HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 85, October 9, 1922-'��; F� P� f ki�C'+.FD'.(.•�"Q�. TS„T1't�.['M4 �t.Sl'e•'OLtf.' Ylrs.-tMrl.►r�wr"" '-•.''u.�w:hP".%"'� '.,�Ic'i'S _ _ __ _ � s , 'c i l - Z r•1 +".. � d� i 7.''x. e'Y° ''�' 1. : a a, �v(i �.� ; a ,{ y �s i.. r ,, s. c :. _ ” • - NO. Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah `' 192 a ' 4 knyor Kattorjohn offered the f llowing motion: I move that the ray roll for ;the Department of,Iublio.Fropertg, for Pew Sawar Iiausoleum Addition in'Oe1 ,Grove a ray -roll Dow q Cemetery,for week ending Oct. 6th, amounting to $532.10 be allo.ved.and ordered pal. } e Sever 11_U301eum 't Addition in Oak and the money appropriated from the General'Fund to pay same'. Adopted upon :cell of 'Grove Cemetery. { ` the roll by the follo tn!z vote: Yeas, race, Pulliam, and' Yct.terjohn,-3., c , ' On�mootigon�the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeas. . R=� If Me c/ r OCTOB�t 9TH, 1922.. - ti a At a Regular Leetir.g'of the Board of Commissioners, held ir. the Comr.lestonera' Chamber in the City }tall, Paincah.'Y.entuoky, on October 9th, 7922. Upon dal] of the ,roll the follo:ving answered to their names: Commisnioners Tao6. Iul7tem, Tully; rt .'lashinaton ar:d Le;or 1:atterjohn,-5. On motion of Commissioner.: 7ashingt6n'.the minutes of the previous meetinae were ; ,.h adopted as read pron call of the roll by the folio:^irP vote; Yeas, Tace, pull tam, I, Tully, '.7ashinprtor, and Patter john; -5. J Clcueener Yosiory Layer Latter john offered 'the follo•vir.R motion:I move that the communication Company cormuni-. r from Clausener H.00tery Company, Sated October 3rd, 19Ef,.bo reoeivei and filed. cation in re side„ .> r]ks. " i.doptod upon call, of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Imoe, Iulllam.'Tully,' a l.ashirzton ar:i Yatterjohn,-5. L'oCraoler. Co. y Commisslonor Tully offered the following motion: Theft the commando^ --tion .from. o31tIon i4aan. I the ILaCr oommunioation. acken County :xposition Association be receivad and reforred to the Comris- d � • , - '•. r.: is ' , aloner of Tuhlio Safety for attention. Adopted.upor, call of the roll by the fol,lo�► ing vote: Yeas, Ices, I'ullim, Tully, ',7ashiraton ani 'Yattorjohr.,-5. j i:ayor l:etterjohn offered the following motion: I move that.the' contract made Conir of bet:veen ani entered into.botvieer. the City of Taducah rnd. Yanoy !c Johnuon, Contractors;•for City r.d Yanoy & , ! Johnson for con- ;• ,.r struotion of,::lley• the cor;struo.tion of an daisy in'Prr 70ok 10, Ol,l Ton; Ld•litton- "A", whtoh has been .duly:".-' ir. Block .10. Old a th d b t � u''execuey e L.yor. be reoeivel ard!fi]od'. Adoptod upon call of the roll. by the ion, :.iditior. , • Piled. :fo]]o:vingvote: Yea9; Iaco, Tulliam. Tully, '.7achlnv-ton an4 Yatterjohn,-5. Yryor.Yatterjohn offered the following motion: I movo that the report of. the I call Rai].. -Ly Coml:7:ry roiort 'Talucah-Rall:ve; Company, sho:vina the Gross arnir.,ra, Operating ::xpensos,. Taxes and ourr:ing3 for year a Balance for the year or.dtre .September. 30th. 192`, be' received and filed Adopted upon en ing"aopt.30, call of the rel] b. the fol]o:,inr 79£ vote; Yona. Inco,Pu]ltam. ?u]]y,:4nahtr:rtton and Katterjohn.