HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 84, October 7, 1922xi"�' ;'��r+'F+�:!!^t" '. 7,..,i4.-`ro--. r'x�t. _-L,e <,tr, 1-x.1•�J s+'. r ir, 3`..�:{ ..3 � J. ,''• .l .Ur �.��,
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' Commissioners' Proceedings' City of. Paducah
a Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the aocotuwte for
the last .half of the month of September, 1922, for the 3d DIstrIot Sewer. amounting to
i docounts Inst i p'
j, half Soptembor �480.i4; be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance be euthor
192£ :30•707 Dista m
$3.ized and inetruoted to drn- cheeks against the No.3 District Sewer Fund Account to pay's
same. Adopted upon call of the roll by'the,following.vote: Yeae, Face, Pulliam,Tully,
Yashington and t Katter.john,-5.
c ,. •..Conmieetoner Tully follosing motion: I move that the temporary ap -i
,J i,'rmploymeffi of
Geo.Oehleohlao= pointment of George Oehleohlo.eger, at a salary,of $125.00 per month,'to assist the q ,
ger to assists I' v
Assessor. Aeseesor in compiling his. book, be ratified.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol
lowing vote:.Yeae, Face, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-5:
ski'; Commissioner Tu]ly offered the followinr motion;' The sum of $37.50 havinc-beenfj
r'; a paid onto the Treasury, as. evidenced b the receipt filed herewith. I move that deed
' Cemetery Deed
to Noah Smith. be executed to Noah Smith for Lot #5E..in Block n2, on the ::net side of Miller Street,
bet'weon Ford and Hannan Streots.in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon 'call. of the roll
by the following vote: Yeas. Pace,Pulliam.Tully,s7ashington and Katterjohn.
S , Commissioner.Fulliam offered the follo:vtnv motion: That the letter of R.
+,. 3.R:Hard Ing Co. iw
:edomnunication Harding Co. of Oct. Ent,_ 1922, concerning lacking of cement for work on trunk line. f
,.:. in ro: Cement . :...
! for 3rd Diot. ao:ver of tho 3rd Diutrldt be received and filed. adopted upon call of the roll by the
Sowor. 7 ggf•.
,.{ followirir vote: Yeau, Face, Pulliam, Tully, 'Wanhington .and Katter john, -b:
Oommioulonor' 1•ulliam offereA .the follotrin2 motion: That the report of the `,• E <'
` y 'Roport Supt. Superintordent of Strontc,'oonoornIrR Ditulithld.Stroot ropairn, be rnoeiveA and filed �'.
e of 3tr,coto, in kr j
re: BItulIthlo Adopted, upon call of the roll by the following Soto: Yono, Face, Pulliam, Tully,
r Street repairs. i.
s l7aohiagton'and Katterjohn.4.
'Commissioner Pulliam offered the following.motdon: 'I move that E. R. Harding ?
Company be authoriz0. directed and 'instructed to construct the outlet of trunk line
3:H.Har,iIng Co.n seer`s in 'Sub=Df visions 31i-30 on c oasis of an olovatiun minus 6 foot, as per in-
to construct
outlet of trunk otruotitins by the Government;' and I further move that 3. R. Harding' Company be p - id. !••
.line so.vorc in
' Sub -Div. 3B-30 for their sorvioeo in making sr.i:i ohanze from elevation of minus 3 to an elevatton' minus
rpt on .basis of an : f
elovati ,n minus .6..a roaa,onablo stun upon propor estimates 11:rntahod by the Commissioner of iubllo ': orko 1 , kk
5 feet.
r •` , said eatlmates to be a F 1
approved -by the Do�srd of Oommiasionere. Adopted Mien call of the
rt _ -roll by the following vote: Yeae,, Paco. Pulliam,,Tully. 'Washington and Kr -6.
