HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 72, September 5, 1922Na Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah_ ' `` 198_' . - SLTTIMM 6TH. 1992. ' At an Adjourned Regular reoting of,the Board. of Oommieeion are, hold in the Qommloutonors' Chamber in the City hall, Paducah, Kontuoky, on Tuesday, September 6th, t 11 ,'y.. 191:2, st 2 o+olook i'. M. Upon call of .the rollthe following onowsrod to their namoos.. -, ,'[r• ; "` i . ""' Conalsulonoro Paou, 1'ullLam, T+slly, ''Jauhington and Knttorjohn,-6, t., t ` s { On motion of Oommissionor Pace the minutes of the previous meetinge were adopted as read'.upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Pace, Pulliam Tully. +� Waahington.ani Kattorjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered 'the following motion: -That the propnrty of the lity of 1.s,l { -# `•I j Property belong- ing to City of Paducah now occupied b Au at Sohaffor ss a reeidenon be routed"to him by the month . y . � ' { "•"' lye � + I = Paducah rented,' to Aupuat at a rental of 26.06.por month, naid Sohaffor to vacate at any time upon thirty days r s 1 'F ;'F { " ohaffer at MOO par writtnn:notloo. Adoptod upon call of tho roll by the followinm votos Ynan, Pnoo, 1 t month. Pulliam,'Tully, ',7ashingtun and I:attorjohn,-6. i K Mayor Yattorjohn offorod the following motions I,movo that perminuion :Cor paradn '+ I t �' "Automobile ' Parade sept. . I from 5:16 to 6:00 P.M. in downtowi) district and 'also.permission to uuo oornor of -6th -.•r ", _ • 16th, 192E. ' and Jefferson from-6:00.until 8:30 P.ht, for us of dicplaying'Automobiles and nutomobile I parte, on Soptember 6th; 1922, be grantod to borett Holifield.. Adopted upon call of , �, Y C . . . ly,lYaahington arsi. F:nttorjohn,-6. ro11 b the followln, rote: Y'.,as rano Pulliam Tv,' 1f� mayor Katterjohn,offorod the following motion:I move that the Pay -roll for the E'.1 i✓Ili{ jdy-roll "nrrl last half of Augutit 192E ,of the Venereal Department, amounting to the sum of Zb9.00; u\•IAcc l of oner0 Venereal Dept.; and a000untu amounting to' $106.13 be allowed and ordered laid and that name be charged" .I fit {. for laet.half- AuguuL,19EE. I: to the Vonoreal Department. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: yeas, I r Joan, Pulliam, Wunhington and Kattorjohn,-4; Rays, Tully, -1'. Commiesionor Vully offered the following motion: The cum of X37.60 having been 1 i•.. ' i '. •Cemetery Dead'. to into the Treasury,'as ovid`enood by the receipt filed herewith. I move that deed be ,S s Arthur. Lehrer•. r executed to Arthur Lehrer for.Lot #19, Block f2, on the.West aide of Hannan Staoet. 1 ' '+ between Baker and'1.;i11or Stroot8 in OolC.Orove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the roll t r, by the following vote: Yeas,Paco.Pulliam, Tully,11nnhington and Kat tar john, -6. Commisoionor Tully offorod the fol-lowtnr:. motion: The num of $60.00 hnvina boon + "bomotery ': paid into the Troauury, as evidenced by the receipt filod"horevrith, I move that deed bo f Dead r to ura. G.W. executed to, biro.. G� W.-Staplea-for Lot Jib, Block #4, on •t he north sada of Ford Street I I }, { Staples.. between Hank &Ahainblin Streets in Oak. Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon oall of the roll I,", _ t P '- by tho following vote: Yeas,Taoe,Pu11tam. Tully;'Jashington and Katterjohn.-6. . Oommiesionor.Tully offered the following motion: I move that the sum of 'y35.00 $36.00 aplro-,' be appropriatod"from the Contingent Fund and plaood'to the" credit"of Parke. Adopted ' priatod to ff ; •arks."• Pupon call of.tho roll by the -following vote: Yeas, Paoe..Pulliam, Tully, 1ashington rti t and Kat ter john, -b. i s Commissioner Pace offered the'followinr motion: I move that the report'of the ?' Report Chief Chief of Police for the month of Au at 192E be received and filed. Adopted u on.oall t u P p I ; of Felice for. of. the roll by,the following vote: Yeas,Paoe.r-Uliam,Tully and Kattorjohn,-5.'" t r August 1929. ;Washington "offered ''I Commissioner Pulliam the .folloaing.motion; move that 1.tonthly Estimate - ',1' 110:" 1; for work done during the month of August 1922, on the oonetruotion of trunk lihe. " i;onthly mate ,#1, Sub- oo-.ior.0 of D'intriot 3A to the amount of.- J9,163.20; due to'3:j . . Harding,0ooipany, Con -,it Divieion ¢2A ;., Sewer District.: tractor ba approved and allowed, and the-Ootmniusioner of Public Finanoo' be wither izat "eame" '• d4R.Ha= paid.rd and direoted.to.pay arA charge some to•3rd• Distriat Senor Fund,: and that a copy' of. log Co: " said Estimate be reoeivel and " filed. Adopted upon_ call of the roll" by the folloning I"•" votY94e,4aoe, Pulliam.. Tully. S7aehington and Kat ter john. b r t : - ) si' i'4. ik rY I 1 Vit,. .... s . -u ) {:- }-i. ,.... -� - aJ..-: a-.• 3r bN - r .: W. 4A ,,, - ti•�il.. s) :.. .-.r.-., j (: F:'• :%f:?.+J'i •.>.)-!-+ .. ..r t nw..>: .r'•�K3M: t a. .�. ... u•. ,. • :.�5 t;. /lt:h J'• f' ./.. 7771:77 ... '-(,....,}..—.:�..,,._� !c.t, ,.uw;c..H�..--y._...>.a:x...+.._L:_.--....o.:.ikvsC<.=':ti.:n'.�...a .; y,-_•. .< !.�.a•.. ' .. - . r No." ' . Commissioners' Proceedings' City of Paducah 192 " 'I Commissioner -Pulliam offered the following mottop: I move.that!tenthly Ceti r Monthly ?etimatsmate No. 1 for work done durinR the month of Auquet',1922. on ,the oonstruotion of, trunk No:l, Setvor Die- l line sewer@ of Distr.tote 3B-30 to the amount of $4,864.60, due to H.'R.'RardInst Com= i Divisions 3B-30 $4,864.80 paid io; pany. Contraotor, be approved and allowed, and the Commissioner of Publio Firmnos be +. E.R.Hcrding Oo., ;•'�;�. Oontraotor. authors W and direoted'to pay same and oharme acme to 3rd'District'8ewer.Fund,•and ,. that a copy of said datimate be r*oeived and filed. Adopted upon oall of the roll by j p the .following vote; Yosa, Paos,Pulllam, Tully,NashinRton and Katterjohn.,-6. 4, 1.• y Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinanos Ord inane@ previa- entitled "All ORD IIIA]IC,4 PTIOVID ING FOR THF 10118TRUOTION OF THF DR MMAY9 AND rROVID INo ing for oonstruo- Itio' andnof ourbor&vgutgs N FOR THE OONS�?UCTIOJI, OF OONOR.W? OURB9 AND GUTTER. AND ALL NFUMSA.RY DRAIN PITS. tore on 11.9th St. 11.8th9t., and MANHOLES, AND INTAYMS OF NORTH NINT?T STR:.FT FROM T -F NORTH PROr!,nTY LIN? OF J?aP?390N {- Monros Street: P First Roading. 9TRFA,T TO THE SOUTH rROrrliTY IIIIw OF L'J1DI90N .9TRF'ST; ALSO NORTH FI.HTH STR73T FROM THS j NORTu rROPbRTY LINE OF J&F:StSrN .STRFFT TO TI!F 901JTH.PROrMTY 1.111:+ 0? !UDI.