HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 83, October 2, 1922On motion the Board adjourned upon call.of the.roll by 3 yeas.' 02(TOB Et. END. 192E. - At a Called Vesting of the Board of Commissioners. held in .the Commissioners+ y Chamber in the City Hall, Paluoah, Kentucky; on October 2nd, 1922. at 10 o'clock A.M .+ 1 , Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace', ? �� Pulliam, Tully. '7ashington and Mayor Y.atterjohr.,-b. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to-witi For the puruos,e of receivire .bids for now atreet construction on North Tinhth, IForth Ninth and Yonroe Streets and r_ i also alley in Block. 7l0':.ddition "A": Bids of Yanoq & 9 Commissioner Fulliam offered the followir,R motion: That the.Did.e of Yanoy &•,: Johnuon, Southern it cicada Co.; Geo:71. Johnson, Southern Roads Co.; Geo. '.7.. Kat terjohn, Jr. and It, R. Stoned Co. for the ::atter John. Jr. and r. N.:L'.Stone & Co. for ;construction of etreots; curbs and Gutters on IIorth Eighth, North Nir:th and, Monroe oonstruction of ^ 11.8th,P,.9th.& LonroeiStroots end alley ir. Block 10, Old Toan, be received, and the.Commienioner.of.Fublio. P Ste. and alloy in, k ': Block lO,CLi Tuxn. .!Works be instructed to extend nrA carves sr.mo, to be reported to the Regular Meeting' h'of the Board at,E F. 1'. this date. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follo.7ing vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, 'Washington and Y.atterjohn,=b., . On.motlon the Board adjourned upon call .of the roll by b yeas. - Adopted k, Cl—, d 1S. • r i. OCTOBM EIiD. 192E. jAta Ragular 1'e atirg of the Board of Commiecionere, held in the Commissioners' p. ohnmber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky.-on October End. 19E2. -Upon call of the roll the following an,awored to their names: Covmisnionnre Pace, 1'ul)iam, Tully. �- '7nohir.R_ton and 1»ayor Xattor john;-B. On motion of Commianioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings were "'. cdopted ss road upon cell of the roll by the following vote;. Iaoe, Pullicm. l •Tully.' ',7aehinR.ton and Y.atter john,-6. ! Commiscioner Iulliam offered the following motion:,I move that the bids of, .Yunoy & Johne on U Yanoy.& Johnson,.emounting to 01200.99 for the construction of an alley. in Block 10 n.:nrdel ocr.traot Iry' for oonatruction !1. Addition'"A" Old Town, bet'ween.Kentuck . q :.venue.nrsl Broadway Street and Second and' : of alley In Block '.� 10 A'a t•.TY1rd Stroete, nith concrete, be accepted. Adopted upon cal] of the roll .by the f follo.y.inP vote: Yean. face. Pulliam. Tully, lashir.rtom and Katterjohn,-b. L:ayor Eatterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the hide of Yanoy Bids of Yanoy & Johnnon,Southorn.. & Johnson, Southern Roads Coml.any, Cao. A. Yatterjnhn & Son, an4 11. 3. Stone Company,.. lloaiu �u.,Coo.I. 'for the oonstruotton of drivovroyo and oonorote ourbu and guttnru on North Ninth F.attor ohn G Son, .. S N.?,.3tuno for 4 Strost North 31rhth Street amt Nonron Stroet' be ruJnotod; and thn Oomminioner of oor:utruut1.on of i!.90:,11.001 1.1'on- ' ruu s:tu. rujuotud .Flnrnoo be inotruotod.to return certified shooks, adopted ulon cull of the roll by . cml ato. roo:l �. chuol roti:rnod.. the following vote: Youn. Faoe,Tully,'.1'uahirgton and Kattnrjolm,-d; 11(L-1. ++' '• _ Commisuioner Tully offered the fo]lo%-.Ang motion: I move t?•rt the a000urte for the last half of.the month of Soptombor; 192f., amountir.a to 47727.50, so per the, �`•; '.000untu for. last half of 5ohtembor1 report of the'Commiautuner of Itrblio Yinanue filed herecrl.th, be allowed and ordered 19EE. p paid and the money appropriated from the .General Fur.d to pay same: Adopted upon ry of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pulliam,Tully,Pashin?ton and Katterjohn- ti- -'3 _ i..0 l'."' l.'.�•,FY :.tY1.J[.ii' ..-i.-e..:NiaiFf•6Yt-.tiS+'�. _'�:s:rw•�5.r:�-.� •.::H"a.S:Y".,-�'I�•a1 CY. YrA L-..::-•.�Y li-S'.�•.-.Y`y.,.t.,f.e<_�.A��. �. ail'• -i:']✓ ' .�� . 7-71 t i NO.