HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 48, July 1, 1922z � b r' xe Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah , r + r General Fund to pay Bans. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, 5 i Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. I ` Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that an Ordiinanoe t Ordinnnoe'auth- orizing 7ynn entitled, ."AiT ORDIIJAhCE AUTHORIZIL'G /.IID 12.7.0 MING'.7Y1H, TULLY. C01.41ISSIOII.=2 OF PUBLIC, ,. 4i•,, t, F. . TulIy,0omIr. Finance to sell FINANCE, TO S LL UNIVD STi,T:S COV;RI11, 11T FOUR .111D.01;E-QUARTiJi (4j%) Fiji CHIT 00II7,MTFD Liberty Bonds. LIBERTY LOAN BONDS. 110',7 0"�? D BY TIM CITY OF I''ADUCAft. Kr1I1Tl1CKY. AbiOUNTIIIG TO THE SUI.: OF � TJ311TY-FIVE THOUSAND ($26,000.00) DOLLARS, FOR NOT LESS THAN PAR AND ACCRUSD INTI?;ST " be adopted. Adopted upon oall'of the roll by the following. vote: Yeas, Paoe,.Tully. Jachington and Y,ntter.john,-4; Rays. Pulliam, -l. , Y. A. Berry Com Commissioner Tully offered the following motion I move that the.00mmunioation ` munioation in re:Stroet Oar from 17. A. Borry, dated June 26th, 1922, rolative to the case of the Paducah Hallway :.Faros litign- 'i �;tion. Company vo City of Paduoah,_pending in the Supreme Court, be reoeived and filed. Adopt t - ed upon call of the.roll by"the following vote;. Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, lashington s Z. and Kat ter John, -6. 1 �. Oommioulonor Tully offered the following motions I move that an Ordinance Y•• ` + Otdlnanoe am- �s ploying,Y.A., ontitled."All ORllI11AN0E TROViD010 FOR TH., F1,7°10Y1.111T OF W. A. B11iRY TO AS`;IST Ti? OIa'Y Berry -to nsuist % r City Solicitor SOLICITOR IN iWIIDLINO IfHE° OASi'1 OF TRY. PADUOAII RAI11AY OOIZAl1Y.AGAIIIST THS CITY OF PADU t z. ;. in Street Oar T41 Via•Fare:I•itiaatlon OA H, KEIlfU0F0(, NO',7 1',NNDIIIG IN THE '=111- 1B OOURF. 'P T OIIS UITITrM STAT13, ',7t1:Jll.Itl TIM PADU- , P1IiST AFJDINO: OAR RAI1;i1AY C011'Al•1Y SEE1:S TO 211JOIli THE 1S1IFt0R0i]!:11T OF ANORD H1ANG LI1.tITIlIG THS TR 10 2i t os } OF FARES ON STREiT OARS, AND FIXING ,THE COUTEI'SATION OF SAID ATTORNsY i'tOR HIS s.2VIO:n'r. be Introducedand lay over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. t Pace Pulliam Tully and Taehin Lon -4• Ila s Kattor ohn -1. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of.the roll by 6 yeas. AN'IMG�1a19R,� D11 t /)rC.C.� i a - w by JULY 13T. 1928i.'i" 4i1 r + � z . At a Oallod hooting of tho Board .of Oommissioners, hold in tho Oommisalonors' + t zT 14 Ohambor in the Oity.Ilall, Paducah, Xontuoky; on Ally lot, 1922, at 10 o!clock A. I.I. 5 Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Oommisolonere Paoe,Pulliam Tully. I7nahin(•ton and 1.'llyor Y.attor'john,-6. �, • • .' ilnyor Y.nttorjohn stated reasons for call to -wit; For the pnihoae' of awarding contract for the construction of Savors .in'.9eaer District, #3;,ar any othor buninenu I •: 'thnt might come before the Board. ' layor Kdttorjolin offered "the -following motion: I movo that an Ordinance en ,t. Ordinanoo co- b; 'cop ting bid'. of titled,'"A17 ORD.IIIA11013 A0001TING TIC,' DID.OF S. R. MIRDING 011.1,ANY, IlICORI'ORrtT:•D, OF " 1 G • 1 ,E.R.liarding Co. _ • Sub -Division A RAO INE, WIS0o118Ili, AND AWARD111G TPE OOVIRAOT TO ;AID ODITANY FOR TH3 CONSTRUCTION OF So.ror District .