^P1 9TRF�T, i , AN'> ALSO b((1N:i0$ ST11:E'P FROM TIIE i7F;9'P TRO3114iTY LINE nF NINTH 9TRMET TO TH?; FA9T PRO i Q T'MTY LINE OF 'l HFI ILLINOIS O: ,TRAL.RAIIROAD Or.11PA11Y, IN THM CITY. OF PADUOAH, KUTUOKY, .41 ", AT 'M COST OF TItS ABUTTING PROpwy Owl;?RS. AND' TROVIDTNG THAT WIR MAY B3 CONSTRUOT- .' I I r ED UPON THE TFN YMAR fAYKANT PIAN; PROVIDM;,RO'AFV&. THAT NO CP0RMT? OMBS AND ;t l rr� GUT TMS SHALL BE 001191RUOTM ALONG SAID STREETS '"•H?R$ THFR? HAS AMMADY BEEN 0ON97RUOT CONOIFIA; CURBS AND GUTTERS OR ORANITX CURBS AND GUMMS.,11 he introduoed and lay 1 over. Adopted upon oall'of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, Paoe. Pulliam. iry •.� Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-6. On motion. tha Board aourned upon *all of the roll by the following vote: ~ 1 Yeae, Paoe. Pulliam. Tully. Raehingt•m and Katterjohn.-6. Iin akl,,e� ^'•r 2 2 _. f'�P V :fila',) r s 9:Q T7.IB7i 8TH. 1922. F At a Called.Meeting of the 'Board of Commtsator-ers, hold, in the Oommissionare . Chamber in the City Halla Paduoah. Kentuoky, on September 8th, 192E, -at 10 o1ol.o ` a : 1 at A. M. Uponeel] of the 'roll the following answered to their names: Oommtesionare 1 Peas, Tully. 'Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-4.. ! ;q: Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for oall to -wit: For the purpose of allowing 1 r monthly bills and any other business that might some before the Board.' .,�`,:• Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the a000unts Report Oom'r of for the last half of the month of Auount 1922, amountin to 6392.19 ae Finanoe of g' $ per there a000unta last half. Auguet port of the Commisaioner of Publio Fiaenoe filed herewith','be allo:ved and ordered paid ' 1922. " and the.money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon .call. of �f r the roll by the following vote': Yeas, Paoe, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-4. commissioner Tull offered the follow! ` ' " h Y following motion: I move.thnt the e000unte A000unte last half; AUGuoL 19E2 for, for the last half. of the month of August 1929, for the 3d District Sewer, amounting to t 3rd District It $691.47, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Publio Finanoe be author-'' Sewer. ti iced and inetruoted to dray+ oheoke against the No. 3 Diatriot Sewer Fund A000unt to 11� t pay same. Adopted upon osll of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-4. Commissioner Tull offered the following motion; The sum of 50.00 having Malt or Cereal �� Y � Beverage Lioenee •G been tendered, together 71th applioation.for Llalt or Cereal Beveraze Lloanae', I move Granted to, Dlok Penn. % that lioenee to sell Malt or Cereal Beverages or any admixtures thereof be granted to s Diok Ferro at let & Broad -ray, for a period of six months, from July let.. to December 318t, inclusive. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe.. ?t (, Tully, Washington and Katterjohr,,-4. 1 3. — ._r,�„, s„,+ -,,.r "T',vT�F'S,•�A"rjC - ..,. �. ..,..._ -t,. �.....,.:•sQT:^Y�:dl:�”f•:.'�.^.:':aLR:L+"�:L""r,7-^'r'�""^'i...^ r�'%t'`ai�^'.Y,:.(.":,. .r. :'."?C';:�:.T''Ov.i