HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 81, September 25, 1922• ,I `. � - � 75 . � N � F K' `Sty4e,*' t - n.^ r � � e tit T '% - s ^ 4• L � � r r n � ... i ff _1 k n e f No.. Commissioners' Proceedings,` City,of Paducah-: " ' "192__,. !. 3M'TiLB2 23RD. 1922. r. 7 At a Called heating of the Board of Commisstonors, held in -the Commissioner e' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on September_23rd, 1922.' at 10 o'clock ;. A. M.. Upon call of the roll 'the following answered to their names; Commissioners- • � r Katt rjohn,-.Pnoa Pulliam. Tu1ly. 7,ashington and Mayo uayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For .the. purpose of allowing r r. bcy-roll for Oak Grove Cemetery New Sewer and any other business that might. come ° before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay -roll for hew Sewer Oak Department of Iublio Property, for the New sewer in Oak Grove -Cemetery l.ddttton. for j,t.r,• Grove Cemetery Pay-rJtl. the week enling September 22nd, amountin? to $270.40, be allowed and ordered paid and °� } the money appropriated from the General to pay same. Adopted upon call of the J roll by the following vote: Yens, Pace ,Pulliam. Tul.ly,lashingtpn and Katterjohn, Y. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: T'nat the U. 3. 'lar Depart- U.S.:7ar Dept.- ; ment permit, blue prints and letter of:Aurust 3, 1922, for the construct ton of the Iermit &o. to k 'i ' construct outletil outlet for Sub-Divislons B. & 0. Bwaer.;)ietriot Ito. 3,.at footi.of Jefferson 3treet,be .. Sub -y iv.B. & C. SeNar District �.received and filed, the date'. of beginr.i'na said work having been forwarded to the 3 in Ohio River.. h.i.ouieville Office by the Commissioner of Fublio "forks. Adopted upon call of the roll •,.• ` by the PolIo.ving vote: Yeas; Faoe,Pulliam,Tully,',7ashington and Katterjohn;-5. Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: Thct the Commissioner of p Progreso Tic i pub Ito Works be authorized and instructed to file rilth City records the progress. Lures of con- .1." on utruotion So•aor ;piotures that are being made of 3rd District Serer Construction. Adopted.upon call Distrdot i3. ",,' • of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Faoe,Pulliam,Tully,':7ashinRton and Katter.john,5 •i;ji•` On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the'roll by 5 yens, Adepts ly r F'�rAS7b� ! .�, • _ .r1Y r� OXY C (.. - - - ' yy Si-TT7..BRIi 25M. 19E2. M Ate 3eR!lar ifeetir,g of the Board of 7ommissioners, held in'the'Commiealoners' :Chamber .ir, the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on September E5th, 1922. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their ,names: Commissioners Pnoo, Pulliam, Tully Vaehtngton and Mayor Katterjohn.',-5. -On motion of Commissioner •Washington the mirtit as of the prevloue meettras were ..adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yean, Pace, lulliam, ° Tully, 'Washington and Y.uttsrjohn,,-5, Commisatonor Tully offered the following. motion: It appearinrr that.there is do P.T.`S>'A. R'ofund- October ]et the sum of ;;1950.00, beir,a interost•on $66,000.00 1. T. & A..Refwidtng inrr.Bords Int. auo'OGt.l, 19E2.'Bonds; .I move that same be allowed 'and ordered.pald and the money appropriated from allowed and .order od paid the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon_Gall of the roll by the following vote t Yeao, Pace, Pulliam, Tully', lashington and Katterjohn,-5..:. "f Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; 'I move that the Engineer's ' order for the Placing of extra materia]o. on the outlet oor.atruotion.of So•aoru for. ,.:xtra.materiale a , Se:•iors for Die- 'District U. as follo.^1s, 'be ratified: ' .'mot 30. Concrete 5.38 ou.yds. C'$14.00.........$75.32 Steel Roir.forcemont 363 pounds C 161!... 54.45 . Timber in Forndation 260F.B.Li.49 $50.00-12 50 .i: Total. and that sane be included in the next monthly' ,eetimata.for this work: Adopted upon f ° ' Gall of -the roll by the foIIowirg vute: Yens, Paoe, Fulham, Tully, 7laahinaton and 4 'Katterjohn,-b. ; . _ , r .,.T{i � ,.. :,-.xr,w r, r:.a;..,.ss: ,fKs.a ,u r'�+s!7, 'C'+^': "...,u�.r'�'-•��.^�'a'�'.'t,T°7„arJs'�'St'yf-...• •,r �L'�„'Ti,.•.L' —.:.t S's I.M'•..uAa.,UliM+�i L1.1-'-•d•( WSIw:: ..�cst�t']k ✓.��•V A�Lr.-.-4.{fC •.