-5. Corrintestor or. Tull offered the following mot ton: I move that the e p y' xrenee of the =xpor:so five Iffive doleaatos to the Ohio'Valley Improvemert Association Convention at Louisville' 'Jr dele>etea to Ohio Val 30y improve- on October 3rd and 4th, amounting to 197.57,, be allorod and ordered mrr.t ..sso. Conten '• 3 Ta is and "tion at :ouia- I wills, i)'. charged to Conttnaont Fund, Adopted upon call of*the 'roll by the. following vote: Yeas Taos Fulliam 7 Tas a Lc a ':f Tu ]y, hin_ton arA ttorjohn,=5. t Commissioner Tully offorod the. follo•.7ing,motion: . I move that the bill of F. T. ^r.I,onse F.A.Yattcr4 t l John to'"hicago, attorjohn, gayor, for ezl,enoeo incurred' In Mn' -trip to Chiocmo to arrcnao for oar0iw in ro: cars for . .• ]oadtnn oe^ent for 10niiits eerent'for the I:o. 3 Dietrtot :o:7or, amountinn to y42.b7,'be nl]o:7ed ant f for 3r9.91atriot' H "•'''. ;e;;.er. ordered paid and the Commissioner of Iublio Firnnoe be authorized errs ir-atruoto. to. 4 issue check -aminat the Ito. 3. Diotriat Se:•ior Fund locount'to pay some. Adopted upon t , [call of the ro?1 .by the follo'.71na vote: Yeas, Taos, Tulliam, ',T:]7y "_.nd '•7aohirigton.-4 8 ' Veyor Zetterjohn not vo.tln{r. yy ' - �-,Il�¢'Vsj.,r; 1�� !'rr �.._ }e .,. �P31T r�•^i..y. k��y,i. yy:�.� _.rxtit.J J. ,C�q•.?tr `1 ay _y.:. .,. s i.?!, y :.f.4,,a.. �! .yp+:i`'" ' ; Y - x - K. 4 1 Y rrj4h� �,r}: Mx v > ,,yy.. Y• - 1 Y No Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah-, , "192_` } , :Commissioner, Tully offered the following motion: I move that the acoounts.for $ l t A000imts for the month of Septomber for the 3rd Distriot de,7er,-ampuntinP to $925.57, be allowed and ; 8epteArber for 3rd %Diutriot Savor.`ordered paid and'the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and irntruotod to draw _ ,- r� check's aznlnat the Ho. -3 Dintriot Sever Fund A000unt to pay same. Adopted upon call. of the 'roll by the following vote: Yeas, Fees.- Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and Katter- ` f { John, -5.: Y f: rx. >tr '`'>•'z.cponose for Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the sum of { �� Supplemental ; F $ •1 �E94.00 for 't.he'oxpense of the Supplemental Registration Day or: October 10th, being Rogistration ,,79QE•Oot.l9th X2,00 cash for four offioore at each of the thirty vottior preoinote.'.:$E40.0n arnd' r r $2.00 house rant at tvonty seven votirg pla000....$54.00, total $L'94.00, be al]orlod and ordernd pa LA and charged to Uontinrmnt Fund, Adopted upon oall of the roll by the. + .i following voto; Yonu, Iuoo, I'ulllam, Tully, 'Uohinaton,-4; Vayu, Knttnrjohn,-1.' ? ry Commissioner Pace offered the fol]owina motion; I novo .that, the report of the 1 Report Chief ofr i 7 Chief of Polios for. the r..onth of 9optombar-1922, be receival and fi']ed.• Adoptod'upon r r lolias for 741. Sept. 1999. 'anal of the roll by the following vote:Yeaa,Pcoe,Pulllam;Tully,,i'aehington and Kattor { y! john, -5. } T Commissioner lane offered the fol 3owine motion: ,I more that .the report of the 7' l'Report Chief of Chief of, the Fire Department for the month of September 1922, be r000lvad and flied. E� Fire De art ent., - b for S apt emb orf , Adopted 'upon.oall of the roll by .the following vote: Yeas. Inco, Pulliam, Tu]]y, 1922. �frt ,"'aahlraton and Kattor john, -5. Commissioner Iaoe.:offered the fol]owinP motion: I move that the bill of the F r, Ex]oneo ?ire Fire Chief, amountirg to $60.01, exl•ennes