HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 75, September 11, 1922S - - , '• •- - .:.+. ;•1r,':...•4 r ,; a, .a, fit. ...i.v `5r r. jsP- yY � `c'"+•'3;'a'''�' � _. •.._._s,.i�ta��*`�i �•sa`.. "7'�R.^d'HN�t«r: �,r��yn�y'+ti'•�R'`','2►t'�"�7'a`•w'T'Yk.+�F""R77�4h'xIDIkFEt�e_^.�rnprr*m: v..FSf`.t ,iJ r• � sa L,. .�, .,�,..,L . `�. * a. } s 1 1.. L'� H,i y`'c-ti r f w ♦ .„.ri �'Kr i"✓ L s)� h' 'H [t {�� !�h 1 d x .ha i;j x, , •r r p Commissioners' Proceedings .City. of: Paducah- rri SII'TJIB:M 11TH, 1982.' q At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in therOommieeionere' ,r Chamber in the City Hn11, Paducah, Kentucky, on September,lith, 1922.' Upon call !oi"the 4 r r roll the,following one to their names: Oommisnionere Faae, Pulliam Tully, Wash i ton and Myor Y.atterjohn,-5, On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous moetingw e ere 1 {' '1 adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yoas, raoe•,.Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Y.attorjohn,-5. I; Commissioner Tully offered the following motion;, I move that the report of I F.oport Com'r. of i. rinonce. nho:ring N the Commissioner of, Yublio FLnanoo oho -ting the Apportionment, the amounts expended and r^ � • •. ahportlon^,ont' r -:✓4' ., amounts o-:iont,the balances to the credit of the various accounts under the difforent departments at erided ko:'.at_ond of 1 All uat 1922. ,the end of 4ugust, 1922. be received and filed. Adopted upon call of theroll by the ,{• ►. following vote-. Yeas, :see, Pulliam, Tully; ;74ahington and Latterjohn,-5.. t? �. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: '-I move that the report of i Report Com';. of the Commissioner of Tublio Finance for the month of Aurrust, 197.2,..be received ,:Med t „ , Fir,anoo for the +'c month of, Auguot "and ordered published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by the •19£2, fullowing.vote: Yoau, Face, Pulliam, Tully, : Commissioners' Proceedings; City of'Paducah • 192 ro y e o ovr ng vo e:, ens. ace. 'u em, y, ,ae n on an a er o n,- � Report Com'r. of Commissioner Tully offered the follo-ring motion:. I move that the report of w ` Firtnoo of 13 .Di:;tract. Sewer the Commissioner of Fublio Finanoe.of.the 43 Distriot bewor Fund A000unt for the month ° Fund .Account for ' vy August 192£,: i of August be received and filed and ordered published 'in the'offiaial newspaper. Adopt- ed dopt ed upon cull of the roll b; the following vote: Yeas, rues. Pulliam, Tully. '7ashington end Kattorjohn.-5. u Commisoionor Fulliam offered the following motion: I move that the petition a :Fetition Frorer=' r..i -'o:•ners on Ninth of property ownors residing on Rinth Street between Husbands Street and Elizabeth : } Street betn. ;'.Husbands & Eliz Street, asking the City to acoept the side:7alks;'ourbs,and gutters oonstrnoted'by ..'$ abeth, asking. that sidormlks - ,11.ey.nolds Brothers, be. receivad and filed.. