HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 8, March 11, 1922t_ Igpl commissioner Tully offered the. following. motion: The sum of $37.60 having been j.
Cemetery Deed to, paid into the Treasury, as evidenoed.by the.reoeipt filed herewith, I move that deed Y;
t Hallie Hawkins.
�;be executed to Nellie Hawkins for Lot J31, Block ¢4. on the North aide of Hank Street
between Ford k Hannan Streets in.0ak Grove Cemetery.. Adopted upon call of the roll by
e L
N the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam.. Tully. Washington and Kntterjohn,-6.
Commissioner Tully. offered the following motion: The sum of $37.60 having been {' .�
"• •paid into the Treasury. as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith. I move that deed
cemetery Deed :ti �,• �. ;j
- to Mre. settle
� be e:oouted to Mrs. Nettie Oliver for Lot X17, Block #2, on the South side of Hannan
Street, between Baker Si Miller Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon tail of
the roll by the following vote;Yoae, Pao*,Pulliam,Tully.Washingtgn.ani Kntterjohn.-6. '
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion-. The sum of $20.00 having.. , e
Milk Separator', ' tY
been tendered by Mrs. E. Davis for a milk separator, I move that same be.aoaepteQ.
sold to lire.
t Davis for Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully,
Washington and Katterjohn,-6.
Commlesioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I mbve'that'_T:H.Wakefield
Ir T. M.Wnkefieldbe allowed $100.00 on account for borings made for Sewer Districts 3A. 3B and 30, and �tv'
: f�1
allowed $100.00
for borings ' same be charged against 3rd District Sewer Fund. Adapted upon call of the roll by
#3 Sewer Die
�I triol. Lhe folloning vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tn11y, Washington and Katterjohn.-6.
On motion- the Board adjourned upon call. of the roll by 6 yeas.
iAS.. �PP.+OV3b F
i g 1" 3ll
MARCH 11TH, 1922; I j
At a Called Meeting, of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners,
"y chamber in the City Hall, Padvcah, Kentucky, on Saturday March 11th. 1922, at 10:46
+ {
I` o'clock A. M.. Upon.oall of the roll the following answered to their names: commis x+
Waehin on
stoners Pace Tully. gt and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. f' t
Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of extending
the time of the sitt Ina of the Board of Equalization, and art7 other business that
miaht come before the Board. � }.
Time of sitting
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion. I move that the time of sitt-I
of Board of Ina ot.the Board of Equalization be extended to arra inoludina i!aroh 16th. 1922. Adopt -i y`
� Equalization
extended. ed upon call of the.rolT by the following vote: Yeae. Pace, Tully. Washington and "
�% II Katterjohn,-4.4 +
Commissioner Pace offered the following motion; I move that the account of
;Account 0.0. r
V0000la for �7
painting ko. of $11.10 be allowed to 0. 0. Vescols for painj�,n�leaning and repairing at the 01Ly Hn11
City Hallff
•''end be charged to the account of the Police Department. Adopted upon call of the roll i •. •,
k allowed.
by the .following vote. Yeas, Pace, Tully and Washington. -3 Nags. Katterjohn.-1..; a `
Commissioner Washington offered'the following motion I move.that the trans-,
Cemetery trans- i
`• far from Jeff*
Carter to J.P. far from Jeff Carter to J. P. and Ellie Snead to the South West One -Fourth of the .South'
�i and ,Ellie Snead.One-half of Lot 366 in Section 23; Oak Grove: Cemetery.' be ratified. Adopted upon call:•,
of the roll by the folloging vote: Yens, Paoe, Tully. Washington and Katt.erjohn.-4
Oommieeloner Washington offerefl the following motion: I move •that a resole �,•-j ;:`;
r!,Resolutt.on au- I- thorizina L.A. tion entitled. A RESOLUTIONPROVIDING THAT L. A. WASHINGTON. 0011MI99I0NER OF PUBLIC ,c
sign applica-
tions for permit
'River 8ldd Hoe t. w, .� r _ «. .K I t- ,+ 4 J, tit -
ital.. •1
1(`{`};'� r' 4 t 1 '•i, t } y
y T '
x da
v.+,._«.ura:�.� i �a�k.-y. r «u�[!%�-.r ��'�-ia Lii..:..'ias �l.a:c4�ai�t vl�.i7:w �a .A. '3 �•, ».1.1: «v....I.,...� ,dw �. �. •. ..
