HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 63, August 7, 1922' � � 7.,_ ��mm �.'���'91/�A+i i� ..•f'-•jlR, y.,'-mew-+y.+.w----'wr•AF.tN IV1 .i[T 3. ..•f y • 4 �. ,� K
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Na. G 3
Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192 r
' AUGUST 7TH. 1922.
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Oommiesionere,,he]d in the'Oommiseion
ere' Chamber, in the. City 11a11',.Paducah, Kentucky, on.Auguat 7th, 1922. `Upon on 11
., ,.
of the roll, the following anoworel to their nnmee: CommiSal onora Pace; Pulliam,'
,� Nr Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-4.
On motion of Commissioner lace, the minutes of the previous meetings were
. adopted as read upon call of the roll by.the following vote: Yens.. race. '
Pulliam, :Yauhington and Kattorjohn,-4.
Communication from'" Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the 0ommunios-
Clausener Hosiery : ,
. •...,•,.;;:
Company reoeived tion dated Aug, 3rd from Clauasner Hosiery Company be reoeived and filed.'. Adopted
and filed. �I
h upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,*Pace, Pulliam,'Wachi'ngton and
Mayor Katterjohn,-4.
Commissioner Pace offered the fol'_or+ing, motion: .I"move that the report
Report Chief of
Police for July of the Chief of Folios for the month of July 1922 be received and filed. Ad opted
1922 received and
' filed. upon can of the roll by the follo,'ring vote: Yone; Pace, Pulliam, ?Is?ihington and
.Mayor Y.attorjohn,-4,
0ommiaelor.er Pace offered the following motion: I move thut the report ,
Report Chief of 1 of the OhiAf of the Fire Dopartment for the month of July•192P. be r000tvel arrt
Fire Dopartmont
for July 1922 re- ; filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote:Yena,'Pace,. Pulliam;.'"_
ocivod and filed.
V• 3u:-ihlrgtan and Mayor Yattorjohn,-4.
Oommluetonor 3ashington offorod. the, follo:'iina'motlon: I move that the .''t
Home Telephone oxtenstonu to 717 11ome Telephone, in the offloos of the Mayor; Commisatoner of
extenslon2 to 719
be di000ntinued, 'I� Fublio Property and Commissioner of Fublio Safety, be dtaoontinued, and that the
and Com'r.Publio
Property instruct- Commissioner of Publio Property is heroby authorized and instructed to notify
ad to notify the Ii
Paducah Homo :Delo-ji the 1'aduoah Horne Telephone Company to remove said ortennions,to 717 Home Telephone.
phone Co. to re-
move same. i. Adopted upon oall of tho roll by the following vote: Ices, -Pace, Pall ism,
,"lahh Ingt on and Mayor Kut ter john, -4.
Oommiceionor 'hilly entered the Oommieslonare'• Chamber., ;
Commissioner Pulliam offered the followinR motion: I..move.that the
Troy 'Downs. Rodman salary of Troy Do.vns, rodman. Deprrtmont of tubiio Plorks, be increased 45.00
Depart:aent of
Fublio :7orke, per month, makins, hia.remuneration PO.0O.pnr, month; effnottve thin date 'ard
salary increased
to $90.00 per mo. that the salary of Fred Nnderson, rodman,-Deyt. of Public .'•7orke, be ohatlged
from $$3.00 par day to ;85.00 per month effective thin date. ..Adopted upon
all of the roll by the folloainR votei Years, 'Pace, Pulliam �:nd tynnhinaon';-3;'
V �.
hnve, Tully and I;ctter john, -2,
Commissioner- Pulliam offered the following• motion: I move''that.the
t e grease e000unt, nmountina to X9]..20, of the Commtenionor of Puhlto "'or for
r ' r~..cponeo n000tmt of
Com'r.fublio 'Works to Indianapolis' of July 20th,- 1922 be allowed rrd ahrrgel to the Third
for trip to
Indianapolis �s- Dintrict Se:'iere.
mounting to ;41.20
allo-aod and.order= R. R.........23.46
f od paid. Pullman & Til.y..� .... 8.00
I Meals. 7.80
Taxlorib &�oar .... 194
{7,Adopted upon ons of the roll by the following vote: Yone',"Pepe,
-Pulliam., 'Yashlngton and Yettorjohn,-4. H+!ys, Tully, -1.,
Oommieeioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I s move that report.' "
Report of street
Department forof Street Department for .July 1922 be received' and fileda Gdoptedd-upon on 11 of .,•,
,' �'.
