HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 5, March 6, 1922f, ` •:' - 1 ..,:, :'_' '.. r4 � �W�-{, (c. i,�.�i i11 t y� Tlj c lj. F. }t J -fl .j• A ` i (:.. ' , },^ _.-". - .- ..._.�.> ..�._�..a - .t,:._�',.L� J .,}•-fir �.`i--= �t c- _ .� _-1..�_•.., _ . - Na i :. . ; . , �, . • . - Commissions.m, Proceedings' :City of Paducah y. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion. That Chaa; Lieberman be > •,' Cha6.Lieberman reimbursed $9.68 allowed 39.68,to reimburse him for excess. charged aFminat him on'sidewalk improvements 1. exoeas oharead on fi sidewalk improve- on Broad Street; and that the Comminstonor,of Public Finance be authorized and direct- $" menta on Broad 3t. ed topayenmo ana charge to Street Fund. Adopted upon call of tho roll by the fol-:. . lowing vote -,Yeas, . Paco, Pulliam, Tully, -3: Kaye. Kattorjahn,-1. Commissioner Iulliam offered the follo'alna motion: That W. `F: Iiorner bo,. 77. IT. Horner allow- allowed $4.75 for phone call to How Orleans, and Commissioner of Finanoe bo authorized 5 el 14:75, for phone call to and directed to pay same ar-d oharao to 3rd District Sewer Fund. 'Adopted upon call of llew Orlecna,La. the by the follo.ving Yeaa, Face, Ful ham, Tully Katterjohn,-4. 4r� roll vote: and Commissioner Tully offered the following'motion: I move that "All ORDIHANC3 Ord inanoo dosig- il DESIGHATIIIG .UID AYrOIHTIHG. Tl?;: CITY 14:TIOIIAL BAVY., MCHLIIICS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK. AILD ; ,i. natina anal appoint' f ins Oity Nat'l. THE OHIO VALL.:'Y TRU6T COIZAITY D3IOSITORI:i8 FOR 'illi CITY OF IADUCAH, K'NTUCKY FOR TH3 +: Bank, Yochanios. t Bark -and Trust Co31SiTR.ICT SE7R FUVD AVID FIXING TICS RATE OF IIITiR:: �r l ..^'4 '.'•4 T+• 9 :-;%�:;: ':L'7.Y't�f; .�.Y,.:Ji-*C-J� c.r�1.h'x y wx->. i zS., v NAa ° l �Y � 4•{ -- Kra. (.' c (� Commissioners' Proceedings,. City of Paducah March 6th 192 E_ kr'. '• Washington and Katterjohn,-4 — — V Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay-roll for},.,+ ; .• { Report Com 'r:of! MM last half of the month of February amounting to $16.319.18. as per the report of the �' K, 1 'Finance for ? Pay-roll for Commissioner of Public Finance filed herewith, be allowed and ordered paid and the money. 4 last half of February 1922. from the General Fund to same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the t, appropriated pay following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully, Washingtin and Katterjohn.-4. t r Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report of Com'r''.commissioner for of Public Finanoe, for the month of February, be reoeivad'and filed. and t Finance month of Febris- ordered published in the official newspaper. Adopted upon call of the roll by the s.s4i ary 1922. following vote: Yeas, Pace, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-4.'T` t l Commissionnr Pulliam entered the meeting.' � Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Fay-roll amount- � �•y Pa roll and y- Ing to $641.00 and accounts emnunting to $688.8E for the 3rd District Sewer be allowed - accounts for Drd District and the Commissioner of Public Fine-nos be instructed to draw check's ,�.•�,' Sewer allowed..' and ordered paid �-againet the No. 3 District Sewer Fund oheoking account to pay same. Adopted upon call fly. r • I. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katter 7 r{ � ! �` • john,-6. 3' . ' Report Oom'r, ofT. Commissioner, Tully offered the following motion; I move that the report of the Finance of Srfl 'Commissioner of Publio Finanoe of. the No. 3 District Sewer. Fund A000unt`be received and ' 'District Sewer .I. :Fund. I filed, and ordered published in the official newepeper. Adopted upon call of the roll '� '' y`. ,-''. ;',;.s;" •t . -.• I'by the following vote: Yeas,Faoe.Pulltam. Tully, 'lash ington and Katterjohn.