HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 54, July 11, 1922r,_•..... _ .. __ .. ...—..+_ ._ ._ .- .-....1 ........._. .... Y.Y�iI b 7­. .Na'SH , .. L Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah, 192-- est,out in Resolution adopted June 26th. 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by the a z following vote: Yeee. Pace, Pulliam. Washington and Katterjohn.-4. r 1 'r On motion the Board adjourned upon *all of the roll by 4 yeas. y t �N►IM ry� it JULY 11TH. 1922 • 4 .. _ . �• r:•.. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' f , Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky. on July 11th. 1922. at 6 o'clock P. Upon call of the roll the following. answered to their names: Commissioners Pace. fir{ ; : t it• , Pulliam. Tully, and Mayor Katterjohn,-4. - _•��! _ - . Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of introduoing an s appropriating $1600.00 for the control. prevention and treatment.of venereal j yyy; A' ordinance .;� diseases in the. City of Paducah. Kentucky. and any other business that might come be- f> ff fore the Board. s1' Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance entitled t, Ordinance appro-, k; printing $1600.00 - "AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING TRE SUM OF FIFTEEN HUNDRED ($1600.00) DOLLARS. FROM.THE j rA j.. _ . 'r from Contingent Pd CONTINGENT FUND. TO BE EXPENDED FOR TRE RP-11AINDER OF THE YEAR 1922, FOR TRE PREVENTION. T �. � .. Fund to treat ' Venereal Die- 3 esee9. CONTROL AND TRr.ATI„r17T OF VENEREAL DISEASi 3 IN THE CITY OF YADIICAH. KENTUCKY.- be adopt- (� ed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace. Pulliam. and It`A t Katterjohn,-3; Nays, Tully. -1. :!1 r Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I more that an ordinance entitled Venereal Dis- "AN ORD IHANC3 AUTHORIZING {SND DIRECTING F. W. KATTERJOHN. MAYOR, TO ENTER INTO A Coy-, : +;?, eases'. contract • ,Z01 and Ordinance. TRACT DATED JULY 11TH. 1922. BETWEEN THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH OF KENTUCKY AIM THE CITYi'.• - OF PADUCAH, iCiiNTUCKY. FOR THE CONTROL. 'PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF VEAEREAL DISEASES IN. THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUOKY.” be. introduced and lay over. Adopted upon call of the rr F roll by the following vote: Yeas.Paoe. Pulliam, and Katterjohn,-3; Nays, Tally. -l. '". On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yens. .' r' t l J; f .. S v•\ 7.Yur t I 1 Ste' t- �t [, JULY 13TH, 1922. } P , 4" At h Called Meeting of the Board of.Oommissioner.e, held in the Oormeiesionere' .' t Chamber in the Olty Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on July 13th, 1922, at 11:48 0°olook A M. Upon. call of the roll the following answered to their namest Oommieelonere,Paoe,Pullitw -, E iJ '�; r) '• Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-6. ' Mayor KotterJohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of seleoting the �r alternates in bid of E. R. Harding Company for Sub-Divieione A., B. and 0. of Sewer P k'! District /3, and such other Duninnnn that might oome before the Board. ' Roport.Com1r. Oommiecloner. Tully offnrod the following motions I mous that the etntemenE of � Pinanoe showing I . 11 �p anticipated rev- +4 • the Oommiseionor of Publio Pinanoe showing the antioipnted rovenne for.tho year. , enue collections bo. ]first half .j, 001100tions for the first half ending June"30th and. the Dalanoee uncollected, be re- year 1922. oeived:and filed.` Adopted •upon call of the roll b�'the following vote:' Yeas,.Paoe, �r• ' Pulliam,.Tul2yi Washington and'gatterjohn, & � . , .. t • , t .� v i ,t r j a, � 4 t iG , A i"ra w P7 , � r ar - l' + , !'A `.l (% (h• iLM � } '•rt i, tl ti h +, 14 f i } •�� }'�' .iii! t { :[ - , � �,} �. , L � f , � ,`4� ,, �,� , . -. _ `.�"�''„t�.->�.a.�,i. 'i !, 'wS.i ' +;'r >y.„S�l,:,,.,. .t-�.c..ti?s•....� _..r c �;S.c..w'P+_,e,�_. .. .. ._ .4it , � «'�tf.i.::' ijJdr!J$:uhi4 f ' .kM+r -.'= .✓; .. ..+-t: ..i.-,:urw...nxrrs; .:.. ..w9S... _. ,.. _ � :S , . J