July 1922: •
{ tr•
,. t ;9
j the roll by the following vote: Years, Pace, Pulliam; Tully, WaAhington and
Mayor Ketterjohn,-5. '
. - - F.• -"'%�=1 Tr .M�'�. =.',=y�'..�."" yL ., �r.n. Nr.T:,. ... m..... ,. .. iF� �"P•.7.'iJkC."v:n'^ .TSti"' !'.17T'.1"•.. 'w ii1•Tw'�RL'['.,,11"7 'i �'",'S"N^71"' >a+.�i7lii.,
yT ,
rr Commissioners' Proceedings, ..City. of Paducah 192
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that a license be granted
N `Horton Bros..
Shows for Oarni- .-to Horton Broo. Shows for a"C.nrnival on South 3d Street on property of the Fir at
val on $.3rd St. ,
eranted license i.,National Bank for the week ending Aug. 12th, upon the
payment to the Commissioner
for .7oek ending.
August lELh, of Public Finanoe' of the license fee of $45.00 per day. Adopted upon call of the,
s. loll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully, Weshington and Katterjohn,4,
.' Commissioner Pullfam not voting, au he was excused from the Oommissionere'Chamber dor
1 by the Mayor.
Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that the 'f
jOom'r.Publio Oommieolonor of Publio Property be authorized to neRotinte with Mies Haloan �r
!Property author- P Y
5'.4. ized to negoti- . to aralise a + a.'t,•. , , .;r, -•;;',.;"t ,; :' :,.'
grate with Mise • >y' :poolmonn taken.to her by Dr. Lynn, Health Officer, until �,,,•
lfaloan to analize ti t., .•
any (rpoaimnnu arrangomonto for a now contract be nntnred into and the same bo ohnrgeA to (� i
tul:on to her by
Dr.Linn•until 'Sanitary Fund.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following voto:'Ynnn,
race { t
Ioontrnot to en-
toreA into. Puliiam, Tully, Wvshington and Katterjohn,-8. t
�7 DOmmIBRioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report
�Report.Com'r s ; -
' Finanoe showing of the Commissioner of. Publio Finance showing the Apportionment, the enounte. N
APPortdonmenL, ;�
amounts expanded 'expended and the balances to the credit of'the various accounts under the
and balanoeo to +
credit of vnriou different departments at the oni of July, 192E, be received and filed. Adopted
dnpartmonts &
' accounts. upon call of the roll by the follo',ving vote: Yens, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, *Jaahington, !� '
y= and Katterjohn;-6.
v 'Oommieelonor Tully offered the following motion: I move that the rnport of ' ti
Report Oom'r. of 4
Publio' Finance ' the Oommieaionor of 1ub110 Finance of the Ile. 3 District :e,�or Checking Aaoo{mt..
Z of #3 District -
Y, Se..7er Oheo,king ' for the month of. July be' received and filed and ordered publisher] in the official
A000unt'for July
i,. 192E. no',vepapor. Adoptod.upon call of the roll by.tho following vote: Yan.e, Pace,
t, I,
Pulliam, Tully, ;7aehington and Katterjohn,-b.' .' {
`t Commdsuloner Tu]ly offered the following motion: The sum of ;%0%50 having t,
�F+t boon paid into the Troaeury,'ao evidenoe.t by the receipt filed he-rewith, I move .