$3, adoptod.: '11211111: LINE 01!n.-23 FOR SUB'-DIVISI011 A. OF SRi,*:R I)VIVICT #3," be adopted.' Adopted upon call of tho roll by the followinit vote: Yoss, Pace. Tully, Washinoon and Kattorjohn,-4; i .r Kaye, Pulliam, -l. �. °Ordinance aa- ." l Irtayor Kattorjohn offered the follow.Lng motion:. I move that an Ordinance en cepting bid of ` E.R. Harding Co: titled, "All ORDIIWNCL ACOuTTINO.THE BID OF.G. R. IWDII16 001•II1AitY. ILOORPORATrD. OF. 3,. Sub -Divisions _ f : '• c' .B.@C. Sower.Dis- .'RACINE, 7ISCO113111.'AIID AWARDIITG THc; CONLRAOT TO'SAID COLTAITY FOR 71Ii; OONSTRWTION OF + It e triot J3, t c + Adopted. "TRUIIY LII13 SZ.InS FOR 81.113-DIVISIONS,B. AID) .0. OF S1;7M DISTRICT #3," be adopted. r � 'Adopted'upon.oall, of.the roll by the following vote; Yeas.' Pace, Tully; 1a.shi'ngtan and t. Katterjohn,-4; Naye, Pulliam, -l. 'rCommunication``s' Commissioner Tully offered tho following motion:'That*the communioution of the � �r Oomle.1kinance r. •. 1 . i 1 "relative to sale 'Oommies.loner of Publto Finanoe'wit. referenoe to the sale o'f Liberty Bonds $26,000.00 ff of liberty. Bonds reoeived 'and"filed Adopted upon call:'of the roll.by•the followtng.vota: Yeas,: i ° } t� ¢w+{. � rn}. - ria `'* "v.�..�-�.,+'} y � � + '•� ,r _ �� 1 � ' r - -a..1/1<.. vi.�-.�+.r,•,. ...-.. ...._ .- n. ...,- .. ,.-.4..-..-rr+s.�-._a.s.e. .-,. st.r.e.»_.. c,.. .,.�. �,... ..,.... . .,,-_...:o. .._ .. t :.k.�1A-SY'S,". •�! ,..,}'Yx: yS $L'.1'df✓`..oi•e eta ;x.�: .t Orr tw �::.- =.s v. :.v'S t r..•.:w+wx.�rw.x � -. W.x:;au ,M ..r:. ,i-. :,I :. :,.�a :.Z . No. Cgmmissioners' Proceedings; City. of Paducah ;. Pace, Pu111Bm, :Tully.- 7aehington and Katterjohn,-6, _ , .. Oommissioner Tully. offered the followinE motion: I movo that',an Ord inanoe on- 071�'tltled "All ORDIXAI7C� AUTHORIMIG, DIR:CT117G AIM ':^:T.�illG T& TULLY, 001.4!I93ION�1 OF q PUBLIC F'IliA11CB, TO -MMP.M FOR AI7D Oil BLHLLF OF THE:"CITY OF PADUCAH K?l'TUCI TO .TIDE ' E F Liborty Loan .' Bonds, '726,000.00 y sold to Citizens " CITIZEN SAVINGS H61IZ OF PADUCAA, Y°17TUCIY. UNITS] STi.TsS GOVili111.a LIBP_RTY B 11DS J*; Savings Bank. p.1103. 61316 to 01339, INCLUSIVE^, B21"M.4`% C01MEM LIB TITY LOi,11 B011DS.OF 1927-1942, , ;r.K 4 B LOI7GIIIG 1'0 TY.S CITY 0c' PADUC.IH, •KisIPPUCZk. ALIOUI:T D. G TO TIE SIX OF T` I11TY F THOU - Dollars," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by -the follow- .!(y26,000.00) ins vote: Yoao, Paco, Pulliam, Tully, Waohington and Kattorjohn,-6. .' 4 On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the.roll by 6 yeas: Ad }day h 4`t JULY 3RD, 1922. ry At a RoLrular 1'eotin+; of the Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commisuion- 1= ore' Chamber in the City Hall, 11aduoah; Kentucky, on July 3rd, 1922. Upon call of the roll the following ans:•rered to their names: Corrmivalonors,. Taos. Tully', 7ashington and Yayor Latter John, -4.. 