-8.' ,4 Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that collateral securities •N ` i i;'Seanritiee,in ?Collateral ' offered by the City National Bank, Mechanics Trust & Savings bank and the Ohio Valley FL' i t r, .:re deposits of ;:the 3rd Die- Trust Oompany to secure the deposits of the Third District bower Fund, be approved and triot'Sewer i that the Cashier of the City National Bank be and he to hereby appointed joint ousto- I Bund. approved. x lien with the.Commiestoner of Public Finance to take oars of said oollateral seouriti9e.`,`..., ;,-,•,.,_: ?`;.: �a Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Pace. Tully,7aehinaton,-3, r Nays, Katterjohn,-1. Commissioner Pulliam having left Commissioners' Chamber. 1l !!i Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that t^e communication from ' John M.Slauahter,,john Trustees Firemen's Pen Seoretary,.in M. Slaughter. Secretary of the'Board of of the Police and re tent levy of sion Fund, be received and filed. and .that a tax of 1% be levied upon all of the taxa- 1% for Polio@ Wand Firemen's Pension Fund. y ble property of the City of Paducah. Kentucky, for said Fund at the same time other t taxes are levied..' Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Pace. Tully. 'eachington and Katterjohn,-4. i' ,::;•.,'j Mayor Katterjohn offored the following motion; I more that the attested oopy of I `Judgment in of City of judgment In the ones of City of Paduoeh ve M. Livingston Company &o.. olosino }laiden �ones .Paduoah ve M. Alley be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeas;,' Livingston Co., f closing Maiden ,Alley:; Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-4. , �,' Commissioner Pulliam entered the Oommissionere! Chamber.' Y t Commissioner pace offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance en- j•: ;,.-; •_ �yBroedway Park- N "AN 'AN d titled. ORDINA110S A1,1711DING JEOTION ONS OF CRDINANCw PROHIBITING VEHICLES OF ANTI , !ng Ord inanoe, N It emended. CHARAOTF2 FROM PARKING 01; EITHER SIDE OF BROADWAY STREET BFTIEEN FIRST STREET AND SEVL;NTH STRRET IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KIWTUCKY. AND PROVIDING A. PFYALTY FOR VIOLATION i = , ' OF SAME." ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COLDdISSIDITERS OF -THF: OITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, ONly ' FEBRUARY 18TH; 19220" be adopted., Adopted upon call of, the roll' by the following vote; Teas. Paoe. Pu113am, Tully and Washington,-4; Nays. Katterjohn'.-l.'' �. Commisetoner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of the !' Rerort Chief of Chief of Polios for the month of February 192k be received and filed. Adopted npon.oall" 9 Polio@ for 1922. ` of tba.solI by the following vote 4eae, Paoe.,Pulllam, Tally. Washington and $atter-' I")ebruary john, 8. : u,' L 1 r >. E , 5 r ! ; • ,,. - i M Y S I 1 '.. ... .v. .! .,. r -., _ 'a.a _ 1 :, "yam"'•{ t 1.�+Y �.�— C.'i1. f'+V.1.J �.. �,�,L. � . •-' .lis.. `lt- -• .a •.Y ! ... h' `,• • � 4h ,. 1 . }s. _ .v'C-eM�::wi- :�J 1. .. a.l.l1�. � _.:L<.l._. tv, •. 1{: y •i .,_i .,—,-...w. .-..r.e: , e,A..;�- ' 3_--;:.e:�1.l: i:.I'r�1r� `...i i .(..'t • - .,- .: .. .' .`-.-_.. :.. •:. . No. 7 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192_ Commissioner Pace offered the following motion; I move..thnt the report. of. the I Report Chief of Chief of the -Fire Department for the month of February 1922, be received and filed. rt : Fire Department for February 1922:' Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully,. 4 li Washington and Katterjohn,-5. f! F Oommiesi,onnr Pace offered the followt.ng•motion:' I move that the Rules and „. Ryles and RegnIs. 