�''• Oometery Deed to
Lir s. Clara Smith that deed be executed to Lira. Clara *Smith for Lot ri40 in Bleak $2 on .the '.7est aide
for Lot #40 in. ,
Block $2 Oak of H::nnan Street, between.Bakor & Miller.Streets.in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted
rf, Grove'Cameterq: i
4' upon call of the ,roll by the follo,ving vote: Yeae, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, tVaahington, i '
i A
and Katterjohn,.-b. , s'
1 Oommiseioner•Tully offered the .following motion:. The sum of $37.50 heving._
1+ been. paid into the Tror..aury, as evidenced by the reoeipt filed hern:vith, I move that
y, Cemetery Deod to.
J.T.Stokes for deed be nxeouted to J. T. Stokes for•lot 4E in Block #2. on the "get side of Hannan }
Lot $42 in Block I }
#2 Oak
Grove � Street, between Baker & M11lor atroetc In Oak Grove Oumetery. A�loptoi upon a,111r
.of. the roll by the following vote:' Yogis, race, Tulllam,'Tully, 3ashington and
- Katter,john,-6. ..
;. Oommieslonor Tully offered the following motion; The sum of ii37.:'0 hating (` '
v ;
been paid into the Trot-sury, ati-evidenoed by the receipt filed,:'her owl th,' I, move that
Cemetery Deed to •' ., f,,
Loretta Rocks for ,'deed be o::eouted to Loretta Hooks for Lot 494 in Block #2 on the Vorth Bide of Ford' ff
Lot $94 in Blocky +
�/E Oak Grove Street, between Baker'& Diller Streetu in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon oall
s of. the .roll by: the'follo-•ving vote;'Y9ea. Pace.'rulliam, Tully, Washington 'and
Commisuionor•PulliaM:offer'od.the'following motion: lhorAa:; the Mayor has
Roynoldo Bros. r
x, a >rovod of -bill of; Re nolde Broo. for hauling and In insewer i e on Husbands
for ha $65.00 PI Y R Y R P P
for hn{�lina and . p '" '
t 'layinP sewer pipeh etroet, I'move that, Reynold e, Brother a be allowed $66.00 for'hauling and lalving.' I r.
!on Husbands St.
during the year 4sewer pipe during the year,19E1'on Husbanda•-Street and same be charged'.againet
Slew Construction Fund. ::Adopted upon mil of the roll by the following vote: Yo!,e F=
1 Pace, Pulliam;.Tul.y; 1.Tanhington find Katterjohn,
i$1� � • S
f. -M . .;. •, s ,.. ..c. "ts.e'
rr Commissioners' Proceedings, ..City. of Paducah 192
Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; I move that a license be granted
N `Horton Bros..
Shows for Oarni- .-to Horton Broo. Shows for a"C.nrnival on South 3d Street on property of the Fir at
val on $.3rd St. ,
eranted license i.,National Bank for the week ending Aug. 12th, upon the
payment to the Commissioner
for .7oek ending.
August lELh, of Public Finanoe' of the license fee of $45.00 per day. Adopted upon call of the,
s. loll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully, Weshington and Katterjohn,4,
.' Commissioner Pullfam not voting, au he was excused from the Oommissionere'Chamber dor
1 by the Mayor.
Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that the 'f
jOom'r.Publio Oommieolonor of Publio Property be authorized to neRotinte with Mies Haloan �r
!Property author- P Y
5'.4. ized to negoti- . to aralise a + a.'t,•. , , .;r, -•;;',.;"t ,; :' :,.'