?:" w*.:' � ._.-. i -. w. A%iS 5tt.3 +..Bf s...-•'..•Fy"'�1'`. �.-.: _..•,,.. :1...,�. .u... at.. ,, .. a .-
f. � �,.. _-....�.. � a :... _;+Nc .�. _! ,c.s. a_ •.,fir �..�c `" _ ' _ �_
No. L
Commissioners' Proceedings, City o4 Paducah 192
SIDE HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES," be adopted. Adopted .upon call of the roll
by the following vote; Yeas, Pace, Tully,. Washington and Katterjohn. 4.
On motion the Board adjourned ; upon cell of the. roil by 4,yeas. � ., ;'`
` ' #•
t2 -
MARCH 13TH. 39220 -
At a Regular Meetingof the Board of Commissioners. held in the Commissioners'
Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on March 13th. 1922. Upon Gall of the
roll .thellowing answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Tully. Washington and
Mayor Katterjohn.-4.
On motion of Commissioner Pace the minutes of the previous meetings were adopted
ae read upon call of the roll by the fol7oaing vote; Yeas, Pa 8, .Tully. Washington
and Katterjohn.-4.. '
Commissioner Pulliam entered.the Commissioners' Chamber.
Slayer Katterjohn of the following motion- I move that the oomomicatton
11others' Club
from the Mothers' Club dated March 6th. 1922, be received and filed. Adopted upon
,call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully, Washington and
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I, move that the report of the
County Public Real .McCracken
County Public Health league for the month of February 1922 be received and.:
t League for
February 1922. ': i.
filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam,
Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the petition of
r Petition to extend
citizens on Greer.Aver,ue•, between Eleventh Street and Twelfth Street,.asking that
water mains on
Greer Avenue, be- �.water
maine be extended on Greer Avenue, between. said streets; be received and tiled,
tween 11th & 12th
and that the .City Solicitor be. and he Is hereby instructed to bring in a Resolution
extending said mains. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followlnR vote: Yeas.
t s4
Taos, Pulliam; Tully, Washington and Y.atterjohn,-6,
Commissioner Washington offered the,following motion: I move that the report .
Report Riverside +�
of Riverside Hospital laboratory for the month of February 1922 he reootved and filed
Hospital Labora- ,
tory for Feb. !I
Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yon". race, Pulliam, Tully,
Washington and Katterjohn !4.
Commleeioner Pulliam offered the followtng motion: That the report or state
Report of expendi-p
tures in Sewer
ment of Sewer District #3, showing the expenditures up to and inoluding February
District 13 up. -to
and including
28, 1922, amounting to $2936.60, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the
roll by the following vote; Yens, Pace. Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-i.
Oammiealonor Pulliam offered the tollowinR motion; That the reports of the
Reports of Street
Deportment for jj
Street Department for the months of January and February be received and filed.
January and Febru !'
ary, 1922.
Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following.vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,.Tully,
Washington and Katterjohn 6
Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the bill from Alvord 8 .;i,
Bill of Alvord .&
!' Burdtok, services i..
Burdick for the services of Mr. Burdick for one days' consultation regarding .9ewer
of Mr.Burdick and !
expenses $141.07.-1i'`
District $3. amounting to $100.00, and expenses from Chtoago to Paducah and return,
1 In re: Sewer Die- V
�. triot 43, allow-. ti
amounting -to $41.07, making a total of $141.07, be allowed, and the Commissioner of
I od and ordered*�.
!, paid. u.
Publio Finance be Instructed to pay some ard.char go to Sewer District #3 Funds. '
Adopted upon call of the roll. by the.followirim vote: Yeac. Pace. Pulliam, Tully,
Washington and Katterjohn,-6.