HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 81, September 25, 1922• ,I `. � - � 75 . � N � F K' `Sty4e,*' t - n.^ r � � e tit T '% - s ^ 4• L � � r r n � ...
i ff _1 k
e f No..
Commissioners' Proceedings,` City,of Paducah-: " ' "192__,.
3M'TiLB2 23RD. 1922. r.
7 At a Called heating of the Board of Commisstonors, held in -the Commissioner e'
Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on September_23rd, 1922.' at 10 o'clock ;.
A. M.. Upon call of the roll 'the following answered to their names; Commissioners-
• � r Katt rjohn,-.Pnoa Pulliam. Tu1ly. 7,ashington and Mayo
uayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For .the. purpose of allowing
r r. bcy-roll for Oak Grove Cemetery New Sewer and any other business that might. come
° before the Board.
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the pay -roll for
hew Sewer Oak Department of Iublio Property, for the New sewer in Oak Grove -Cemetery l.ddttton. for j,t.r,•
Grove Cemetery
Pay-rJtl. the week enling September 22nd, amountin? to $270.40, be allowed and ordered paid and °� }
the money appropriated from the General to pay same. Adopted upon call of the
J roll by the following vote: Yens, Pace ,Pulliam. Tul.ly,lashingtpn and Katterjohn,
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: T'nat the U. 3. 'lar Depart-
U.S.:7ar Dept.- ; ment permit, blue prints and letter of:Aurust 3, 1922, for the construct ton of the
Iermit &o. to k 'i
' construct outletil outlet for Sub-Divislons B. & 0. Bwaer.;)ietriot Ito. 3,.at footi.of Jefferson 3treet,be ..
Sub -y iv.B. & C.
SeNar District �.received and filed, the date'. of beginr.i'na said work having been forwarded to the
3 in Ohio River..
h.i.ouieville Office by the Commissioner of Fublio "forks. Adopted upon call of the roll
` by the PolIo.ving vote: Yeas; Faoe,Pulliam,Tully,',7ashington and Katterjohn;-5.
Commissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: Thct the Commissioner of
p Progreso Tic i pub Ito Works be authorized and instructed to file rilth City records the progress.
Lures of con-
utruotion So•aor ;piotures that are being made of 3rd District Serer Construction. Adopted.upon call
Distrdot i3.
",,' • of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Faoe,Pulliam,Tully,':7ashinRton and Katter.john,5
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the'roll by 5 yens,
Adepts ly r F'�rAS7b� !
.�, • _ .r1Y r� OXY C (.. - - -
' yy Si-TT7..BRIi 25M. 19E2.
M Ate 3eR!lar ifeetir,g of the Board of 7ommissioners, held in'the'Commiealoners'
.ir, the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on September E5th, 1922. Upon call of
the roll the following answered to their ,names: Commissioners Pnoo, Pulliam, Tully
Vaehtngton and Mayor Katterjohn.',-5.
-On motion of Commissioner •Washington the mirtit as of the prevloue meettras were
..adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yean, Pace, lulliam, °
Tully, 'Washington and Y.uttsrjohn,,-5,
Commisatonor Tully offered the following. motion: It appearinrr that.there is do
P.T.`S>'A. R'ofund- October ]et the sum of ;;1950.00, beir,a interost•on $66,000.00 1. T. & A..Refwidtng
inrr.Bords Int.
auo'OGt.l, 19E2.'Bonds; .I move that same be allowed 'and ordered.pald and the money appropriated from
allowed and .order
od paid the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon_Gall of the roll by the following vote t
Yeao, Pace, Pulliam, Tully', lashington and Katterjohn,-5..:.
"f Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; 'I move that the Engineer's
' order for the Placing of extra materia]o. on the outlet oor.atruotion.of So•aoru for.
,.:xtra.materiale a ,
Se:•iors for Die- 'District U. as follo.^1s, 'be ratified: '
.'mot 30. Concrete 5.38 ou.yds. C'$14.00.........$75.32
Steel Roir.forcemont 363 pounds C 161!... 54.45 .
Timber in Forndation 260F.B.Li.49 $50.00-12 50
.i: Total.
and that sane be included in the next monthly' ,eetimata.for this work: Adopted upon
f ° ' Gall of -the roll by the foIIowirg vute: Yens, Paoe, Fulham, Tully, 7laahinaton and
4 'Katterjohn,-b. ;
. _ , r .,.T{i � ,.. :,-.xr,w r, r:.a;..,.ss: ,fKs.a ,u r'�+s!7, 'C'+^': "...,u�.r'�'-•��.^�'a'�'.'t,T°7„arJs'�'St'yf-...• •,r �L'�„'Ti,.•.L'
—.:.t S's I.M'•..uAa.,UliM+�i L1.1-'-•d•( WSIw:: ..�cst�t']k ✓.��•V A�Lr.-.-4.{fC •.•5 ✓•-••...ty. .:L••f"C !%"Jk/ " -
Commissioners' Proceodings, .City of Paducah 192-'f
J Oommissionor Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the nainoor'a '•
L +
= order. for the plaoing"of extra work and matorials.on the trunk line oonetruotion:off
' t
Bower District 3B-30, as follows, be ratified:
:: '
-,..Lxtra work Triinl�' • Extra work passing the ,7ashington Street storm sewer: : r.•. a .
