,590.52, bo approved and the
District 3B 3C
Trunk .line Sa'::'ors Comnieel onor'of Tublio Financo authorized nnd'ir:atruoted to pay aamo and'oharae'to.th0 cl;
3rd Serer Dis-
triol. .3rd Dictriat SOWer Fund, r_n3 that a oopg of said estimate be filed. Adoptod uron sell
� r
v of the roll by the _following vote; Yens, I'ass. Tulliam, Tully, Washington and Katter-
u Johr.,-5.
Commissioner .76shington offered the folloc,fr,z motion;_ I move thet the City; r
C-lty S:{lfaitor. to SolloltOr be inatruotod to acquire the right -of -:',ay for a.Forty-Foot 9treot from
noq.nlre ri rht of a i
Hey for 40' St.. Ca]d.vo]1 ;.vonuo to Browii.Strnot, ar•.i to institute oordemnatfon prooeedlnRe, if,neoee
from ^-a13 -:o 3, ] i� >•3. 'i; '•
.+vo. to Brown St.;' Har;•: .adopted upon oa71 of the'ro71 by tho'followtwr vote: Yeas, Psoe, Tully, -•�
y 7ashirgton atd Kattorjoha,-4; Co.mniesloner I{,lliam being out'of the'Commtosioners'
Chamber drher. vote ;vas tai:en.
Commissioner 3ashirRton off ored.the fall o'vin2,motion: . I'move that*the Com
Com'r hublis 1, mieelonor of Tublio .7orko be authorized and'Snstruoted to enforce Section 3 of an
torka to er:foroe
Spotion 3 of Ordinar.oe grartir.a a frariohlee to the Taducah'slootr4o, Compr,ny for the' purpose of.fur
:ilootrloity;&o. i
?renal:iso. „ tr,iehing elootrloity, light nrd heat, which requires them to .put the. streets in as Rood
j''.00rA ition'as they �_'iero boforo they oxonvc.ted 'said strootu for the purrose of: ley,26
pipes,' &o. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follov'inir`vote: Yocu, lace, Tulliam, :i
i Tully, '3a4hington aid 1:ettorjohr,-5..
{ Commissioner.Iulliam offered tho'following motion, That the ]etior from,• F
.R.nardlrg o 3
oommuni:u,tion ::. R. llar,ding ComparV of October.9th, 1922, ooncer.nira the laying,'of 30" 'se'-er on >•_,.
! in re: 30" sorter
on lfusba,da St. I llusbar,du Street, be rooeived and filed. Adoptod neon call of the roll by the follow
inti. veto; Yeas, rase,Pulllr.m,Tu]ly,`.'Iashlnt*ton and Kcttnrjohn;-5.
j On motion .the Bor.rd n4journed a{ron call of the roll hy-5 yeas. .
f Adopled
r � _�. GI. CI..� • [ [yam '1 � _ '+ �. 5
OCTOBM 13TH, 192E. YA9C)1�.
(. h Ata Called !!seting of the Board of Commissioners, held in. the'Commiesioriore'
Chembor in the city Hall. Paduoah, Kentucky, .on October 17th; 1922, at 11 o'olook'A.P. r
Uhor. call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe,
t Tulliam. Tully, ;7aBhingtor, and Mayor KattorJohn.-5.
- Mayor Katterjohn stated reaeono for still to -wit For the pur!ose-*of allowing
Mlle Yor'the month of ?eptember-1922,' an4 any other businesF that,mipht;oome before ;
the Board.
'• Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:I move that the accounts for
Ac courts last ,.� the last half of the month of September,. amounting to $14879.85, as per the report of
half Sept.192E.,-•
rmoi:pair P. to ' the Commissioner of Public r'inar:oe filed.•here:vith pe alloned and ordered' paid and the
money appropriated from the Genera] Fund to pay or -mo. .Adopted upon call of the roll by
�h the follo'•+inr vote:Yeas,T'coo,Pulliam,llr]1y,.7aehinRton and gattorjohn.-5.