1 Regulations for the Police Department, ae prepared by the a mmieeioner of Public ' tions for Polios . Department. Safety, be reosived-and filed end adopted. Adopted upon cull of the roll by the -7y !' following vote: Yeae, Pace, Pulllem, Tully. Washington and, Katterjohn,-b. ,+`td; Commissioner Washington offered the followina motion:, I movo that the dead f Cemetery transfer from.R. H. Dowd to Hiram Golightly, dated February 28th, 192E, oonveying the north from R. H.Do7d to s'. Hiram Golightly. j one-half of lot No. 280 in Section 18 Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon i - tl call of the roll by,the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully; Washington and I� gatterjohn,-5. k Commissioner Pulliam offered the follo7dng motion; I move that the employ- Yr • Employment of ." }.. Employment as ment of H. L. Prather as Draftsmen at $EOO.00 per month be ratified and salary charged - Draftsman, in re ,; 4. 3rd District. Sew- j to 3rd District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: r - er. G ' I Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully., Washington and Katterjohn,-5. M Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; Whereas, R. H. Coleman R.H.Coleman em- ployment as Com- h. has been relieved of his duties as Rodman. and to now serving as Computer and In- uter and Inspect- or. in re 3rd speotion,- I move that the salary of said R. H. Coleman be increased from $65.00 to District Sewer. $100.00 per month, to become effective Uaroh let. 1922. Adopted aeon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully and Waehinaton,-4; Naye, Katterjohn.-l. ~' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 5 vacs. '' A�eyiad %J4✓ /� Y�.� t- i � city ci" %.{ -q. MARCH 9TH. 1922. ' F � '.I. At a Called Meeting.of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the oommissionera' Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentucky, on March 9th. 1922. at.2 o'clook':P. M. Opott call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, f !' Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn,-5. r s Mayor Kdtterjbhti stated reasonb f0Y Dell to -sit;: For the purpoee.ot parches t s hh� Ing a Dodge Touring Car for the 3rd District Sewer. and such other business as may z.E I " ' r t.! . come before the Board. Purchase. of 9 Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion; I move that the Purchasing Dodge Touring Carr i Por use in 3rd, Agent be authorized and directed to purchase one Dodge Pive Pnseenger Automobile for Diatriot Sewer, $955.00. - rf $955.00 for use in the 3rd District Sewer, and, that same be charged against. the 3rd •, F District Sewer Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas.Paoe R..- _ Pulliam and Tully, -3; Nage, Washington and Katterjohn.-E. h ,lC i Etna Accident & Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Etna Aooidettt ,• Liability Com-,." ..: .pony released.on; & Liability Company be released from the bond. Bruce M. Philley"ae Aeok -tax Col a 4 <..bond of Bruce M. i Y ' Philley'ae Baok- leotor, as of December 319t. 1921. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following tax Collector. Q vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-5. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion; It appearing that there are ` Accounts dna un aid bills for the ear 1921, totaling $87.48, due the Standard 011 Company. I move; - i Standard 011 Co. P y amoxlitina to', $87.48 for 1921 that they be allowed and ordered paid and charged to Street A000unt std the money allowed and order- ed paid, a appropriated from the General Fund to pay Game. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe.Pu111am,Tully,Washtngton and. Katterjohn, �i ✓..;h�^'•":y'.-�wn•tT..T.'�.?-•'raiiS ^rY.:'Ti,!Ql.'i�:' .a .e-.1-: Fi.fA.'r...'MVas.. •J•.,TiYl•F�Li-'.FSS-S.7•'. T:'r .......—.^T:C/.. .t . ;••r!'G�.:Ir2S7..5".5'.u`.'.7 ]:-' :T ;3,^'�•.CMcJ'�"�? ;. I '—