HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 65, August 14, 1922«1_. ...,t',.. wJ.,.:u. ...i.�.4n.'c�..�. } �.!_,.�. w.�'a.=./wL :SH:luc� ..sf..a'r .tt�. 7a.:...t...-.�::...•. Na_ r Commissioners' Proceedings, City,of Paducah. ' 192 ' Commissioner Washington offered the following motions I move that th. Oometory transfor;. transfer from V. O. sale to Ohas. sohmitt to, the rear ons -half of the North, from 1:.0.8ale to . II Chas.9ohmitt. ' f, one-half of hot #417, in section 29. except grave on lot whioh.ehall not be t U disturbed. Oak.Orova Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll f f by the following vote:. Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and latter john. -b. On motion the Board adjourned upon.oall of the roll by b yeas. i August 14th: 1922: At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. gentuoky. on August 14th. 1922. tlyon osll of the roll, the following answered to their names: Commissioners pace, Pulliao, Tully and Washington. -4. Mayor Katter,ohn being out of the City, Mayor"Pro Tem } �''.. Wauhington presided. On motion of Oommis®loner Tully, the minutes of the previous meettnge.wers ." {... adopted as amended upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Pace. Pulliam, Tully and :Taehington,4. F i Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that the Oommunioation of residents in r•'. o_mmunioation of the residents in the vicinity of.North 14th Street entrance . ; vicinity of i:. 11 14th Street. " to Oak Grove Cemetery be rebeived, filed and referred to Commissioner of Public y • -ntraroo to Oak �! Grovo Cemetery., h Property for attention. Adopted upon call of the roll D the following vote: p y p p y. Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully and Washington. -4. Report Com'r. �' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the rubllo 71orks of Se.v r Diatriot ,; .Itemised report of Sewer Dist. #3 for the month of July,.1922. showing '3 for July 1922.,J' P.: miscellaneous expend.iture's.be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam. Tully end Wauhington,-4. 2 Commissioner Pu111am offered the following motion: I'move that the Board visit pro-� porty of J.A. Board visit in a body the property of J. A. Dossett at 24th 4 Washington to t, " Dosoott at. 24th w 7laohinmton :itu:�. v, decide on the necessity of oonstruoting culverts to drain proposed now building to dooido on oonotruotion of 4 sites. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,:,, oulvcrta to drain'' : propouod building Tully am Washington. -4. s, aiteu• Commissioner 14aehington offered the following motion: I move that L. A. . rY Oontraot to be 11 Washington. Mayor Pro Tam. be and he to hereby authorised and directed to enter -. III entered into with Hazel f into a contract with Hazel Holoan dated August 14th. 1922, for the purpose of p " . { i:eloen, dated 14th,19EE. taking care of city laboratory work for the City of Peduoah, Kentucky. Adopted :.` City tabo:•atory 7ork.for City ....upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pnos. Pulliam, Tully and } of Paducah. Washington, -4. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion. 'I move that.the Crdin^neo to be Solicitor De instructed to prepare an ordinanoe for the purohase of a corner proyarod for the k'•, purchazo of pro -4 strip of.ground at Tennessee Street and k►uthris Avenue from will'Yanoy under party at Tonn.�it &?,Guthrie Ave. Lerma to De passed y p sed on D this board but in no oaue over 880.00 And to be charged ' ,'�',•;:. bolonr,ing to 1,111' ^ Yanoy. r p u;. Zi.wi 1 k.+:�,4�FZF!S•'T+...•'T.'.+'°^'+,.-Tf�.r%:+s-.»-'v%^IrT;'�A�\-FPf�N.r:...u.im�.i'r`rw'•.i..�'y�ir+l `` l' �. � � � � � - - r. .a' -{. `•' 1,' �1._. ° r �t orf rt r } f Na Commissioners' Proceedings,' City of Paducah r to the street account. Adopted upon.oa22 of the roll by the following vote. Yea@. j• 'Psoe..Pulliam, Tully and Washington, -4. t 1i. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance , i iI repealing an Ordinance entitled. "AH ORDINANCE TO PREVFHT THE SPREAD OF VENEREAL Vonoroal Dieeaoop DISEASES," whioh,'was adopted by the Board of Oommiesioners on July 10th, 192e, be t adopted. Lost upon call of.the roll by the following votes Yeae, Tully, -1. Noye, Paoe, Pulliam and Washington, -S. i i5. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution » . j $. Mt' entitled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE OONS'IRUOTION OF THE DRIVEWAY AND PROVIDING rYkl•' ' FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 0ONCRITE OUPBS AIM GUTTERS AND ALL NECESSARY DRAIN PIPES ON {.,i Resolution. pro- c {^,vidtn.a. for con- �Xetruction of the NORTH NINTH STREET FROM THE NCRTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFrERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH ly,� drive-aay and oon orate ourbs & PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STREET: ALSO NORTH.EIGRTH STRE?T FROM THF TORTS PROPERTY Guttora on 21.9th St., N.8th St., LINE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF MLDI:iOR STRR}sT: ALSO MONROE s and Ltonroo Stree s'. +FLr.et RoadinR. STREET FROM THE $EST PROPERTY LINE OF NINTH SIREET TO THE FAST RIGHT OF TAY LINE nP OF THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD OOMPANY. ECOEPT THAT PORTION HERETOFORE IMPROVED 4ITH OONORETE CURBS AND GUTTERS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. XHNTUCKY. AT THE COST I. � y , OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS AND PROVIDING THAT SAME MAY BE CONSTRUCTED UPON fir' r I THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PIAN." be introduced and ley over. Adopted upon call of the m roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe..Pulliam. Tully and Washington. -4. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinanoe.,i'` r,r. entitled; "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRuCTION Or' Ai .ALLEY IN BLOCS f10 Ord lnanoo pro- I r r� vid ing for the s ADDITION "A" OLD TOWN OITY Or PADUCAH, E:ENTOCKY. BEGINNING AT THF nORTH PROPERTY •oonotruotion of , �I alloy in A)ook' LINE OF KENTUCKY AVFI,12 BET730 THE PROPERTY OF THE F. 0. BOONE ESTATR AvD THE L J10 Addition ,µs 'Aire from XY En PROPERTY Or FRANK H. JONES. AND RUNNING IH A NOvTHERLY DIRECTION 178 FEET 3 INCHES Avenue to End '. 8t. -First Read -.,"'."TO THE PROPERTY BELONGING TO HATTIE 0. HALE: THENCE AT RIGHT ANOLFS TO THE WEST k t ing. •;i PROPERTY LINE OF SECOND STREET, IN THE CITY Or PADUCAH. MP11TUCKY. AT THE COST OF ' :` *� ' THE ABUTTING PROPFRTY OVFRS, AND PROVIDING THAT SAME MAY BE: CONSTRUCTED UPON THE 1 ' TEN_ YEAR PAYMENT PLAN." be introduced and lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll = f by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully and Washington. -4. ~.I; nrr r On motion the board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. AUGUST 18th. 1922. t ,held in the Oommiesioner�s At a Callel Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, 1928' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuoky, on August 18th,^at 8 o'olook P. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their nr.mess Oommissioners.Peoe. Pulliam, Tully and Washington, -4. Mayor Eatterjohn being Out of the City, Mayor Pro Tem Tashington preoided. h Mayor Pro Tem ftehington st.^.ted reasons for can to -wits For the purpose 1 f' of notifying the.E. R. Hnrding Company to commence work on Sewer Districts 1, 2 i S 1 h f OF - within �r ten days of date. Mayor Pro Tem Washington offered the following motion: I move that L. A. E.R:Harding Oo.` j notified La . Washington. Mayor,Pro-Tem, bo',and he is hereby authorized and directed to aotifq w , writing to aam- nenoe cork on in writing. the E. R. Harding Oompany.to commence work on ebb -divisions A. B. 6 0 g. Sub-divisionsx 3 A.,Br m 0. in '. in Sewer-Dietriot g..within ten days from this date and .that the City Clerk Le r: Sower -DIatrIat1 r hereby. directed Addsliver In person said notification to the said E. R: Harding.Company. r Adopt.ed':apon`iall:bf therrolljby:•the 43Aovift Tote:et:Yeas, PAce,puliiam, Tully nnS Wnehington.-4 r On motion the Board adjournod upon cull of the roll by 4.yens. .. - �. �� w•r' ..-r <. •, + w.�i,>a,.: k 'Sa.Sr:,ii t .. - �i,x :W k�t�.:}..(eY-. ,.. .. w -•.a. ..., a..:. , a. -. a.,._Y:.a1 zr ,>. r