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the follow- - i� &o conetruotod b Reynolds Bros.be';ing:vote: Yeasraoe._Pulliam,.Thilly, 7aehington and Katterjohn,=b. t • to accepted., t Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the report of the ';Report Street Street Department for the month of Au,oast 1922 be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon ,•Departm'ent for ? Auxnet-19226 call of the roll,by the following vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam, 'hilly. Washington and t ti �jS Katterjohn;-5. .'4 Commiesioner Pulliam offered t follo:•rin� motion: I move that an Ordinanoe. • entitled "All' ORDI1L11lC : IROVIDIliG FOR T?:: COhST3UCTI01! OF T1TE ?)RIVE;7AY, A141) 1'??OVIDING r: F•j^I 5 FOR THE CO14STRUCTI011 OF COUCRsTi: CURBS l.ND GL'TT::RS AUD ALL VZC: SARY "DciAIi: PIT;-,S MAI 1 Ordinanoe Fro '.vidIna for the EOL.S _,ki IIlTiu'ES Oil L'ORTIT ITINIH STRE,T FROL' '17TE NORTH TROPMTY LIIE OF JEFF !RSON " t Conotruotion of _Driveways and 8TREET TO Tllls SOUTH PROF:RTY LIIIi:.OF.IaDISO11 STREET, ALSO 1t0°TH ;1IGHTH 317EE T PR CV THE'1 lit ourbs'6 Cutters` I , on It., 6th;' IIORTH YROP:RTY LINE OF JEYK"iSOII STRt ZT TO TIL, SOUTH FHOP.MTY LING 0'r YAD I.5)IT STR :iT ' Ii. 9th and. ilon- I� s;,zoo Stro.ot` rll,D AL'i0 1:0I.;R.W STIR, PR 01» TH : ,7:ST I IOP 12TY LIN:: 0. ]IIT TH STIt BT TO Td:: EAST IROI:R End Reading ( 4 y , TY. LIIli•: OF iSi ILLI1lUIS Q al7RAL RAIL CO1.II'AIiY, IIi THE CITY OF FAJUCi�Y.. i .iTLClY, ' r AT THE COST OF THi:.i+'UT1^I1:G PROT RTY 0':fN S, AND P30VIJII:G TFG'.T SJ'E 1: AY BE COi;SmUCfrD� C l l C '.UPON THE TEN Yi:A'.2 IAYi.: I1T PLUT-. 1.:30VID?J,' TO','fiVi2t,' fl;i,T NO ^OITC=::iT : CURBS AND GUTT •- 2s I f SILT:L Bir: :Ol:ST2LCT:•:J .,iOliG SMD 6111,- TZ; .THi..,., V:,_22 -111,8 AL,;iADY B:IE:1, COIIS'I':2LCTi2D COii- 0 BTS CURBS AI:D GLITZ 3 OR GRANITr: CURB.3 AND GUTT::RS; 'be adopted, adopted upon oall i• ; ' 'of +the 'roll by the following vote: Yeas, Faos, Pulliam,. Tully, 1rshington and r - Kat ter john,-b. � On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 ;Toa c. , ib 1 ' S:-TELB B 16TH. 1922. z ' � •'r r f • At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners'! S, Ohambe'r in the City Hall, *aduoah. Kentuoky, on September 16th. 1922. at 10 O'olook �•' _ ;,' .T f. A. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners ... s' Paoe., Tully. Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-4 Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit: For the purpose of allowing •i'. " i server pay roll at Oak Grove Cemetery for extra men.,' d .�• Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move.that the pay-roll amounting to $70. EO, for. oonstruoting new sewer to. new portion near Mausoleum in Oak Faq-roll new sever portion:, 'Grove Cemetery, be allowed .and ordered paid and. the money appropriated from the General ;.. y near Mausoleum 1, In Oak Grove.Fand to pay same. Adopted upon dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe ' C. ' f emetery. � _ 1 . Tully. Washington. and Katterjohn.-4. A On motion the Board adjourned.npon,osll of the roll by,4 yeas,.t 0. o�..t L�TLrJJJ ....'P"� U . tk A*tea ie S.' tea.. .•r .e o- ,ti12 :%Ha '' . w... ..i T4.+_h -ill .f' .... �,. - , � �'> Y, x.. •'_r.-:..tw .,t Y.+,.+ Yc.,6•. a . .c.yr...i,;,:r. ... a. .,1., ..•t., _ . w.4.r tn • _.. -•