attending Fire Chiefs' State Convention at Y Chief to attend - }vy inc ?ire Chtafs' !,s s Con von td on a t;: Louisville. Ky., be allowed ar.d order pnid,.nnd that cams be ahnrgol'to.the Fire ',Louivvil]e,Jiy: Do},artmont. Adopted upon call of the roll by.tho Sall owing vote: Yonu, pace. .OIIam, 4`r i 1 Tully, Aaohington aril Kattorjohn;-6. Ir Cormissior. or Iaoe offered the following motion: .I move that the sum of Vol nto re of America donated 3400.00 be donated to the Voluntooru of 4morica for Charitable purpo.00u,•and, for the t 400.00 for :oaa•of taking_ oars of MI ecolIone ouo charities of the .City of Pakuoah, ani that.the , �. hhr l ty purpvays , L A r ` ' bornmiesibner of public Finance ie' hereby authorized to pay to the Volunteers of Amerion 14 ._ said euro and charge came to the*eadount of charities. Adopted upon oall of:the roll by + the fo]lolvire vote: .Yeas ;Iaco,Pull'icm,Tully,'.7ashinaton and.Kattorjohr,-b. , b Commieslorer Inae offerad.the,fol]owing motion: I move that the rebisrnation I , s '.E. L.Cobb `r.esig-a 1. nation. :of i. ,..,Cobb, as Operator in, the Fire Department, be received;! filed and reaepted, y' t 'Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Iaoe; I•u]lfam, Tully,- ,Yaahiraton„and Sattarjohn,-5. •' , J Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion;' I move that the rate of f R.if. Goleman 4 salary ohen..od, pay of S. 1. Colomen,:of the Jopartment of Iubllo dor.ks, be ohanged from $100.00 per r month to ,36.00 l:or.day.for eaoh stork day, offootivo Ootobor 1, 1922.. Ado)Lod upon call of thn roll by the following vote:: Yeae.,.Iaoe,' Iulliam, 110.1y and L'atterjohr.,-4,' i:aya ' Washington, -1. 1.7. ,. Commissioner Tulliam_ offered the following motion:` _I acro that the monthly t r l2. thly2.R. 'etlmat estimate for.deptomber. 1922 of the L. R: Hardfnc Company, Contraotors., for work dor,e on $E.,s.R.licrdina ;Co.:SUb-Didis= ion 3A Se'•vvr Trunk -line Sewers in Diotriot-3A. amourtlna'to.49,835.80,;be..aprrove:i and the.Commie k ^. "Distriot 03.•,�.; sionsr..'of Iublib Finanoe:authorized •at,d inetruoted to pay s±:me and ohnrRo to the 3rd s District 5waor Fund, and%that e.00py ;o said estimate be filed.:. Adoptedupon call.of,. t µ} Y the,ro13 by.!th6 following•vote ,Yeas, lace, Inllinm, Tully 7ashinatin ark, Katter �IL5+....�.i>;. 1 _•^.;,:-�'.-., -.=' 4 �, 'S. - ..,.,. 1 ....-.�.. .': f:•:'l,d. .c`4''.. .+W^�r..'+ w:al.NP 7.'. _ i' {..iiJ� Y',�:,,.•t7. L 1 : ;7 - .a «l,. „.tY...•J.' n r:i , ,.. . ,w�:r.a:: ti•^ -.:b'•; :;.i . . , ' j .. ,,,,^. -+y �j, �,•.rr u,.- Y r -r{. c e•r { r t d t r .n j � .. .. .. ! .....�...r..�. r ' � ��;�' ��� rr.��L r q '' Vii. '•4;� ; _. tl".i kyr �i � ,fit l - I ' No. Commissioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah " ' " 192-1. :• ';: , ' Commisaionor'Pulliam,ofYerod the"follow Ina mot Lon:' I move. that the; lfonthlq I' :etimato for 6ortomber 19f2 of the i. R. Hardir.0 Company, Contractors, for work done 9 I Imate Earding Co., on trunk line 3aaers in District 3B-3C, amounting to '010,590.52, be approved and the ' Diutrict 3B-3C- Trunk line 3a::ora^ Commiasionor'of Iublio Finanoo authorized and 'Instruoted to pay same and''ohnrae'to. the' 3rd 'Sac;er 318= > trict. N.3rd District Sower Fund, r_rd that a. copy of said estimate be fllod. Ado ptadupon call ` s` 1kk of the roll .bar the following vote; Yens, face, Pulliam. Tully', l7ashinaton and xattor „ . johr..