Commlosionor Tully. ofinred the folloviinK motion: :I move that the'report•of dl :
Report Com'r, of,',
Finance of Col- the'. Commissioner of Tublio Finanoo of the Collections and Disbursements for the month t
2o0tions & Die- 1y;3 f
burse^ents _or ". of September be'rooelved; filed ard'ordered published 'in the official nowspaper. :
f Sept. 1922.
Adopted upon call, of the roll by the following vote; Yoa3. I'aoe, rulliari, Tully, .`:rq :
a ;7ashir.vton and I:atterjohn.-5.
y •. - .stir
4 s No.
Commissioners' Proceedings, City' of Paducah ' " 192-_ ,
• Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that a resolution i
requesting the War Department to make a thorough investimation.in rogard to construct-
i R000lutiori ro- ina a.look and dam below Paducah. and with the view of locating caid.look and dam below
arding look 'h
t 'and Dam below ,.the City of Iaduoah at or near Brook-port. Illinois, be adopted, arA that a copy of said
1, resolution be cont to Gen. Lancing H. Beaoh.-Ohief of.2ngineers. War:Department, hash
ington,,D. C. Adopted upon call of the.roll by the following vote: Yeas. Face, Fulliam,';' ,r•"
4;2 Tully. Washington and.Katterjohn.-6.
Commissioner Washington offored.the. following motion: I,move,that the transfer .
Cemetery transfrom 7f. T. Read .to Dick Schmitt, of Lot $00 in Block v2 on Baker Street, between Ford-
-,.:r ^
far from 1. T.:
i Read to Niok.i:. and Hannan Streets, Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by 1 .
the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully. 7ashington and Ketterjohn.-6. 4 � a
On motion the 'Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeao.
t� r Adopted'
,r OCTOB:2 14TH. 1922. r ,
-+ At a Called Meeting.of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners':
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Eentucky, on October 14th. 1922,. at 10:16 o'clock
:4 A. L. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their namee:.Commissionere�y:
1 t Pace. Fullldm and Tully,-3.' tr r
ci In the absence of Uayor,Eatterjohn, and l.iayor Pro Tem L. A. Washington,
the Board.eleoted Commissioner Tully to preside at the Called Iieeting...
`Commissioner Tully stated reasons for oall to-r'it: For the purros6:of -
+* ellowtng pay-roll for new sewer construction at Oek Grove Yausoleum Addition. r
3 Commissioner Tully offorod the folloring motion:•I move that the Pay 3011f:
a for the Departmont of Fublio Froporty. for the ile-,i Se'••ror Conntruction in Oak Grove
FHow Cemetery or_ tho •,:oek ending Ootobor, 1.3th. amounting to 3364.96, be allorred and order-
+{ '; Se•aer. Conctruo-
tion Oak Grove, .'• ad paid and the money appropriated Prom tho:General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon
Oemotory for ,
:weok.anding call of tho roll by ilia following vote: Yeas. Pace. Tulliam cad Tully.-3.
00 t;
13.•1922 •. 7
On motion the Boerd adjourned upon call of the roll.by 3 yeas. �
R60 V.6
Cot ! .
OCTOBER 16TH, 1922. MA`Pt1R I r
+ ' At a Regular ilseting of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commissioners'
o t Chambor in the City Hall, Paduaahi,Kentuoky, on October 16th, .1922. Upon call of the .i
roll the following answered to their names: Commiaslonere,Paoe;'Pulliam.. Tully,. { n�
L +.•
ton.and Mayor Katterjohn.-6. �• k
On motion..of Commissioner Tully the minutes of previous no tinge were adopted
no road upon call of tho roll by the following 'vote: Yoas-,Paoe. Pulliam. Tully, {' +
. ':7aohingLon and Katterjohno-6, _ ,. •� - • .. ., ': V
- i
.Oo®iseSonor:Tully;offered•the_following motion:,: I move that the report-of they
R'0.ort Com'r Commissionor...of:Publio'F'inanoe of.the-3rd.District,Sewer Fund.•A000nnt,for the month of!
Finance Sewer
District k3 September 192E.'be received, filed,and ordored pubIishad An; the official nePepapor.
r n in I` .Adopted .:upon call .of the ,roll by'. the, f ollowinR. vote:.Yoas.' Paoe, Tulliam. Tully; i
t Anehington and , Katter john. 6,
� tt
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