HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 56, July 17, 1922' r: •' - � - ��.. ,� A till
r1 CWhissioners' Prodeedingdi:QZiby'bt(Pfd'&ah-:it;�-qon-icT ip-�<<n92a i E '
r JULY 17TH. 1922.
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners. hold in the Oommissioners'
Y,t Chamber in the City Hall..Paduaeh. Kentucky. on July 17th, 1922. Upon Dail of the roll,:, !
t g . • Jaehl {
•t' the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace Pulliam Tully, Ing : c.
` 1
and Mayor Katterjohn,-6.
On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of ths'previous.meetinge were Y � :Lj i
adopted as read and corrected upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace,
i L..I`.; � .•
Pulliam,. Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-6. �' J
-`. Report Supt. of ` Commissioner Pulliam offered the followi motion: That the re ort of the Sup -
Streets for. Co ng p
i Jane 1922• erintendent of Streets. Construction and Maintenance for the month of June be received IJ t
and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam,
r Tally. Washington and Katterjohn.-S.
Report Com'r.r Commissioner Pulliam' offered the following motion: That the itemized report
Publio Yorke
. of expenditures showing expenditures of Sewer District #3 for the month of June 1922, amounting to lI "•.
of Sewer Diet.
,-$10868.11 be received and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote:_
.•, #3 for dune.
oas Pace Pulliam Tully, ton and Katterjohn,-6.
Y 1y. Washin g I � _
{ Charts showing Commissioner Pulliam.offered the following motion: That the charts showing
unit prices and the unit rices and totals of each bid reoeiveb on June. EOth 192E for the construction
!« ',totals of each p
't bid reoelted
:June 201922 -of the trunk lines for the Sid District Sewer be received and filed. Adopted upon'oall
. ;'Sewer Diet.#i.
of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe,Pulllam.Tully.Washington and Katterjohn,6:"
Mayor Katterjohn offered.the following motion: I move that the Park Board be ..t.
�+ Fork Board el- allowed $160.00 to out groes and take care of the needed shrubbery, and that same be r SM1
lowed $150.00
;4'4I',to out grass. appropriated from .the Contingent Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following'
vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully; Washington and Katterjohn,-6.
I '
' t I'move thatMn or Katterjohn offered the following motion: the Commissioner '
o f
Public Yorke to of Public Yorke be authorized to go to Indianapolis. Indiana, to investigate the Amoo '" +
go to Indiana-
ndiana-polio, Ind., In p Block and Monolithic concrete sewers, at the expense of the City of Paducah, and that r
regard to Sewer I At t f 1-
�' District #3. same be charged to the 3rd District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the Q
it following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Washington and Katterjohn,-4: Nays, Tully, -1.
t4 Oommiesioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of the f
Report Chief of F
Fire Department Chief of the Fire Department for the. month of June 192E be received and filed. Adopted'
=.'for June.19EEe f t
:•; upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully. Washington .:.•.�';', ,},' ,, .i
and Ratter john, -6. I`
the Contract.''Ma or Katterjohn offeree "ie following motion: I move that
Oontraot beta. dated July 13th. 1992, between :._a City of Paducah. Kentucky, and signed by F. W. h ,
' City of Paducah)
m, and E.R.Harding' Katterjohn, Mayor,for and on behalf of the City of Paduoah, and E. R. Harding Company `
n; `•construction of of Racine, Wisconsin, for the construction of trunk line sewers in Sub -Divisions A. � to
.�• eewore 'in Sewer t ,`
''District #3. B. and 0 o Sewer Distriot.No. 3, be received, filed, approved, ratified, and that { +r x
'.approved and'
s recorded. said contract be reoorded in the Contract Book.Adopted upon call of the roll, by the
following vote: Yeae,.Paoe. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Satterjohn.-6.
Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Bond executed
„ Bond exeouted-by by. H. R. HarAing Company, ae Principal, with the Maryland Casualty'.Company of Balti-
E.R.Harding Co. 4
Sub -Divisions, more, ae $ et for. the construction of trunk line sewers in Sub-Divieione B. and C.
}� • B.&C. "Bawer . Yr Y. j
Distriot #3. of Sewer District'No.'B, for the am of $64,014.76, be accepted." approved. ratified and
Y recorded,. together with the Power :Of.Attorney hereto attached. Adopted upon call of I'• ley
r � � .L 1
the' -roll by_the following vote:.Yeae.'Paoe. pnlldem, .Tul1,y,..Washington and Katter!ohn-6:
" , , t s' t r 1 •
• � .— i .ice , - >;• t
r � r
t' '';~ ,, it+-. -•`� 1. tit rqt ft —` ' `� iii '-
.v ::_i::.�rui' � ... -. r.��.` 'k4.1�. _ Y _9Wii y_•%'iip lr� i�Ak' W, �.. .. .N• .. 3 !.1..0 [w. •.� .4. .. .. :,-Y.•.-�.