-5. _ t J - COmmisnionor dashington'offered the fo]]or+fnc motion;.,I move that the City clt) 3ollcitor. to SolloltOr be inutruotod to acquire the rtrrM-of-way for a.Forty-Foot Street from r L aoq.ulr'o rl:rht of b .way for 40' St.. Ca]d'.vn]] ;.var.ue to Bro'an.Streot, nr:d to institute oor:domnntlon prooeedfnire, if. nesse- from C., ,013 0 r1.,iajf, ova. to Bru;vn St.!'sary. 4dapteQ upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Tully, ' ti '.7cehir.Rton and KattorJohn,-4; Commissioner 7rllinm_ being out;of the Commissioners' " . Chamber %%her. vote waa taken.' Commissioner :7ashirRton offered. the YollW71n.,r motion:. I move that 'tbe Com ;?, " Com'r'.I''ublio - miasior,or of Publio .7orkn be authorized and instructed to enforce Section 3 of an'. forks to erforoe potion 3 of Ordinenoe trrantir_a a frar,ohlse to the Paduooh �'.lootrio Compcny for the'purpose of.fur •lcotrl.city&.0. r aray. ol:iso.• htniehing electricity, light -and heat, which requires them to,-put the street in as.vood p':.cord ition'n3 they aero before they oxoavc.ted said utrogtu for the purrose of _lr_ying h A� pipes, &o. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the.followihir vote: Yoaa, Ince, Pulliam; v P i Tully, :'lnshington nrd I:attorjohn,-5. . 0ommIs81onor.Iu111am. offorod tho, following motion; Thnt the letter from. -7.R.R,_rdin"r o.. I oommuni•aation :'. !?, iLr.11 Coml;arw oY OotoDer.9th, ]9E?., oonoernira the ]ayigR of 30" ne-er on 1 in ro; 30" so.,-,or, " on :Iusbands St.". Fusbandu Street, be received and filed. Adopted nlon call of the roll by the follow- w-ing,vote: ing, Yean, Iaoe,I'ullirm,Tully,:7ashinfton Iattnrjohn;-5. " vote:ural ,• i On motion the Bor.rd n3journed +mon call of the roll by b peau. I f t r (y�Z• /G I� "ALno Adopted OCTOB -2 13TH. 192E. At a Called testing of the Board of* Commissioners, held in. the'Commiseioriers' j Chamber in the City Hall. Paduoah, Kontuoky,.on October.lsth, 1922, at 11 o'oloak 'A.V. "Uhor. call of the roll the following ans;vored to their names: Commissioners Pace..'. $.;;. r Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Myor Katterjohn,-6.VI ; L'ayor Katterjohn stated roaeono for oall to-7it; For the purlone'of allowing}' ? bills for month of Oeptember,1922,'and any other businenn that, might come before _4 {.. ,�. •`� the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following'motion: I move that the accounts for �• , Accounts last the last half oY the month of September,. amounting to X14879.85, as per the report of r half Sept.192E.;• t i the' Oommie8lonor of Publio r'inrnc6 filed herewith he allo:,red and orderod' raid and the ry` amo:;ramp, to money appropriated from the General Fund to pay arms. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote;Yeas.1 o.Pulliam.Tully,',7aehinRton and kattorjohn,-6. Conx}Laaionor Tully. offered the following motion: :I novo that the`report'ot Report Com'r. of Finance of Col- the Commissioner of Publio Finance of the Colloot'lons and 1) 1 aburnoments for the month tt +, laotions & Die- I N of September be'rooeived; filed and ordored published Arthe official newspaper.. + ; ; bursements for, Sept. 1922. i Adopted upon call, of the roll by the following vots; Yoaa, I'aoe, Pulliam, Tully, t 1 lashir,gton and ;ntterjohr;-b.