grate with Mise • >y' :poolmonn taken.to her by Dr. Lynn, Health Officer, until �,,,•
lfaloan to analize ti t., .•
any (rpoaimnnu arrangomonto for a now contract be nntnred into and the same bo ohnrgeA to (� i
tul:on to her by
Dr.Linn•until 'Sanitary Fund.. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following voto:'Ynnn,
race { t
Ioontrnot to en-
toreA into. Puliiam, Tully, Wvshington and Katterjohn,-8. t
�7 DOmmIBRioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report
�Report.Com'r s ; -
' Finanoe showing of the Commissioner of. Publio Finance showing the Apportionment, the enounte. N
APPortdonmenL, ;�
amounts expanded 'expended and the balances to the credit of'the various accounts under the
and balanoeo to +
credit of vnriou different departments at the oni of July, 192E, be received and filed. Adopted
dnpartmonts &
' accounts. upon call of the roll by the follo',ving vote: Yens, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, *Jaahington, !� '
y= and Katterjohn;-6.
v 'Oommieelonor Tully offered the following motion: I move that the rnport of ' ti
Report Oom'r. of 4
Publio' Finance ' the Oommieaionor of 1ub110 Finance of the Ile. 3 District :e,�or Checking Aaoo{mt..
Z of #3 District -
Y, Se..7er Oheo,king ' for the month of. July be' received and filed and ordered publisher] in the official
A000unt'for July
i,. 192E. no',vepapor. Adoptod.upon call of the roll by.tho following vote: Yan.e, Pace,
t, I,
Pulliam, Tully, ;7aehington and Katterjohn,-b.' .' {
`t Commdsuloner Tu]ly offered the following motion: The sum of ;%0%50 having t,
�F+t boon paid into the Troaeury,'ao evidenoe.t by the receipt filed he-rewith, I move .
�''• Oometery Deed to
Lir s. Clara Smith that deed be executed to Lira. Clara *Smith for Lot ri40 in Bleak $2 on .the '.7est aide
for Lot #40 in. ,
Block $2 Oak of H::nnan Street, between.Bakor & Miller.Streets.in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted
rf, Grove'Cameterq: i
4' upon call of the ,roll by the follo,ving vote: Yeae, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, tVaahington, i '
i A
and Katterjohn,.-b. , s'
1 Oommiseioner•Tully offered the .following motion:. The sum of $37.50 heving._
1+ been. paid into the Tror..aury, as evidenced by the reoeipt filed hern:vith, I move that
y, Cemetery Deod to.
J.T.Stokes for deed be nxeouted to J. T. Stokes for•lot 4E in Block #2. on the "get side of Hannan }
Lot $42 in Block I }
#2 Oak
Grove � Street, between Baker & M11lor atroetc In Oak Grove Oumetery. A�loptoi upon a,111r
.of. the roll by the following vote:' Yogis, race, Tulllam,'Tully, 3ashington and
- Katter,john,-6. ..
;. Oommieslonor Tully offered the following motion; The sum of ii37.:'0 hating (` '
v ;
been paid into the Trot-sury, ati-evidenoed by the receipt filed,:'her owl th,' I, move that
Cemetery Deed to •' ., f,,
Loretta Rocks for ,'deed be o::eouted to Loretta Hooks for Lot 494 in Block #2 on the Vorth Bide of Ford' ff
Lot $94 in Blocky +
�/E Oak Grove Street, between Baker'& Diller Streetu in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon oall
s of. the .roll by: the'follo-•ving vote;'Y9ea. Pace.'rulliam, Tully, Washington 'and
Commisuionor•PulliaM:offer'od.the'following motion: lhorAa:; the Mayor has
Roynoldo Bros. r
x, a >rovod of -bill of; Re nolde Broo. for hauling and In insewer i e on Husbands
for ha $65.00 PI Y R Y R P P
for hn{�lina and . p '" '
t 'layinP sewer pipeh etroet, I'move that, Reynold e, Brother a be allowed $66.00 for'hauling and lalving.' I r.
