HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 60, July 31, 1922Na Commissioners Proceedings; City of Paducah 192 JULY 31ST. 1922. ' At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held In the Commissioners # +• NChamber In the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on July 31st, 1922. Upon Dell of the roll' 1 III al, the following, answered to their names. Commissioners•Paee Pulliam Tully. Washington " } ' and Mayor Katterjohn,-6. flJ 4. On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meeting was adopted �as read upon. call of the roll by the following vote_: Yeae, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, hp } Washington and`Katterjohn,-6.,I J' �' , 1 • - Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: That William Chesterfield t 'William Chester, be granted privilege of nutting into conorete street at 25th & Broadway for purpose of field to maker f.. opening in conneoting with water main; thence tunnel in a southerly direction to the grana plat on'.1 rt}:, concrete street I ) `near 25th & South aide of Broadway; thence In a diagonal direotioa to 8 feet ereet of the ?est pro Bway. to con- neot.with'. �perty line of 25th Street; thence Southwardly on 25th Street to within 16 feet of the 1 water mains. , South line of Kentucky Avenue-, thence East on Kentucky Avenue about 60 feet; thence at richt angles to the grass plat on eouth side of Kentucky Avenue, all work to be done 7 under directions of the Commissioner of Public Works...Adopted upon call of the roll by 14 the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, 17ashington and Y.atterjohn,-6.. I Kati H. F. Hummel, Commissioner Tully.offered the following motion: I move that the communication from kkr -communication and $90.00 to H. P. Hummel, Adjutant of .Chief of Paduke lost #31 of the American Legion, be received. be expendei by "•, City -or bronze 'and filed, and the Mayor be authorized and instructed to expend the sum of $90.00 for Memorial Tab- let American the placing of.a bronze Memorial Tablet as requested, said amount to be charged to the ,.E'.• . Legion Poet �. #31. Contingent Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, f p 1 Pulliam, Tully; Washington and Katterjohn,-5. a, V Vacation City Mayor Katter john offered the following motion: I move ,that Mr e. Mattis Herndon; "' stenographer, i : Mettle Herndon. 01ty Stenographer, be granted a vacation fora period of two weeks,,beginnng August ' 7th, 19 E2, with full pay. Adopted upon call of the roll by. the following vote; Yeae Pace. Pulliam, Tully; Jaehington and Katterjohn,-5. Colored Fair Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: That the communication from the!. & Racing Asso oiation oommu- Colored Fair & Racing Association be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll. :5- , nioatIon. ..-•.. by the following vote: Yeae, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Yatterjohr•,-5. �:.:;: % •;z." Ccmmiesioner'Tully. offered the following motion: I move that the Communication IN4 g :L .Henry Diehl from Henry Diehl be received and filed and the Commissioner of Publio Finance be auth ; tax assessment. y corrected. orized and directed to make e' oorrection in his assessment. Adopted upon.oall of the !•� roll b the following vote: Yeae, Paoe,,Pulliam, Tully, 7ashin ton and Katter ohn,-5. y g ly. g j p Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $60.00 having been .'j• f;';= L 1, 5 Malt or Cereal'tendered together with application for L:alt or Cereal Beverage license, I move that oense Granted license to sell Malt or Cereal Beverages or any admixtures thereof, be granted to D.. P..1:,,• 'to D:F.Tempel 0: at I.C.Hotel. Temple at the I. C.,Hotel on Brown Street, near the Union Depot, for a period of six i' Brown St.171 months, from July lat. 1922 to December 31st, 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by r:' �•,'_ . ;r the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-5, '•' Commissioner Tully 'offered the following motion: I move that the CommtedionAr of..,'.,'r r +, Com'r.Fubl.io Fublio Finance be authorized and directed, to pay off, take up and cancel street bonds �;'• Finance to take up.pay and coupons in the City Rational Banns to the amount of $463.21 and 'oharge same to the � ..,•• t off and oanoel i• 1 £.; Street bonds •�,$peolal Street Fund Account.. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas;4 and coupons Ln 4 City Rational. Faoe;,ruiliom, Tully,_Washington.and Katterjohn,-6: 1 Bank $453.21. t Commissioner 71ashington•offored the following motion: That -the communication from Capt. T. J.' Moore pap t. T. J. Modro ,be received and' spread on the minutes and a letter of thanks be t. communication regarding fur- urrltten by the Clark on bohalf of the Board and mailed-to-him.Adopted upon call of nishinm room at, ; ( T r Riverside Hoe- .