,.line SeTTer Die- Extra concrete :There top of eeaer meets surface of.
triet 3B-3C. gronrd under F'oPer wall.
Extra concrete for protection of l.arine'lays.
\ It.ie furthermore moved that the Dost of said work and materials.. or of as muoh'es are
rr completed, be reported with the next monthly estimate for this work. Adopted upon call +
r , ('. c
y l of the roll by the following vote:Yenn,Paoe,Pull tam, Tully.'.7aehington and ;{atter john.-6.
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: 1 move that the resignation .of �� a
P Charles Block ' }
i•atrolman, Charles clock as Folioeman be accepted, and that the Rational Surety Company be released 5r�
Renimation " 5
from his bond. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Face;
Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and 'batter john,-6,
Commissioner Face offered the following motion: 'I move that the appointment of
?: Joe Iverlett.. Joe Zvor]ett, as Patrolman, by the 0ommisetoner of Publio Safety, be ratified, Adopted
' Appointed Pa-
,trolmtln... upon Gall of the roll bythe following vote: Yoao, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Tashington and % r �
M 1. ;Kat,terjohn,-6. z
Commissioner Face offered the following motion: I move that the rea'i metion of r• A
Stratton S.. :
"Williams, Fire- Stratton S. Williams. as Fireman, be accepted. Adopted upon oa]l of the roll by the
i „man; resigna= t;
t••tion. following veto: Yeea, Pace, Pulliam,,, Tully. Jashington and Katterjohn.-5. 4
v5 Commissioner Face offered the following motion: I move that the appointment of• 4 J
' Clifton 0. e_ Clifton.C. Pace, by the Commissioner of Iublic Safety. as Fireman, be ratified and
r\ ,,,appointed Fire-•
confirmed. .Adopted upon call of the roll by the following.vote: Yeaa, Pace, Fulliam,`, .
a ij r ,
y; Tully, ',7eshington and Katterjohn.-5. a nr
yj,M'a, Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the City Solicitor be
;City Solicitor'. authoriiefl and inetruoted to take such steps es-may be neoessary to protect the inter
aotion-Boulah;,' 'est of Ahe City of laduoah in the notion of Beulah Johnson vs. City of Paducah. Adopted
Johnson -vs
` City of Paducah '.upon call of the roll by.the following vote: Yean, Pace. Pulliam, Tully, Washington Y,y
and Katterjohn.-5. ,
.eta DICT b.�.
' t On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas. ?
•�.Pi O V HJl�
ca, U✓L
cb_ .
} ,
r SraT121KR 30TH.1922. I,
r AL a Called Fleeting of. the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioner,'
' Chamber. in the.0lty Hnl7, Paduonh, Kentnoky, on September 30th. 19£E, at 10:40 0'0100}:
\ I
-r. 'A.b!. Upon sal] of the roll the following. answered to their names: Commissioners -Pace.
Tully and Kayor Katterjohn;-3; � A
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit: For the purpose of allo~ing pay , ,;
roll for Oak Crave Cemetery, and any .other business that might come'before the Board ~'
Oommieeloner';Tully'offerod the following motion: I move.that the pay-roll for ,
' the Dopartmont of Puhlio Troperty, for the New,Sewor 0onutruotion'in,0ak Grove Cemetery,
'Pay-roll Oa k*
Grove'Oe^otery'' "for the woek,.erdi7,g S.optembor £9th, amounting to $4E9.1G; be allowed and ordored paid
f New`Sewer•
�! and the money appropriated from the'Genoral'i'imd:to pay.same. .Adopted upon call of the
roll by• the. following vote: Yoan. Face:, Tully and Katterjohn,-3,
Commissioner Tully offered the'following motion: move. that the M11_,ot the
�� • .,! c
Induoah `.Yater Go.. 1`aduonh i7ator Company for hydrant:xental'for.' the quarter ending September 50th, amount- 't
ti Water. Rental a. ing to $3737.50,"be alio-sed and orddrod,•paid arta the money.appropriniod from'the;,Genor-
el'Fund to, pay shmo. Adopted upon call of the roll by'the following votet.Yeae, Face.-.,I
Tully and Katterjbhn,-3• - - ,• - r ..
T r T
z:a, 7 MYMr a .. .y.::u, n•<wa.., » . ..r