HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 7, March 9, 1922r { ., �- F'4' 'tt i<' S`*�y"2 'c+''4 r"'e;H" •,> l�:�+«, x.�Ari�n lYq + q "�-.t (_r�:��3 ' y.i; �l JS }�.' "` -, �� � - ,. '• '.•.. :..' .,, .•':` .. .. ,;1 -Mrs, r:.....-...1. .. .'• .:.'. �. ...i„i`y�'� «,i. t!” f FFG ''�• r jq Commissioners Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_ N0._r dd Commissioner Pace offered the following motion I move -that the report.of.the +y Report Chief of !Chief of the Fire Department for the month of February 1929. be received and filed. Fire Deportment i for February 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, race", Pulliam, Tully.:,, Washington and Katterjohn.-5. �r Commleei,onnr Paoe offered the folloaing-motion:' I move .that the Rules and 1i39'- i Rules and Regula- Regulations for the Police Department, as. prepared by the Commissioner of Public tions for Police Department. Safety, be i'eoeived and filed and adopted. Adopted upon cull of the roll by the 5 following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam. Tully, Washington.erd. Katterjohn,-5. Commissioner Washington offered the followlna motion: I move that the deed Cemetery transfer from.R. H. Dowd to Hiram Golightly, dated. February 28th. 192E, conveying the north from R.H.Dowd to !I 1. �` Hiram Golightly. iI one-half of lot Ito. 280 in Section 18 Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon�1 r•' tl call of the roll by,the following vote: Yens, Pace, Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-5. pi Commissioner Pulliam offered the follo7nng motion: I move that the employ-' Employment off H.L.Prather as I� ment of H. L'. Prather as Draftsmen at $200.00 per month be ratified and salary oharged y Draftsman, in re i 3rd District. Sew - to 3rd District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote. p 1 er.' Yeas. Pace. Pulliam, Tully,. Washington and Katterjohn.-5. uJ 4 Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Whereas. R. H. Coleman R.H.Coleman em- ploymene as Com-. hes been relieved of his duties as Rodman. and is now serving as Computer and In- uter and Inspect-�; or, in. re 3rd speotion.- I move that the salary of said R. H. Coleman be increased from. $65.00 to DIstriot Sewer. $100.00 per month, to.beoome effective Ltarah let. 3922. Adopted upon Dell of the { p, G k roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully and Waehinvton.-4; Nays, �. Katterjohn.-1. ;.t On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 yeas r ... .i' ��i�Ri •�it _ MARCH 9TH. 1922. ' At a Called Meeting, of the Board of Commissioners, held In the 0oa®lasionere' +' `.Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky, on March 9th, 1922, at E o'clock P. H .i "Open call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commisetoners Pass, Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-5. Mayor KBtterjbhil stated' reaeonb fdr ball to -sit:'.-' For the purpoee.of purohae Ing a Dodge Touring par for the 3rd .Dietriot'Sewer, and such other bueinees as may ,r come before the Board. Piaohase. of Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the Purchasing. Dodge Touring Car';' for use in 3rd, Agent be authorized and directed to purchase one Dodge Five Passenger Automobile for Distri'ot Sewer, .$955.00. 11 $955.00 for use in the 3rd District Sewer. and.that same be ahargett against.the 3rd District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Paoe. ; pulliam and Tully, -8; Nays, Washington and Katterjohn.-E. Etna Accident & i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Etna Accident Liability 6om- e l.` pany released .o? & Liability Company be released from the bo?A of Bruce M.'Philley as Back It -tax Col- ;�•A bond of Bruce M. ! ' philley as Back - b lector, as of December 31st, 1921. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following tax Collector. 3',•.t,<.., 6 vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam..Tully ., Washington and Katterjohn,-5. �'• µ Oommieeioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that there are ` J Accounts due rar 1, Standard 011 Co. unpaid bills for the year 1921, totaling $87.48, due the Standard oil'Company, I move, amoulting to .'. $87.48 for 1921 1 that they be allowed and ordered'paid and charged to Street Account and the money ed'paid, a appropriated from the General Fund to pay seine. Adopted upon call'of the roll by allowed and order- ad rder- y,,• ' the following vote: Yeas, Paoe.Pu111am,Tully.Waeh1ngton and F.atterjohn.-5. }t -.r rR.;-'-gy--.,^.z3:'- �a:;r:*,s?S,r.'r..'�•;---•e,::T=.:,...�-v:.:,,•ar .,.•.y .rax^rr-s�ryrnwa-v-.'�c:r.' T,^:..;,7i'+'^p�-.:^-^a-'G...71 " I No. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192.-- Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion- The sum of $37.60 having been rr`Cemetery Deed to; paid into the Treasury. as evidenoed.by the.rooelpt filed herewith, I move that deed r Hollis Hawkins. p ;be executed to Nellie Hawkins for Lot #31. Block #4, on the North aide of Hank Street; .! between Ford & Hannan Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery.. Adopted upon call of the roll by i`` ;• �'+ r t I �• the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully. Taehinmton and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tullyoffered the following-motion: The sum of 937.60 having been paid into the Treasury. as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move .that deed Cemetery Dead to Mr e. atie Ht be executed to Mrs. Nettle Oliver for Lot X17, Block #2, on the South aide 'of Annnan 011rer. Street. be Baker 6 Miller Streets, in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the ro11 by the following vote;Yeas, Paoe,Puliinm,Tully,TaehinRtgn_aid Katterjohn.-8. ! ', �,,' ", > f Commissioner Tully offered-the following motion. The sum of 920.00 having.. `w Milk Separator.• �, move that same beocepted. 4j been tendered by Mrs. E.-Davie for a milk separator. I .e • sold to Mrs. B.. ' Davie for Ad opted upon call of the roll by the following rote: Yeas, Pnoe, Pulliam, Tully, I�AZO.00 Washington and Katterjohn,-6. t, !1 Oommisaloner Pulliam offered the following motion: I mbve'that'.T:A.Wakefield N, �•T.Y.Wakefield r, be allowed 9100.00 on account for borinae made for Sewer Districts SA. 3B and 30, and allowed 9100.00 for borings ' same be charged against 3rd District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by "• +3 Sewer Diar ; t.triot. the following vote: Yeas; Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn. Board upon call of the roll by 6 yeae. la a^ r 1+ � On motion the adjourned 1 , ►,, 3' 19x3.Adopted - y . Y MARCH 11TH. 1922. �' t, ,• :�q i fig,,• ' At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commiesionere` Ohamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky. on Saturday Mar oh lith, 1922, at 10:46 I" o'clock A. M.. Upon. call of the roll the following answered to their. names: Costals ®loners Pace, Tully, Washington and Mayan Katterjohn,-4. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to For the purpose of extending the time of the sitting of the Board of Equalization, and any other bunineos that might come before the Board. i. ' `Time of sitting Commissioner Tully offered the following motion. I move that the time of sitt- Board of I ink of the Board of Equalization be extended to and inoluding LaroA 18th. 1922. Adopt• Y` Iof 'Equa]lzntion `.extended. ad upon call of the,roll by the following vote: Yeae. Pace. Tully. 'Washington and r 3 Kattorjohn,-4.r i .., OOmmlesioner Pace offered the following motion; Y move that the account of 4Ao0ount 0.0. :v0000lo for RR ?noleaninR and re 911.30 be allowed to 0. 0. veesols for pain pairing at the City Aa11 ,painting &a. at City Hall ! and be charged to the account of the Police Department. Adopted upon call of'tha roll allowed.` J:,by j y the .following vote: Yeas, Pnoe; Tully and Washi ngton,-3; Nays, Katterjohn,-1.. {•; " . Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move.that the trans-. .Cemetery trans- ' far from Jeff. Carter to J.P. ��" the_9onth ; 1 far from Jeff Carter to J. P. and Ellie Snead to.the South 'Rest One-Fonrth of �� • and . Ellie Snead.call,, One-half of. Lot 366 in section E3. Oak Grove: Cemetery; be ratified. Adopted upon ti . of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. race. Tully. Washington and Ratter john.-4. Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that a resolu- Re do 1 lit ton 1!Jthorizing L.A. :.. Wnehinaton t o '. Lion entitled. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING THAT L. A. WASHINGTON, 'OOL4SI9SIONFft OF PUBLIC ,• ,i iYf PROF ARTY. BE AUTHOR IZED' TO E:SEOUTH AND SIGN ATPLICA,TIOH9 FOR r miiv TO TiTHDRAT Am ' sign applion, tions for per mitM'" OF TAE.i UND3RI•TITLB a OF THE AATiONAL PRORIBtTIOA AOT,"TO'BE USED BY RIYP3i � a �..•fOT alcohol far. •_URivereidd � • HCL, M� ;� ` lyyj Roe- a -` r a. r +.!'� ;G 1+t i ' r �. r +_ i itnL1, i�p 1 I -� f � , ,.j� 7� s. .\,. i.X( J Vii. .. 1t 'I:. r x•�,' o I`. �"f a'Z n r :q s, o y`, {1 � Sr. .0 t- 7 Ike, r ti: �.1.A1:t.i :... yr1W.`�iL.='.ir+.J'11 `H..�.I.i...+..a.alF.i+.. .e).�f �.U.:.6..i C.lyy—t \'l•+1111.-r+...i!'41.1Yr.�:..•%�.C{. Yt.Y}.y �(r..b w'i.l'' .$' ��.d..4 1 .tlJ+, .y \4•W', -. M��f' l'...::r,:.:..q't: J.y..�f,y�.�,{A: .:�..4}S..tn Era....X K1.. .I. 7amu. v..._L77