'j On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetinae were .,adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace'. Tully, laohington and Katterjohn,-4. Yr yor Kattorjohn offered' the following motion,: I move that the oontrr_ut.made 'Ayor-Lord Tle :' ' and ,ontered Into on the '2Eth day. of .Juno 1�JP.2, by and bnt::non the Ayer-J.ord Tie " ,'Y Compare' contract, 1 ro]ativo to rlr;ht Oompony anxl, the Oity of Pnduoah, Kentuo.ky, be r000.ivnd, filed. ted and ratified.' of "ray for ao :ora. " adopted upon call *of the roll by the fol]owinr, vote; Yeas, Paae, Tnll,�, ,7eohington f and ir_ttorjohn,-4.. 1 " Mayor hatterjohn offered the follofiing motion: I move that the report the Report City ,of Solicitor rolntIva of oasou handled City 3olioltor in regard to tho mimber of canon handled b;^ him, be rnoetvod and filed. by him fur City. 'I;-,;dopted upon call of the roll.by the following voter Yeas, Pace, Tully, lashinaton•'. C.and 'rat ter john, -4. Communication Commisuione.r 'hilly offorod the following motion: ,I.move that the oommuntoa- Com-r.Rinanoo ro- lativFl to purahase: tion from the Commt'aaioner of.Publio Fina :.ith reference.to'purchase of $10,000.00 • of 1r.0.6 0.11.R. Boal +, from John of. 1(. 0. L 0. R. R. Bonds from. John; J, i:oiler Pc Son, ,be reoeivod and filed..' Adopted 7r:oilor & Son, y10;000.00. Ip� upon call of the roll by tho'followingvote;.Yoao,'Taas. Tully, -°,7ashington.and ' rat terjoho -4 ' 'that Co:nm:nioation dommisuioner Tully..offered the following motion: 'I move the-.00mmuntoa- Oom'r.Finance re- r.'. lative to puroh^_sa ;ion from,the Oommiesionor of Yublio Finance with reforonoe to the purchase of o; 1i.0.& Bondtf from l:echan-Dank y y10',000.00 17. 0.. & 0. R. R, .Bonds from the 1'eohanion Trust L Savings be received ion TruR,t & 3av- irau. Bard:,$]O.000. and filed. Adopted upon call of tho roll by the' follo'aing vote; 'Yeas, Paoe, Tully;' h'a shin^ton arid 11,attorjohr.,-4.. ' City Dopocitortoe,.� pR Oommfsaioner Tully offored the follo.tir.r motion: !7heroae the City lint lona]` ` Bank. the l.;eohanioe Trust L• >3avi.n33 Bank and tl,e Ohio 7allny'Bank t: Trust Oompany.are ' : `• So:^er F,lu:d 3orde the depositaries for' the 17+ird Distriot'.So'aor Funds and havinrr. all and• each of there o-ocute'd and oollu h torcl deposited t`exoouted bonds which have boon approved by this Board in lieu of the oollatoral : r rotirna:l„ scour it les which -were deposited ?:ith ,,7ynn Tfflly, Commissioner of Public Finarwe and n" F the Caahior of the City 17ational.13ank as ouatadiana and sold oollatoral'aootirittee havin,- Loon returned to said banks and rooelpts sifmod by,thom for Bald,neourittas_, f whioh are tordored heroin.. Imove that sac rooeipt.o be f clod and .this motion be J recorded. Adop'tod 'upon on] 1 of 'the roll by the folloriinr; vote.;: Yoao, Paoe, Tu]lq, • 4