Commissioner Fa IIIam .Offbrod the following motion: That the Ynyor be authorized
Mayor to fro to
l Ohioa'Ro oononrn to•rco to Obloaro, at the Pity's expense, to intorview railroad officials oonoornina the
Ina proouring
'iailroud oars noduring of oars for shipment of domont ,for. the. Third District Se'rrvro, anal the 0xponse
for dement i 1
+ for .Se'ner Diet. of the trip be charged to the 3rd District Se'wor•Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll '
i by the following vote; Yeae, Face,PullIsm, Tully.'•►ashIng ton and.Katterjohn.-6. Y},
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yoas.
OCTGB'.Tl 7TH. 19 1ttx�AR ` i k t
t ..
� I kf• , `• AL a Galled N.eeting of the Board of dommiesionere,..he]d in •the Commis0lonore'-
��Chamber 1"n the City Hall,-Paduoah,' Kentuoky, on October' 7' 1922,
at 10:30 O'o]ook 1
t ,,
t +; A.'M.' Upon call of'.the 'roll the followinganswerod 'to their namen: Commiscionors Taos.:.'.
! " ' Pull`iam and Mayor Katter john. -3.
+t4 ~ j' `' Mayor,Knttorjohn,etatod reasons
oall'to 16 -wit:: the ur.see oP"al]owin �
r F T g
; r ` Sf'octal pay--�r071, for ,the laying of storm severe in ioueoleum Addition Oak Greve Come
tory, and -any othor' bueinose that might come before, the Board ii,f.
.[t.i �'C 1. t f +. k , \ Jx t f J ,1 1 • :t
' � .�1...1 -:.1. .A .. C.� ., .. nY.-.. 1. . .. i. . ..5 :. .1:w., .. Y'..._.-- ot�... ...- -. <[.. - .♦ .�.. t`.•",—' .
+c:.. •.,: .Y+.. 1. 1 qne.-=t d .. ... .-:�.i.•�.• ro � •N.•.r ..,...,,.Ae s.:r:vuw,e•. r-. 'z� is �.:' :n .�.'
c.:.i.,...i::_ '11+1'.' t -:r 4c • t:x::•r.: - n _ a _ .-.y. i. - �
r.. �.t).. .y z `�� +"[ *R: t� y ct •it t ,..Pa �.1 a� 1 q
r No.�S
Com'missioners' Proceedings; City of Paducah
.. = - - - - - -- -- -------- - _ - -- - -
k LSayor .Yatterjohn offered the following motion: h nova,that the;Pay-roll for
+ +the Department of.Tublio.Proporty, for Iow 9e:7sr Mausoleum -Addition in OeY_.,Grove
Tay -roll Pew uCemetery,,for week ending Oct. 6th, amounting to $532.]0, bo-allo•ved and ordered pail
Se -mer Llausoloum ,i
:.ddition in Oak r, and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same'. Adopted upon .gall of
Grove Cemetery.
{ the roll by the follo-^inrr vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam• and Kntterjohn,-3.,;
i on notion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 3 yeas
I ��
C os cl h
OCTOBM 9TH, 1922.. is M8•K(P A
At a Regular Ile etir.g of the Board of Commissioners, held'ir. the ComrAesioners''
tippyg Chamber In the City Pall, Paducah,:Y.entooky, on October 9th,1922. Upon call of the
F,roll the fo71o:'+ina anewnrod to their nmmns; Commissioners Tace, T>'flllam, Tully;
lcshingt.on and I.leyor I:atterjohn.,-5.'
On motion of Commissioner •.7ashinRton'.the minutes of the previo�is meetings xere ;
adopted as read ppon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Tess. Pulliam,
Tully, 'Jashington and £atter john. -5. .
Claussner"F.osiory, �
rayor 1:atterjohn offered 'the follo:•rir.R motion I move that the communication
Company co:muni-
Dation in re side from Clausener Eosiery Company, dated October 3rd, 19fc,.be reoeivo•1 and•filed.