•5 ✓•-••...ty. .:L••f"C !%"Jk/ " - Commissioners' Proceodings, .City of Paducah 192-'f J Oommissionor Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the nainoor'a '• L + = order. for the plaoing"of extra work and matorials.on the trunk line oonetruotion:off ' t Bower District 3B-30, as follows, be ratified: :: ' -,..Lxtra work Triinl�' • Extra work passing the ,7ashington Street storm sewer: : r.•. a . ,.line SeTTer Die- Extra concrete :There top of eeaer meets surface of. triet 3B-3C. gronrd under F'oPer wall. Extra concrete for protection of l.arine'lays. \ It.ie furthermore moved that the Dost of said work and materials.. or of as muoh'es are rr completed, be reported with the next monthly estimate for this work. Adopted upon call + r , ('. c y l of the roll by the following vote:Yenn,Paoe,Pull tam, Tully.'.7aehington and ;{atter john.-6. Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: 1 move that the resignation .of �� a P Charles Block ' } i•atrolman, Charles clock as Folioeman be accepted, and that the Rational Surety Company be released 5r� Renimation " 5 from his bond. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Face; Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and 'batter john,-6, Commissioner Face offered the following motion: 'I move that the appointment of ?: Joe Iverlett.. Joe Zvor]ett, as Patrolman, by the 0ommisetoner of Publio Safety, be ratified, Adopted ' Appointed Pa- ,trolmtln... upon Gall of the roll bythe following vote: Yoao, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Tashington and % r � M 1. ;Kat,terjohn,-6. z Commissioner Face offered the following motion: I move that the rea'i metion of r• A Stratton S.. : "Williams, Fire- Stratton S. Williams. as Fireman, be accepted. Adopted upon oa]l of the roll by the i „man; resigna= t; t••tion. following veto: Yeea, Pace, Pulliam,,, Tully. Jashington and Katterjohn.-5. 4 t. v5 Commissioner Face offered the following motion: I move that the appointment of• 4 J ' Clifton 0. e_ Clifton.C. Pace, by the Commissioner of Iublic Safety. as Fireman, be ratified and r\ ,,,appointed Fire-• confirmed. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the following.vote: Yeaa, Pace, Fulliam,`, . a ij r , y; Tully, ',7eshington and Katterjohn.-5. a nr yj,M'a, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the City Solicitor be ;City Solicitor'. authoriiefl and inetruoted to take such steps es-may be neoessary to protect the inter aotion-Boulah;,' 'est of Ahe City of laduoah in the notion of Beulah Johnson vs. City of Paducah. Adopted Johnson -vs ` City of Paducah '.upon call of the roll by.the following vote: Yean, Pace. Pulliam, Tully, Washington Y,y and Katterjohn.-5. , .eta DICT b.�. ' t On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. ? •�.Pi O V HJl� ca, U✓L cb_ . } , MAYGR r SraT121KR 30TH.1922. I, r AL a Called Fleeting of. the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioner,' ' Chamber. in the.0lty Hnl7, Paduonh, Kentnoky, on September 30th. 19£E, at 10:40 0'0100}: \ I -r. 'A.b!. Upon sal] of the roll the following. answered to their names: Commissioners -Pace. Tully and Kayor Katterjohn;-3; � A Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit: For the purpose of allo~ing pay , ,; ?a roll for Oak Crave Cemetery, and any .other business that might come'before the Board ~' Oommieeloner';Tully'offerod the following motion: I move.that the pay-roll for , ' the Dopartmont of Puhlio Troperty, for the New,Sewor 0onutruotion'in,0ak Grove Cemetery, 'Pay-roll Oa k* Grove'Oe^otery'' "for the woek,.erdi7,g S.optembor £9th, amounting to $4E9.1G; be allowed and ordored paid f New`Sewer• �! and the money appropriated from the'Genoral'i'imd:to pay.same. .Adopted upon call of the roll by• the. following vote: Yoan. Face:, Tully and Katterjohn,-3, Commissioner Tully offered the'following motion: move. that the M11_,ot the �� • .,! c Induoah `.Yater Go.. 1`aduonh i7ator Company for hydrant:xental'for.' the quarter ending September 50th, amount- 't ti Water. Rental a. ing to $3737.50,"be alio-sed and orddrod,•paid arta the money.appropriniod from'the;,Genor- el'Fund to, pay shmo. Adopted upon call of the roll by'the following votet.Yeae, Face.-.,I Tully and Katterjbhn,-3• - - ,• - r .. T r T z:a, 7 MYMr a .. .y.::u, n•<wa.., » . ..r