�� _ } i Commissioners' Proceedings; City of : Paducah 192_ if Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts for 1 i I the last'.half of the month of September, 1922, for the 3d District Sewer. amounting to {' J000mts Last r f r 7, half Soptembor ,460.14; be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Publio Finance be author 1922 .7or So'Diet. M 13. ized and instructed to dra., checks against the No.3 District Sewer Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the.following vote: Yeas, Face, Pu111am.Tully.. e Vashin'gton and Kntterjohn.-b. �1V Commies toner Tully offered the follo-sing motion: I move that the temporary ap 1`rmployment of } Geo.Oehleohlae- Ypointment of George Oehlechlaeger, at a salary'of ,$'125.00 per month. to assist the j� f ger to assist ._ ,,� Assessor. Assessor in oompihing his. book, be ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the fol. r lowing. vote:.Yeae, Paoe., Pulliam, Tully, i7aehir,aton and Katterjohn.-5.°- rF. Commissioner Tully offered the follo.7ing motion:The sum of $37.50 havinc beenyf( ,r paid into the Treasury, as. evidenced b, the receipt filed herewith. I move that deed Cemetery beed I to 11oah Smith.. >ba executed to Iloah Smith for lot ¢5E, in Block a2, on the :net side of Lfiller Street; bet.79on Ford and Hannan Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon'call of the'roll * r $� 1 by the following vote: Yeas,.Paoe,Pulliam,Tully,7ashington and Katterjohn,-5.' a, Commissioner,Fulliam offered the follo771ng motion: That the letter of L. R. 3.R:Harding Co. ' }{Yaommuniaation Harding Co. of oat..2nl,. 1922, concerning laokinrr of cement for work on trunk line, a- ' .alb in re: Cement for 3rd Dist. sower of tho 3rd Diutriot be received and filed. &doptod upon call of, the roll by the . Sowor. t followin'g vote: Yeao, Pace, Pulliam, Tully; ',7anhington.and KattorJohn,-6: �r• , 1. .� Oommioslonor' 1•ulliam offered .the folio="ina motion: That the report of the ', 1 f` 8oporL Supt. SuperinLorIa' of Stroeta,00noornina Ditulithio.Street ropairn, be roocivoA and filed I*';Jzi of Str.00to, in i .• {,1 `� re:Bitulithlo Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoao, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, ;✓ t 5troet,repairs. T •Waohington and Katterjohn.=6. ' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that E. R. Anrdingi; :Company be authorized, directed and instructed to oonstruot the outlet of trunk line K: N. Harding do. .savers in'Sub=Divisions 313-3C on c oasis of an olovatt'en minus 6 foot,' as per in- I .. to construct` r outlet of trunk struotions by the Government; and I further move that 3: R. Harding Company be p^_id, line soaarc in Sub-Div.3B-30 'for their snrvioeo in making sail ohante from elevation of minas 3 to an elevatton' minus. Ir .' on .basis of an elovatl ;n minus 6.,a roauor,ablo eum upon proper estimates Nrniahod by the Commissioner of Iublto '..orka i r B feet. said eotlmates to be I approved by the yortrd of Oommiayionera, t:dopted upon call of Lho roll by.tho following vote: Yeas. Paco. Pullism,,lhlly. ':7ashington and Katter john, -5. Oommleeloner Pulliam .offered the following motion: That the Enyor .be authorized$ itaycr to rto.to Ahioogo concern to pro ta'Chiongo, at the Pity's expense, to interview railroad officials sonaernina the Ina procuring ` i'ailioud -oars.`, naouring oi caro for shipment of oomont ,for. the. Third District So':r`:ra, anal the expanse i -for ooment ,for Sever Dista of the trip be charged to the '3rd District Soaer Fund. Adoptod upon call of the roll 1 i #3{ 3 -� by.the following vote: Yeas, Faoo,Pu11Ism, Tully,lashington ^nd.Katterjohn.-5. ! On motion the Board cdjourned upon call of-theroll by b $one. ' r Adoptam e� , .. car oww, . \�1 f OGTOB:.R 7TH. 19 "L At a Galled Vesting of the Board of Co:r®iesionere...he]d in the Comnien onere' I c04 i e r.. l , Chamber in ' the City Hall,-Pa4uoah, Kontuoky, on Ootober'.7th, 1922, at 10:30 a, clock "° A. K... Upon call of :the roll the following aneverod to their semen: Commiesionere Page. +r , Pulliam and Mayor Katter john, -3.' u Mnyor,Kattorjohn,statod reasons for call 'to-wit:'For'-the purpose of:allo=,ing Speofal pay -roll for the laying of storm so.rers in Musoleum Addition Oak Grove Came I` • �r tory; and -any other'business that might come before the Board. r. .., ... �...., .., 1. ,C... .�-..,".: : ... :. Y.. .'-. 1'- 'W ,-, - a4 n..... � •, .. .. 5.'. .tom c 5 V -1 •. •,i.. - !"t, 1 1 t; g{ =t ,L `3 .. - . r. -A. , i. 1 ;,;a.,:'g • ,wird." t' - ►.:t ..Iv,..'' -i ; scJ: L-J.f •- ,, ., .'.�.. 'r 7 ,