!on Husbands St.
during the year 4sewer pipe during the year,19E1'on Husbanda•-Street and same be charged'.againet
Slew Construction Fund. ::Adopted upon mil of the roll by the following vote: Yo!,e F=
1 Pace, Pulliam;.Tul.y; 1.Tanhington find Katterjohn,
i$1� � • S
f. -M . .;. •, s ,.. ..c. "ts.e'
r .`ta' ' 1, �� lS:� LY Sit... •e Ll. i'z`!.'+ lAi
Commissioners' Proceedings, City'of Paducah ", ` '' ' 192-'
J f, Commissioner Washington offered the following motions I mow that the
Oometery transfor,- transfer from M. 0. Sale to Chas. Schmitt to. the. rear one-half of the North. {
from M.G.Sale to'
Ghae.Sohmitt. one-half of Loo #417, in Section E9, except grave on sot whichshall not e•
I @ disturbed, Oak.Orove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon call of the Poli t
by the following votes. Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and -
V latterjohn,-b.
.L-• 1, p
q On motion the board adjourned upon onll of the roll by b,yeas.
Adaplold'. �� ......I'i0,
t.y ii«►�
' f Ys
August 14th, 1922;
II At a Regular Mee.tisog
guof the Board of Commissioners. hold in the Oo®issionerse
Chamber in the City Hall, Paduosh, Kentucky, on August 14th, 1922. Upon call
`., of the roll, 'the following answered to their namees Commissioners pace, Pulliam'
Tully and Washington, -4. Mayor Katter,john being out of the City, Mayor'Pro Tem ` FC
Wauhington presided.
On motion of Commissioner Tully. the minutesofthe previous meetings were
adopted as amended upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Peas,
i I Pulliam. Tully and Waehington,4. t
Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that Lhs
06mmunntetion ofe.
.lj communication of the in the vicinity of North 14th Street entrance
vicinity of IT. fI to Oak Grove Cameter be received, filed and referred to Oommissioner of Public
14th Street. y a
Sntraroo to On it
Property for attention. Adopted upon call of the roll by following votes Comotery. '
Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully and Washington, -4.
2.'Report Com'r. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motions I move that the
Fublio :7orks of
Se-a::r Diotriot Il Itemized report of Sever Diet. #3 for the month of July,.19EE, showing
43 for July 1922.', :misool2ansous expenditures be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the
roil by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam. Tully and WaHhington,-4. d
Oozsmiesioner Pull'iam offered the following motion: I'move that the
Board viait pro- `r
I., porty of J. A. Board visit in a body the property of J. A. Doseett at 24th A Washington to
Doaaott at. 24th Geoids on the neoeseity of ooneLruotin culverts to drain ro oeed hely building
WaohinRton 3tu.� 6 P P ng
to dooldotruot on sites. Adopted upon call of the roll D the following vote: Yens Face. Pulliam _,..
tt con:+traction of ; P. P Y B . . ,
I' oulvorts to drain`'
proposod building Tully and Washington. -4.
sltea. '
Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that L. A.
:r Oontraat to be f.Washington. Mayor Pro Tem. be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter .
enterod into
with HP into a oontraot With Hazel Maloan dated August 14th, 1922;, for the purpose of
icloan, dated
Afimiot 14th,1922 taking care of city laboratory work for the City of Peduoah. Kentucky. Adopted
I City lAbo:•atory 4
i 7ork.for City ..,.upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas., Pnoe. Pulliam, Tully and
of Fnduoah. Washington, -4. z ;
_ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motions 'I move that.the
Ordinenoo to be Soliattor be instructed .to prepare an ordinance for the purchase of a corner r?
' prol,nred for the
purcha�a of pro-�4 strip of. ground at Tennessee 4traat and Vuthris Avenue from will Yanoy under 1
porty at 'Tonn.Jt.
& Guthrio Avo. ;j terms to be passed on by this $card but in no onus over 860.00 find to be charged
bolonr.LnR to :7111
' r:,� 9 ;
�'"p' G''�•srs:Gl e,. - ..r. :^-Y'�'-.^""w •'47'+.x.': -?,T w.",..:'x:-l_'«^.1e•=TS6�E^..^...•;?S;^."„eSri:.rrr•--?['',•rr^r la...... .. lC.s;�"3',Ti..:3t:"•r?�+