HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 82, September 30, 1922His .. ..
Cominissioners' Proceedings, City_d Paducah 192-
Oommissionor Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the naitie er's
`order. for the plaoing-of extra work and materials on the trunk line' oonetruotion:of it
Sewer District 3B-30. as follows, be ratified: +
Extra work Triinkl_ Zxtra work passing the Washington Street storm sever. .'
'i• line Sewer Dia- Fara concrete where top of sewer meets surface of. }
'triot 3B-3C.. ground under Poger wall.
iExtra concrete for protection of 1:arine.'Aays. �
< ' Itis furthermore moved that the cost o4 said work and materials; or of as muoh'ee are 'r 1
`t comr'leted, be,reported with the next monthly estimate for this work. Adopted upon"call .:' +L i,
of the roll by the folio-wing vote: Yeas ,race , Pull iam. Tully,'•9ashington .and Katterjohn, 5 j++
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the resignation of tEv
Oherlea Block
•• Fatrolman, Charles Block as Folioeman be accepted, and that the Kational Surety Company be released!
}? , Raai -mat ion
r. from his bond. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe; I ,`
t_•.,_ Pulliam, Tully, Jashington and Xatterjohn.-5. 7
jL. 74
Commieaioner Face offorod the following motion: I move.that the appointment off
Joe Ivorlett.. Joe ivorlett, as Patrolman, by the Oommieetoner of Fublio Safety, be ratified. Adopted
..%ppointed Ila- i
y: ,trolmnn.,. :..upon call of the roll bythe following vote: Yoaa, Pace, Pulliem, Tully, 7ashington and''(
�$; r . Knt.ter john.-5• •' f'
r 3
} Commissioner Face offered the following motion: I move that the resi oration of
Stratton 'S.
' M liams, Fire- Stratton S. Williams, as Firemr.n, be accepted. Adopted upon pall of the roll by the i
man-. reeiana-
tion. following voto: Yeas, Face, Pulliam.., Tully, Jashinaton and Yratterjohn.-5.
Z Commissioner Face offered the following motion: I move that the appointment of �1
' :Clifton C.Pace., .C1lfton:C.'Paoe. by the Commissioner of Public Safety. as Fireman, be ratified and f 'X
` .:appointed Fire
man confirmed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, Pace, Ful]iam, +
t '
4 Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-5,
._,•,'„ Commissioner Tully offered the follo:+ina_ motion: That the City Solicitor be , t
Oita Solicitor authorized .and instructed to take such steps ae may be necessary to protect the inter-
.,�.. +
1t . to Twooeoute., a t
:-act Loll -Beulah'•r Fest of .the City of laducah in the action of Beulah Johnson vs. City of Faduoah. Adopted:
>t Johnson,ve. L. ;
City of Faduoah. upon call of the roll by.the following vote: Yeas, Face', Pulliam, Tully, 'Washington i
r and Xatterjohn,-5. I
' On motion the
,BBoard adjourned upon call' of the roll by 5, yeas, �, •.
Sr9'TLXTBrR 30TH 1922. ?IT A`IbR
AL c Celled Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the_Commissioners'
i Chamber in the .City Hall, Faduoah, Kentnaky, on September 30th. 19££, at 10:40 o'clock1 f '
A. M. Upon cal] of the roll the followinganswered to their names: out 00
Tu].ly'und L:ayor Katterjohn;-3. r
L;a or Katter ohn stated reaRons for cull to-wit: For the purpose* of alIo-1n a
Y j P P g pay
r. roll for Oak Grove Cemetery, and any.other business that might come before the Board..--
s Oommieoioner .Tully'offerod the following motion: I move that the pay-roll for
the Dopnrtmont of I'iihllo Property, for the tlew.Sewor Conatruotion 1n Oak Grove Oometory C
i. Pny-ro]] Oak
f' Drove Oe otery.9I,"for'tho.Roek„endiTlg 9.optembor £9th, amounting to $4£9.16; be allowed and ordered paid I•I
�..,Uew Sewer.1 s
and the money appropriated .from the'aeneral Fund':to'pay,same. Adopted ;upon call of the ti{
roll by'the•following vote: Yoao,,Paoe;.'Tully and Katterjohn,-3.• j -
dommieeioner,Tu]ly offered the'following motion:-I move that the bill .of the
Ieduoah Aatel 00.' l`aduoah Water Company for hydrant crental'•for�tho-'quartor erdir:g September 30th, amount- F
i., }vater. Rentals.Y n
ing to $3737 60,.-bs allowed and ordbrod-.paid ant the money. appropriated from'the Oenor-
', al.Fuljd,to,pay same.'. Adopted upon call of the'roll.by the following,yote:..Yeae, race.-,{ '
Tully' and Katter john,. 3•
• :r.G1x�:+ ..'�! .. � � ._ r - ..y+�yt;:i'1 r..r�. :.3 <. wr �l u, vJ.'i+V3.Jw:sM 4..._.. ....4. ... � .. �f.