�. { , ' the roll by the following vote:',Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn, b. < pi tel i .. sF cr> , •r. ..�. .. � .. ., w ..i +,x .� k � - y-.-...w..t -t +.�: -.. �.-1......n a. .a.:l.,- _l..w.. G ,,m �?•.l , . I • J. ' ' ,..+,Y. .L .: ./. vfV'a4.. - WF�:I`.S � ..M1.. Y- «n.:.i A w. !-l. rl•w.. ,.h:•iY+ u N:.4Y=1.�44Y.r.. aIJ.'..2..�.. :'% t_. :� �� 1 4+. S.. t� r t, r' •4 ttsi t La of 1^ �t uN�x r AN ? NO. Commissioners' Proceedings; City. of Paducah : " 1-192 ` k Said communication is as fdllowe:. e "July 215th, '1922, . J : Communication. ., ilr. L. A. ;Washington, Commissioner. Capt. T. J.Iloore. Faduoah, Ky. t t Dear Bro. 'Washington:- ; I am enclosing you my check for $16.00 payment on my room ; `. in the Riverside Hospital. I do hope some one will get as much. r� comfort out of 'the use of it as. it gives me pleasure to furnish .it. You. no .doubt, will recall I spent more. than two weeks in .,the J. R. Smith room end every .one was so sweet to I feel that I . should do something for some one else and the City of Paducah.,. I am I F ready at all times to help DevAeOl.d Faduke'in any way I can. Do remember' kindly to Mrs.•: Washington. I 1 N Yours truly, T.J. MOOR .� .• ,�t •• Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; 'That the report of then! Report Com'r. Commissioner of Fublio Jerks on Snvesti.mtions of eewer material in Indianapolis be !� j Yublic Works on I It invocti,ations of received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the,follosing vote: Yeae, Pa. aa'." n. 1 server material in y�H Indianapolis Pulliam, Tully,Washington and Katterjohn,-b. 4. Commissioner Pulliam offered the,following motion: That the employment,of' :}nployrnent A. 9., ...� A. 9: !`.adding, as Inatrumantmnn on 3rd District Sewer construction aL.$176.00 per ' ' �'•; • {{ Madding; as Itt J Instrumentman on '� month be ratified. Adopted upon cell of the roll b the folloTV vote: Yeas, Pace y P .=. 3rd District Sewer F Construction. Pulliam and °Washington, -3; Ilays,Tully and Katterjohn,-2. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: .I move that a Resolution`•`','+`, Resolution provid-=.':entitled, "A RESOLUTION I'ROVIDTIIG _'0R :Iii; CONS7RUCTIO11 OF All A;.LI:Y Ill BLOCK $10 ing for oonstruo- F' y i tier, of Alloy in j Add !tion "1,11 OLD TO°41 CIM OF pADUCAH, Y 7lTUC} Y, B :(:IlAIING AT 74?R FORTH PROP ThiTY LII1E } Block 410„ from d y I1. line ly.:,ve. .. OF KSNTUOlY AUITUB. BL74i;4l TII ; F.'HOYRTY OF 771.; S., G. BOOITI; FSTA 7-.A11D 7112 PROP^BTY, to 2nd St. f ., i OF.FHAlrY_ H. JONES. A11D RU1111ING IH A lIORTH:Y.LY• DII;.ZTIOI1 17$ P2 FT 3 INCHwS TO THE FROFil4TY BELONG TNG TO MATiIi; C. HALM; THi;11C? AT RIGHT A1lC:.r9. 1D TTTr ',r -.ST FROFFSiTY t 111.3 OF S +COIID STREET. IN 'i,HR CITY OF PADUCAH, 'lJ;NTUCYY, AT TI r; COST OF TlIF ABUTTI110 y PROP. - be 0'.1i}RS, AN D PPOVID [NG TH1.T F.Al^ ].ZY B3 COl1°TRIJCTr� 1131011 TH^ TElI Y511? TAY13II1T, , P1LN," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Pace, a'Fullism, Tully, lleahington andKatterjohn,-b. - On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeas. u s Adopqev 5 i�� •3-. 17.NM rel AUGUST 6TI?. 1922. " " �•.�• At Called Ileetirq of the Board of Commiesionere, held in the Cormnietiioners' r -Chamber in the City' Ilall, .Faduoah, Kentucky, on duguet bth, 1922,. at 11 o'clock' -Upon oall of the roll the. following answered to their names: Commissioners Paoe; ;' ' Pulliam, Tully and Mayor. -4. y `, ISayo'r Katterjohn stated reasons for oali'to-wit: For the purpoce of allowing q. s'• pay -rolls and such other business.that might come before the Board.' ; ' { Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that.an Ordinance Borrow Loney. entitled, ",111 ORD ❑UNC3 AUTHORIZING All) DIR:;CTIlIC THi; 1.AYOP. 11ID 001.2?'I SSI011 8 OF <, �1 FU2LIC FWANCE T0.1:ORR0'•9'TU SIX; OF TTr1;TY THOUSAIID ($20,000.00') Dollars FROM 1' THL CITY' NATIONAL. BAIU: OF I•ADUCAH, Y1,11TU07Y. AID TO i•y.t.CUTi; A UOTF FOR SAID 3U1.1 FOR ` AND ON biiP.A:2 OF SAID OITY," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by -.the follow inn vote: Yeas, Faoe,:Pulllam, Tully and.Y.atterjohn,-4.' �a Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts Accounts for -last for tie last half of the month of July, amounting to 118887.88.. as per the report of 4 half 'of July ;18887.88 allowed( the Oommiesioner of Public Finance 'filed herewith, be. allowed and ordered paid and. ,.,.!+`V a the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the r j ..