:-� r lks. i.3 opt ed upon call, of the roll by the follo'ainq vote: Yeae,'Tace. 'Pulliam, Tully,' art,
17ashir.aton avd Yattorjohn.-5.
L cCracker. Co.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:- Thct the oommuntoation.fr0
osition , san.
aomurdo_tion the hoCracken County :ixposition Association be reoeivod and reforr'ed to the.Commie- "1 S
stoner of Publio Safety for attention. Adopted .upon call of the'rol], by the follow
.ing vote: Yeas. Taco, 1-ulliam, Tully, '9ashirmton and Yattorjohr.,-5. '1
L:ayor Yatterjohn offered the follovina motion: I move that -the oontraot made
Contrsot'bntaeen 66 nrd'entorod tnto.bet%�eer the City of Taducah end. Yanoy k Johnuor, Contraotors,-for
City and Ycnoy Z 5.
Johnson for eon- f. the cor:atruc.t'ion of an Alley in Plook 10, 01•l Torn.' ;.diitior.."A", which has been .dul
v stru0tIOn 0f,:aley Y "
I t Block .10, old
I ao:n, 3d itior. executed by the LIc:{or, be receive aryl filed. Adopted upon sell of -the roll. by the
..",'filed, fol]o^ing vote: Yeas; Iace. Tull irm,'Tull y, '3aahir.aton ani Zatterjohn,-5.
�t Llavor.Xatterjohn offernd the following motion I move that the rnport of -the
lyu:l;:cah ?ail.y f
COmI-nny retort 'Taiucah'?tail ,a:: Company, showing the Grossarnir:as,' Operatina :Ixpnnsos, Taxes and .•
U.., n> !'1'008'
oa:•sIr. for ;rear x Balance for the year or.dir.c 6eptembor. 30th, 1921, bo received and filed: .Adopted upon
ending, 3opt.30, :rl. ir'.L:
J J22 4 call of tho roll b::. the fol]o:.inq voto: Yono, Inco.I'u]]ism, Tully.4nshington and
Commiestonor.Tully offered the follo:7ina motion: I move that the 'expense of the
�xponso.fivo five dolegatos to the Ohio Valley Imnrovemert Aasoolation Convention at Louisville',
y dole>ates to Ohio
Talley Ir.:prove- G
V :
i all ..sso. Conn- Ly. on Octobor.3rd and 4th; amountina to 4197.57., be allo'vod and ordered raid and
tier. at' -cuts-
. Ly. to Contingont Fund. '.ldopted upon call of the roll by the, following vote:
villa, -
r Yeas, Taos, Pulliam, Tu77y. ?cshington arA jattierjohn,+5,'
tCommissioner Tully offorod the, followIna, motion: I move that the bill of F. '7..',
�rponse F.W.lattcr
John to'Chloat?o, '4 Lattorjohn, Llayor, for exhenoeo inourrod"in bin,trip to Chioamo to arrenwo for oars ci
In re: caru for `
loading cement a for loaiii:z oerrent'for thn.Co. 3 Dietrtot 6o'7er, amountlroa to 42.57 be allo.red _zA
for 3rd.Distrdot' x ordered aid end the Cor -'of Iublic Firanoe be authorized and tratruotod to
_ Se:•:er. u p
; issue check accinst the No. 3 District Se -.,tor Fund Aocount'to pay some. Adopted upon ! .,
call of the ro21,by the follo'aina'vote: Yeas, Teoa, Pulliam, T:77y cnd•'.7nohiriRton,-4.
hcyor Yatterjohn not .voting. "
f ..}: rir,.AY.'_ty �q-7; r+ �.. �t�;."*. y�'* _Y- �.r..1 �>tw1 -�,.,-i,�� }••-'w :7. �r.,x.'t xy i,4,,a�c:, _ .,r. 1 ..fd,.:. Yinr�,-a'-' ...! , , ; �;`