! p t: az c � i� s" z�o-,� v.. ,�r1��ti�•h.7 �.'t� tk.� jr;�r w ,i y Ly:3 sti1 t- - , A � ° x' ti �",. -
�, ...+, .,y,.•..i.:� .wi�.._:L r �`,.ta.. ;..r.��.:%'+Ca1`'!.�- J...sf;w- ��a�.1.L�S�. :Q:i_.-'Tj, r st.'. ....- T - •
No.7 ..,
Commissioners' Proceedings, City "of ' Paducah " ` : 192 _
Bond executed by
Mayor Katterjohn offered. the following motion; I move that the Bond executed
».R.Harding Co., tby S. R. Harding Company, as Principal, with the Maryland Casualty Company of Balti
for Bub-Dlvicion
'Y A.. Sewer Dist. R more. As surety, for the construction of trunk line sewers in Bub -Division A. of
$3 approved.
ti Sewer District No. S, for the aum of $183.878.64, be accepted, approved, ratified and
frecorded, together with the power of attorney hereto attached. Adopted upon call of
the roll by the following vote: Yeas.Paoe.Pu111am,Tully,Washington and Katterjohn.-B.
Gy Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the Ayer -Lord Tie"
CoMpany be paid the sum of $6.00 for a right of way.or easement for the'oonstruotion
Ayer -Lord Tie Co.'.
*; P.& I.R.R.Oo. P of trunk line serrere in 36 -ter District #3, along. through and under the property o. i
>j and N.O.& 9t.L.
Ry., each paid said Company on the river front; and that the Paducah & Illinois Railroad Company
$5.00 for right h
of way for Sewer i: be paid the sum of 96.00 for a right of way or easement over its property; and that
District #3.
!..the 11. C. & St. L. Railway be paid the cum of $5.00 for a right of way or easement
9 along, under and over its property,. which sumo have been assessed by the.Oommissionere' '
is I _
p appointed by the McCracken Circuit Court in the action of F. 17., Katterjohn; Mayor,
&a,, ve Thomas Warren, &o., and judgment rendered for said amounts, and that the
Oommiselonor of Public Finrnce be, and ho is hereby aiithorizel and directed to issue *�r
p checks to the Ayor-Lord Tie Company, or W. 0. Seaton, Olork, Paducah &'Illinois r r
c li Railroad Company or i'1. 0. Seaton, Clerk, and the N. C. & St. % Railway Company or
�19. C. Seaton,.Olerk,.for said sums, as above set out. and charge came to the 3rd".
District Sewer Account.Adopted y the following
p upon call of the roll b ng vote: Yeas;
Paco, Pulliam,. Tully, Washington and Matter john, -b.
F Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $60.00 haveing
Malt or Cereal 11 been tendered' togethor with application for Malt or Cereal Beverage License, I
Beverage License •, �,'. +Fy; •;'
.,. granted to r move that license to sell Valt or Cereal.Beverages or any admixtures thereof. be
A. T. Bohannon, 4
#111 3.3rd St. g granted to A. T. Bohannon at #111 S. 3rd Street for a period of six months from
s r
?! July lot to December 31st, 1922. Adopted upon call of -the roll by the following tote.
Use, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, 'Jaehington and Katterjohn,-6. `
P Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner
} Fred_& &'nma
Walker Tax Bill ,r of Public Finnnoe be authorized and directed to correct an error in the assessment
r -#3681 error '
oorredted. of Fred and Emma "talker on Tax bill #3681. Adopted upon call of the roll by the
• r .
' following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6.
Oommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: It appearing that Victoria*
r Bellows. was assessed with property 40 x 197, 7th and Boyd" Street at $396.00 for the
Viotoria Bnllowe j f�
Tax Asseuomont year 1921, taxes amounting to 06.89, and the year 1922 Taxes amounting, to 09.08, and
corrootod and she
t� refunded $17.97 this assessment having been in error, she never having owned said, property, but it
for taxon paid
by her. t belonging to J. Len Jones. who has paid the taxes on it, -and Victoria Ballowe having'
also paid the taxes, I move that the sum of $17.97 be refunded to her. Adopted upon' f
call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam,Tully, Washington and
r [ Katterjohn,-6.
On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.
f. A: c ecu J? it Z3
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