. I -. �'t ?il,p 5��.17 =Y� s rJt i�i''Yr f frs�-� s ,a--.. ?�r1Lsr. 1 +�'st"'t^ •rs�i-,ro -y� r r.. -a 1 1. 7 .mss ., -
.. -
.-++we+e i e eiiiw�wnT�wni�w`•. - - - - - - x •r--"-^-�C' _ t
v No. 3
T Commissioners' Proceedings: City. of Paducah
'M On motion the Board adjourned upon call of tha.roll by 3 yeas.
cr, o..r ri"'A'5iditi.
G .....
04TOBM. PND. 1922.
t At a Called l.'.oeting of:the Board of Commineionere, held in .the Commieatoners '
Ohamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Yentuaky; on October End, 1922; at 10 o'olook
} 6.iT.
tUpon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Face, ?
t ,
pPulliam. Tully, aashington and Mayor Y.atterjohr.,-b.
Liayor Xatterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purj''oee of'reaeivlr.R,.
bids for now stroet construction on llorth Mzhth, North. Ninth and l.:onroe Streets end
d also alley in Block, r7"10 Addition "A":
B13s oY'Yanoy & y Commissioner Pulliam. offered the follOwinR motion: That the bide of Yanoy
Johnoon, Southern
Roads Co.; Geo.'a, f Johnson', Southern Roads CO., -:Goo. .4., Xatterjohn, Jr. and 11, g, Stone 3 Co. for the
- Xatterjohn. Jr. and 6
Ii.R.Stune & Go. for construction of etreota; curbs and Putters on IIorth Fighth, llorth 11ir.'th,and,i:onroe
Construction of
11;8th,:<.9th,& l::onroe! Strout: and alley ir. block 10, Old mo.vn, be received, end the. Commlesloner of.Fublto.
Ste. and allev in !'
j Block 10,011 Town. . ""corks be instructed to extend ^rd oarves srme, to be'reported to the Regular l.'.eetina' 4, "U,,;
Of the Board at.E F. 1.:, this date. Adopted upon- call of the roll by the -following
vote: Yeas, Isae, Pulltam , Tully, '.4ashir.gton and Y.atterjohn',=b..
On motion the Board adjourned upon call .of the roll by b yeas. .
f Sir s`
Adepten VC's% 6�_-1T�r •
OC70B31 END. 1922.
At n Regular 1:'eeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'` ;•«`
Ohember in the City Hall, Paduoah, Yentuoky.'On October End, 1922. Upon call of the
} - .roll the following answored to 'their names; Comnisnionore Pace, Pulliam. Tully,
a . ',7aohir. rton and 1.ayor Xatter john; -b.
�- On motion of Co'misntonor Tully the minutes of the previous meettr.cs :vera
cdopted as road upon oall of the roll by the following vote::Yoaa, Pace, Pulltem,
r Tully,''Aashinaton and Xatterjohn,-b.
Commissioner Iullism offered the Yollowin,q motion: •I move that the bide of ,r
YLnoy d Johnson
a::ardel contract'..Yanoy.& Johnson..amounting.to �1E00.99 for the construction of an alley. in Block 10 "
for construction Addition''"A'1 Old Totin, bet'aeon Kentucky Avenue ani prond.vav Street and Second end ,
of alley' in Block. °b
10 �1Sd it ion "'11
.:'Third Streets, with concrete, be aooepted. Adopted upon call of the roll .by the -
` E following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,,9anhir.aton',anA.Yatterjohn,-5.
i:ayor Eatterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the bids of Yanoy
Bids of Yanoy & & Johnson, Southern Roads Coml.any, Coo. 1. Yatterjohn�& Son, ant 11. B. Stone Company,
Jol}n sun, Southam .
Roariu-00.,Gco.u. p
I;attor ohn &:Son,:. for the oonstruotion of drivo,'+ayo anA concrete ourbu and Puttnrs on Porth 111nth
S 11. ,.3touo for !!.
oonutruuLl.on of ° SLroot, llorth Xichth Streot and Llonron Fltroet,' be rujnotod; rind the Oomminstonar of
t i,.9th,It.11t1; & L:on-� Flnrnoe be inetruutod'.to return ourtified oheoke. adopted upon onll:of the roll by
?" ruu •:tu. rujuatod '�
r an'l ourtifleA
I the following polo: Yoga. 1'noe;Tully,'.4ushtr.lrton and Katterjohn,-4; 11a3a,1'ullfum,-1.
choal:o roturnod..
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move tlrt the a000urits
for the lant half of the month of Soptombor; 1922., amourttir.P to 47727.50, as per the' 1 _'
%ooat:ntu for.last
hclf.of September report of the Commlouluzier of Iublto Finanue f11od here,'ri,th be allo.red and ordered
.�, paid and the money appropriated from the .General.Fund to pay same. Adoptod upon oall
:S—XA Z"1M.
9p of the roll by Lha following vote: Yana, Paoe,PuIIIam,TuIIy,7aahinaion and'Y.attorjohn- t_
' , 5- `;'a�5{^�[s 'p!"":'L�. C'LTr�^*�::.'�°-�P :;t -r'•--•e+�'.�'f,T-�•-"+�n.....�......r+-c..t«..��+�:rr,M•7��"nr fi.7:•;y7 r' ,.t�«V •.'sin ..•rojttr�.;'ltr}+ iiy,,,-�".r: .-r e t:J^.'''."'e::,':•-•